Pathfinder is the successor to the 3E of Dungeons and Dragons and the D20 System which allowed for compatibility with every gaming system. It was the Golden Age of Roleplaying where you can be any race, any class, and setting.... Pathfinder continued with this notion.
The default setting for Pathfinder in on the world Golarion, which is reminiscent of a fantasy earth in some ways and has some familiar ethnic cultures. Like some other campaigns world (Mystara), high technology has been introduced at sometime in the past with a crashed ship. This bought in a race of androids, along with some other foreign life forms. For centuries the world has been visited by other races as well from across the void of space. Recently with the release of Bestiary 5, Anunnaki, Greys, and Reptoids have been introduced to the setting officially. Likewise the Ikelos, a daemon, resembling a winged grey has maid its appearance too. Pathfinder has a long track record of introducing various aliens, many drawn from Lovecraftian Lore as well. The Elohim also make an appearance from Bestiary 4, which oppose the Annunaki.
Elohim |
Anunnaki |
Grey |
Ilekos |
What is interesting that the Elohim, Anunnaki, and Greys are physical beings. Yet the Ilekos comes from the Dimension of Dreams.They feed on fear and cause lethargy in victims. The sight of them often causes individuals time die from lack of sleep. They sometimes band together and feed of a victim until there is nothing left.
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