Sunday, September 30, 2018

Threats and Wolfbrother and friends

Date: September 30th, 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep:
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Depressed  (Me)/Scared, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Hopeful (Me)/Very Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Power Fluctuations, Doors opening, Insomnia, Previous CE4, Contact via Telepathy
Odd occurrences after: None

I went to go watch a movie with a friend to get my mind of of things. My stomach was upset and I needed to be in a cool place. I was also uneasy for other things. My aunt and I had a conversation this morning.
My aunt was beginning to put two and two together about GMO, namely us and others at the meeting.
"They" have been really bothered about her going to CERO, and the fact she is reading some particular books.... one that the Solar Griffin reads. "They" are also upset that I told her what I know.
Previous night there was powerfluctions around 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00am. Around 2:00am went I went to through the trash out the front door, the front door opened. The screen door was locked, but the wooden door clicked and then slightly to swing open. I couldn't sleep as I was bothered. Every once awhile I was told to "Sleep" and the pitch in the ear was there. They were trying to promise me something if I cooperate.
I said "No. I am alone. Stop lying about that". 

I left home around 3:30pm, she was watching the rest of the Dodger Game. She sort of dozed off as the game was over to be awakened by a being and noise through out the house. There was a weird noise in the background.  

Being: "It is about time you are awake"
Aunt: "What is going on? Where am I?"
Being: "Wake up now. We need to talk"
Aunt: "Who shut off the TV?"
Being: "That was us. We need to talk"
Aunt: "Leave me alone. Don't touch my nephew"
Being: "You say that every time, stop that. You realize there is nothing you can do"
Aunt: "Leave me alone. God Help me"
Being: "Stop that and listen. You are interfering with things. You are not to go back to the meeting. You are not to interfere with Wooden Rabbit's friends".
Aunt: "What are you talking about? I don't understand"
Being: "The meeting you went to on Sunday. MUFON Lady and the Crystal Horse where you had dinner. You are not to associate with them."
Aunt: "Why?"
Being: "We are telling you not to interfere. We have plans for Wooden Rabbit. You are impeding them. Do you understand? You will not be here any longer soon, but we cannot have you interfering. You do no't belong to us there."
Aunt: "How do you know there names? How do you know where I was?"

At this point my aunt here's individuals going through out the house. Being are entering my room as the sound of the door and light switch are heard. Our canine friend is whimpering.

Being: "We are watching you. We watch you and your nephew. You are interesting to us. We cannot always get through to you. Your nephew is very interesting to use and we can't have you jeopardize him."
Aunt: "Leave him alone. Don't hurt us?"
Being: "We are not going to hurt you. You will soon see. You both are different. We watch you very closely. However you two make it difficult. There is something wrong in this house. Makes it difficult".
Aunt: "Please just go. I don't understand. I will do as you ask. Just don't hurt me and leave us alone".
Being: "You better do as we say or you will see. These are just warnings. We are always watching.
If you do not comply you will see."
Aunt: "I am not doing anything."
Being: "We heard what you said this morning. We know what he said. He shouldn't have figured it out. You know now but don't understand. He is difficult, how does he know? We watch. How does he know? You do not know do you?" 
Aunt: "Why are you in his room. What do you want from us"
Being: "We are trying to understand him. we want to see what he is writing. He is so very different.
His room his not like the others. He is different. Difficult. Why?"
Aunt: "I..."
Being: "Of Ryan? We know what he asked. He is broken and is no use to us in that state. He will revert soon to the way he was. For now we don't care, just a broken and such a waste. They were useful, he will not listen."
Aunt: "How do you know"
Being: "Listen. We are watching you. I do not like repeating myself."

There is laughter in my room. The TV turns on in her room.

Aunt: "Why are you doing that"
Being: "So no one suspects. You are just watching TV after all nothing else"

Dog whimpers again as the exit my room.

Being: "Remember what we said. He is ours, especially now since the other is broken. Do not go to the meeting or associate with Crystal Horse or MUFON Lady. Things can get worse".

The being walks back through to the bathroom and disappears.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Proof of CE4 with aunt

Date: September 26th, 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 12:00am to 12:30am
Attempted Time of Sleep:
11:00pm (Me)/11:45pm (Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Extremely Depressed  (Me)/Scared (Aunt)

State of Mind After: Extremely Depressed (Me)/Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia
Odd occurrences after: High Pitched Sounds

My friend and I came back from dinner around 10:00pm and my aunt was watching TV.
we used the restroom, checked our e-mails and both of us went to sleep around 11:00pm.
I checked her when I came home and she seemed fine.

My sleep patterns for the last month have been disruptive to the point were I am not sleeping at night. When I do attempt sleep it is only for one to two hours at a time. I sleep, wake up an hour or so later after a vivid dream, fall asleep and wake up again after a vivid dream, etc.
I am not sleeping well. My stress levels are through the roof as well a my depression. Within the last week my wolfbrother again, ended our association. I came to the realization, like with my mother, I can not do anything to improve the situation other than institute my removal. I am not doing at all well.

As for the incident, my aunt recalls that she heard my guest and I retire for the evening. A few minutes after 11:00pm she dozed off due to boredom. She recalls having a bothersome dream, but can't remember any details other than her legs hurting and saying "stop" several times. She finally awoke when someone slapped her face. She saw a being around 5"11 made up of smoke.
She immediately grabbed her cross and said "God, Mom, Dad. Please help me".
The entity responded, "That won't do you any good".
She then said, "Don't touch me. Leave me alone".
The entity reesponded "No. We are not done with you yet".
She grabbed her cross and said "God, Mom, Dad. Please help me. Get it away".
The entity responded, "I told you that won't do any good. You know why I am here".
She then said, "Is it because of my nephew?".
The entity responded, "No it is because of you. You went somewhere a few days ago".
She then said, "What are you talking about?".
The entity responded, "We are always watching you. You know, where they were talking about stuff you didn't understand".
She then said, "I knew what they were talking about, the black and white man and stuff."
The entity responded, "No you don't, your nephew had to explain things to you. You will see soon enough though."
She said "God please get him to go away. Don't touch me. Stop".
The entity pointed at her stomach and asked, "You are having issue there, are you not?"
She said "Leave me alone. Michael! Michael!"
The entity said, "That won't do any good. He can't hear you."
She said "What do you want with me?"
The entity said, "You are different and we are watching you. You will see soon enough"
She asked "Are you going to take me?"
The entity back away and exited through the bathroom.

My aunt was awake at 1:00am, and from what she things the conversation with the being happened around 12:30am. As for myself I was drifting in and out of sleep with the typrical dreams...I am looking for something and interacting with former friends from years ago, I am looking for my companion, as there is a deep sense of loss. The other set of dreams is I am a priest and I am at a council meeting, which is a consistent and ongoing one.

I awoke around 2:00am per my schedule to put her to bed officially. When I got in the room she was awake. She was visibly scared and seemed as if she was crying. I immediately noticed the blood on her leg. I turned on the light and began to quickly access the situation. She muttered "They came".
I began to document and the clean the wound. I knew from experience that this was not something she did, and as I wiped the blood away...I saw the patterns. She was telling my what had happened and her interaction with the being. I can attest that the wound and blood was not self inflected as my aunt can't bend down and reach her legs. Further there was no blood on her hands or fingernails.
The blood was smeared....which was really odd an made no sense.

Cleaned (After)
Initial (Before)