Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Movies: Area 51

This movie was released 2015 and is a "Found Footage" drama about a group of friends who dared enter Area 51 near Las Vegas, Nevada. The reason for this journey is that Reid some three months earlier at a party mysteriously disappears. This happens during the party when the lights go out at a party and Reid disappears. He is sighted by his friend in the backyard in the trees with "someone" and they assume he is hooking up. Hours go by and no Reid, so his friends decided to leave him. On the way back, they find him in the middle of the road and not really aware of what happened. We find out over the next three months Reid is convinced that he was abducted, he has been researching UFOs and aliens. He has convinced his friends
Darrin and Ben with the idea of infiltrating Area 51 in Nevada.

According to Reid, a daughter of a former worker at Area 51 has evidence and a trove of data about the place. Jelena also tells them that her father was killed and wants answers. While in Las Vegas they check the perimeter of Area 51 and go over there plan one more time. They are spotted by covert ops as anyone who gets nearby is monitored. They also manage to find "JANAT" which is the airline service that flies employee to Area 51 and other secret bases (These airlines do exist and operate as undisclosed planes). They manage to follow an employee home and get his fingerprints and ID. Jelena later that night insists to come along and has some additional equipment.

Eventually the trio infiltrates the base with no problem. They manage to gain access to the basic levels, but are looking for the base that is 1 mile below the surface. Eventually they begin to encounter some strange science experiments such as a floating rock, reactive goo, and a alien craft.Reid seems to cause these items to re-act oddly. As they go deeper and deeper they eventually get to a secured and gated section of the facility and get separated. Reid and Jelena manage to evade the Area 51 guards, but end up entering the secret "Base". This area is old tunnel where clothing, toys, and an operating table are. Additionally they find a whole colony of being laying there in the darkness. They are spotted by the grey and area chased throughout the base and eventually find their way into one of their ships and are taken. Meanwhile their friend avoids the human guards, but is being hunted by a grey. He manages to escape and find his other friend waiting for them as planned. Llike Reid and Jelena, Darrin and Ben are also abducted. The only evidence left was the camcorders left in the car and in the middle of the desert.

The film is a work of fiction, but the special effects are quite realistic as well as the filming location. It takes into account the rumors of Area 51 and that the base is a cover up and layover for alien beings. The movie doesn't get good until the last 30 mins when they are being chased and trying to escape with their lives.

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