Date: October 26, 2010
Type: Dream/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:30am and 7pm-12pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12AM and 7pm
State of Mind Before: Melancholy (YLOD error for my PS3)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me), Aunt (scared).
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: My Dream.
Possible Influential Factors: Sadness over Data Loss and PS3???
Well this will be in chronological order. I had my dream first (7pm-12pm), then I awoke to put my aunt to bed. That is when she told me about last night.......
So last night I put my aunt to bed around 11:45 pm. I was distraught because my PS3 got a fatal error.
I went to sleep sad. Never said anything to her. She says that around 330am she though she saw "me" come into the room to check on her. Yet she wasn't sure if it was me, becuase she recalls something "blue"coming in and then out. Whatever it was it happened to walk over the small fence at the door. Patrick was asleep on the bed when this happened. She was scared and watched TV until dawn. She did not mention this event when I saw her in the morning.
Late after I cam home from work. I fed her and went to sleep (still upset about my PS3). I had a very odd dream in which involved my reliving events with my family. During the dream my aunt suddenly told me "Have you heard from Hector? They have taken him too. They want me to come with them. They want me to go as they did with hector and you mom. Don't let them take me". That is when I woke up. Now I was puzzled by this and I will mention why. After I woke up I went to see me aunt and put her to bed....this is when she told me about the "Blue" thing last night.....
Now the reason why I am puzzled by this is two reasons:
1) I had a dream in which my aunt was referring to "then" again. When I next speak to her she tell me of another encounter.
2) My Aunt and Mother's cousin, Hector used to stay here in this house for a bit during his youth. One time he tried to run away. He grew up to be a professor at a major college, and was a very spiritual man who delved into many philosophies until coming back to Christianity. I am wondering if there was an event that had happened that my aunt recalls when she was younger involving our cousin? Unfortunately the extended family is unable to be contacted to question. Also why would I get a dream about a past event? I do not like going on hunches. I won't press on this, but just noting.
My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Odd Occurance
Date: October 22, 2010
Type: Dream/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 3:45 to 5:00 am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2AM, 3AM, 4am, 5am
State of Mind Before: Unable to sleep (no reason)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: , Overcast weather and drizzly, helicopter at 330am for 5-min, several bumping in hallway and outside.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Last night was very odd. I had trouble sleeping and lay in my bed trying to go to sleep. Most of the time I was just waiting and waiting to fall asleep. I was mostly going over WoW things I need to do as well as thinking about my Blog schedule for the other two sites. Also was thinking about upcoming things I would like to go, and just some passing "melancholy" personal thoughts.
As mentioned a helicopter was again in the area around 330am and hovered around the area for 5 min. Again it just sounded as it appeared and disappeared, no fading in or out just like the previous night.
When it betweeb345am to 400am, there was several "bumps" outside and then in the hallway. That is when I became scared and kept think "no. no no. no. Get out. no. no. no. no."
I do know that between 4am and 5am I did "fall asleep", as I had an odd dream. In the dream, which Iis why I am siting this one, I was in my bed at night and seemed to be in a state of sleep paralysis. At first I thought it was rather odd, since I thought I was awake since I had trouble sleeping. I did not realize I was "paralyzed" until I attempted to move. Oddly I felt more perplexed than panic. I attempted to move but I was having trouble and only managed to wiggle my toes and slightly move my hand. I could move my eyebrows and blink. I did my usual routine to snap out of it by moving these areas more and attempting to breathe hard. It was when i started this I was pulled toward the edge of the bed. This is when I panic. An unknown force pulled me toward the edge of the bed. I was moved being slid to the side, however (luckily) I became obstructed in my sheet that I added as a curtain. It attempted to pull me out several times, but finally realized I was entangled. It pushed me back to my original position. I blacked out, and then woke up around 5am. I remembered the event fully and was puzzled. I double checked with my aunt, and she does verify the helicopter agains and odd sounds in the hallway and outside.
Type: Dream/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 3:45 to 5:00 am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2AM, 3AM, 4am, 5am
State of Mind Before: Unable to sleep (no reason)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: , Overcast weather and drizzly, helicopter at 330am for 5-min, several bumping in hallway and outside.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Last night was very odd. I had trouble sleeping and lay in my bed trying to go to sleep. Most of the time I was just waiting and waiting to fall asleep. I was mostly going over WoW things I need to do as well as thinking about my Blog schedule for the other two sites. Also was thinking about upcoming things I would like to go, and just some passing "melancholy" personal thoughts.
As mentioned a helicopter was again in the area around 330am and hovered around the area for 5 min. Again it just sounded as it appeared and disappeared, no fading in or out just like the previous night.
When it betweeb345am to 400am, there was several "bumps" outside and then in the hallway. That is when I became scared and kept think "no. no no. no. Get out. no. no. no. no."
I do know that between 4am and 5am I did "fall asleep", as I had an odd dream. In the dream, which Iis why I am siting this one, I was in my bed at night and seemed to be in a state of sleep paralysis. At first I thought it was rather odd, since I thought I was awake since I had trouble sleeping. I did not realize I was "paralyzed" until I attempted to move. Oddly I felt more perplexed than panic. I attempted to move but I was having trouble and only managed to wiggle my toes and slightly move my hand. I could move my eyebrows and blink. I did my usual routine to snap out of it by moving these areas more and attempting to breathe hard. It was when i started this I was pulled toward the edge of the bed. This is when I panic. An unknown force pulled me toward the edge of the bed. I was moved being slid to the side, however (luckily) I became obstructed in my sheet that I added as a curtain. It attempted to pull me out several times, but finally realized I was entangled. It pushed me back to my original position. I blacked out, and then woke up around 5am. I remembered the event fully and was puzzled. I double checked with my aunt, and she does verify the helicopter agains and odd sounds in the hallway and outside.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Date: October 21, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:00 am to 4:15am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1 am.
State of Mind Before: Apathetic
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
This morning I was awaken by the sound of a heavy helicopter. At first I thought there was an accident nearby the freeway as the noise was very loud. After a minute or tow it suddenly faded, to fast for a copter to travel as it take a couple of seconds to fade in the distance. One the copter noise stopped... there was an eerie hum for the next several minutes. Since the hum was rather low and sounded a distance away from the house I went back to sleep... figuring "they" were bothering the other person in the neighborhood.
Seems my aunt also heard the exact same thing as well.... both the copter noise and the hum. She reported else nothing unusual.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
First Contact::Witness, Abductee, Contactee, or Experiencee
Well as you know individuals who encounter extraterrestrials fall into one of four major categories. Some claim that these are also stages in which encounters evolve..... from Witness to Abductee to Contactee to Experiencee. I would say some people can have more than one category, and certain individuals have had their designation changed from one category to the next, but I would argue against the case that this is a progression. So what are these categories???
Witness: An individual in this category is a CE-3. They encounter an extraterrestrial. This encounter can be as simple as a sighting of a UFO and its occupants or being an eye witness to an abduction\contact. Such examples of witness are family members\associates of an abductee who witness the effects of the abduction taking place (strange lights, paralyzed, odd sounds, seeing the beings, etc.) or an individual who sees a being in an area or in/around there home.
Abductee: An individual who encounters an extraterrestrial and is taken by force or against their will. This is a CE-4. These events can be singular event or ongoing process. The individual is examined, probed, tested, or tagged in some manner. These experiences are usually traumatic, and can be life changing. At this category the contact is unwanted and cause problems for the victim.
Contactee: Unlike an abductee, these individuals have an open dialogue of some manner with an extraterrestrial. This can stem from a willingness to be experimented upon, encounter an extraterrestrial, or become involved on some sort of relationship (physical/platonic). Majority of contactees feel that these are benign encounters.
Experiencee: These individuals seem to be a combination of both the abductee and the contactee. In any event they actively work with the extraterrestrials and fully cooperate with their experiments. They will be engaging and interactive in order to take some control over the situation.
So how do these categories affect those who experience an acounter with them? Well it gives you an idea of what is out there and how you can respond to the given situation.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Daylight UFO in NYC
Seems this October 13, 2010 a UFO was sighted in NY City. It appeared like a silvery white jellyfish.
Official sources have not confirmed what this was. So far people are guessing and so forth. Stanley Fulham, did predict a mass UFO sighting around 10/13/2010 in his bool "Challenges of Change: Book 1".
You can see an interview right here!
Official sources have not confirmed what this was. So far people are guessing and so forth. Stanley Fulham, did predict a mass UFO sighting around 10/13/2010 in his bool "Challenges of Change: Book 1".
You can see an interview right here!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Odd Dream
Odd Dream #XXX
Date: October 3, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 7:45 am to 6:00pm.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 7:45 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Exhausted, Dehydrated (Me)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: Sparkle of Light
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Blogging and Research
So an oddity for the past couple of days I have been dreaming. the majority of dreams have been about every single person I know. Mostly a review of the people I encountered in my life, how they are related to me and how they are on some level still attached. The saddest thing at the end of the dream I woke up angry... (my thought why won't you all just leave me alone, I want nothing to do with anything anymore and any of you). Now keep in mind it was rage, mostly becuase of the potential things that never occurred and the seemingly placement of individuals in my life as if planned.
What happened in my second dream was a also confusing. Again, another review of people I knew. This time I seemed to be on vacation since I was angry. Again, the scene was odd since everyone seemed to want me complacent and was worried about me. I felt something was out of place and kept looking around. I tried getting the people that were in my dream to get us home, and we needed to return. They gave every excuse why we shouldn't go home. I continued to press and press that we needed to go. Then I did something odd, I said "Computer. Arch" (STNG reference) and it seem I found a control center. When I stepped through the door, most of the "supporting cast" in my dream was in there and a guy in flannel with glasses seemed to be couching the people on what to do. They seemed to freeze in there tracks when I came in. The flannel guy seemed to pretend that it was a surprise party and he had to leave (it was a ruse). That is when I told it no, it turned around and looked at me with an intense feeling of annoyance since it was locked in place. It took of its glasses and revealed itself to be a grey. We starred and locked into eachother's eye for a few long minutes, during that time we were exchange like a thousand thoughts per second. I knew we had a heated exchange for it seemed annoyed at my ability to see through stuff and resist, which I got the impression that I shouldn't be able too. It ended with me building up into a rage in which I ended up (in the dream) biting it in the throat as if to consume it. What was odd is that it had a brittle shell and a bloody red pulp interior (kind like a pumpkin). It seemed to react in self preservation and fled.
The reminder of the dream then shifted back home. Los Angeles was inflames as a race war was under way.
Then I woke up.
When I found
Date: October 3, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 7:45 am to 6:00pm.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 7:45 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Exhausted, Dehydrated (Me)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: Sparkle of Light
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Blogging and Research
So an oddity for the past couple of days I have been dreaming. the majority of dreams have been about every single person I know. Mostly a review of the people I encountered in my life, how they are related to me and how they are on some level still attached. The saddest thing at the end of the dream I woke up angry... (my thought why won't you all just leave me alone, I want nothing to do with anything anymore and any of you). Now keep in mind it was rage, mostly becuase of the potential things that never occurred and the seemingly placement of individuals in my life as if planned.
What happened in my second dream was a also confusing. Again, another review of people I knew. This time I seemed to be on vacation since I was angry. Again, the scene was odd since everyone seemed to want me complacent and was worried about me. I felt something was out of place and kept looking around. I tried getting the people that were in my dream to get us home, and we needed to return. They gave every excuse why we shouldn't go home. I continued to press and press that we needed to go. Then I did something odd, I said "Computer. Arch" (STNG reference) and it seem I found a control center. When I stepped through the door, most of the "supporting cast" in my dream was in there and a guy in flannel with glasses seemed to be couching the people on what to do. They seemed to freeze in there tracks when I came in. The flannel guy seemed to pretend that it was a surprise party and he had to leave (it was a ruse). That is when I told it no, it turned around and looked at me with an intense feeling of annoyance since it was locked in place. It took of its glasses and revealed itself to be a grey. We starred and locked into eachother's eye for a few long minutes, during that time we were exchange like a thousand thoughts per second. I knew we had a heated exchange for it seemed annoyed at my ability to see through stuff and resist, which I got the impression that I shouldn't be able too. It ended with me building up into a rage in which I ended up (in the dream) biting it in the throat as if to consume it. What was odd is that it had a brittle shell and a bloody red pulp interior (kind like a pumpkin). It seemed to react in self preservation and fled.
The reminder of the dream then shifted back home. Los Angeles was inflames as a race war was under way.
Then I woke up.
When I found
Friday, October 1, 2010
Odd Dream
Odd Dream #XXX
Date: September 29, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 7:45 pm to 12:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 6:30 pm.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Exhausted, Dehydrated (Me)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: Flash of Light Around 5:15am.
Possible Influential Factors: Blogging and Research
Well originally I just dismissed this as an ordinary dream,and it inspired me to due some thinking on dehydration (yesterday's post). Usually I do not dream... and if I do they are more like memories, "the other place" (alternate reality), or with "them". The reason why I did not mention it is because the dream was only about 10 minutes long and made no sense rational sense as it played as an insignificant memory.
1) I walked to a bus stop that was nearby. However it was very dark and I could not see any surrounding. I just knew it was cold and dark. It was sort of like a post-modern stage production... a lighted area representing the bus stop... no sign... no bench... no nothing... even the floor wasn't not a floor just some abstract surface (Yes I was looking around in the dream since I am always trying to find visual references when I walk somewhere). The odd thing I was comfortable as if I had done this many a times (I hate buses with a passion and will no travel on them because of the people).
2) There was a group of people with me. I would say about a dozen or so just standing there waiting. Most seemed dazed and just waited. However I moved next to thing person I knew (I was very happy that he was there and felt safe, it was someone I had strong feelings for that is not in my life). Although I do not know who this was I knew him and he half remembers me, I only got out a smile from him and he reached out his hand and i grasped it.
3) Something arrived and we lined up in lines of rows and lines of four. I was in position number 15 as it appeared there was 16 of us. We sat on these porcelain like recliners that molded to you. It was still dark.
I looked over to my companion and he began to quietly cry and let go of my hand as soon as the recliners began to lay flat. No one could move. As soon as the UV lighting went on, that is when the people began to panic.
"No no not again", "You said you wouldn't come no more", "It is just a dream... wake up... wake up wake up....", "Help Me", "This isn't happening", "Stop. Please. just leave me alone", and various phrases where being yelled at from across the room. I myself just squinted, crying a bit, and remained silent. I knew what was happening and realized there was nothing I could do but remain in a faux semi-conscious state thinking "nonononononononononono" and blurry images of black and blue. What I could see and hear is that there were a number of beings all around us and something was down on a group level. Something told me "Open my eyes. No need to continue shutting us out. We can hear you". Then I blacked out.
That is when I woke up.
Date: September 29, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 7:45 pm to 12:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 6:30 pm.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Exhausted, Dehydrated (Me)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: Flash of Light Around 5:15am.
Possible Influential Factors: Blogging and Research
Well originally I just dismissed this as an ordinary dream,and it inspired me to due some thinking on dehydration (yesterday's post). Usually I do not dream... and if I do they are more like memories, "the other place" (alternate reality), or with "them". The reason why I did not mention it is because the dream was only about 10 minutes long and made no sense rational sense as it played as an insignificant memory.
1) I walked to a bus stop that was nearby. However it was very dark and I could not see any surrounding. I just knew it was cold and dark. It was sort of like a post-modern stage production... a lighted area representing the bus stop... no sign... no bench... no nothing... even the floor wasn't not a floor just some abstract surface (Yes I was looking around in the dream since I am always trying to find visual references when I walk somewhere). The odd thing I was comfortable as if I had done this many a times (I hate buses with a passion and will no travel on them because of the people).
2) There was a group of people with me. I would say about a dozen or so just standing there waiting. Most seemed dazed and just waited. However I moved next to thing person I knew (I was very happy that he was there and felt safe, it was someone I had strong feelings for that is not in my life). Although I do not know who this was I knew him and he half remembers me, I only got out a smile from him and he reached out his hand and i grasped it.
3) Something arrived and we lined up in lines of rows and lines of four. I was in position number 15 as it appeared there was 16 of us. We sat on these porcelain like recliners that molded to you. It was still dark.
I looked over to my companion and he began to quietly cry and let go of my hand as soon as the recliners began to lay flat. No one could move. As soon as the UV lighting went on, that is when the people began to panic.
![]() |
Kinda like this, but more not babies and no contraption! |
"No no not again", "You said you wouldn't come no more", "It is just a dream... wake up... wake up wake up....", "Help Me", "This isn't happening", "Stop. Please. just leave me alone", and various phrases where being yelled at from across the room. I myself just squinted, crying a bit, and remained silent. I knew what was happening and realized there was nothing I could do but remain in a faux semi-conscious state thinking "nonononononononononono" and blurry images of black and blue. What I could see and hear is that there were a number of beings all around us and something was down on a group level. Something told me "Open my eyes. No need to continue shutting us out. We can hear you". Then I blacked out.
That is when I woke up.
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