Sunday, April 3, 2016

Irish Rape

Date: 3/18/2016
Type: CE4, Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 5:00am (Me)
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00am
State of Mind Before: Sad, Very Depressed (Me)
State of Mind After: Upset (Me)
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: 3/16/2016 incident....

I was outside of a house looking at the stars. I felt something was off I don't know why. When I started to focus on my surrounding I noticed a huge building on the horizon, it was phased out partially and many glowing orbs and disc were hovering around it. For some reason my thoughts were trying to tell me "That is just a tree. A huge tree, but just a tree..nothing more". I knew this was not normal. I had to shake this off.

I need to find "Earth Dragon" I thought. A voice said "You know he hates you. Your not even wanted. Always rejected. Always alone. Ha. Ha. Ha.". I begin running from this place. As I looked back I noticed there was a phased creature standing on the property. However before it can say anything more a black man who was walking by begins to shout "SHIT! OMG, there is an Alien! Look! Where is my phone at? Dis has to go on instagram. Damn! Shit I gonna be famous y'all!". I laugh and run.

The sidewalk become a corridor and there are a bunch of people walking along. They are all wearing uniforms (as in same nondescript clothes). I run into someone I know name Rico. He thinks he came back from a bar, he seemed happy and buzzed. He was so glad to see me. I immediately tell him, "Rico. Hide me please. I need you. Wake up!. You didn't go to the bar. They took you. Help Me!".
Rico out of it just says "You look handsome. You lost weight. I should have told you I liked you. Bros before Hos. I am sooooo sorry". He then has a moment of clarity because he is saying "he likes me"... that snaps him out of it and he looks around and is like WTF?!! He was aware of where he was now and there was an alien beside us. I run.

The corridor exits out into some type of odd desert garden. The sand is red clay. There are a number off odd plants or statues, all look like gugs...they are rubbery with thorns like cacti but with clawed hands. They move very slowly. I move cautiously......

Dream shifts... I am no before the time I was staring up into the night sky. My head hurts. I am on a gurney be wheeled down some corridor. There is a red haired woman and "Earth Dragon's Mom". The red haired lady says "So this one likes your son. I mean is like". She gives a coy smile. She tightens the straps. Earth Dragon's Mom replies "That's disgusting. Even though he is a little shit at times, he is my baby." I feebly reply "What are you doing? Let me go, please. You know me".

The red haired woman responds with a laugh "She has not met you yet. Your brother was the foundation, but you have another task." I look at Earth's Dragon mom and say " Please, I know your son. I do love him. He is a bright and good person. You should be proud, help me". We are going down the hall. I try to get Earth Dragon's Mom to respond and I say "Tell me about Earth Dragon, your son. You call him "little insect", right?", she looks at me with sadness. The red haired lady tells Earth Dragons mom to go and get her son. They are ready. The red haired lady looks at me sternly and says "I don't know how you are doing this now, but it will stop!".

I teleport in and begin fighting with the red-haired lady. She struggles with me and we tip over the gurney, Wood Rabbit falls. I begin to cast spells and she is buffeted with air and bits of metal shavings, cutting into her skin. As she is reeling in pain I quickly go over to Wood Rabbit and undo the straps. The red haired woman is howling in pain.

That is when Earth Dragon and his mom walk in. Earth Dragon is like 19-21. I say "He is not supposed to see this. You need to protect us (looking at Earth Dragon). Be patient (Looking at Wood Rabbit)" and I create two doorways and step through one. I begin to crawl out to the other one. The other me that came in and fought the red-haired woman was in the form of Earth Dragon again... I was aware and looking through both points of view.
As I am crawling out... I get up and stare at the stars..........

I shift again and I am in that desert garden surrounded by Gugs. I am looking for a way out. I realize I am trapped. The gugs are slowly moving to block my escape. There maw opens up on their heads showing a beak as a threat. I being begins to walk toward me speaking "You don't recognize me Wood Rabbit? Nice stunt you pulled... or should I say will pull. However I need you here in the present". The being looks at a bad attempt to be Earth Dragon. Very fake... wrong clothes, mess up hair, its trying to fixate on what I would find appealing.. but is having a hard time holding a form. The place shifts... I am in my room again. I just fell asleep after praying for Earth Dragon.
I force myself to concentrate... this is not my room. I see the Gug Garden again. I say "You are not Earth Dragon. Who are you?". I continue, "You have no right or permission". It laughs at me as he is walking toward me. The gugs had blocked me, but now let me move freely about. Fake Earth Dragon chases me and  pins me down.

It says "Yes, you run, you make this all the more fun".
"You know you will fail, you cannot save him. He doesn't want you at all. You love him, but he will never love you. You are inherently flawed. Fundamentally broken. Only scrap. You have your uses, but only for so long."
He is on top of me, from what I estimate he is around 6'6' or more, heavy, solid, the skin is rubbery though, not flesh sort of warm. He continues on as he hold me down with one hand, and undress me. I struggle. He kiss me and says "Isn't this what you want. I will give you what you so desire. I will be you everything and all. I will make you whole. Join with me and I will fill you emptiness. I will keep you close and not discard you. You are worthless and lost without me". He begins to kiss me aggressively as I wiggle and squirm, he presses his body against mine. He enjoys the struggle I put up, amused as if I could do something.
He summons a grey, it was on the ceiling watching. It descends like a spider.... and then goes under his legs from behind and starts to fist my asshole. The larger guy says "This is what you want from him, yes? You will never get this, not even the slightest. This is all you will ever come close. Your pathetic. No one will ever want you. You are defective. You are so fortunate that I have needs right now and you are available. Otherwise even I would not want this. You disgust me. You are not even good for this". It continues to ravish me.

As it continues to make out with me I take a deep breath and blow forceful back in its mouth trying to pop it's lungs. It laughs at my futile attempt. I begin to hum into his throat, sending a pulse. He slaps me. He says "You fight back. I like it. The other one never fights back. He is soo compliant and submissive. You have fire. Mmmmmm".
It begins to extend its tongue down my throat. I clench down and bite it off. It reels back in pain, squashing the grey behind us. I manage to squirm out a bit and spit the tongue out. It was green. The being who was rapping me was in shock, it's faced covered in dark green blood from the wound I just inflicted.

I wake up crying in my room. I just realized what happened. There was so much more... I don't wanna remember. It was worse. I wanna die. 

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