Saturday, December 17, 2016

Day Visit

Date: 12/14/2016
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 5:00pm (Me, Aunt) /10:00am (Guest)
State of Mind Before: Very Depressed, Very Sad (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)/Tired (Guest)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sad (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)/Tired (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Pops, Bangs, Something walking about
Odd occurrences after: Being Watched.

I was experiencing another bought of Insomnia and did not go to sleep. I been exhausted and saddened by the loss of my friend. I should know better than to have faith in people. History repeats itself, and I am a failure by repeating things. So as one can say I am in a "not so happy mood". I am still doing my obligations though, but personally retreat to my room when not needed. I am trying though.

Yesterday around 3:00pm, my aunt was talking to someone. No one was in the house and she wasn't conversing with the dog. My ears picked up things and I had that feeling so I ran to the room. She was surprised to see me come in so suddenly. I asked her what was wrong. She kept looking in the mirror...and asked me if I saw it. I looked in the mirror and saw nothing. She says it is right there in the porch.
Although I saw nothing, I did feel something which made me come in, as well as whispers.

I told he to tell me where it was as I walked into the porch. I was going to come right next to it. As I got close it stepped back and went outside, according to her. I felt a elector-magnetic current as I approached the spot, my hairs were up.

She wanted to know what had happened so I had to explain things to the best of my ability. I told her it was out of phase with reality, thus invisible. The most likely reason why she could see it was probable due to a mental connection it has already established. I have no idea why I was able to hear something and feel something.

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