Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Other Abductees: Candy Crush "H"

The "chosen one" has a roommate and friend known as "H". This individual has lived abroad, living in the U.S.A. (California/Colorado), Spain, and Mexico. Ironically as a boy he lived near my neighborhood and attended the same church I did. It wasn't until I was candid about my experiences, that he opened up about some weird events in his life.

In Mexico, his grandmother own a ranch, I believe somewhere near the coastal city of Acapulco.
They have often sited UFO during the day, white orbs flying in the sky. Apparently his mother likewise has had an experience too in these sightings.

As a young by he would often recall that he had an issue wandering off. Many times he would simply "get lost". It could be close from home or at a busy market. For some reason, he would just wander off... as if being called to go somewhere. He would in up in places like parks, forests, other "peoples" homes. The odd thing is that every time he wandered off "someone" would find him. They were always "nice" people who happened to have his favorite candy "Cotton Candy and Candy Apples". This was a consistent theme in almost everyone of his childhood disappearances....
the people who found him always had these candies.

The disappearance took a serious turn of events when he went missing for three days. His mother and father were frantic, police were looking for him, it was televised on the local news, and neighborhood searches were done. Three days later.... he appeared back in his room. The only thing he recalls that he was in his room and then he was not, then he was back and everyone was worried about what had happened.

I asked him about the people, that kept finding him. They usually seemed to be in a pair, they were always very nice to him, gave him candy, and would talk to him about all sorts of subjects.
After a while he felt uneasy and they always bought him back home. They never took him to  his parents, they would "drop him off". He can't remember any detail like hair, eyes, races, clothes, it very generic... they were just people. The red flag to me was the offering of candy... how many people have Cotton Candy and Candy Apples on hand every time?

Seemingly the last of these wandering happened as a young adult, when two gentleman picked him up. They took him to their "apartment for a few days. He just hung out. Didn't really talk, just was feed, and just was there. Then they dropped him off. Ironically the one thing he does remember is that they offered him his favorite candy.

Recently within the past year things have become more active at his home. There have been weird knock on the door and footsteps along his stairwell. He sees things every once in awhile staring at him in the dark and then leaving. They come in groups of three. As mentioned in this post from December, he had an experience during the same night and time I did.

"H" is a 31 year old male, tan Mexican ethnic background. Like myself he plays for the other team.
He has high artistic talents. Currently he is suffering from insomnia, paranoia, and depression due to the "visitations".

1 comment:

  1. He still getting abducted ? let me know.

    Take Care.

