Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #016

Date: 10/24/2015
Type: CE4
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:00am to 5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am
State of Mind Before: Unhappy, Stressed (Earth Dragon)
State of Mind After: Unhappy, Stressed (Earth Dragon)
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: None.

Earth Dragon has been moody and agitated. It might be of things changing in his life and the uncertainty of things. This particular night he was having a rather vivid dream where he got into an altercation with another individual at a parked dressed in costume. Earth Dragon was rather aggressive and kicked the individual in the head, mostly likely because he was already stressed out. Surprisingly he was wide awake and out of the dream, however there was some oddities. Where he had kicked he had hit something in real life, and according to him there was a figure by the bed where his fan is. It was immaterial and kept phasing in and out. It seemed apparently it got kicked in the head.

Earth Dragon had a conversation with it, basically explaining that they can't go around sneaking into people rooms and putting themselves in a position that they may get hurt. It was his fault for being so sneaky and he got kicked. If he would be straight forward and say hi and initiate mutual contact no one would get hurt. Earth Dragon drifted off to sleep, but texted Wood Rabbit about the incident.

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