Friday, March 31, 2017

An Introduction to Encounters with UFO and Aliens: Part 3

Conversations of Mutual Interest
   So you have had an encounter, it can just be an experience and you move on with your life. Then it can be an experience which broadens your horizons and opens the door to many more things that you could possibly imagine, and for some this can be a bit overwhelming. The following topics go hand in hand, and many individuals who have encounters may begin to question the things that they thought they knew…

   The control of information and our way of life may not be entirely what it seems. We assume that everyone hold the same ideas, morals, and ethics. We want a society that is fair, honest, and just. However there are elements of our society in which people want power and control by an means. Some individuals and groups do this to safeguard humanity, others do this to exploit what they can, while others do this to maintain and gain power to control.
   You may have heard of some these groups like the Illumunati, Masons, Rothschilds, New World Order, Catholic Church, and the Shadow Government to name a few. People believe that these groups shape our society and influence how we live. Some people believe they have information regarding or have contact with the beings who pilot the UFOs. 

Cryptozooloy, Xenobiology, and Exobiology
   These terms often refer to animal and plant life that is not defined by our understanding of nature. These include organisms that either have yet to be captured and studied. This is often an interest because there are strange an unusual creatures that have appeared in our human history, things we can’t explain fully and call “monsters”.  So of these creatures have been seen in conjunction with the appearances of UFO and other worldly beings.
   Lizard people and Sasquatch “Bigfoot” are two of the most popular beings that come up in regard to the UFO phenomena. Another creature is the Chupacabra, which is believed to have an unknown origin, but coincided with UFP appearances.

Environmental Issues
   Some individuals who have come into contact with beings come away with message concerning our planet’s well being. We are told that our society is harming the natural environment with pollution, over farming, using toxic substances, and overpopulation.
They are dire warnings, and often show individuals what will happen if we continue on our course. Although they do not provide solutions, people become impassioned by this.

Paranormal & Supernatural
   Things we don’t understand will fall under these categories. It covers a wide spectrum of phenomena from miraculous healings, orbs appearing in the house, psychic abilities, missing time, and spectral sightings. A lot of activity with UFO and beings are commonly mistaken for ghost, demons, deceased loved ones, and encounters with angels. It is mostly like because we are familiar with these concepts, and our minds tries to rationalize what happens. Many people due to religious or cultural beliefs feel more comfortable defining there encounters as such.
   Not only are some beings extra-terrestrial in origin, but inter-dimensional beings will often affect the environment as well. Individuals may mislabel such beings as ghost.

Political Issues
   The fact that UFO and Aliens may exist do affect the political landscape. Like it or not adding them to the equation of everyday life brings up a host of questions. One of the biggest issues is Disclosure; having the government acknowledge that UFOs and Aliens are genuinely real.
The other issue is the responsibility and accountability of the government. Over the past decades their have been a number of sponsored government organization such as MK Ultra, Project Blue Book, and Majestic Twelve that have had knowledge of other worldly beings. These projects allegedly experimented on, allowed experiments, and benefited from advance technology. They shared these secrets and finding with many corporations, allowing certain families to become wealthy and hold political power.
There is also the issue of the media, both entertainment and the factual reporting. How is it that the News which we trust have been reporting “fake” news stories and discrediting people? Why does entertainment industry seem to be in the know, a lot of details and foreshadow of events to come in stories and movies?
Lastly, how does this affect your rights, your ability to live normal life? What political party is looking out for you.

Religious, Spiritual, and Philosophical Issues
   As this phenomena stretches across generations and cultures, it brings in a diversity of individuals with varying degrees of belief. Tolerance is the key here though, as many may struggle with the knowledge that this does not fit what their church or traditional teachings had taught them in the past. It may challenges to question, rethink, be a test of faith, or an opportunity to express the full wonderment of one’s belief and incorporate other viewpoints.
   We need to keep an open mind, as truthfully there are a number of established religions and philosophies, as well as ancient traditions that are practiced by many. We may personal disagree with some things as part of our learned dogma, but we need to use both our heart and mind to seek and agree upon “facts” and “evidence”. This may bring up discussion about angels, possessions, creationism, and flat earth theories.   

   The ability to cross the vastness of space, to travel through time, or bridge a dimensional barrier is something that we wish to understand. The fact that we have other beings with technology different from ours is astounding, especially when we have yet to think of the innovations and applications for our own. This is purely the realm of science as we want to know what materials, power source, configurations, and if we can replicate it. It may include technology concerning weapons, commercial applications, manufacturing, and medical. A group known as MUFON, was found on the principals of studying and if possible acquiring technology for the benefit of all mankind.

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