The books never really deal with them, but kind of mention them off too the side in a few products here and there. The first Mage product to mention them dealt with the society of Thal'hun. This small sect of sorcerer's believe in the music of the spheres, and that aliens guide us. They are mentioned again briefly with the Void Engineers and the Sons of Ether, mostly warning about the threats from beyond.. They are also mentioned as the Anunnaki, in a supplement called Dead Magic, which discusses Ancient Mesopotamia and makes references to these elder beings. Ironically this is historically accurate to a a point as the Anunnaki did engineer humanity with potential to do great things.
"Transmissions from the Rogue Council" and in the "Infinite Tapestry", we find more hints that these beings are known as psychopomps. They where last active in the 15th Century and for some reason banished. However they have journeyed here and there, abducting individuals in secret since then. They have been called the Vrill and Ka Luon at various times, but are uniformly called the "greys" by most sleepers.
However in in the WOD the space aliens are inter-dimensional beings, ones who have been pulling the strings of mage and the spheres all along..
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