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Radio Spectrum |
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Infrared Spectrum |
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UV Spectrum |
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Visible Light Spectrum |
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X-Ray Spectrum |
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Gamma Ray Spectrum |
I touched on the subject of of our universe before and that we actually are aware of only a little portion of reality. As human we can see, taste, hear, smell and feel reality around us, but it is only an aspect of the universe we understand. Above are picture of the Milkyway galaxy viewed through the various spectrums, which can be viewed in greater detail here courtesy of CALTECH. A better article by NASA explains all this in greater detail. Not only are we discussing our perception of the universe but space as well (macrouniverses and microuniverses)
The chart up above is good representation for the common individual about what we are going to talk about. The above chart goes into detail of the known spectrums in regard to penetration of earth's atmosphere, wavelength type, its approximate scale, frequency and temperature at which they transmit. So what does this have to do with Alien Abduction? what is presented below is just my thoughts.
The blue light associated with abductions often fall between Visible, Ultraviolet and X-ray frequencies. Raditions burns emitted during the abductions are usually from this section of the spectrum as well (though infrared burns are known to occur too. This gives us an idea on where they might be operating from, as well as to possible theories on how they perform some of their science of phasing. I strongly think that reasoning points to the possibility of them operating in a different spectrum, not visible to us.
Their is a saying that "Life is and Illusion". We know that our perceived visual universe is based off reflection of light and shadow. The reason why we see things is because they are reflecting light. We know things are visible because we see the reflection and thus can interact with them. If we can't see them we don't interact with them to an extent. Likewise what is operating in another spectrum might not be aware of us either. Which leads a question, if something does not reflect light does it exists? What about holograms and light constructs we are experimenting with, we know that photonic sciences are making a headway. Fiber optics visual virtual reality are examples of this. What is truly real? It seems only in the dark do we know the truth?
This is not a matter of color blindness, but properties of the spectrum since they would be operating at a different frequency other than our own. The Ultraviolet and X-ray spectrum operates in the microuniverse, which is the spaces between our reality. What appears to us as a solid object in the visible light spectrum, appears porous in ultraviolet and x-ray as we see the space in between in layers on the molecular and atomic levels. This would lead to conclude that phasing is a matter of manipulating this end of the spectrum. You would be able to pass through things.
Also what about how people are taken away? The idea of teleportation or movement of a person is thought to occur because of a field. Even in popular sci-fiction we come to learn that is is "easier to move the universe, instead of an object". Warp Fields, Energy Fields, Gravitational Fields, Wormholes, are all examples of alter an area around an object to "move it through space". What if the blue light is an just a visible affect the environment changing around us in order to move/phase the individual? We haven't altered the individuals, but have altered the environment to selective phase/move things through? Plus each of us emits a unique energy signature, which is called an aura by psychics. You can see you own body energy. Supposedly this can be scene using thermal imaging or view subjects through other spectrums.
We have discussed before about the energy output as well. In the past twenty years we know that energy output is a matter of time, look at cellphones and computers... we have learned to efficiently store energy in smaller object and have devices on microcomputers....something that we were once told was sci-fiction. We also now cold fusion can theoretically be a energy source, and if constructed can be capable of creating a powerful output from a small device.
Which this kinda goes back to some old weird science about the tinfoil hats..... that perhaps blocking them is involves metal of some kind? Even when we look at myth about the faeries, they mention cold iron... which I can attest to some extent works and interferes with their tactics. Some old wives tales and superstitions might hold real truths. Is that why we live more in a plastic and glass world, than one of metal, stone and wood?
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