Type: CE3
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:00am-6:05am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:30am (Me)/1:00am (Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Worried (Me)/Sad (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Worried (Me)/Sad (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Previous weird dreams..
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Summer Solstice, UFO Message Board Activity.
As many already know the past few weeks I been having odd dreams. They been rather invasive, making me remember things, question my reasoning, and forcing to relive certain scenarios. The familiar people in the dream do not act as their real life counterparts, but as the role they are assigned as. Which usually gives away the dream as being "fake". This particular incident was over a week ago, 6/19/2013 and I posted it at the Alien-UFO.com forums in hopes that maybe someone had a similar dream or saw these individuals.
The Dream was as follows:
In this dream we were driving up into the mountains. We stopped to look at a specialty store and museum in honoring the games of "Final Fantasy". I remember looking for music, hoping there were some soundtracks I could find and enjoy. While I was looking around I realized that there is no museum and why would this place be in California? Japan maybe, but not here. That is when I started walking off. My family asked where I was going but I ignored them. I realized it was on of those messed up dreams and took off in the car to get away. A few mile of just driving away I stopped. On the side of the road was a group of five individuals standing there and they beckoned me out.
I was apprehensive as usual and asked what did they want. Oddly enough they said without speaking "We apologize for this deception, but I hope you find this more appropriate of in our form. We are not the ones your are familiar with and their is little time. This is for you. We are sending you back now. It is up to you to defend what you have before their coming". They were also talking to two other guys beside me whom I didn't notice. Apparently we are supposed to work together, but I don't know who they are. Except one guy was military as he glance at me and nodded.
The beings to me looked like squat Buddha belly little bald monks with metallic bronze skin. Their garments were likewise metallic in copper, brass, and gold. They had long arms and compared to their legs. It was wearing some type of open robe with a cape. it also had a scarf like garment draped in the front with odd symbols, only symbol recognizable was two swastikas on either side. The pic below illustrates what they looked like, and I color splotched it to give and idea of the coloration. :
This is from a movie, but like these bronze Shaolin monks but think smaller with Buddha bellies and metallic clothing colors.
Gold Leopard head from King Tut Exhibit.....That was the like coloration of the faces, and the black around the eyes but more square and the nose with dark too.
A few individuals responded, but no one seemed to have any knowledge on these types of beings. The majority of responses were "Dream Interpretations".... which this is not a typical one that has dream interpretations. As to my internet search, I can only find one reference to such creatures, but that is Egyptian lore of the gods whose "flesh is gold and bones made of silver".
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