My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Television: American Horror Story: Asylum
A serial killer known as "Bloodyface". They most likely assume he is the killer for unknown reasons, but it could be because of the disappearance of his ethnic wife.
He is sent to Briarcliff Manor, an institution for the criminally insane. He is to be evaluated, and see if he is fit for trail. While under their medical supervision, he is examined by Dr. Arthur Arden.
The Doctor discovers a cyst on Kits neck, and will performing a biopsy he discover some type of advance robot microchip. There are flashbacks that indicate this is an implant that the aliens put in Kit. During his time there Kit sticks to his statements about the Alien Abduction and what happened to his wife.
While at the Asylum he befriends a fellow inmate, Grace. He develops a sexual relationship with her and they become very close. They plan an escape together, but unfortunately things do not go out as planned. A storm that hits the area conceals the UFO. Many of the asylum inmates seem to know of its presence. During this time Dr. Arden has figured out that some type of alien is involved. The church's administrator, Sister Jude encounters one of the Aliens in the Asylum and black outs.
As the story goes on, Grace if found out to be pregnant. Sister Jude and Dr. Arden believe that an abortion should take place. Yet before this happens, Grace is abducted by Aliens and suffers from a botched abdominal surgery. Dr. Arden tries to save her, but in the end she dies. As he attempts to dispose of the body. The Aliens come back and take Grace away. Dr. Arden figures out that Kit is important, and at a later date he bring Kit to a near death-like state in an attempt to get the aliens to show up. They do come and they bring back a pregnant Grace, and in addition they choose one inmate "Pepper" and modify her to be the Grace's Guardian. While Dr. Arden attempts to experiment on Grace, he is prevented by Pepper who explains her increased intelligence and the aliens plans for Grace. She also makes Dr. Arden aware that the Aliens consider his experiments a bad joke.
Later Kit and Grace manage to escape Braiarcliff and return home to raise their child. Upon arrival they find Kit's wife, Alma, their with child. They live together in a polygamous relationship, raising the children. Grace become obsessed with the abduction, and believes the children are Starseeds. She hopes the alien will comeback. Alma is traumatized and doesn't want anything to do with the aliens. Sadly Grace's obsession brings the anger out of Alma... who believe Grace is a threat and kills her with an ax. All because Alma believes Grace might call them back. Kit ironically end ups committing Alma to Braiarcliff Asylum where she dies a few years later. While there, he encounter a committed sister Jude. He develops a friendship with her and bring her home to care for her. One day she cracks under his care. while attempting to calm her down his children, Thomas and Julia, take her hand and lead her off into the woods. She returns more mentally balanced. For sixth months she is happy but then dies. The only indication of what her death might have been caused by was a nose-bleed.
Around the 1990's Kit suffers from pancreatic cancer. Before he passes away the Aliens come and abduct. He just simply disappears and no one knows what had happened. His children live on to have successful lives, Thomas becomes a Law Professor and Julia ends up being a neurosurgeon.
The aliens themselves appear to a type of grey. They stand anywhere from 6 to 10 feet tall. They are thin with bulbous heads, they have human like eyes, but have a vertical slit which seems to be both a mouth and nasal cavity. They also have six limbs. A pair of smaller arms along the lower torso. They have very long hands and fingers. They have the ability to pop in and out of space, and are accompanied by brights lights and static electricity. Kit by all accounts is a generational abductee, many of his behaviors indicate that he has been abducted many times before. Likewise the characters, Kit and Alma are inspired by Betty and Barney Hill.
The series American Horror Story: Asylum ran for 12 episodes and is a Season 2 original story that debuted October 2013.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Documentary: The Hidden Hand
"The Hidden Hand" is a documentary made in 2013 by James Carman, exploring the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. The film takes a keen look at a spectrum of topics like alien abduction, human/alien hybridization, the military’s reverse-engineering of alien technology and the government cover-up of anything related to extraterrestrials. Is preoccupation with E.T.’s a form of cultural madness, or is something really going on? How would E.T. contact change the religious and political institutions of our society? It contains interviews with experts and experiencers alike: Whitley Strieber, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th astronaut on the moon, Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defence Minister, Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Col. John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Clifford Stone, Nassim Haramein, David Icke, Dr. Roger Leir, Graham Hancock and Paola Harris, among others. The shadowy world of UFOs is suddenly brought to light.
Here is a great interview with the director hosted by Buzzsaw. This is a very candid interview, so please keep an open mind of what is being said.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Christians Versus Aliens "The Unwanted Piece of the UFO Puzzle" Part 2
The article is an interesting read, but mind you some of the data that they have come up with needs to be furthered explored. I see for one that the research needs to be re-examined, and perhaps a broader range of variable must be taken into an account. Below is their research, the following Purple Font are my critiques on it. I am not an authoritative or certified individual on the subject, but if you want a list of credentials... then here:
I have an A.S. Degree in Material Science Engineering, 17 years of religious school training, 30+ years of faith based and philosophy research, collegial-levels courses and hobbies in Psychology, Biology, Ancient History, in addition I am a muti-generational abductee of over 30+ years.
The Research
Hypothesis: Christians are being abducted by Aliens. (What do you mean by "Christian"? Are we refering to he general term as a believer in the New Testament which includes all variation of Protestants? Do you mean individuals as well such as Roman Catholics and Orthodox Catholics?, What about those who accept or have incorporated Emmanuel-Jesus the Christ as a prophet into their belief system? What about the related Judea-Christian faiths such as Judaism and Islam? People of all faiths and beliefs systems are targeted. I myself am a Catholic, as well as my family. I know of other abductees who are also Christian and others who are not)The Data: Compiled through working with over 350 Alien Abduction Experiencers.
(I myself am a Catholic, as well as my family. I know of other abductees who are also Christian and others who are not. Data can be compiled from various sources on the web and communities who have formed about the abduction phenomena. Many such individuals are some form of Christian)
The Findings: Some professing Christians are claiming to have experienced the Alien Abduction experience.
(Everyone and anyone can be a target. As a community, no single factor has been established as to why certain people are chosen. Either from a psychological or biological perspective)
What causes someone to have an abduction experience?This is a question that secular researchers do not have an answer for to this day. But we at CE4 Research Group have found through our research that people can have this experience because of one of three reasons or a combination of these reasons:
1. You asked for it. Some people actually ask to have the experience to know what is like or about. Be careful what you ask for. (This cam be true. Many such individuals put themselves out there and have experiences. They go looking for it or find a means of contact. However to be fair there are also many who want this to happen, but never have a single experience. Based upon that, Reason number 1 is a very general statement. As a note to my personal experience and families history, "We never asked for it").
2. You unknowingly open a door to the realm of this experience. Some people unknowingly opened a door for the experience, by being involved in New Age or Occult activities. When you engage in the unknown things outside of GOD the Creator and His WORD you make yourself vulnerable to these entities. We have found this reason to be the most often found root cause. (This response is biased. Christianity, like another faith based beleif system in a cult unto themselves. The terms "New Age" and "Occult" are slanderous because any religion uses these terms to describe non-believers. Relative modern example if you like at Modern Day China and it dealings with the Christian "Occult". Roman Catholics find Jewish Mystism to be an "Occult" practice. Roman Catholics find some protestant evangelics to practice in an Occult Rituals. Most Protestants view Catholics as individuals who practice the "Occult".
Also what do you mean by GOD? are we talking about "Yaweh" aka "Iahovah" aka "Deus". Are we talking about Old Testament God or his avatar J.C.? His "WORD" is not even the gidheads word, but a collection of interpretations from men and Angels themselves.Plus what about all the other World Religions with their own Pantheons? Thor, Poseidon, Chalchiuhtlicue, Shiva, Sun WuKong are also deities in their own right.
This reason should be dismissed because it is biased , and is a general blanket statement which is akin to reason 1.)
3. You are part of an ongoing cycle or social conditioning. When asked about the experiencer's parents or early family life, we found that the opening had come from one or more of the parents. It IS important how you raise your children. When there is a GODLY covering over the family by the head of the household, the family is protected. But if there is No GODLY covering, the family is open to these types of unnatural experiences.
(Biased reason included in the previous conclusion they covered. Through personal experience I can relate my situation:
My family is Catholic. We have been Catholic for generation and I can recount that my great-great-grandparents are Catholics. The family members have all fulfilled the sacraments and have been good standing members in the faith. Our homes have been blessed by Priests. So yes, we have had the "Godly" covering.
However, the incidents occurred anyway. My grandfather believed they were "Angels". My Grandmother new about them, but it was something you never talked about. My aunt saw them since she was little, and she is not one to experiment with other beliefs or philosophies, and has behaved in a manner that keeps her in good standing in the faith. I myself served as an Altar Boy and wanted to become a Priest. All of this...... we have been abducted, and continue to do so.
I can attest that my Aunt and myself have called out both the Lord's Name and Jesus name with strong conviction. We have prayed. Yet these incidents continue. Of course given the nature of these findings hat have been presented they would probably conclude the following:
1. It is a Test of Faith
2. Because you are GODLY and loved by the LORD, such opposite forces seek to harm you and your family.
3. Your devotion if not great enough, and you have been found unworthy.
4. Because you are not a "real" Christian, you are not protected.)
The conclusion found in the Hypothesis are up for debate. I found them to be biased toward a "Christian" faith.
There was no evidence or data showing other evidence to measure against being "Christian": Such as a person who believes in the Tenants of Islam where Allah gave Solomon Dominion of the Djinn... you can say "In the name of Solomon, whose grace was bestowed upon Allah, you are bound not to harm me and I dismiss you". You can also say if you follow the Tianshi Taoist beliefs "By Decree of the Jade Emperor, do no not interfer with the middle kingdom and stay within your realm". Also explain incidents why the most devout "Christian" is still being abducted.
Christians Versus Aliens "The Unwanted Piece of the UFO Puzzle" Part 1
While coming across some research material I happened to stumble on an interesting article regarding "Alien Abduction and Christianity". They also have a facebook page as well. The article is hosted by
The following piece of information is from their website:
The Unwanted Piece of the UFO Puzzle
The following piece of information is from their website:
The Unwanted Piece of the UFO Puzzle
The Research that even the UFO community doesn’t want you to see.
What you are about to see is probably the best kept
secret in the UFO research community.
The following work is the culmination of 15 years of Alien Abduction and UFO research by a group of researchers called CE4 Research Group. These researchers took on one piece of the UFO puzzle as a research project. They have done honest research into this strange and unusual phenomenon. They first started with a hypothesis, collected the data and then attempted to share their findings. The research group has to date worked with over 350 so called cases of the Alien Abduction Experience.

Joe Jordan is the President and co-founder of CE4 Research Group, an Alien Abduction investigation and research team based out of Cocoa, Florida. Joe has been a Mutual UFO Network Field Investigator since 1992. He has shared his research findings from his Alien Abduction investigations through many radio shows, newspaper and magazine articles, DVD’s, and lectures. His research findings on Alien Abductions have been written about in twelve different authored books over the past decade.
He has spoken during six Roswell UFO Festivals in Roswell, New Mexico, including the 60th Anniversary Conference in 2007. He was also honored to host the Roswell UFO Festival Conference for the city of Roswell in 2008. CE4 Research Group has been the Investigative arm of, a clearing house website covering the Biblical view on the UFO phenomenon. Seeing that there seemed to be a spiritual nature to the Alien Abduction experience, they posed the question, “Are Christians being abducted by Aliens”?
The research showed that some people professing to be Christians were indeed reporting that they had encountered this experience in their lives. The same experience that people of all faiths or no faith had been reporting over the many years of UFO research. Research polls through the years have shown that upwards of 5 million people may have experienced some form of this phenomenon.
This experience has a detrimental effect on people’s lives. It is a terrifying experience to those that report it. Lives have been destroyed. Family relationships have been destroyed. To live with the idea that they cannot control what is happening to them is devastating. They cannot even ask for help from friends, family or the medical profession because of ridicule, which only intensifies their situation.
During the investigations into the experiencers case testimonies, CE4 Research Group found something really remarkable. They found that some of these Christian Alien Abduction experiencers had been able to stop or even terminate the experience from their lives. The most fascinating finding was that this was even possible. And there was a commonality amongst the experiencers in the way that they were able to do this. This is something that the worlds leading researchers in this field of investigation publicly say is not possible. But the findings of CE4 Research Group show otherwise. When questioned off the record, many of these leading world researchers admit they themselves have come across similar cases.
The question arises, why have they not shared these findings also? Could it be because of what the consequences might be if they did share? Might it change their preconceived notions of the Alien Abduction and UFO experience? Is there a hidden agenda that this research might expose? If these are the researchers that we are relying on for the truth, why are they not sharing everything with us? When attempting to put together the Alien Abduction and UFO puzzle, wouldn’t you want all of the pieces of the puzzle brought to the table? Even if the puzzle pieces were to show a different picture than you might have expected? Honest research DEMANDS that all the pieces are to be included for an honest answer.
We have attempted to bring our piece of the puzzle to the table. We have been met with hostile resistance from the research community in this process. If you are honestly seeking answers to this strange phenomenon, please ask yourself, why is this happening? Why can’t you see all of the puzzle pieces?
Through this website, we hope to be able to give you that unwanted piece of the puzzle. Please be open to all of the research findings. You can’t make an honest decision if you don’t look at ALL of the research that’s been done by ALL researchers. We hope that by viewing the research findings we are sharing with you here you will be able to make that honest decision.
The following work is the culmination of 15 years of Alien Abduction and UFO research by a group of researchers called CE4 Research Group. These researchers took on one piece of the UFO puzzle as a research project. They have done honest research into this strange and unusual phenomenon. They first started with a hypothesis, collected the data and then attempted to share their findings. The research group has to date worked with over 350 so called cases of the Alien Abduction Experience.
Joe Jordan is the President and co-founder of CE4 Research Group, an Alien Abduction investigation and research team based out of Cocoa, Florida. Joe has been a Mutual UFO Network Field Investigator since 1992. He has shared his research findings from his Alien Abduction investigations through many radio shows, newspaper and magazine articles, DVD’s, and lectures. His research findings on Alien Abductions have been written about in twelve different authored books over the past decade.
He has spoken during six Roswell UFO Festivals in Roswell, New Mexico, including the 60th Anniversary Conference in 2007. He was also honored to host the Roswell UFO Festival Conference for the city of Roswell in 2008. CE4 Research Group has been the Investigative arm of, a clearing house website covering the Biblical view on the UFO phenomenon. Seeing that there seemed to be a spiritual nature to the Alien Abduction experience, they posed the question, “Are Christians being abducted by Aliens”?
The research showed that some people professing to be Christians were indeed reporting that they had encountered this experience in their lives. The same experience that people of all faiths or no faith had been reporting over the many years of UFO research. Research polls through the years have shown that upwards of 5 million people may have experienced some form of this phenomenon.
This experience has a detrimental effect on people’s lives. It is a terrifying experience to those that report it. Lives have been destroyed. Family relationships have been destroyed. To live with the idea that they cannot control what is happening to them is devastating. They cannot even ask for help from friends, family or the medical profession because of ridicule, which only intensifies their situation.
During the investigations into the experiencers case testimonies, CE4 Research Group found something really remarkable. They found that some of these Christian Alien Abduction experiencers had been able to stop or even terminate the experience from their lives. The most fascinating finding was that this was even possible. And there was a commonality amongst the experiencers in the way that they were able to do this. This is something that the worlds leading researchers in this field of investigation publicly say is not possible. But the findings of CE4 Research Group show otherwise. When questioned off the record, many of these leading world researchers admit they themselves have come across similar cases.
The question arises, why have they not shared these findings also? Could it be because of what the consequences might be if they did share? Might it change their preconceived notions of the Alien Abduction and UFO experience? Is there a hidden agenda that this research might expose? If these are the researchers that we are relying on for the truth, why are they not sharing everything with us? When attempting to put together the Alien Abduction and UFO puzzle, wouldn’t you want all of the pieces of the puzzle brought to the table? Even if the puzzle pieces were to show a different picture than you might have expected? Honest research DEMANDS that all the pieces are to be included for an honest answer.
We have attempted to bring our piece of the puzzle to the table. We have been met with hostile resistance from the research community in this process. If you are honestly seeking answers to this strange phenomenon, please ask yourself, why is this happening? Why can’t you see all of the puzzle pieces?
Through this website, we hope to be able to give you that unwanted piece of the puzzle. Please be open to all of the research findings. You can’t make an honest decision if you don’t look at ALL of the research that’s been done by ALL researchers. We hope that by viewing the research findings we are sharing with you here you will be able to make that honest decision.
The Research
Hypothesis: Christians are being abducted by Aliens.
The Data: Compiled through working with over 350 Alien Abduction Experiencers.
The Findings: Some professing Christians are claiming to have experienced the Alien Abduction experience.
The Data: Compiled through working with over 350 Alien Abduction Experiencers.
The Findings: Some professing Christians are claiming to have experienced the Alien Abduction experience.
The Unexpected Outcome of the Research
Through the research into the case testimonies it was found
that some of the experiencers were able to stop or terminate the
experience. There was a recognized commonality in the method
that was used among the Christian experiencers. The experience
was shown to be able to be stopped or terminated by calling on
the name and authority of JESUS CHRIST. Not as a magic word but
by their allegiance to and personal relationship with Him.
We also found that by sharing this with other experiencers we could help them also stop their experiences.
This is called repeatability.
The UFO community has been looking for that repeatable event that research demands to verify the data. We have documented this in our research. There is no other documented repeatable event recorded in any other UFO research. Not only has it been shown that the experience can be stopped or terminated in the name and authority of JESUS CHRIST, but we are able to help you stop the experience.
We also found that by sharing this with other experiencers we could help them also stop their experiences.
This is called repeatability.
The UFO community has been looking for that repeatable event that research demands to verify the data. We have documented this in our research. There is no other documented repeatable event recorded in any other UFO research. Not only has it been shown that the experience can be stopped or terminated in the name and authority of JESUS CHRIST, but we are able to help you stop the experience.
What causes someone to have an
abduction experience?
This is a question that secular researchers do not have an answer for to this day.
But we at CE4 Research Group have found through our research that people can have this experience because of one of three reasons or a combination of these reasons:
1. You asked for it. Some people actually ask to have the experience to know what is like or about. Be careful what you ask for.
2. You unknowingly open a door to the realm of this experience. Some people unknowingly opened a door for the experience, by being involved in New Age or Occult activities. When you engage in the unknown things outside of GOD the Creator and His WORD you make yourself vulnerable to these entities. We have found this reason to be the most often found root cause.
3. You are part of an ongoing cycle or social conditioning. When asked about the experiencer's parents or early family life, we found that the opening had come from one or more of the parents. It IS important how you raise your children. When there is a GODLY covering over the family by the head of the household, the family is protected. But if there is No GODLY covering, the family is open to these types of unnatural experiences.
This is a question that secular researchers do not have an answer for to this day.
But we at CE4 Research Group have found through our research that people can have this experience because of one of three reasons or a combination of these reasons:
1. You asked for it. Some people actually ask to have the experience to know what is like or about. Be careful what you ask for.
2. You unknowingly open a door to the realm of this experience. Some people unknowingly opened a door for the experience, by being involved in New Age or Occult activities. When you engage in the unknown things outside of GOD the Creator and His WORD you make yourself vulnerable to these entities. We have found this reason to be the most often found root cause.
3. You are part of an ongoing cycle or social conditioning. When asked about the experiencer's parents or early family life, we found that the opening had come from one or more of the parents. It IS important how you raise your children. When there is a GODLY covering over the family by the head of the household, the family is protected. But if there is No GODLY covering, the family is open to these types of unnatural experiences.
The Evidence
The evidence of our findings is in the
testimonies of the experiencers. We have over 100 posted with
permission, written and audio testimonies from the experiencers
themselves. More are coming in as the work continues by the
research group. How many does it take to see that this is a real
event? Read and listen to the evidence yourself. Weigh what you
read with what you have been told by others. You will now have
all of the pieces in your hand. Bring them all to the table. We
are sure that you will see why this is called the “Unwanted
Piece of the UFO Puzzle”. The evidence you read and hear will
surely raise many questions about the Alien Abduction and UFO
experience. Questions you must continue to ask. Answers that you
must demand from the researchers that refuse to allow all the
pieces of the puzzle to be shared, whether they like what the
research shows or not.
"In dealing with the mystery of UFO's, we are not on the lunatic fringe of theology.
Instead, we stand on your behalf in front line of battle.
We are in defensive warfare at a major point of assault on humanity."
- Dr. David Allen Lewis, Author, "UFO: End Time Delusion"
"In dealing with the mystery of UFO's, we are not on the lunatic fringe of theology.
Instead, we stand on your behalf in front line of battle.
We are in defensive warfare at a major point of assault on humanity."
- Dr. David Allen Lewis, Author, "UFO: End Time Delusion"
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Eyes Wide Open and being in Two Places at Once????
Date: July 16th 2014
Type: CE3, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:00am-2:20am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am (Aunt), 1:30am (Myself), Unknown (Transit)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed (Myself)/Calm, Angry (Bum)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed, Sick (Myself)/Calm, Angry (bum)
Odd occurrences before: Incident previous days.
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: Negative/Malign influence from Transit.
As I went to bed of course I was in a bad mood. The jerk is still here, and I am exhausted from my day. Taking care of my aunt most of the night and not resting before work. I finally fell asleep around 1:30pm.
Of course the mental scenario started. I was in my home but it was raining outside. I went about my day getting up, I made breakfast for myself which was a bowl of cereal. After that I went outside to the backyard to sweep. As I was sweeping I realized that this was not real. "Why would I sweep if it was raining?" I asked myself. Immediately the rain stopped. That is when I got scarred because they were observing me from somewhere. I started to make my way back in the house. I noticed that when I looked up to the sky it was like a dimly lit warehouse... "although" this was a mental scenario it was a mock up literally. When I go inside I went to my aunt's room. She was asleep and it was 2:15am. Her eyes opened up as I got close and I went and shake her. I told her to "wake up can call....". That is when they walked in behind me. I stood still without turning back.
This is where it seems very weird. The room began to fade and my vision began to blur and refocus. When that was done I was in my room wide awake with my eyes open. I felt like I was standing one minuet then put back in my sleep position. The odd thing is my eyes where already open. I got up and check on my aunt and she was asleep. The clock confirmed it was 2:20am.
Type: CE3, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:00am-2:20am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am (Aunt), 1:30am (Myself), Unknown (Transit)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed (Myself)/Calm, Angry (Bum)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed, Sick (Myself)/Calm, Angry (bum)
Odd occurrences before: Incident previous days.
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: Negative/Malign influence from Transit.
As I went to bed of course I was in a bad mood. The jerk is still here, and I am exhausted from my day. Taking care of my aunt most of the night and not resting before work. I finally fell asleep around 1:30pm.
Of course the mental scenario started. I was in my home but it was raining outside. I went about my day getting up, I made breakfast for myself which was a bowl of cereal. After that I went outside to the backyard to sweep. As I was sweeping I realized that this was not real. "Why would I sweep if it was raining?" I asked myself. Immediately the rain stopped. That is when I got scarred because they were observing me from somewhere. I started to make my way back in the house. I noticed that when I looked up to the sky it was like a dimly lit warehouse... "although" this was a mental scenario it was a mock up literally. When I go inside I went to my aunt's room. She was asleep and it was 2:15am. Her eyes opened up as I got close and I went and shake her. I told her to "wake up can call....". That is when they walked in behind me. I stood still without turning back.
This is where it seems very weird. The room began to fade and my vision began to blur and refocus. When that was done I was in my room wide awake with my eyes open. I felt like I was standing one minuet then put back in my sleep position. The odd thing is my eyes where already open. I got up and check on my aunt and she was asleep. The clock confirmed it was 2:20am.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
They came in a Group of Three
Date: July 13th 2014
Type: CE3, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00am-4:45am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am (Aunt), 1:30am (Myself/Ex 2), 1:45am (Guest), 1:00am (Transit)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed (Myself)/Depressed (Ex 2)/Tired(Guest)/Calm, Angry (Bum)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed, Sick (Myself)/Depressed (Ex2)/OK(Guest)/Calm, Angry (bum)
Odd occurrences before: Incident previous night with Aunt and I..
Odd occurrences after: Signal interference with TV and Radio in aunt's room.
Possible Influential Factors: Full Moon, Stress, Negative/Malign influence from Transit.
As stated, majority of stresses are my aunt health and the bum of a friend who is staying here temporarily. My aunts health is difficult, but he has switched to an angry calm.... which is most dangerous.
Other than that things have been stressful.
Last night my guest who keeps the peace was here playing his games in the kitchen until 1:45am. He went to the living room to sleep. Myself and my Ex stayed in my room watching a movie until 1:30am. I was tried and wanted to go to sleep. I had put my aunt to bed earlier around 12:00am. I stayed with her and held her hand for a bit until she feel asleep. The bum locked himself in the other room since 7:00pm. Everything was normal until around 3:15am when My Ex woke me up and said my aunt was yelling for me. I ran to see what was a matter. She was panicking and saying her legs were hurting. I adjusted her to make her feel comfortable. As I was doing this she was complaining about her leg and that three of them were here. Between her complaining about her leg she basically stated "A few minutes ago... three of them came in the room... they wanted to take her. There were three of them. White. They were here. I told them to go. Not to hurt you." As I was making sure she was okay and cleaning things up, I reminded her that there is no bargaining with them. We can only resist.
I did my best to calm her and just told her if they come again to yell her head of. As I finished around 3:30 am in here room I noticed a weird sound outside. It was a whining whoosh that sound like something was leaving. A few second after it departed, the crickets began chirping. I didn't realize that it was completely quiet until they started. I went back to bed. At 4:15am my ex woke me up as I was having an incident. I was asleep, my hand was against the wall. I was seeing something latch on to my hand an attempt to pull me. I was struggling with it in my sleep. My hand felt funny, much like my side did from the night before. I did mention anything, but said thank you and went back to sleep. At 4:45am my ex experienced one of the paralysis episodes himself... and started "mawing". I quickly woke him up. He said that he couldn't move and got scarred since he was awake. After that he went back to sleep. I sat up for about 30 min in the dark watching and waiting until I passed out.
I asked my guest if he was up and about around 3:00am. He told me he went to sleep and was snoring. The bum, I am not asking anything. I do not trust him and anything he says is dubious at best.
Type: CE3, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00am-4:45am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am (Aunt), 1:30am (Myself/Ex 2), 1:45am (Guest), 1:00am (Transit)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed (Myself)/Depressed (Ex 2)/Tired(Guest)/Calm, Angry (Bum)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed, Sick (Myself)/Depressed (Ex2)/OK(Guest)/Calm, Angry (bum)
Odd occurrences before: Incident previous night with Aunt and I..
Odd occurrences after: Signal interference with TV and Radio in aunt's room.
Possible Influential Factors: Full Moon, Stress, Negative/Malign influence from Transit.
As stated, majority of stresses are my aunt health and the bum of a friend who is staying here temporarily. My aunts health is difficult, but he has switched to an angry calm.... which is most dangerous.
Other than that things have been stressful.
Last night my guest who keeps the peace was here playing his games in the kitchen until 1:45am. He went to the living room to sleep. Myself and my Ex stayed in my room watching a movie until 1:30am. I was tried and wanted to go to sleep. I had put my aunt to bed earlier around 12:00am. I stayed with her and held her hand for a bit until she feel asleep. The bum locked himself in the other room since 7:00pm. Everything was normal until around 3:15am when My Ex woke me up and said my aunt was yelling for me. I ran to see what was a matter. She was panicking and saying her legs were hurting. I adjusted her to make her feel comfortable. As I was doing this she was complaining about her leg and that three of them were here. Between her complaining about her leg she basically stated "A few minutes ago... three of them came in the room... they wanted to take her. There were three of them. White. They were here. I told them to go. Not to hurt you." As I was making sure she was okay and cleaning things up, I reminded her that there is no bargaining with them. We can only resist.
I did my best to calm her and just told her if they come again to yell her head of. As I finished around 3:30 am in here room I noticed a weird sound outside. It was a whining whoosh that sound like something was leaving. A few second after it departed, the crickets began chirping. I didn't realize that it was completely quiet until they started. I went back to bed. At 4:15am my ex woke me up as I was having an incident. I was asleep, my hand was against the wall. I was seeing something latch on to my hand an attempt to pull me. I was struggling with it in my sleep. My hand felt funny, much like my side did from the night before. I did mention anything, but said thank you and went back to sleep. At 4:45am my ex experienced one of the paralysis episodes himself... and started "mawing". I quickly woke him up. He said that he couldn't move and got scarred since he was awake. After that he went back to sleep. I sat up for about 30 min in the dark watching and waiting until I passed out.
I asked my guest if he was up and about around 3:00am. He told me he went to sleep and was snoring. The bum, I am not asking anything. I do not trust him and anything he says is dubious at best.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Stressed Out and Sick
Date: July 11th 2014
Type: CE3, CE4 Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:30am-4:15am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:30pm (Aunt/Transit/Guest), 2:30am (Myself)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed (Myself)/Tired(Guest)/Annoyed (bum)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sick (Aunt)/Depressed, Tired, Stressed, Sick (Myself)/Tired(Guest)/Unknown (bum)
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Full Moon, Stress, Negative/Malign influence from Transit.
I have been under alot of stress lately due to the bum "vet". He has been disruptive and abusive, an alcoholic and a drug addict. My supposed "friend" of some 15+ years turns out to be another individual who is a malignant person in my life. Since his arrival here things have been somewhat calm. He has seen them, but because of his mental state and vices . . . . all claims are dubious at best.
Early this morning I had a very odd dream/scenario. It was a sequel to a previous dream. That one, my aunt had told me "they" were showing up. She told me next time they come to please try and hurry so I could believe her. In the dream I told her "Why would you say that? we already know it's true". I believe this "dream" is a scenario they were running previous months ago.
The new dream had me in my room reading, I heard her scream and I ran to the kitchen. She was sitting in the chair and yelling "It is here". I looked around and saw nothing, but then she said it was behind me and I talked it. It was like a pillar of cloth with something inside it. She started panicking as I began to get tangled.
As it touched me I felt slowed. The being inside tried to touch my side in which I felt a low pain, but I said "I banish you with all the forces of good at my side". Incidentally as I said that, my friend here work me up. He said I was mumbling.
At first I thanked him (another friend), and tried to calm down and rationalize what had happened. I was gonna chalk it up to just a bizarre dream, but I looked at the time and it was 4:15am. For some reason I got up and ran to my aunt's room. Sure enough she was panicking. She said something came into her room about 15 minutes ago, it was tall and white.... she thought perhaps it was her mother's spirit. However, she kept saying "they" and "my mother", "they want me to come", "it wasn't my mother", "what's going on" etc.
I calmed her down and it seems she thought it was my grandmother spirit, but knew it wasn't. Although it attempted to appear as something familiar she was seeing it what it was really was.
The thing that confirms it was "them" is that we both had an incident at the same time. Apparently they ran a scenario on me while observing her, and most likely she was in the scenario as well.
All this stress and now this. This is a really bad year for me in the social department.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Brown Mountain, North Carolina
Brown Mountain is located in North Carolina, along the Appalachian Mountain Range in Burke County. The area is known for a phenomena known as the Brown Mountain Lights. These lights have been seen for hundreds of years. Earliest legends seem to tell of the lights as ghosts or spirits from past Indian Battles, but modern tales speak of extraterrestrials and UFO activities.
The area has been a hotspot for researchers, and it is believed to be an area akin to the Bermuda Triangle.
The area has some many differing phenomena, it is believed to be a place where dimensional barriers are thin. Thus allowing ghosts, non-human beings, non-native phenomena to manifest in our world. Likewise there has been some scientific research attempting to explain the phenomena as swamp gas or some as some other type of geothermic activity.
For a full history of the area and the phenomena around it, The Burke County Tourism Development Authority has published the following guide.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Movies: Alien Abduction (U.S. Brown Mountain)
"Alien Abduction" is by IFC Midnight Films, and debuted on 4/4/14. It is a horror documentary style movie that sets it story in the Brown Mountains, North Carolina. Apparently this area of the Appalachian Range has been known to have high UFO activity, as many have witnessed strange lights in the sky. The story is "supposedly" taken from the page of Project Bluebook where evidence of a mass abduction occurred during a family's camping vacation. The video recorder was recovered by the USAF.
The story centers around Riley, an autistic child of a family of five. He is the youngest, with an older teenage brother and sister. There first night thing are normal, except around 1am, bright lights are seen in the distance.
The next day as they continue traveling, they decided to take an off beaten path. The road there is paved, practically brand new.... yet it seems it part of the outskirts of some rural mountain area. However as they driver further they began to see abandoned cars, until they come to a tunnel... were many abandoned vehicles are located. Among the cars are a paramedic truck and police car. The vehicles seem to indicate that many where local resident of the nearby town. As the father and son explore the tunnel, they see a being at the end. Immediately the Aliens attack, capturing the father...while the rest of the family gets away.
Here it follows the usually movie script.... drive away in car.... car runs out of gas... run on foot... find a cabin.... find a lone woodsman... dog goes missing when creature approaches... woodsman convince of threat... stay the night... they come again... take the oldest son.... woodsman save the day.... they come again..... everyone gets captured one by one until the autistic kid Riley is left..... and USAF finds camera.
So lets examine the other things.... one thing I applaud them for is that the movie and creatures roam around during the day and night. They have the ability to induce paralysis through eye contact. and or the beam of light. They can pop in and out using a teleport jump or the ability to move really fast.
When the ships are around they are at least as big as a barn.....there is the sound of a fan, which sounds like combine in the movie. When the creatures are close, there is an electromagnetic interference which is noticeable on camera. The aliens themselves appear to be muscular-lithe tall almond greys with segmented features which make them seem insect like. They seem to be highly aggressive.
The movie is creepy, but is definitely a horror flick. The fact that some 27 individuals along with their vehicles vanished is odd. At least two of the abducted are from the local Sheriff Station, two had to be from the paramedics, 2 are the woodsman and his brother, and the family make 5. From the other cars.... the youngest taken was an infant, and at least 10 vehicles..... so the mass abduction is really odd since it was all piled up in one area... like a trap.
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