Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shadowy Abductors

Date: 1980-1990
Type: Visitation, Abduction
Location: East Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Unknown
Odd occurrences after: Unknown.
Possible Influential Factors: Religious

During my early years my mother let me know that one of my classmates, a female, had experienced some spiritual trouble. During the time that my mother lived in East Los Angeles, we had some issue with the apartment. Not only were there a haunting, but it got to the point that a priest had to be called in. This is entirely separate from the the abductions that occurred there. During my mothers time of seeking for help, she happened to mention it to one of my classmates parents. They were a deeply religious and devoted family.

According to that family, they had some sort of "demonic entities" that were plaguing their daughter at night.
They had sought help from the church, and a priest went and blessed there home. However the incidents still occurred. According to the parents, late at night these shadowy figures would enter there home. They would walk in and show up in their daughters room. Sometimes their daughter would scream and they would come, other times their daughter was unable to move...paralyzed by fright. There was an incident in which the parents claimed that one night there daughter was trying to be taken. These beings had came into her room and began carrying her out the door. The parents screamed and yelled but could not do anything.

At this time it was thought to be "evil spirits" or "demonic entity". At this age I was interested in the church and felt that these could possibly be demons. I remember talking to my classmate about this around 1987 when we were telling ghost stories. She was surprised that I knew, and told her why I knew becuase we had similar problems. No she was a highly intelligent student and like me one of the people who were in the top of the class. She did re-affirm the story I was told. The details she added were that it began with one or two of these dark being showing up in her room. She would remember them as small being with a large tri-angular shaped head.The incident in which they attempted to carry her out, she remembers blue light and it being very cold. She was told that these were demons, and that since she was a good and faithful person....they were attempting to attack her and the family.

Now looking back this is eerie similar to what my aunt is experiencing in some cases. What she describes may not have been demonic or evil spirits. At the time though and sine her family was very religious...this possible case could have been a CE4. Especially considering the fact that what I remember seeing was similar to her a well.

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