Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #006

Date: 9/7/2015
Type: Occult/CE4
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 9:00am (Estimate)
Attempted Time of Sleep: 6:00am
State of Mind Before: Thoughtful, Tired (Individual)
State of Mind After: Doubtful (Individual)
Odd occurrences before: Friend's Birthday Party.
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: Inebriation, Site Visit.

Earth Dragon and Wood Rabbit attended a 21st Birthday celebration together, Earth Dragon partook of the festivities while Wood Rabbit was support. It was a fun event, although there was some heaviness due to the nature of beverages. In the end both went home together and then to the site so Earth Dragon could walk it off. They ended the night with a good meal and parted ways in the morning.

As Earth Dragon tried to go to bed, he was going in and out of sleep. As usual the spider showed up. However this time he was plucking it and it would turn into a small metal component piece. The designs of the pieces were oddly shaped and foreign. He placed these to his side.

There are brief episodes of missing time where things get fuzzy. He recalls a monitor appearing out of the wall and then position itself so he could see the screen while lying in bed. He did not want to see the figure speaking to him and positioned his hands in front. He could not remember what was being said.


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