Friday, May 10, 2024

Alien Abductuion and Psychiatry


One thing that is still going on today is that individual who experience Alien Abductions are considered schizophrenic or delusion by our mental health field. This stigmata within the Mental Health practice does more harm than good, as the trauma (real or imagined) is there when it comes to Alien Abduction. I can speak first hand of that and my own journey throughout my life.

Depression, Anxiety, Isolation, and Stress are among of the biggest symptoms in my opinion of the trauma. Depression sets in as most have to deal with an experience they cannot control, one that can make someone feel powerless to do anything about. Anxiety can come in for those who are repeat abductee and those scared of a re-occurrence or the inability to recall the event. Isolation becomes a big factor as you do not know whom to talk to or express your feelings to. Stress become a problem when it interferes with family life and work. When some abductions occur it can cause a full blown panic attack that disrupts your life for a time. Again, at this point we should be concerned with the state of an individual at this point and do our best to relieve the issues at hand.

So now we are left with the problem of going to seek help. In a perfect world we could go and ask our doctor for a referral for mental health. From there we can find the right person to talk to about our problems...... but in truth.... unless is addiction, gender transitioning,  or full blown mental breakdown no one gives a shit. You will be told to contact you county's Mental Health line and maybe in a couple of months you have the chance to speak to a social worker who might direct you to a therapist who might be able to squeeze you in....but if your not into taking pills they will really not help. You are most likely gonna have to find a therapist out of network and out of pocket that will cost at least $200, and then if you can reveal in the hour you have booked.... they may try to help or just call you delusion and say you need professional help. Now for those with a religious bent.. you can always seek therapy from your pastor....but then you get "Demons/Spiritual Warfare" sermon.

Truly this is a sad state of our current mental health model, not to mention any one dealing with Alien Abduction. So then when you turn to alternative measures... you are thrown into a world of UFO Conventions and Enthusiasts... that find this fun and entertaining. It's about conspiracies and government cover-ups or the Veil and the awakening. You will even find people trying to convince you that your abduction was really an introduction to your ascension..... let's turn around now from that and back to psychiatry. That is a whole other kettle of fish I do not recommend finding solace in.

If you find someone to talk to, be honest on how you feel right now. Work your way back. Part of therapy is finding root causes, and a therapist/psychologist will try to find a rational root cause. Some may claim that it is a trauma manifesting from your past; child abuse or sexual abuse are among the most common, and sometimes claiming that you want attention too. While many of us have these traumas, it is important to relate and exam that this event is just that.... a current event that has caused stress. In many cases, an abduction encounter does cross with certain traumas mentioned above and can be intertwined with many other things. Such is life though, everyone's life is a complicated mess...sometimes interwoven in strange events. Yet, there are things that are just occurring that bothers us. This is what you must deal with.... the feelings you are going through and its connection to your encounter. Try to come to terms with what happened and do your best to move forward. If you are was a one time occurrence. If not... well that is something else we can get into.

Now the mental health field has done some research into alien abductions and mental health. Many papers have been written and most conclude that those speaking about it are delusional or suffer from schizophrenia. Here are some Medical Case Studies regarding this...

Abducted by aliens: a case study
-A D Neagoe

Alien abduction experiences: Some clues from neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry
-Katharine J. Holden & Christopher C. French

Unimpaired abduction to alien abduction: Lessons on delusion formation
-Ema Sullivan-Bissett

Despite our U.S. Congress investigating UFO/UAP and other government acknowledging a phenomena, we still have the medical community discounting experiences with something "unspecified" that leaves a definite trauma. These events can cause people to commit suicide in some cases or unhealthy decisions to try and combat the trauma they are experiencing. I am not advocating for accepting all things as true, but listen to the individual and try to resolve the depression, anxiety, stress, and other impacting feelings that come up. From there you can delve as deep as you want...sometime discovering perhaps it was an unresolved trauma....but it may be an events that is unspecified.

If you are looking for help... the only ones available for a fee are a few notable therapists within the UFO community that do the conventions. Some of them genuinely want to help you with your trauma, and some do have a network of individuals they can refer you to. When you are desperate for answers and help, you have to take chances. From the therapist I know, with decades of experience, there are more and more professionals opening up to the idea of helping those with this specific trauma.

For those you deal with this stuff I feel for you. I know it is hard and frustrating to deal with. I myself have gone to low points in my life because of this. It does not get better, but it is manageable in the sense of dealing with an unavoidable issue..... like taxes.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024



A fictional movie released this year known as "Jonah" is about alien abduction and researchers. Over the past two decades you have many celebrities and researchers going out and filming supernatural and paranormal stories. Ancient Aliens, UFO Highway, Jack Osborne, Skinwalker Ranch, and others have fueled many "new researchers" into the alien and UFO/UAP narrative.

Jonah follows the story of a mother and child who live in a secluded area in the wilderness, a few miles away from a local town. One night, the child Jonah, is abducted by Aliens. Since then his health has declined and their is a change is his personality. His mother who is stressed with her own struggles tries to care for her son.

The next two are Ozzie and Darren, two research journalist who are working on various stories. One story mentioned is interviewing a guy heading a ponzi scheme and another who is an energy worker. Darren is the film and sound guy interested in just filming, while Ozzie does the interview. Ozzie comes off as a non-believer and stays impartial on things. Darren seems to be a free spirit.

When we get into the movie the mother, Margot, has gotten in touch with Ozzie production agency and wants to tell her son's story. At first Ozzie doesn't want to do the story, but a nightmare convinces him that perhaps he should take the assignment. We have hints that Ozzie may be an abductee from a childhood flashback. When they arrive Ozzie's gut instinct is that there is something amiss with Margot and her son. His instincts are on point as Margot is paranoid and under tremendous financial stress which causes her to loose perspective on things, and the Close Encounters has definitely pushed her over the edge.

Encounters ranging from CE1-CE5 are shown; a UAP is seen by the mother and son, there is a radioactive crater on the property from the craft, electrical interference, the son say a being, the son was abducted for a few hours and deposited back miles away from the home, and the Centauri communicate through Jonah and talk with Ozzie. A lot of evidence builds up, but  Ozzie is convinced that Margot is mentally unbalanced and is a danger to her son. He definitely believes child abuse is going on despite the paranormal and questionable events are happening.

Margot is revealed to be mentally unstable, as she has been observing both Jonah and Darren via her home security cameras and faked being drunk. She also in a panic ties up and gags Jonah, fearing police will come for him or child protective services. She goes as far as killing Darren and sets up Ozzie for something...but decides to attempt to kill him. Of course Ozzie manages to escape and tries to rescue Jonah. They make a run for the forest where Margot attempts to stop them, but then the alien ship comes and takes both Ozzie and Jonah away...... roll credits.

So I found the movie interesting at first, as we see the narrative of a researcher in their investigation into the paranormal. A generic child Alien Abduction story occurs.......kid.. woods... possessed by an alien intelligence...stressed parent. The doubt of the researchers seem genuine which makes it compelling, but it goes overboard with Margot and her mental breakdown. It makes no sense that Margot would commit double homicide and "abuse" her child. I get the subplot of her drowning in debt, but there is no payout in selling an abduction story. The movie starts great...but falls apart pretty fast. Even the nonsense spewed by Jonah/Centuari is tired.... "Human destroy the Earth....the Seas boils.. War...blah..blah blah". Generic prophecy from aliens as usual and again the biggest lazy point on how a child in the middle of nowhere will change things with this message. If this was a real thing... why not go to the Government, Shareholders, and Business executives who can actually do something.

Another angle this movie seems to show is that the aliens have sleeper agents among us. Children who have Centauri Souls in them that live on Earth and need to be awakened..... so they know of the horrors to come and need to be recalled home. First this is cruel to the individual who is brainwashed and to the parents.... it makes no sense. The movie is ok....but falls it is not a horror movie or drama. Its is just a waste of time, despite the great job of the actors.

Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 Check Up and Complications

Date: 12/29/2023 and 12/30/2023
Type: CE3,CE 4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 4:50am/1:45am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:16am/1:16am
State of Mind Before: Relieved, Hopeful, Stressed
State of Mind After: N/A, Upset (Me), N/A (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Scoop Marks on right leg, Holiday Full Moon, "Go to Sleep" in my head, Wolfbrother knocked out.
Odd occurrences after: N/A

Well it is the end of the year, and for most of this year there visits have been spotty and not as invasive. Mostly just awareness of that their are nearby due to the feedback I get, and my wolfbrother sensing them throughout the years. Every once in a while I would get some communication here and there in dreams, but that is not proof.

As mentioned, my Wolfbrother is back with me. Our situation is an odd one. We meet through CERO, as I went to go find a support group for Abductees. He had an interests and own experiences, even tangling with Stan Romenak for a week. He was more outgoing and exposed himself to the Convention Circuit people. Me I just stayed away and did my best to survive with this issue and live a normal life. Sadly though, my Wolfbrother's life got turned upside down. He has his own physical and mental complications, one of which makes his claims dubious at times. What's worse is that his claims are not to far off. I know his stuff doesn't influence me, but the last few experiences were odd.

Since they haven't been bothering me.... they have no been on my mind other than the UAP Congress stuff and the latest movie "No One Will Save You". I been pre-occupied with day to day life..... taking care of my Aunt and Wolfbrother, dealing with the craziness in Los Angeles, and preparing for the disaster our government has unfolded. I been to busy taking care of my loved ones and dealing with my life to think about them. Yet a few days ago...they intrusion stepped up.

12/27/2023 I woke up around 7am, I noticed there was blood on my comforter. On my lower right calf there was four indentations in a line that had bleed. At first I thought I must have scratched my self with my my nails are trimmed and don't have any edges or way to make these off marks. I did think scoopmarks and just sighed, and went to wash the comforter paying no mind to something I was "used to" and didn't really care to deal with.

12/29/2023 was an uneventful night, but was one of the first nights in a while where we went to sleep early. I woke up around 1am to take care of my aunt, and couldn't get back to sleep so went to work on some of my projects. Around 4:00am I was getting unusually sleepy, and a "foreign thought" entered of "go to sleep". My response was odd as I was "okay". I stopped and shook it off as it was weird and I was annoyed. I had a few more pages to go. I started back to what I was doing. A few minutes later I get the same "foreign thought", and this time I just gave in. I went to my area on the floor, snuggled in and tried to think of something pleasant. I soon knocked out. However, a few moments I started dreaming about an intruder in the living room. I needed to lock the door. I did not feel safe and something was wrong. Next thing I know I am on my side, up against my wolfbrother's bed. I can't move. I start to scream, but I can only manage a groggy moan. I do manage to say his name a few times, but no response. I start to try and move anything. It is extremely difficult as nothing is responding, then I specific do my calibration check by trying to wiggle my fingers one by one, rotate the wrists, ankles, wiggle toes, etc. Fortunately I managed to wiggle something that allowed me to break free. My eye instantly opened, but I did not want to move. In the reflection of the TV I saw one of them by the door moving toward the otherside of my wolfbrother bed. It noticed me in the reflection and quickly moved away. I was scarred and didn't move for a while. I also was unsure of exactly what I saw...and after trying to disprove the was real. There was nothing wrong with my eyes or the lighting. At this time it was around 5:30am when I got up and checked on my aunt. It wasn't surprising when she told me she heard commotion in the living room, as somebodies were walking in and went down the hall to my room. That confirmed an incident had happened.

12/30/2023 was an uneventful night, again we went to sleep early. I made sure everything was closed, and wanted a restful sleep. I was very tired and been physically exhausted. I was happy that our situation would soon be over with our tenants and the city's housing issue. Things would be better. Again I was finishing up my project and went to bed willingly, and tried to snuggle and think nice thoughts as I drifted off to sleep rather quickly. Within moments I was in an odd dream. Again I felt the unease that someone was trying to get in, but this time they were looking for information. Again I woke up in my room, this time partially against his bed. My eyes were open, and as expected there was one by the door as seen from the TV reflection. I felt malice and ill intent from this being, not only was I being physically restrained it was attempting to dominate me. I was angry that it was here again, I was growling and struggling with ever ounce of my will. It started to move closer to me, jumping lightly one my wolfbrothers's bed. I got really angry and thought "Don't touch him. I will kill you! Get away from him!". It was curious as to my shift of self preservation to concern about my wolfbrother. It got closer to me and started playing with my backside. I was very bothered and heard "take one for the team" in my head, along with weird clicking audibly. I continued to struggle and watching it lean over from atop of the bed and examine me. My thought was, "these are not the usual ones and they are behaving different". The look is off as they are more shadowy, trying to remain unseen. Though they are here physically there is an ethereal quality to them as if floating. Also the manner in which I was being held and the mental domination felt weirdly off. It felt like a magnetic field, especially the mental energy it was directing at me. Usually it feels more natural and not as strong, but the influence it was pressing had a direct weight to it. As it was doing it's thing and I was thinking and it was ignoring my observations....I was like "Oh its a field or force directly emanating from it. It is much like a magnetic field, so if I warp or inverse the mental energy flow it will disrupt...." and at that point it did a "WHAT????" and backed away as my arm flew up and violently struck the railings on my wolfbrothers bed and I quickly got on my feet ready for a fight. I was in full fight mode, breathing heavily and ready to attack. Clock read 1:45am. My wolfbrother was unresponsive and knocked out (this was odd as he is a light sleeper..... he would have definitely woken up). I went to go check on my aunt and made sure the rest of the house was secured. Again she confirmed hearing odd movements and felt uneasy.

I was unable to sleep the rest of the night. I was bothered that my wolfbrother had been knocked out twice and did not respond. I don't like that tactics have changed, but these are not the usual entities that have shown up. What is worse is that they seem to be the one my Wolfbrother complains about, the ones that play with the backside. Months ago I jokingly told him "Look if they bother you that much...'I can take one for the team'. I am lonely and looking for a good time". It is odd it mocked me like that. Also it's manner of thought was more tangible than normal, as I said it had a weight to it. Plus it seemed unfamiliar with me...usually they know I am an issue. This one seem caught off guard, not only by my behavior but that I managed to "hear it and think". That "WHAT????" conveyed a lot of feeling from surprise, anger, extreme concern, and disbelief.