Monday, October 5, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #011

Date: 10/1/2015-10/4/2015
Type: CE1, CE5
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 9:00am "10-2" (Earth Dragon)/ 3:40am "10-4" (Wood Rabbit)
Attempted Time of Sleep: 7:00am "10-2"/11:00pm "10-3"
State of Mind Before: Content (Earth Dragon)/Happy, Worried (Wood Rabbit)
State of Mind After: Content (Earth Dragon)/Happy, Worried (Wood Rabbit)
Odd occurrences before: CE5 event on 10-3
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: CE5 Event

Earth Dragon randomly decided to spend the past few days with Wood Rabbit. During the first night they stayed up and watched movies and talked. When they slept during the day a few odd things began to occur. The first thing was dreaming for Earth Dragon.

His dream happened to be him walking through Wood Rabbit's home, their he encountered Wood Rabbit's aunt who was walking. It then quickly morphed into the image of his mother on how she was. He was very sad one he awoke as it was not a pleasant memory. Ironically during this time his mother texted. He also got some odd messages about "sample extraction". 

On 10/3/2015, during the CERO CE5 picnic, he spotted several UFOs during the day that brought back a flashback.

On 10/4/2015, around 3:40am he awoke because something banged on the wall and "they" were calling him. It was not a direct communication, but they were attrcating his attention.

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