Saturday, April 30, 2011

Memory..... why do I remember......

Someone asked me any important question..... "How do you remember what happens to you?".
"Is it a dream-like or something clear?". In all honesty I just remember....

I am not a neuro-biologist, nor do I hold a degree in medicine.... but what I can tell you comes from what I have read and seen about how our brain works. Those that have studied biology and psychology know that our memories and the brain in a complex things.... our brain process our memories by the data it receives through our senses.... sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, etc..... these response are encoded into our brain via cell and neuro patterns that form in our brain. The memory is made up of bytes of data from each region and are reformed to give a complete memory. Repetition of an event help encoding the structure, so our brains can easily retrieve the information.... ergo the old adage "Practice makes perfect".

However, although we get the basics of who memory works we still don't know enough of it.
Plus we know there is both short term and long term memory....not to mention... forgetting... and that the brain is a biological mechanism that is making this happen which is prone to age, disease, and damage.... so where is our memory and core being stored really? Science has yet to include the "spirit" or a mechanism that is a replicate of what philosophy calls the soul and its part in memory.

However... getting back to the topic... why and how do I remember the events that happen to me? As I cued in earlier.... repetition. Since i have been constantly abducted in the same manner for years, the pattern of sensations are hard coded...despite all the mind wiping they have done. My body is aware of every time they come because the familiar sensations are repeated... that gives me the cue to remember.... when they leave the same things.... these sensations of there withdrawal are repeated. The reason why we remember some things are because the tests they do are repetitive.... sometimes they also make us remember because the event is traumatic..... other times why we don't remember is simply because are mind encodes the event as something else a dream or screened out because it was such a negative experience we shouldn't remember it. You can suppress things, but.... there is always evidence.... evidence of absence.... evidence of oddity... it like with black holes.... you can't see them... but you can see their passing.

At least from my research into the topic of memory... it re-affirms something that I have stated... be aware of everything that is happening... not just from sound and sight... but the other sensations.... all things things can help you remember things by keying in familiar patterns to help bring about the memory.

I been living with this for all of my life... I know how scary things can get... and yes... it is life threatening... it can mess up your life... but we as individual can over come any challenge at us... life has a way of always surviving and evolving. The whole fact that these experiences are happening to us are showing us one thing... that there is knowledge beyond what we know... that the rules of space and time and universals law are that we know are just the tip of the iceberg... that there are possibilities and probabilities out there.
There is hope.

1 comment:

  1. hey, I live in the valley, been have similar experiences, more so recently; I miss my 10 hours of sleep a night, now its like a rare luxury... and I sure as hell don't like the intense fear
