Start Date: 10-29-13
Start Time: 1:30am
Dosage: 1 Standard cigarette length, strain type "The Don". Average potency of 16% THC.
Hypothesis: What would mood behavior characteristics would result compared to abduction or ghostly experience?
Using a a known substance to induce anxiety, paranoia, mood alterations, etc., could I reproduce these experiences?
According to the expert who administered the dosage, onset should be within 5 min after completion of a 1/4 dosage. Symptoms may last for a few hours/minutes that may/will include giggling, hunger, thirst, sexual arousal, paranoia, anxiety, or drowsiness. Behavior and Mood Alteration is a key aspect to look for.
10-28-13, 4:00pm: Dinner consisting of 2 baked potatoes and 1/2 cheeseburger.
10-28-13, 5:00pm: Nightmare. Attempted sleep.
10-29-13, 1:30am: Experiment started.
10-29-13. 1:35am: Administer felt full normal affects with standard 5 minute window. Subject no change of perception or moods. "The Don" has a toasted marshmallow flavor, and taste was of a oolong tea leaves. The smoke itself was smoothe, with little to no burn at all in throat or nasal cavities.
10-29-13, 1:40am: Full Dosage completed and shared with Administer. No Behavior or mood changes with my subject noted.
10-29-13, 1:42am: Administer displayed physical characteristics of Dry Mouth and Glass Eye. Drank 2 8oz glasses of water. Administer was euphoric and relaxed. Physical check by administer and subject, no redness or gloss in my eyes.
10-29-13, 2:00am: Slight physical affect of sweaty palms. No mood or behavior alterations on my part. Cognitive abilities no change, syntax no change, no visual impairment.
10-29-13, 2:15am: In professional opinion of the Administer. "This mother fucker is immune to the effects of THC."
10-29-13, 2:30am: No effects.
10-29-13, 3:00am: No effects.
10-29-13, 3:30am: No effects.
10-29-13, 3:45am: No effects. Alien imagery passed on youtube, normal reaction and hypersensitivity demonstrated by subject.
10-29-13, 4:00am: No effects.
10-29-13, 4:15am: Physical Exercise. No delayed reaction performance, balance normal, flexibility normal,
endurance test normal. Likewise no internal physical changes such as shortness of breath, upset stomach, or headache, or light headed.
10-29-13, 5:00am: No effects. Administer in awe that no effects physical or otherwise apparent.
10-29-13, 5:05am: No effects. Breakfast of eggs, hash browns and sausage burrito served to subject. Administer had three sausage biscuits with egg, and two hash browns. Administer assured that no delayed results will occur, onset is immediate or within the 5 minute window. Height/Body Weight and metabolism is not that great a factor in chemical process and absorption.
10-29-13, 5:30am: No effects.
10-29-13, 6:00am: No effects.
10-29-13, 6:30am: No effects.
10-29-13, 7:00am: experiment window closed.
Results: This would be considered inconclusive do to the fact that "NO" Behavior/Mood Alterations occurred.The Administer provided a potent strain that should have yielded immediate and visible results.
The Administer has a good tolerance, and has been a prolonged self-administer and is a certified expert into the agricultural and pharmaceutical aspects/applications.Inconclusive is given as subject may be most likely and individual who does not display the symptomatic effects of THC. Subject is label "abnormal", and will be further tested upon using a more potent method at a later time.
Although the experiment is inconclusive as to Behavioral/Mood alterations, it does answer a possible question in the relation to THC and alien abduction. As noted resistance to abductions have increased, onset and length paralytic and disorientation have lessened. Does a higher than average abduction/visitation occurrence build a resistance to THC? If THC is used as a component as theorized with excited argon discharge (blue light) and naturally occurring DMT levels produced during REM.
Note: Kidney issue should not have had an impact in THC absorption. It is noted that alcohol has no mood/behavior effects, but only known physiological effect include slight increase to body temperature.
Medically speaking, a normal dosage for anesthetics does not result normally. Gas and injection require high above dosage. 1.5 normal dosage required to achieve a minimal result. A total of 2.25 x normal amount is needed to put subject under full sedation.
According to the administer, he followed up with several individuals to determine why there was no effect.
It is believed that there are two reasonable explanations, 1) The CB receptors are not yet fully stimulated to react to and introduction of new endocannabinoids, 2) Subject's own natural production of endocannabinoids is extremely high which have filled up all available receptors.
It was stated that in to determine what the case is, subject has to do more so that the receptors can be flooded and stimulated properly, or that a higher percentage/more potent dosage of THC is introduced into my system.
However, from this information it would seem that there might be a correlation between a form of abduction with paralytic qualities that I have been experiencing and the fact that a form endocannabinoids may have been overused... either through the use of the excited argon which I theorize or from the odd smell they seem to have?
My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Self Experiment: Mood/Behavorial Change "THC" #01
Daymare...... checking up on me
Date: October 28, 2013
Type: CE4Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 5:15pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 5:00pm
State of Mind Before: Insomnia, Happy
State of Mind After: Insomnia, Happy
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Promised Individual.
As stated in an earlier post, earlier in the month my aunt and I were promised by "them" of certain concessions. Although my aunt has been demonstrated that she can use crutches again, she has not attempted it again. The individual who was promised in my life, on the other hand has had a beneficial affect on my mood/happiness/drive.
His background ironically is from Indiana, Muncie. He is very intelligent, standard upbringing with no unusual occurrences. Believes he does have intuitive psychic abilities. Was involved with a contactee group not by choice. Has experienced a number of chemically stimulated alterations. Does not believe in "Aliens", has a strong like/appreciation for Native American culture. Few episodes of missing time, however these were cause by chemical substances.
The reasons why he is mentioned is because since his interaction with me no episodes have occurred. I have had increased insomnia, but no episodes. Until yesterday.
I went to bed at 5:00pm, was sad because I am questioning what purpose the "The Promised Individual has". In all honesty I feel teased, because things seem too perfectly planned. As I went to bed, I awoke unable to move. Something was inside the interior of my bed. I heard my aunt in the other room watching TV. I did see one, but closed my eyes and thinking it just a dream its is just a dream. My hands were able to move, one hand was position on my chest... while the other I had back behind my head and was already clutching the metal frame. " I said leave my aunt alone don't hurt her." "What do you want", "Go away. Go away". Only thing I got back was "You have what you want. It is better for us. You are happy.". By then I managed to pinch myself on the chest awake.
I was confused but too tired. I wasn't scared nor bothered. Oddly enough since they mentioned him I felt more at ease and relaxed. I was angry that it seemed like a carrot, one that was only in my mind.... but if their object was that I was more at ease and malleable, then it worked.
At 12:48am, ironically the "Promised One" IM'd me, which was the time I woke up. I didn't here the sound, as the computer was off..... but that was a coincidence that I awoke when he contacted me? Within few minutes he was here and we conducted an experiment.
I am not sure in all honesty if the experience was a dream/abductions. All visual and physical effects were felt. Was highly lucid.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tres Puntos and Ufology
As I have stated, there are some common markings that many abductees and contactees.
One of them is the pinpoints, more importantly 3 Dots forming a triangle. Most of the time these are three large liaisons or burns, found along the legs and and arms. Recently I have had such a marking on my right hand, but have had other similar markings on the right legs and thighs. More than likely, many people believe this is the result of a a device used in the experiments....but then why is there a symbolic and mystic connection?
Now a number of people have these markings, ironically I been trying to look up an signfigance The first thing I could find was relation to gang member signs, more commonly called "Los Tres Puntos". According to various texts, the three points are a supposed representation of the Mayan Symbol of 13. The 13 is in reference to various "13" gang references. However.... their are mystical symbolism there as well.
Free Masonry: it used as an abbreviation instead of the period with name and titles. Some have claimed this is a representation of the divine trinity and tetragram. There is a Spanish written document that talks about the links between the Three Points and Free Masonry.
Germany: Popular Among prisoners imply they have no info for the police. It can also mean I hate cops.
France: It stands for Mort Aux Vaches, which translate "Death to Cows"...which is slang or cop killer.
Greece: It is a symbol for the Anti-christ, and forms a letter "A".
Turkey: It means Gormem, Duymam, Soylemem which translate to "I hear nothing, I see nothing and I tell nothing". It marks an oath in the southeast region of tribesman there requiring great responsibility such as being willing to "sacrifice himself in favor of the society".
Two things that strike me odd about the overall significance of the symbol is that there is a theme of "Secrecy to bear no witness" and the idea of "sacrifice himself in favor of the society". What is more disturbing is the french connotation "Death to Cows" which reminds me of Cattle Mutilation.... and the facty we do use bovines in human medicine with blood plasma, insulin, and vaccination. That is rather odd.... coincidences when taken into the context of alien abductees and contactees. Are we a social sacrifice? Are we cattle to be experimented on? Is it a reminder of some old covenant that we should stay quiet?
However, since in North America we have have a long history of extraterrestrials and the Native American populace (From the North Pole to the tips of South of America!). Considering the "Los Tres Puntos" has been identified with "Mexican" culture it may be a link to the Mayan/Aztec myths and meaning of the symbol of 13.Basically the 13th Moon is known as the Cosmic Tone. It is called the Moon of Presence, it tells we must endure, and it call us to transcend. Is this a hint indicating what these marking means?
13 is Equal to the 7th Day |
“Thirteen is the key to the Mayan galactic codes of 4th Dimensional time and to the annual lunation cycles by which Earth is guided in her solar path.” Thirteen Moons in Motion
Key-words: Endure-Transcend-Presence
Where 12 represents the coherent formation of the sacred circle, 13 signifies the expansive spirit of the ascending spiral. Without the transcendent quality of 13 – the force of circulation itself – 12 can leave us locked in infinitely complex details of form. Where 12 upholds the supreme coordination of 3rd-dimensional physical order, 13 ushers in the supreme revelation of the 4th-dimensional, Spiritual Synchronic Order.
The Cosmic Tone beckons us to transcend the limiting logic of linear time that we may expand into Radial time. We are called to sensitize to the spiritually synchronized symphony of universal movement as it plays and unfolds the unique music of every moment. We are invited to consciously feel the inter-connectedness of all life; to be present to the Spirit which moves through all manifestations, guiding all arrangements of space and configurations of consciousness. We discover that we are always inherently “one-time” by knowing we are Time!
As the climax of progression, Tone 13 can embody qualities of any of the previous Tones! 13 is the key to time itself; presence – simple patient awareness; receptivity to exactly what is occurring, as it is occurring. Presence bestows depths of feeling – intimate information and guidance held within the living intelligence of the moment.
We commune with the vastness of self – the essence self which transcends all appearances of separation. Every moment, we are presented with the opportunity to transcend seeming limitations, to elevate our thoughts and behaviors beyond conditioned responses. By orienting in the present, as presence, we expand and feel our growth, we transform our suffering or striving into the beauty of human evolution, honoring life as an eternal journey of Being.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Social Stigmas - It is Not Real/Your Crazy
Over the years I have encountered three individuals out of many that were hostile to the concept that
UFO/Aliens are real, and I am an abductee. My experiences:
The first individual I met I disclosed this information because there was a possibility of a romantic involvement some 4 years ago. The individual was a professional "sign language" admin working in education, and was of a non-Chinese Asian descent. When I mentioned this he was "WHAT?". It was apparently a deal breaker, as he said you are crazy and never mention this to me again. It was anger and disbelief. This would be after the 5th time we hung out, after that we parted ways . . . . This was the first time I was told I was crazy by someone just flat out.
The second individual JL22 I encountered on a message board last year regarding UFO-Aliens. He disclosed to me and made it public that he had dealt with many abduction issues and personal issues in his life.His information was very detailed. Sadly a month ago, he was absolutely convinced and along with a psychiatrist that the entire situation was a mental illness and was an incorrect paradigm of reality. Sadly I am no longer aware of his current condition. I must admit at the end of our last correspondences, I felt saddened that he was struggling so hard with this issue (among others) that he became rather hostile. I do hope situation have improved with him as he is brilliant far above what your would expect.
The third individual ironically is someone that is an enigma, that recently has come into my life. They have traveled, experienced, and seen many things. It was admitted they have an interest in the paranormal and have seen some "shit" as they put it. This individual is very daring and courageous, and likewise very intelligent and charismatic. However when I disclosed the fact that I research UFO and Alien Abductions, his reaction/response was immediately "hostile". His reaction lead me to quickly change the subject.
On the second occasion we meet, I mentioned some studies on paralyzing life forms with UV light and the plausibility of DHT/THC being enhanced by ionized argon via calcium intake in the human body. This time the reaction was "Your Stupid and that shit is not real", in a more calm and disbelieving manner.
However there is a lead as to why I got a hostile reaction, which I might pursue. There seems to be an incident that he doesn't want to mention which may or may not be related.... it was stated "I don't want to talk about that shit. Yet I saw something".
So the two things we as abductees/conctactess have to deal with is the fact people will think we are crazy.
People seem to have five possible reactions: "Disbelief", "Hostility", "Ambivalence", "Acceptance", and "Curiosity".
"Disbelief" is the most common negative response. It is usually taken because the concept/idea in their mind view is highly unlikely. They believe that these are fantasies, delusions, and nightmares equivalent to Santa Claus, faeries, angels, demons, ghosts, gods, or God. Since science and societal reasoning has not been provided with actual evidence or acceptance, then these concepts are invalid. Reasons why people usually disbelieve might come from fear of the unknown, conformity issues, or simply the threshold of proof has simply not been meet.
"Hostility" is another response which is highly questionable. Disbelief in contrast follows some form of reasoning, using logic.Hostile reactions are much more emotional, which is highly suspect of a personal experience. These experience could stem from a personal close encounter, negative reaction from authoritarian/important figures regarding topic, or issues with conformity. It makes no sense why a person would be hostile to the idea of aliens/ufos? The only comparison I can make is that to the hostility homosexuals, ethnic minorities, or certain religious groups receive. Most of the hostility coming from them are due to a result of misinformation, intolerance, and fear, and belief that such groups/individual have a corrupting influence on society.
However, despite these two types of reactions.... I have personally experience more of the "Acceptance" and "Curiosity" than anything. Many individuals who I have discussed this issue about usually have their own experiences to share. Others have heard accounts from their friends and relatives, and still many a sure we are not the only ones in the universe. Those who are ambivalent about the topic are few... they honestly don't care and have an opinion. In truth "we" are not only for there are many of us how are talking, expressing, and documenting what is happening around us. Although not all of the experiences are by the same group, there "is" something definitely happening. If we all share the information we can find out the truth and acceptance.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Movies: Skinwalker Ranch
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10/30/2013 |
This movie is based upon true stories that have been occurring around Uinta Basin, Utah, USA since 1973.
The story follows an abduction of a rancher's son at Skinwalker Ranch in 2010. A team of paranormal investigators set up to find out the truth of what is going on. Cattle Mutilations, Missing Time, sightings, etc... are happening. The entities here are shown as the 6ft-7ft tall ones, they seem much more aggressive. Of course the movies is made to hype things up. However there was research done.
The movie debut 10/30/2013 nationwide.
Likewise there are documentaries and personal accounts such as these that are investigating what has gone on there. Effed Up had a 2 Hour Podcast discussing this issue.
Update (2/17/2014): I had the opportunity to finally watch the film. It was a recreation based upon the research done in this area. I didn't realize one of the of the main characters appeared as in "Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long- Blog" as the groupie with the lisp.
As far as what the movie present, it paces itself over a 3 week period in which events climax in the disappearance of the research team and the owner of the ranch. Only one team member survive who was smart enough to get out early. The movie is subtle is some parts, but very direct using the common hours of the "phenomena" to evoke fear. The blue light likewise makes people edgy as that is another common occurrence. It starts to fall apart when the obvious and vulgar effects take place, as well as the animal and bestial appearance of the alien. It also showcases the mind control aspects as well, as well as illusions/projections..(giant wolf) that it pretended to be.
Regardless of the hyped storyline, there are many places out there and well within city limits where these occurrence happens. Sometimes we are to busy and ignore it...until it stare us in the face.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Markings on my Hand, not just me....
Date: August - September , 2013
Type: CE4Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: N/A
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Lonely, Tired
State of Mind After: Apprehensive, Worried
Odd occurrences before: Demonic Persona Met.
Odd occurrences after: Unusual Activity at home, Odd Concessions.
Possible Influential Factors: None.
As mentioned a week ago, I had some concern over an unusual marking on my hand. Initially I was concerned as it was itchy and seemed to be irradiated area of my skin. It looked like a sunburn. I stay mostly away from "bright lights" and out of the sun. So I thought perhaps it may have been from some other irritant or stress. So I paid it no mind.
August/September I posted that I encountered an individual with demonic/spiritual ties. I limited contact with them as I felt there was an inconsistency with their personas. They indeed behaved independently and contradictory at times, further the main one attempted to use "blood" bonding and indicated that it wanted to initiate me into its pack. It said that it had the power to make me one of there own, and if successful a mark would appear on my hand, a star. It also encountered on the spiritual plane "Them". The "personas" mentioned the entity, and confirmed it/they are an "ancient" being(s) that did not want to let me go.
His main persona was angry that it forced bonding would not work. Let's just say I used my best judgement in this situation.
Three Dots |
So I did not check my hand for a while as the irritation stopped, but sense I had that incident with him I checked my hand and noticed the marking: Three White. However the dots seemed very odd, they were not a result of liaison, cut, or puncturing of the skin. They appeared as burn marks, the skin inside the circle is smoothed and not tan. It seems that the markings are a result of burn markings. I had put this out of my mind and chalked it up as the usual stuff.
What made me reconsider is when I took my aunt to the doctor. While we were waiting in the room, I began noticing her hands and on her right hand, she had the same triangle shape of dots. It seemed this was older as it is faded nicely with her skin, but under the fluorescent lighting it was apparent. I asked her about it and she said, "Oh that was from years ago... I forgot about it.". That was weird......
To make things a bit more odd is that the last time she encountered them.... they told her she could "walk". Use her crutches again..... and she tried a few days ago and was able to walk like she did. This again, made me think of a recent encounter I had too. They every once in a while "Tease" attempt to lure me with certain scenarios attempting to understand my "loneliness issue". Let just said, I now know someone that they showed me... that searched for me. They had a marking which I recognized. So how is that these "Concessions" seemed to have come about? They are both things my aunt and I wanted.... is it a sign for us to be me cooperative? Are we trying to be placated?
Odd coincidences....but then again there are no coincidences.
UPDATE 10-20-13
The marking as a distance at the base is .5cm, while the distance to the apex is 1.5cm. each dot is about .2cm across. Discoloration is still the same. While doing research upon the web I came across another individual with a similar markings. These though are common and large as I have gotten them on my calfs and thighs. The information is found on the MAAR "(Malevolent Alien Abduction Research) website
Uploaded with
Likewise Dr. Roger Leir website Alien Scalpel as markings with similar shape...small base and long apex?
There are hundreds of other pictures and stories about similar markings. However, none explain the significance of them. Is it a classification of some kind? Is it a particular test?
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Not So Imaginary Friends of the 1940's
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The Twins |
My aunt was born with Polio during the 1930's. This left her unable to walk without the aid of crutches.
She is the twin sister of my my mother. As a child my aunt was taken the the Los Angeles Orthopedic Hospital and the Los Angeles Children's Hospital several times for correct surgery in order to strengthen her legs and feet. She was even a poster child for the March of Dimes that helped out. None of the procedures worked. My aunt stayed indoors, read, listened to the radio, colored, and pretty much stayed by herself. She did go to school, and on the weekends was very close to her father as they would go to the movies and have ice cream. My mother was an average lil tom boy at that age playing with the local neighborhood kids and getting in trouble. They had three older sisters.
Since my aunt was pretty much left to herself she had two imaginary friends. One was a little cowboy who would come and tell her stories. The other was a little elf that would come and cheer her up and play games.
She had these imaginary friends for awhile. Then one day at the Children's Hospital she saw someone walking around outside in the hallway. It was nighttime, it looked lost and she said hello. It was a small being with a big head. She said "Hello". It communicated said "Hello. I was looking for you. Your name is *****." My aunt was surprised and asked how did it know. It said "We know all about you and have watched over you for some time. Do you know who I am?" My aunt guessed an angel. It communicated "No. I came from another place, where the stars are." My aunt said okay, and said good night since she was sleepy thinking she made a new friend.
She recalls that a few nights later, her big headed friend bought more people with him. My aunt questioned as to who are they. It communicated back "These are my other friends. They come to help me". My aunt was confused and asked what did they want to do. It communicated "We just want to know what you think. We want to talk to you and ask questions". So they talked. They asked her about her family, what was wrong with her, did she believe in god, what was her favorite foods, etc. My aunt asked how did they know her, why were they watching, where did you come from, how did you get here, and can my sister play with you too? They told her about the planet they came from, told her that they had a vehicle that allowed them to travel like a plane, they said we are watching you because you are "special", and "No your sister can't play with us, we are not interested in her".
Oddly enough they would show up and talk. Ironically though her original imaginary friends "The Cowboy" and "The Elf" did not show up as much. What was worse, the "Cowboy" and "Elf" would tel her "I go to go know. They are coming" and would disappear and "They" would walk in. The "Elf" warned her one time saying "I need to leave they are coming. I need to tell you they are dangerous. Do not play with them. I got to go" and would disappear. My aunt was said because he friends could not play together. "They" communicated to her "What is wrong". She said her other friends kept running away, and she wanted all them to play together. They told her "Those other friend are not like us.We are real. They are not allowed around us." My aunt was confused, but "they" responded I can bring more so we can play if that make you happy.
This went off and on for several years until my grandmother became annoyed and said my aunt was getting too old for imaginary friends. My aunt tried to tell her they were real and one she showed them a picture of them my grandmother crumbled it up and threw it in the garbage and said "see you miss behaving and your seeing devils". She told my grandfather and they took my aunt to see a psychologist. My aunt clammed up because the night before "They" told her not to say anything. She said that "My mom says I can't talk to any of you anymore. You have to leave". They communicated back "We will be watching".
As I said I do not go into detail with my aunt about these cases and she is too scared to read about this on this blog, and avoids programs and topics because she gets scared.. I was surprised she was able to communicate this to me all rather vividly. What was oddest is the fact that she describes the typical "interaction" they have with children as well as their interaction that I have had in "Asking questions" and "talking". I asked her, why is she remembering all this now.... she says she doesn't know why... but from the tidbits I shared with her... she says as I stated before "so it really did happen". Basically her recall is being jogged because I am vocal about it and what information I should and explained... makes things make more sense. After discussing the family history and her looking at things again.... the memories come back as she agrees, there was something unusual going on.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Aunt's Encounter
Date: October 7th, 2013
Type: CE4Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 4:00am-5:45am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30am (Me)/2:30am (Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Lonely, Tired (Me)/Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Apathetic, Worried (Me)/Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Shadow in the Kitchen.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Discussion of family history.
Last night I talked with my aunt for about an hour or so before I put her to bed. We discussed her family history and mentioned "them". I warned her not to believe things if she saw "deceased relatives". I warned her that "they" like using your memories of loved one to manipulate you. I put her to bed around 2:30am.
Checked that everything was locked, left the radio and fan on. I was uneasy so had my weapon with e in bed. From time to time I heard and felt "weird", but I honestly kept telling myself "your just being scared, go away, go away". I felt tired but was fighting it, then I heard the weird high pitched sound and zonked out for a second. I thought I heard my aunt call, but since she did not say anything and it was faint.... and I was scared... I did not check up.
My aunt had her radio on, she was scared but soon fell asleep. Around 4am she felt something lift her out of the chair. She found herself in white hallway, standing. She was trying to regain her balance, and grab on to something since she can't walk. Several small figures "them" were there and told her she could walk and she was okay. My aunt though she was in heaven, but they communicated to her "No, this is a special place. Not Heaven". She said she wanted to see her parents, but they reiterated "This is not that place. They are not here. Come with us we want to show you something.". My aunt protested and said she need crutches or a wheelchair, because she can't want. They told her, "You are already walking. This is a special place. Follow us, we have something to show you.". My aunt said she looked around and everything was very sterile and clean, very white. She walked into a room where there were humans just standing there. They were like mannequins, but were actually human being just standing there...fixated on some unseen point. She passed by several of them. "They" kept motioning to follow them. When they got into another room, the tall "them" were there. She got scarred and said "I wanna go home". They communicated to her "Why? This is a special place. You can walk here.". She said that she needed to go back because it was not her time, that she had a house, and the she had "me" and she loved "me" and I was like her son. They communicated to her "We know. Thing will be alright. We are watching. Do not worry. We have something special to show you. Follow us". They motioned with there fingers.
There she passes out crying and wakes up at 5:45am. She is confused because she was not asleep.....she know it was real. She put the radio louder. Meanwhile in my room I woke up startled at 5:45am and grabbed my weapon because "Them" was sensed. The radio was on as I left it as well as the fan. I heard nothing, but stayed up for about 30 min. My neighbor got up as usual to go to that point I went back to sleep.
Around 5pm today my aunt mentioned what had happened to her as I was helping her. We had a long discussion as she seemed to remember a lot more. Incidentally she was also clear on some memories that resurfaced from her childhood. Ones that she never mentioned, but seem really vivid now.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Odd Night and Physical Abnormalities
Date: October 2nd and 3rd, 2013
Type: CE4Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 11:15pm-11:25pm, 3:30am-4:20am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:30pm (Me)/11:30pm (Aunt)/Awake and Active (Guest)
State of Mind Before: Very Depressed, Forlorn, Lonely, Tired (Me)/Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Apathetic, Worried (Me)/Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Power Fluctuations, Markings on my aunt/me.
Odd occurrences after: Outdoor Streetlamp Illumination increase, Shadow in Garage (After Aunt's Incident).
Possible Influential Factors: Aunt's Sighting.
During the time we had a normal routine, I took my aunt to the eye doctor for a check up, got her medications refilled, and took her out to dinner. However at the optometrist I noticed a series of odd discolorations on my aunt's left backhand. It was the lighting at the office, but outside in sunlight when observed I noticed the same marks again, just harder too see. She had marking I have on the backhand, that I just recently got some 4 weeks ago. It was in the shape of a triangle. She had had these marks for a long long time she said, but never cared as she thought it was a bug bite. I will get more into this and provide a record of my marks since they are fresh and visible, and the possible reason it wasn't mentioned.
We came home and there was nothing unusual, she watched TV and I worked on my projects. Around 10:40pm, I decided to watch my "Community: Season 4 DVD" to attempt to cheer myself up. As watching was watching the DVD I noticed that there were several small fluctuations in power with my lighting. As I did not hear or experience anything unusual, than a momentary sensation of "they are here", I pushed from the back of my head as it was too early and I was trying to cheer myself up. After finishing the episodes around 11:50am, I got up to check in on my aunt.
As I opened up my bedroom door, which I locked she immediately asked "Is that you?", which I replied in my usual sarcastic tone (so she knows it really me). She seemed scared, so I went to her immediately. She explained that she thought I was in the hallway and kitchen as she was going to the bathroom. She says something walked from the living down the hallway and into the kitchen. She says it was my height, but thinner. It made noise as it walked, footsteps, and then in the kitchen it opened and closed the refrigerator door, then opened and closes two cabinets. Although she knew it wasn't me, she hoped it was and tried not to worry. Yet when she heard me come out of me room, unlocking my door....she became scared becuase she realized I was in my room that whole time. During this time I was watching my DVD and noticed power fluctuations with the lights and got a "there here feeling". After calming her down, I got ready to do a quick errand and drop something off. I started doing her laundry at 12:10am. I checked my e-mail and was happy, since a possible friend my have wanted to hang out.
I was already feeling a bit jumpy, but put it in the back of my mind. My friend never responded back, and it was 1:00am. I put the laundry in the dryer and left. When I opened up the gate to the driveway, I noticed that the street lamp illumination increased. I immediately looked around, nothing unusual other than a black and white cat sitting on the corner looking at me. I went back to the garage and got in the car, as I sat down and looked into the mirror, I noticed that something (humanoid shape 5'8", thin arms) quickly hid back into the shadows in the garage when i was backing the car out. It did not reflect any light, as I had the headlight on.... and the lights seemed dimmed. It was just a partial black figure that quickly left. I made my arrend and returned home in 15 min.
I waited for the dryer to finish, checking my e-mail once again hoping that my friend would come. Nothing.
I played some castle Crashers to get my mind off of things and relax for about 45min. I got ready and went to sleep, leaving my computer to run its Virus Check/Close functions. During this time which is around 3:30am the usually high pitch sound started, I rationalized it as the computer Harddrive and Fan noises, even though this wasn't it. I concentrated on the PC noise... and kept my mind racing...interjecting ... "it's not them" and "go away" in my thoughts. Although I was attempting to remain as calm as possible, my body begun to show signs of a panic attack. My heart rate began to accelerate and my core temperature went up, at this point I thought "What the heck", and wanted to get up but was very sleepy cause it was getting hot.
The synaptic static started.... at the base of my back head and an odd tingling. Then I passed out.
However, my cognitive functions were still going... I was experiencing static/white noise.... I was trying to make sense of it, then I heard my door close. Then all of a sudden I was fully awake, it was 4:20am. The computer was off, as it finished its virus check. My heart was not racing, my body temperature was not as hot, and the synaptic static stopped.
I was scarred and just sat there. I thought I heard my aunt make a noise, but I was too bewildered to move. I wasn't sure if I heard her, and have not yet confirmed with her if she made a sound. Since it was slight, and was well too shamefully put it..... feeling scared.. I just sat there and just fell asleep.
Update: As 10/7/13 12:00am, my aunt confirmed that she did make noise that night. She saw something again in the hallway that has been walking around at night from the living room to the kitchen.
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