Date: 5/31/2017
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:30am-1:30am,
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A(Me)/N/A(Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sad (Me)/Sad, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Pre-occupied, Sad(Me)/Scarred, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Pops, Knock, "We are here"
Odd occurrences after: None
I was in my room update my files and going through a few books. I was playing a video for a while but decided to turn it off around 12:15am. I then concentrated on updating my files. While typing I got the "We are here" announcement and I thought... "Not right now. I miss my Wolfbrother". Nothing occurred other than the announcement and I worked on my file for the next hour. At 1:30am I got the feeling they were back and I went to go check on my aunt, I half expected to bump into something.....
When I got to her room she seemed disoriented and asked me where she was. She seemed out of it.
She said around 12:30am she felt woozy and two beings said "We are here". She looked around and saw no one but felt groggy and light as something was lifting her. She further heard "Do not worry, Michael will be and the dog will be fine, we are taking you to another place now". She has no recollection of where she went. She does remember be put back and hearing me opening my door, the beings tell her "We will be back later". A few moments later I come in.
My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Nayr....the Daemon Panther
Sometimes there are entities that attack themselves to us before we are born. I know for myself that several canine spirits seem to have been around my family, particularly wolves in general. I have met individuals throughout my life that have had strong calling too animal spirits, and I have meet some who have been subjugated by them as well. For example around 2013 I met an individual who I will call "Abel".
Abel was a young man around in his early 20's and hailed from Zephyr, Florida. He himself beveled he was possessed by demons since a young boy and was being ridden up until his late teens when they decided to let him go. He was sickly growing up as a result of that and has a lot of social issues. Now whether or not it was true, he claimed that these being were large black cats, like panthers. They kept him in cage, tortured him, and let him watch what the outside world was like. He was used as a puppet. Now the thing is, they let him go....yet they still had there claws in him as he could commune with them when needed. What was odd is he had his innocent side, but there was always someone else watching. He took an interest in me, particularly because of the wolves around me and other things. The meeting with his "Black Panther" went strangely too...and is documented. Why I believe Abel, is some digging around in his past revealed that the area he lived in was haunted by wind demons, jaguar spirits according to the native indians.
2015....I met my Wolfbrother, strangely we learned of his connection to a great cat spirit known as Nayr. He called it his shadow. The other thing it knew me..... which was odd. Even when it interacted with my it was familiar and I was unphased and had no apprehension toward it. My wolfbrother and I could trace early memories back to when he was a kid, were a group of cats lived behind the TV. Somehow he believed he was part of them. It was something my Wolfbrother strongly believed. I admit when I was a child I liked black panthers too, but that is because of the story of Bagheera and Mowgli. However, I am allergic to cats...and wolves were just comfortable too. As my Wolfbrother grew his connection and calling too this Nayr did as well. He felt that it was around him and he needed to bond with it, as it was his, he was in control.
Prior to our meeting, my Wolfbrother encountered several other spirits as well. While traveling abroad he stayed at a hotel and there was a creepy entity walking about the place. From what he describes it was a Shadowy Man with a tall top hat, and it wanted my Wolfbrother. It had stalked my Wolfbrother for a few nights until their was a confrontation in which this being known as Nayr consumed the Shadow Man, all that was left was the hat....which my Wolfbrother kept as a trophy (this is all spiritual/dreamworld). Years later he would also be able to ask Nayr to absorb other was another entity with wings that attached itself to a rather portly female friend of which he took her wings.
It seems that this panther spirit could evolve and change as it incorporated things into itself. The thing is I don't even know if this was a panther spirit to begin with. See my Wolfbrother and I are also abductee, so we have a whole other level of strange going on as well. In that sense, my Wolfbrother and I have a connection.....I am not certain it has to do with this being Nayr per say.... but the Wolfbrother I knew and met were linked.... however there was a base version of him and the new version. As far as I can say in easy terms....there is my Wolfbrother as he was meant to be, the Wolfbrother I know, and the Wolfbrother that walks today influenced by "them".
Just to clarifying something, like my Wolfbrother....there is something behind us......according to Abel.....his Black Panther spirits were uneasy.... the thing behind me were the "Greys"...... I was told these beings are very very old and powerful. I was of an interest to them because of "who and what" I am. I believe since my Wolfbrother and I share a common thread, that why he was of interest too.
Abel was a young man around in his early 20's and hailed from Zephyr, Florida. He himself beveled he was possessed by demons since a young boy and was being ridden up until his late teens when they decided to let him go. He was sickly growing up as a result of that and has a lot of social issues. Now whether or not it was true, he claimed that these being were large black cats, like panthers. They kept him in cage, tortured him, and let him watch what the outside world was like. He was used as a puppet. Now the thing is, they let him go....yet they still had there claws in him as he could commune with them when needed. What was odd is he had his innocent side, but there was always someone else watching. He took an interest in me, particularly because of the wolves around me and other things. The meeting with his "Black Panther" went strangely too...and is documented. Why I believe Abel, is some digging around in his past revealed that the area he lived in was haunted by wind demons, jaguar spirits according to the native indians.
2015....I met my Wolfbrother, strangely we learned of his connection to a great cat spirit known as Nayr. He called it his shadow. The other thing it knew me..... which was odd. Even when it interacted with my it was familiar and I was unphased and had no apprehension toward it. My wolfbrother and I could trace early memories back to when he was a kid, were a group of cats lived behind the TV. Somehow he believed he was part of them. It was something my Wolfbrother strongly believed. I admit when I was a child I liked black panthers too, but that is because of the story of Bagheera and Mowgli. However, I am allergic to cats...and wolves were just comfortable too. As my Wolfbrother grew his connection and calling too this Nayr did as well. He felt that it was around him and he needed to bond with it, as it was his, he was in control.
Prior to our meeting, my Wolfbrother encountered several other spirits as well. While traveling abroad he stayed at a hotel and there was a creepy entity walking about the place. From what he describes it was a Shadowy Man with a tall top hat, and it wanted my Wolfbrother. It had stalked my Wolfbrother for a few nights until their was a confrontation in which this being known as Nayr consumed the Shadow Man, all that was left was the hat....which my Wolfbrother kept as a trophy (this is all spiritual/dreamworld). Years later he would also be able to ask Nayr to absorb other was another entity with wings that attached itself to a rather portly female friend of which he took her wings.
It seems that this panther spirit could evolve and change as it incorporated things into itself. The thing is I don't even know if this was a panther spirit to begin with. See my Wolfbrother and I are also abductee, so we have a whole other level of strange going on as well. In that sense, my Wolfbrother and I have a connection.....I am not certain it has to do with this being Nayr per say.... but the Wolfbrother I knew and met were linked.... however there was a base version of him and the new version. As far as I can say in easy terms....there is my Wolfbrother as he was meant to be, the Wolfbrother I know, and the Wolfbrother that walks today influenced by "them".
Just to clarifying something, like my Wolfbrother....there is something behind us......according to Abel.....his Black Panther spirits were uneasy.... the thing behind me were the "Greys"...... I was told these beings are very very old and powerful. I was of an interest to them because of "who and what" I am. I believe since my Wolfbrother and I share a common thread, that why he was of interest too.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Strange Dreams Staring Community
Date: 5/29/2017
Type: Dream, CE4, Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:00am-6:00am,
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, 6:00am (Me)/12:00am, 6:00am (Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sad (Me)/Sad, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Numb (Me)/Scarred, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: CERO Meeting, Not Wanting to go Home, Pops, Knocks, High Pitch Sounds
Odd occurrences after: Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes, Really Dehydrated
I kept waking up last night at 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, and 6:00am. I felt something was in the room and trying to come in and then would leave as soon I woke up. It felt like it was trying to sneak up on me.
Around 2:00am and 4:00am I got up and used the bathroom. I felt really dehydrated and my mouth and eyes were really dry. I went back to sleep, but was aware of the odd noises occurring.....but since to me these are common and I was depressed and didn't care......
I put my aunt to be early around 12:00am, and she reads and goes to sleep. Wakes up and reads, then goes to sleep. She heard me go to the restroom twice at the time indicated. At 4:00am she had her own experience, a few minutes later after she heard me in the restroom, there was three knocks on her wall. When she looked into the mirror to see what was at the window a beam of white light flashed. She attempted to call out for me, but I was knocked out. When I washed my eyes in the bathroom at 4:00am I went back to bed and said "I don't know. Not tonight" and simply knocked out.
Now during the entire time I kept waking up and falling asleep, I was dreaming. At this time I was also writing it down in the dream, as I needed to remember. The times I was waking up and sensing a presence I heard a couple of questions; "What are you doing in there (the dream)?", "Who was Joel?", "You know what this is don't you?".
Dream 1: I was talking to my friend Whyl about an episode of Community that has not aired. I was asking him if he saw it.
He said no, but there is this weird hum in his room. He said we needed to go to PCC though for something.
When we walked out of the house we were at my elementary school in the yard. He walked off and two others came up to me, they were both two male caucasains, but I couldn't see there faces. They told me that they needed my help, and they could help me find my Wolfbrother. I asked what I could do and they replied we need you skills for D&D, they have a team assembled and needed me for the RPG. I said show me, so they lead toward the school.
When we got to the school building itself there was a security area, they told me I was expected and had clearance to enter. However the two that followed me were not allowed. I looked at them and they seemed to be confused, the guard said they do not have clearance and they are not allowed. They said they are on the team, but the guard said we are aware of your roles but you are unecesarry as you have fufilled your purpose. I told they guards that these are to be my apostates and serves a deific being in a capacity as heralds and they are allowed in as part of my personal retiune. The guard called it in by looking away and standing still, he then escorted us in.
The two individuals said, that is why we asked you, see you already know what to do.
The interior of the school was not what I remembered, it was a huge gymnasium with a glass cube in the middle. We were escorted in and several other individuals joined us. The odd part was the people who stood by us were the cast members of Community TV series. I was distracted by Joel McHale who just winked at me and said, don't worry we are very good friends. As soon as the door was sealed it began.
A group of humanoid being in blue and silver clothing bathed in light appeared before us. There was a main speaker, a male with two other attendants. I turned to the two that followed me that were scarred and overwhelmed, I told them when I talk repeat everything I say. The being looked at me and communicated, "Ahhh very good, unlike your predecessor you know how this works and you show the proper respect to me." His mouth did not move.
I and the other two said, "Greetings great one, I am honored that you have chosen to speak to us directly and entreat with us. How may we proceed to an honorable and amicable accord?" He looked amused and said "By knowing you place. You reach far greater for your own good Michael". He illustrated this by showing his forces surrounding a peasant family. I quickly conjured an image of fleeing sail ships and planning. "You know this game. The I will pursue for you know better than best you masters". The scene repeated over and over again, him attacking and I using strategic withdrawal and observation, the images flood the arena and soon there was a series of complex patterns being formed as he pursued. I never attacked, but drew him deeper and deep until the images were around the cube.
The being said "Enough of this, there are no more moves. You can't run away forever, I will pursue and gain what I which from you. You are out of options". That is when I opened the portal and my group stepped back into another room. The being said "Fool, another withdrawal and only one step, I thought you would be better quarry". He and his group stepped through the portal, their silent screams woke us up.
I was sitting in my old room around a table, the group from community was there. I was trying to wake Abed and tell him it is over. Everyone woke up and seemed in a daze. Joel was there and said "Good work, but I need to go now". Dan Harmon the producer of the show said "Good work, I knew you could defeat them and expose their hubris. I am not supposed to give you this but have some gum" He left and Joel says "You better not eat that". The foil wrapper did contain already chewed gum, two lithium batteries, and a plastic microchip. I told Joel, so if I make contact with this it imprints the micro-circuitry in my system absorbed through the gum". Joel didn't leave, but says "You got the basic principle, you are far more than you appear Michael. So are you going to try or should I?" I told him, "I thought you were leaving?" He looks at me with concern "You need me until your Wolfbrother gets back". He hugs me.... I am confused as to why he would do this? Hugging hurts, I rather stay cold and alone than feel warm and wanted again.
When I finally wake at the end of this dream around 6:00am I am writing all this down...still in a half-awake state, and sort of want to get up and log this in. However I clearly remember saying "Why. I am no one special. You've hurt me so much. Just stop it already. You write it down then".
Type: Dream, CE4, Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:00am-6:00am,
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, 6:00am (Me)/12:00am, 6:00am (Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sad (Me)/Sad, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Numb (Me)/Scarred, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: CERO Meeting, Not Wanting to go Home, Pops, Knocks, High Pitch Sounds
Odd occurrences after: Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes, Really Dehydrated
I kept waking up last night at 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, and 6:00am. I felt something was in the room and trying to come in and then would leave as soon I woke up. It felt like it was trying to sneak up on me.
Around 2:00am and 4:00am I got up and used the bathroom. I felt really dehydrated and my mouth and eyes were really dry. I went back to sleep, but was aware of the odd noises occurring.....but since to me these are common and I was depressed and didn't care......
I put my aunt to be early around 12:00am, and she reads and goes to sleep. Wakes up and reads, then goes to sleep. She heard me go to the restroom twice at the time indicated. At 4:00am she had her own experience, a few minutes later after she heard me in the restroom, there was three knocks on her wall. When she looked into the mirror to see what was at the window a beam of white light flashed. She attempted to call out for me, but I was knocked out. When I washed my eyes in the bathroom at 4:00am I went back to bed and said "I don't know. Not tonight" and simply knocked out.
Now during the entire time I kept waking up and falling asleep, I was dreaming. At this time I was also writing it down in the dream, as I needed to remember. The times I was waking up and sensing a presence I heard a couple of questions; "What are you doing in there (the dream)?", "Who was Joel?", "You know what this is don't you?".
Dream 1: I was talking to my friend Whyl about an episode of Community that has not aired. I was asking him if he saw it.
He said no, but there is this weird hum in his room. He said we needed to go to PCC though for something.
When we walked out of the house we were at my elementary school in the yard. He walked off and two others came up to me, they were both two male caucasains, but I couldn't see there faces. They told me that they needed my help, and they could help me find my Wolfbrother. I asked what I could do and they replied we need you skills for D&D, they have a team assembled and needed me for the RPG. I said show me, so they lead toward the school.
When we got to the school building itself there was a security area, they told me I was expected and had clearance to enter. However the two that followed me were not allowed. I looked at them and they seemed to be confused, the guard said they do not have clearance and they are not allowed. They said they are on the team, but the guard said we are aware of your roles but you are unecesarry as you have fufilled your purpose. I told they guards that these are to be my apostates and serves a deific being in a capacity as heralds and they are allowed in as part of my personal retiune. The guard called it in by looking away and standing still, he then escorted us in.
The two individuals said, that is why we asked you, see you already know what to do.
The interior of the school was not what I remembered, it was a huge gymnasium with a glass cube in the middle. We were escorted in and several other individuals joined us. The odd part was the people who stood by us were the cast members of Community TV series. I was distracted by Joel McHale who just winked at me and said, don't worry we are very good friends. As soon as the door was sealed it began.
A group of humanoid being in blue and silver clothing bathed in light appeared before us. There was a main speaker, a male with two other attendants. I turned to the two that followed me that were scarred and overwhelmed, I told them when I talk repeat everything I say. The being looked at me and communicated, "Ahhh very good, unlike your predecessor you know how this works and you show the proper respect to me." His mouth did not move.
I and the other two said, "Greetings great one, I am honored that you have chosen to speak to us directly and entreat with us. How may we proceed to an honorable and amicable accord?" He looked amused and said "By knowing you place. You reach far greater for your own good Michael". He illustrated this by showing his forces surrounding a peasant family. I quickly conjured an image of fleeing sail ships and planning. "You know this game. The I will pursue for you know better than best you masters". The scene repeated over and over again, him attacking and I using strategic withdrawal and observation, the images flood the arena and soon there was a series of complex patterns being formed as he pursued. I never attacked, but drew him deeper and deep until the images were around the cube.
The being said "Enough of this, there are no more moves. You can't run away forever, I will pursue and gain what I which from you. You are out of options". That is when I opened the portal and my group stepped back into another room. The being said "Fool, another withdrawal and only one step, I thought you would be better quarry". He and his group stepped through the portal, their silent screams woke us up.
I was sitting in my old room around a table, the group from community was there. I was trying to wake Abed and tell him it is over. Everyone woke up and seemed in a daze. Joel was there and said "Good work, but I need to go now". Dan Harmon the producer of the show said "Good work, I knew you could defeat them and expose their hubris. I am not supposed to give you this but have some gum" He left and Joel says "You better not eat that". The foil wrapper did contain already chewed gum, two lithium batteries, and a plastic microchip. I told Joel, so if I make contact with this it imprints the micro-circuitry in my system absorbed through the gum". Joel didn't leave, but says "You got the basic principle, you are far more than you appear Michael. So are you going to try or should I?" I told him, "I thought you were leaving?" He looks at me with concern "You need me until your Wolfbrother gets back". He hugs me.... I am confused as to why he would do this? Hugging hurts, I rather stay cold and alone than feel warm and wanted again.
When I finally wake at the end of this dream around 6:00am I am writing all this down...still in a half-awake state, and sort of want to get up and log this in. However I clearly remember saying "Why. I am no one special. You've hurt me so much. Just stop it already. You write it down then".
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Dental Implant
When looking for my Wolfbrother, there was some odd activity going on that I did not log on here.
I honestly felt it was due to PTSD as a result in trying to help him. One of the things I do my best is to be self-aware and analyze unusual changes of behavior, as it is I tend to see reality a bit differently and as a person I tend to push through and come to a conclusion once things have been properly considered.
Several red flags showed up which was short-term memory mishaps (misplacement of objects), teeth grinding, and overheating. My body was reacting to the stress and event "loss" with this experience.
Now previously I was having some odd dreams and fearful reminders, but nothing that made any impacts. It was just general feelings of dread at night and waking up at 4:00am. It was the usual stuff, so I did not think much of it. However, when I was told my Wolfbrother was missing I went right away because I genuinely love him, however there was a part of me that was "NO STAY PUT" which was unlike me....but such stray thoughts I disregard. However as I did my sweep of the area, my tooth began to throb. It was loose and also lowered. It felt as if it was going to fall out. I honestly do not know why. I was more concerned with his safety and well being, but I kept monitoring the issue with the tooth. After his dad spoke with him, and I was banished....I returned him extremely depressed not only with my last encounter with my wolfbrother, but the situation in general. My tooth was loose and was throbbing, I figured it was from me possibly grinding my teeth. However a few days later.....after they came and then found tooth was ok. It was no longer loose, and it had firmly went back up. Even after a week has passed it is firmly in place??????? The fact it was causing me discomfort and now is normal is odd and is at a place I felt something was put in.
The location of this anomalous tooth behavior occurs in the upper right mouth in one of the bicuspid (4,5 on the map). It descended and I was able to wiggle it with my finger and tongue. It would vibrate as if it was hallow, when tapped. Now it is fine and firmly in place.
This is not the first time this has occurred with my teeth, a few months ago I reported that there was audio coming out of my mouth once. My teeth seemed to be act as a receiver.
Years ago, when cleaning my left molars, I noticed for a couple of days it was hallow. Some steak had got caught under it. I pulled the fragment of meat out. I examined it and it seems that I had a gap under that molar. I cleaned it as best as possible, and tapped it and it seemed fake. A few days later when I was about to make an appointment, the tooth felt different. It felt like a real tooth and there was not gap.
So, is something going on with my teeth? Are there other implants being periodically placed and removed?
I honestly felt it was due to PTSD as a result in trying to help him. One of the things I do my best is to be self-aware and analyze unusual changes of behavior, as it is I tend to see reality a bit differently and as a person I tend to push through and come to a conclusion once things have been properly considered.
Several red flags showed up which was short-term memory mishaps (misplacement of objects), teeth grinding, and overheating. My body was reacting to the stress and event "loss" with this experience.
Now previously I was having some odd dreams and fearful reminders, but nothing that made any impacts. It was just general feelings of dread at night and waking up at 4:00am. It was the usual stuff, so I did not think much of it. However, when I was told my Wolfbrother was missing I went right away because I genuinely love him, however there was a part of me that was "NO STAY PUT" which was unlike me....but such stray thoughts I disregard. However as I did my sweep of the area, my tooth began to throb. It was loose and also lowered. It felt as if it was going to fall out. I honestly do not know why. I was more concerned with his safety and well being, but I kept monitoring the issue with the tooth. After his dad spoke with him, and I was banished....I returned him extremely depressed not only with my last encounter with my wolfbrother, but the situation in general. My tooth was loose and was throbbing, I figured it was from me possibly grinding my teeth. However a few days later.....after they came and then found tooth was ok. It was no longer loose, and it had firmly went back up. Even after a week has passed it is firmly in place??????? The fact it was causing me discomfort and now is normal is odd and is at a place I felt something was put in.
The location of this anomalous tooth behavior occurs in the upper right mouth in one of the bicuspid (4,5 on the map). It descended and I was able to wiggle it with my finger and tongue. It would vibrate as if it was hallow, when tapped. Now it is fine and firmly in place.
This is not the first time this has occurred with my teeth, a few months ago I reported that there was audio coming out of my mouth once. My teeth seemed to be act as a receiver.
Years ago, when cleaning my left molars, I noticed for a couple of days it was hallow. Some steak had got caught under it. I pulled the fragment of meat out. I examined it and it seems that I had a gap under that molar. I cleaned it as best as possible, and tapped it and it seemed fake. A few days later when I was about to make an appointment, the tooth felt different. It felt like a real tooth and there was not gap.
So, is something going on with my teeth? Are there other implants being periodically placed and removed?
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Bad Dreams and Bad Future
Date: 5/23/2017
Type: Dream, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:00am-8:00am,
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00am, 4:20am, 6:00am
State of Mind Before: Extremely Depressed, Worried (Me)/Sad, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Numb (Me)/Scarred, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: None
Last night I had a series of dreams like I did before with my Wolfbrother. I kept waking up in fitful sleep.
I am assuming that there were stressed induced over the situation. However, the dream fall in a theme of where somethings is going on. The first one was obvious, but the other two follow the programing aspects with the lecture and movie theater, plus the old man and security guard were not people....but observers.
First of my aunt says around 3:30am there was a weird buzzing in the guest room. That work here up. he went back to sleep. She also indicates that she too heard the loud bang on the front door. When I went in though, she just lay there trying to go back to sleep not wanting to deal with the strange occurrences.
Dream 1
I am looking for my Wolfbrother. I am wandering in the darkness, I am trying to find him. I somehow end up at my mother's old apartment. I am around 10, I mutter "Wolfbrother this is not funny, I can't be like this if you abandon me. How will I defend myself?". I run to the bedroom and hide in the bed. This place has bad memories and is scary. I wedge myself between the mattress and the wall to stay safe.
An odd parody of my mother came in and asked "Where have you been?" I tell her "I have been looking for my brother". She point to the bunk beds and says "Your brother is up there". I tell her "No. My real brother, the one who is my twinflame. The one they took and keeping taking". I begin to curl up and cry, "Wolfbrother where are you. We are supposed to do this together. I am here wolfbrother. I miss you! I am not leaving you, come back!"
My mom comes to comfort me and says "You will always be alone. People will abandon you. You are worthless and have no real value. You were a mistake and always will be. You only have us. We are coming back, there is no one to stop us now, and we are going to take what want".
I look at here still crying, "Why would you say this? That is so mean?"
She says to me again "They will come to the foot of you bed and you will be gone".
Under my breath I say, "Good thing I don't sleep in a bed then stupid bitch".
She looks confused and corrects herself "bedding area".
I look at the foot of the bed, two greys are standing there watching. My mother was never was them....pretending to be her.
I wake up at 3:55am because someone hit the front door. Everyone was asleep though. My canine buddy was confused. I took my staff and checked the house. I was very uneasy about the dream. This is most likely stress related.....
Dream 2
I awake and I am late for school. I about twelve. I do not want to be here. I am unsure what call I am supposed to be in. It seems it is world history. One of the other students says I am in the wrong desk again and gives me my back pack. The other students are hybrids, very pale skin to cool tan with long hair and wide eyes. I look outside we are in a desert community.
Our assignment is to write an essay on family. As I pull out of work and looking for papers, years go bye. Now I am 18. I pull out a folder, and there is a paper that says "I love you, Wolfbrother" written in kid's scrawl. I look around and I am in the desert still, as the classroom windows are open. The hybrids had left. There is one other student here. He appears to be a male human, tall Caucasian with long blonde sandy hair, has classes, and is wearing brown pants and a green sweater. He nods and me and gets up. I follow the guys because I am attracted to him and know him, but can't remember.
The school hallways are a mix of styles from a basic elementary school system, to a high school, to a full blown university.
As I am following this guy I pass Mary, she tried to flag me down but I just keep going and disappear into the crowd. This is when I realize I am in a hospital gown.
I am in a line now to go to a lecture hall, it says it Hollywood Politics. Everyone there is from various walks of life and standing in trance like state. The guy looks at me and winks and disappears.
Before I get to the doors of the lecture hall I walk out of line and join another line of people moving to another hall. I do this a couple of times to avoid going in the lecture halls and I also was removing some clothes from people to put together an outfit for myself.
The doors all close to these lecture hall and I am left outside. There is a weird humming noise. Someone patrols the halls to make sure everyone went in, but I am hiding. When they pass I begin to wander around the facility. The place is spotless and clean. The library here is like an atrium, very open with blue skies beyond the windows. The workstations have a blue holographic terminal interface display. I stroll along looking. There is a video of "them" cutting the legs of my guest here in the other room, I can overhear them communicate "You are next. Sleep".
A group of beings announces "You are not supposed to be here" as they walk into the area I was reviewing the monitor in. I wake up.
Dream 3
I am at work. I realize I need to type in two dreams. I am dreaming again. This is not real. A co-worker asks me for help accessing her computer. I quickly get the program running for her and she is happy. She comments "If it wasn't for you, I do not know what I would do. I just smile". I look around to see what I am doing here, it seems it is a clerical admin job where I am processing orders. The orders are a fulfillment type things where people are ordering all sorts of things from a catalog. I process a few orders for snacks, and a "Spectra" Unicorn play set. While processing that order, there are some cool dragons. I get those to buy myself thinking "Wolfbrother would love these". I start to cry...I do not know why. That is when they announce that the shift was over.
We all begin to leave, and I make sure my station is in order.
Instead of going home we are all going to see a movie. Other than the co-worker that asked me for help, we are all moving in a group.
I do not want to be here. Something is off. Everyone gets a ticket, no one pays, we are shuffled in past the concession stand and everyone gets a free popcorn and drink, and we all proceed to the movie. Before we go in an older gentleman pulls me aside so we can watch on the balcony "Observation Room".
The man was asking me "Who would make me happy? You showed interest in one man from the school. What about this one down here from your work". " I reply, not looking in his eyes, "Someone else loves me but I am not supposed to talk about it. He says if I do I have no chance". The old man leans in closer and says "How is that love? Sounds like he is using you. We can't fix him, he has resisted and gone off on his own. You performed admirably, and it is worrisome that you continue as intended when your partner does not."
I tell him "Look, you can't just replace this like a machine. I love him. Love doesn't work like that."
The dream shifts and now I am driving my aunt, grandmother, and some security officer to dinner. My grandmother and aunt do not notice the security officer. We are going to a restaurant to eat, as we are walking there my grandmother wants to go to the bakery. I follow her, the guard stays with my aunt but watches me. The bakery is called "Palo". It has donuts, spare ribs, cooked meats, and breads.
I thought this was really weird....bread and meats. Mr grandmother is in line, and says "Remember Dr. Palo".
Update 5/26/2017
I did talk with my aunt. Oddly enough that night she does mention she had a dream with my grandmother. In Spanish she tells her the same thing, "Palo". However, her dream starts off peaceful having a conversation about her health, the dog, and then a warning. She indicates that whatever happens for me to run, save the dog, and not to worry about my aunt. I am not to give up, just run.
Type: Dream, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:00am-8:00am,
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00am, 4:20am, 6:00am
State of Mind Before: Extremely Depressed, Worried (Me)/Sad, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Numb (Me)/Scarred, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: None
Last night I had a series of dreams like I did before with my Wolfbrother. I kept waking up in fitful sleep.
I am assuming that there were stressed induced over the situation. However, the dream fall in a theme of where somethings is going on. The first one was obvious, but the other two follow the programing aspects with the lecture and movie theater, plus the old man and security guard were not people....but observers.
First of my aunt says around 3:30am there was a weird buzzing in the guest room. That work here up. he went back to sleep. She also indicates that she too heard the loud bang on the front door. When I went in though, she just lay there trying to go back to sleep not wanting to deal with the strange occurrences.
Dream 1
I am looking for my Wolfbrother. I am wandering in the darkness, I am trying to find him. I somehow end up at my mother's old apartment. I am around 10, I mutter "Wolfbrother this is not funny, I can't be like this if you abandon me. How will I defend myself?". I run to the bedroom and hide in the bed. This place has bad memories and is scary. I wedge myself between the mattress and the wall to stay safe.
An odd parody of my mother came in and asked "Where have you been?" I tell her "I have been looking for my brother". She point to the bunk beds and says "Your brother is up there". I tell her "No. My real brother, the one who is my twinflame. The one they took and keeping taking". I begin to curl up and cry, "Wolfbrother where are you. We are supposed to do this together. I am here wolfbrother. I miss you! I am not leaving you, come back!"
My mom comes to comfort me and says "You will always be alone. People will abandon you. You are worthless and have no real value. You were a mistake and always will be. You only have us. We are coming back, there is no one to stop us now, and we are going to take what want".
I look at here still crying, "Why would you say this? That is so mean?"
She says to me again "They will come to the foot of you bed and you will be gone".
Under my breath I say, "Good thing I don't sleep in a bed then stupid bitch".
She looks confused and corrects herself "bedding area".
I look at the foot of the bed, two greys are standing there watching. My mother was never was them....pretending to be her.
I wake up at 3:55am because someone hit the front door. Everyone was asleep though. My canine buddy was confused. I took my staff and checked the house. I was very uneasy about the dream. This is most likely stress related.....
Dream 2
I awake and I am late for school. I about twelve. I do not want to be here. I am unsure what call I am supposed to be in. It seems it is world history. One of the other students says I am in the wrong desk again and gives me my back pack. The other students are hybrids, very pale skin to cool tan with long hair and wide eyes. I look outside we are in a desert community.
Our assignment is to write an essay on family. As I pull out of work and looking for papers, years go bye. Now I am 18. I pull out a folder, and there is a paper that says "I love you, Wolfbrother" written in kid's scrawl. I look around and I am in the desert still, as the classroom windows are open. The hybrids had left. There is one other student here. He appears to be a male human, tall Caucasian with long blonde sandy hair, has classes, and is wearing brown pants and a green sweater. He nods and me and gets up. I follow the guys because I am attracted to him and know him, but can't remember.
The school hallways are a mix of styles from a basic elementary school system, to a high school, to a full blown university.
As I am following this guy I pass Mary, she tried to flag me down but I just keep going and disappear into the crowd. This is when I realize I am in a hospital gown.
I am in a line now to go to a lecture hall, it says it Hollywood Politics. Everyone there is from various walks of life and standing in trance like state. The guy looks at me and winks and disappears.
Before I get to the doors of the lecture hall I walk out of line and join another line of people moving to another hall. I do this a couple of times to avoid going in the lecture halls and I also was removing some clothes from people to put together an outfit for myself.
The doors all close to these lecture hall and I am left outside. There is a weird humming noise. Someone patrols the halls to make sure everyone went in, but I am hiding. When they pass I begin to wander around the facility. The place is spotless and clean. The library here is like an atrium, very open with blue skies beyond the windows. The workstations have a blue holographic terminal interface display. I stroll along looking. There is a video of "them" cutting the legs of my guest here in the other room, I can overhear them communicate "You are next. Sleep".
A group of beings announces "You are not supposed to be here" as they walk into the area I was reviewing the monitor in. I wake up.
Dream 3
I am at work. I realize I need to type in two dreams. I am dreaming again. This is not real. A co-worker asks me for help accessing her computer. I quickly get the program running for her and she is happy. She comments "If it wasn't for you, I do not know what I would do. I just smile". I look around to see what I am doing here, it seems it is a clerical admin job where I am processing orders. The orders are a fulfillment type things where people are ordering all sorts of things from a catalog. I process a few orders for snacks, and a "Spectra" Unicorn play set. While processing that order, there are some cool dragons. I get those to buy myself thinking "Wolfbrother would love these". I start to cry...I do not know why. That is when they announce that the shift was over.
We all begin to leave, and I make sure my station is in order.
Instead of going home we are all going to see a movie. Other than the co-worker that asked me for help, we are all moving in a group.
I do not want to be here. Something is off. Everyone gets a ticket, no one pays, we are shuffled in past the concession stand and everyone gets a free popcorn and drink, and we all proceed to the movie. Before we go in an older gentleman pulls me aside so we can watch on the balcony "Observation Room".
The man was asking me "Who would make me happy? You showed interest in one man from the school. What about this one down here from your work". " I reply, not looking in his eyes, "Someone else loves me but I am not supposed to talk about it. He says if I do I have no chance". The old man leans in closer and says "How is that love? Sounds like he is using you. We can't fix him, he has resisted and gone off on his own. You performed admirably, and it is worrisome that you continue as intended when your partner does not."
I tell him "Look, you can't just replace this like a machine. I love him. Love doesn't work like that."
The dream shifts and now I am driving my aunt, grandmother, and some security officer to dinner. My grandmother and aunt do not notice the security officer. We are going to a restaurant to eat, as we are walking there my grandmother wants to go to the bakery. I follow her, the guard stays with my aunt but watches me. The bakery is called "Palo". It has donuts, spare ribs, cooked meats, and breads.
I thought this was really weird....bread and meats. Mr grandmother is in line, and says "Remember Dr. Palo".
Update 5/26/2017
I did talk with my aunt. Oddly enough that night she does mention she had a dream with my grandmother. In Spanish she tells her the same thing, "Palo". However, her dream starts off peaceful having a conversation about her health, the dog, and then a warning. She indicates that whatever happens for me to run, save the dog, and not to worry about my aunt. I am not to give up, just run.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Check up and a Sense of Urgency
Date: 5/20/2017
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 11:15pm to 11:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 9:00pm
State of Mind Before: Extremely Depressed, Worried (Me)/Sad, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Numb (Me)/Scarred, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Talking, Desert View
Odd occurrences after: None
Today I felt extremely depressed, I pushed through meeting my obligations and doing my best to keep busy.
A few nice things showed up, sadly it was stuff I hoped my wolfbrother and I could enjoy once more together, so it was bittersweet. After a few hours I really didn't want to be awake. So I said a prayer for him and tried to sleep. As it was I was having trouble, and started to get the feedback issue. Unlike before were there are monitors and corridors....I was was a scrub terrain some lights in the distance indicating a town or something. I just ignored it and cried myself to sleep....there was a voice asking "Where? Where?". I just muttered while crying off to sleep "Find him yourself, all your fault, he is gone".
I actually had a dream about my Wolfbrother. I was still following him. I assume this was a lucid dream, as my prayer was an indication for him to be watched over by the wolf and raven sprirts, to guide him and to keep him safe. I was my wolf self following to make sure he was okay. In the dream he let me come close and we watched the sunset together and I lay my head on his lap (as a wolf), I remember thinking to "I will always be by your side, no matter the distance".
I woke up kinda saddened by that dream. I am trying to feel numb, but the pain hurts so much. I just go to the restroom to pee and walk back to my bed area. I lay down, trying not be sad when a familiar sound starts. It is a high pitch sound and I feel my bed re-acting. I hear my canine friend whimper. I begin to yell in my head "No. No. Your fault. He is gone. Wandering Desert. Get him yourself and bring him back". The entity now walking in the room communicates "Where is your companion. Why?". I respond again "Wandering Desert. Bring him back. He is gone". I regain my composure as the noise leaves and the presence is gone. I lay there and do not want to turn around. Not sure if this was caused by stress or if this was real. I am hurt and don't really care and begin to cry myself to sleep.
At 12:45am I wake up to put my aunt to bed. The event is still in my head. I take a few minutes to compose myself so she doesn't know something is wrong. I attend to her needs and put her to bed. She asks me if I heard the noise. I ask her to go on. She indicates that she heard me get up and go to the bathroom around 11:15pm and then shortly thereafter a weird high pitch noise came from the bathroom and an entity walked out the door an into the room. It was in a hurry and passed by as she said "Don't hurt me and leave my dog alone". It then proceeded into the hallway where my canine companion whimpered as I had heard.
I was going to mark this off as a stress induced incident, but since my aunt confirmed things....they are very aware.... my wolfbrother is gone.
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 11:15pm to 11:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 9:00pm
State of Mind Before: Extremely Depressed, Worried (Me)/Sad, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Numb (Me)/Scarred, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Talking, Desert View
Odd occurrences after: None
Today I felt extremely depressed, I pushed through meeting my obligations and doing my best to keep busy.
A few nice things showed up, sadly it was stuff I hoped my wolfbrother and I could enjoy once more together, so it was bittersweet. After a few hours I really didn't want to be awake. So I said a prayer for him and tried to sleep. As it was I was having trouble, and started to get the feedback issue. Unlike before were there are monitors and corridors....I was was a scrub terrain some lights in the distance indicating a town or something. I just ignored it and cried myself to sleep....there was a voice asking "Where? Where?". I just muttered while crying off to sleep "Find him yourself, all your fault, he is gone".
I actually had a dream about my Wolfbrother. I was still following him. I assume this was a lucid dream, as my prayer was an indication for him to be watched over by the wolf and raven sprirts, to guide him and to keep him safe. I was my wolf self following to make sure he was okay. In the dream he let me come close and we watched the sunset together and I lay my head on his lap (as a wolf), I remember thinking to "I will always be by your side, no matter the distance".
I woke up kinda saddened by that dream. I am trying to feel numb, but the pain hurts so much. I just go to the restroom to pee and walk back to my bed area. I lay down, trying not be sad when a familiar sound starts. It is a high pitch sound and I feel my bed re-acting. I hear my canine friend whimper. I begin to yell in my head "No. No. Your fault. He is gone. Wandering Desert. Get him yourself and bring him back". The entity now walking in the room communicates "Where is your companion. Why?". I respond again "Wandering Desert. Bring him back. He is gone". I regain my composure as the noise leaves and the presence is gone. I lay there and do not want to turn around. Not sure if this was caused by stress or if this was real. I am hurt and don't really care and begin to cry myself to sleep.
At 12:45am I wake up to put my aunt to bed. The event is still in my head. I take a few minutes to compose myself so she doesn't know something is wrong. I attend to her needs and put her to bed. She asks me if I heard the noise. I ask her to go on. She indicates that she heard me get up and go to the bathroom around 11:15pm and then shortly thereafter a weird high pitch noise came from the bathroom and an entity walked out the door an into the room. It was in a hurry and passed by as she said "Don't hurt me and leave my dog alone". It then proceeded into the hallway where my canine companion whimpered as I had heard.
I was going to mark this off as a stress induced incident, but since my aunt confirmed things....they are very aware.... my wolfbrother is gone.
Friday, May 19, 2017
Wolfbrother Walked off....
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Be Well, Safe, and Happy |
Date: 5/18/2017
Type: Data
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:30am to 5:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Extremely Depressed, Worried, Determined (Me)
State of Mind After: Numb, Hurt, Depressed (Me)
Odd occurrences before: Our Connection
Odd occurrences after: N/A
As many of you already know, I have discussed our story on here for the past two years. My Wolfbrother means everything to me and I tried to help him as best as I could in all things. As you know he has been struggling with his own personal issue was was a direct result of "them" destroying and rewiring his mind and personality. He is a highly intelligent young man and is suffering from and has been hospitalized due to recent issues. From basic observation he does some have tell tale signs that something is off, but otherwise seems normal. His family has been doing everything they can to help him. As of right now he is wondering the desert communities of Lancaster and Palmdale areas going somewhere and traveling the U.S.
Last night I woke up because I felt something wrong, my bond that I have with him told me something was up....but I am 45 minutes away in Los Angeles and he cut off contact with me so only his dad and mom let me know what is up. I was up most of the night pacing with dread, by morning I was exhausted and I was going to go to sleep when his Mom sent me a text at 8:30am that he had gone missing since between 9pm and 4am. His Uncle went searching for him and other looked. They found nothing. I jumped and got ready and let the family know I would search for him......from 10:00am till 3:00pm I scoured the Santa Clarita and Palmdale areas, and by the grace of the animal spirits I found him. I contact his Uncle and Mom, and they had me call the local authorities. His home region was very supportive and would pick him up, but he was unfortunately out of their jurisdiction now.
My wolfbrother was surprised I found him. He allowed me to say good by and give him a hug. He wanted me to go with him on his journey. For the next two hours from the Fire Department, Highway Patrol, and Local Sheriffs we attempted to get him help. Despite any back history or evidence we attempted to provide...they would not help him, although he seemed off. Apparently...unless you are an immediate danger to yourself or someone else they are not stepping in. You cannot do Euthanasia.....but you can simple walk out into to desert and never come back..... (never depending on civil enforcement again). They empathized with me and I was calm understanding their position. As per his family's request I followed behind until his Dad could arrive. Sadly this last attempt failed as he tried to talk to his son, I gave them there privacy and hanged back. When this failed I attempted to say one last goodbye and let him know that his Mom loved him and others, they had me find him. Since he saw me with each time the authorities arrived, he hated me more and more, didn't say anything but I could see it in his eyes. The last things he told me was basically "To leave him alone forever and to go away."
We lost him now........we have no idea of where he is heading to....what he will do. He does not want to be contacted and has left a mess that will follow him if he does try to re-establish himself.
I am only posting this as a record of what has transpired. If anyone every encounters him, he has a loving family who misses him, a wolfbrother who is torn by his absence. He is a very special guy.
I love you Wolfbrother. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. You are the one individuals who I woke up every morning wondering about and the last person I think about before going to bed.
Wolfbrothers |
Update: 5-21-2017
The family last contacted me letting me know he was found in Lake Los Angeles again, this time on the side of the road with no shoes. Authorities took him to the hospital and a few hours later released him as he was "fine" (mostly likely because he has no insurance). The family is upset with local authorities as they do not see the pattern of self destructive behavior. As of this point I am unaware of what is happening again.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Movie: Unacknowledged
"Unacknowledged" is a documentary released in 2017 by Dr. Steven Greer, one of the advocate that have been pressuring the U.S. government to come forth about the facts behind non-human lifeforms visiting our planet and UFOs. Not only has he met with many U.S. government officials, but also with other members of foreign nations to illustrate that this is a global phenomena. As to date there are about 26 some countries that have already acknowledged that UFO and aliens exist, the U.S.A. is still one of the countries that denies it despite the overwhelming evidence.
Dr. Greer started a coalition of a citizen's movement to reach out to extraterrestrials in a non-governmental fashion as a diplomatic outreach. He has published tools that can help establish "contact" and his community claims various levels of success. Although there are many questions that he himself seems vague upon at times, but despite this he has collected a large amount of testimonials and documents regarding the validation of UFO and aliens.
The documentary is politically heavy handed and concern itself mostly with U.S. policy regarding our history with UFOs and the alien phenomena. It bombard us images of disasters and seems to establish that these beings mean us no harm, but are afraid of us???? It also goes on to take snippets of interviews and quotes from respected U.S. officials that have stated UFOs are real. None of the information he has presented is anything is that most people don't pay attention. Much of the information presented has been in the public eye for decades, but most of us are concerned where our next paycheck is coming from and our next meal. The only one who would notice are the ones encounter the phenomena.
The documentary also touches upon the aspects of misinformation and counter-intelligence instituted by the U.S., as well as the shadow government that is in place. Basically there is a large para-military industrial complex that runs outside our government, our elected officials and military have no control. Many of these agencies operate outside the law and are part of large aerospace and corporate families that control our media and can easily silence anyone if need be.
The point of the documentary is to bring to light the cover-up and push the Disclosure movement further along.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Sad Truths: Modern Educayshun
I know everyone before me has said, and everyone after will say it.... what has gone wrong with our society?
I understand that we change and evolve, but is this what we are getting to.
In regards to the UFO and Alien phenomena....I feel we are headed this way. We have individuals, with empirical data and facts, being silenced by those who want disclosure and see things in a fashion where all is good and come to the light.
Logic has been replaced by faith, fact is reaplced by heresay, and no one wants to challenge or question things to find a truth. It is about ability to mutual agree and meet on a field of shared perspective. I feel like the guy here, if you don't agree with the Kumbaya(s) and drink the punch....then you are hunted down for not viewing reality through the "New" vision.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Howling in Pain
I am one who does words cut deep, physical woulds heal with scars which is no biggy. However those that wound was soul, that is tricky. I myself have been wound time and time again, I bleed and the pain barely subsides. I really should not have been allowed to live, I have no idea why I am still alive at all. Well I do...
I am here to serve.
Time and Time again I find myself in a cycle of pain and suffering. I am pragmatic and I try to avoid these pitfalls. Yet I am proven wrong, with the void growing larger and larger and larger. I said I was dead already, a walking corpse fulfilling my obligations and awaiting my eventual release. I will fulfill my duty, but life is not worth it. I was content being numb, doing my filial duties and just waiting and watching. I was pursuing my scholastic research and projects, but no need for social interaction. I was no longer being hurt after such terror a few years ago....the void was still as there was nothing to feed it.
As you know already I took a risk of taking a mutual interest into someone who harmonized with me. We are so much alike, and yet so different. I believe we complimented each other so well. I thought for the first time in years I found someone who I felt safe with and who understood me. Someone who actually like me for me. My heart began to beat, I began to feel, I began to live life and for the first time there was an actual future for me. I ran the scenarios in my had and risk factors, evaluated things. I walked in full knowing what could be.... this is the only time I saw a chance for a future so I risked it. At the very least, I had a Wolfbrother which is more than I hoped for.
However, as usual fate is cruel. He literally lost it. I am not one to force change on someone, I let them be and nurture. I will walk the path with someone and be there for them. I rather have the bitter truth, than the sweetest of lies..... I am reciprocal in nature. If you show me you care, I will respond in kind.
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Sosuke and Shino "HAKKENDEN : Tōhō Hakken Ibun" |
The issue with my Wolfbrother leaves me in a puzzlement as there are two side of him;
1) He actually cared for me, he went out of his way to want me. I didn't believe him and it took a few month to accept it. Once there we were inseparable and shared a deep understanding a true companionship. He always wanted me by his side, and I felt the same. It was unusual, yet it was there and very real.
2) When "they" came in, for the very beginning "they" tried to pull us apart. They tried to pit us against eachother, but we carried on. In June of 2016 they gave he something he craved, he went for it hoping it would turn me away. I followed him and we endured. The big push came in November of 2016. He withdrew and began lashing out. He started to hurt me, but there was a conflict.....I would still not leave.
He did everything to make me go and give up..... he said and did some terrible things.
It escalated to that terrible day of 2/7/2017 where I tried to stop him from wandering off. He attacked me, and if he had his knife on him as he usually does I may have been stabbed.
He doesn't see what happened and will not talk to anyone. He refuses to even hear or let alone read anything I have to say for the ultimate act of betrayal. He doesn't get why I got my keys back because he terrorized me that night and I feared for the safety of my household. He has no empathy for the things he has inflicted upon me. What is worse I think he knows full well what he did.......and I was taken advantage of big time.
I think all the cruel things he said to me are true..... and I am correct in my own assessment.
I am worthy nothing. I am not worthy of love. I am not worth of companionship. I am not or nor will I ever be good enough. I am meant always be alone, in the cold, a frozen prince just waiting for the last petal to fall.
I consider my actions, I consider my thoughts, I consider my words, I consider my emotions, for they are a reflection of who I am. I can empathize with his actions, and ironically understand them to a point. We are the same afterall. However, I no longer truly know, I don't to anymore. I just have to wait till my end of days comes.....
[Legal Disclaimer: I unfortunately am stuck for a long time as I have a filial obligation to meet. I am just expressing a level of emotional pain. I need no ones help or pity, I am just howling at the moon right now.]
Sunday, May 7, 2017
My Wolfbrother is lost.....
Yesterday my Wolfbrother convinced the on staff psychologist that he was sane. They released him.
From a psychological perspective he has showed bi-polar behavior and diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenia. His family and I tried every solution we could to find him help. He cleaned his self up and told the doctor he was going to travel and he had a plan. My Wolfbrother has no money, refuses to carry identification, phone, or even keys. Depending on his state sometimes he will wear his shoes sometimes he won't. He is completely different from what he was a few months ago as far as personality and demeanor.
He is not the wolfbrother I know, it is something else riding his body. Since no one can legally stop him, he is just going to leave. The only thing we can do is provide him what we can.
Ironically since I been heart broken over the events, there has been a heavy storm over the Los Angeles area which is equal in my grief. I been drifting in out of sleep, only meeting my obligations. I really don't want to be awake as the pain of loss hurts so much.
What makes this extremely difficult is that this deals with our aliens experience, and is a direct result of the abduction phenomena. One support is there sort of, but we are mocked at times. We are dealing with very negative experiences and been trying to fight it off. We only really had each other. He gave into their manipulation and false promises, and was "re-wired". I know that there is a difference between who he is pretending to be now, and the Wolfbrother I know. I witnessed him shifting back and forth, I had one last opportunity to talk with my Wolfbrother, before he went back to the way he is now.
I have so many mixed emotions, I am not a blood relative so I cannot do anything. The level of our friendship is not something he would want me to talk about, it is an unspoken thing. I cannot yell out and say, "Hey I have proof, it is aliens, please listen" or I will get locked up and I have obligations to others I have to think of.
I am angry at the alien/ufo community for forgetting that people get hurt, it is not like "E.T" or "Cocoon".
They only care about a fucking "Higher Conscious Life" and damn conspiracies concerning shite "Disclosure". There are people who need help!!!!!! People who are suffering!!!!
A chain of events.......I thought we can both overcome what was plaguing us. Sadly I know now that there is no hope. There is only suffering. My plans go back to what they were before he entered my life.....counting down the days. I have no value and no purpose, only to what obligations I am beholden to.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Wolfbrother Lost and Found
Seems the issue with my wolfbrother is ongoing. Last week I said my peace in a card, hoping it would resolve some issues we had and we could find closure. I felt something was amiss so I wrote his dad a letter....and a half a day later...I get a call and I am told he had wandered off and was missing. He live in Canyon Country, where there is wildlife and danger like ravines, cliff, and lakes so as one can imagine I rushed over to help search for him. We spent up until midnight looking, but I drover further out to where I though he would be...a 1 hour drive north beyond the mountains. I was 8 miles off from where the cops picked him up. He is at a hospital now for some rest. I honestly thought things were over.....
I been assisting where I can offering morale support for the family, I know I am kept at a distance.
Things are complicated, for one there is the whole UFO thing......and two the nature of what I am.
His Mom finally called me, the family has been divided for some years, she is else where and my Wolfbrother stays with his Dad. So there is strife between the households. I had to revisit the path months, and fill her in on things she did not know. I had to walk down the hall of a painful memory for a second time this week.
Personally I am heartbroken, but I am use to such pain. However, more odd events occurred tonight for me.
Date: 5/02/2017 and 5/5/2017
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:30am (5/2/2017) and 5:30pm (5/5/2017)
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Very Depressed, Worried (Me)
State of Mind After: Very Depressed, Worried (Me)
Odd occurrences before: Odd Feeling, Ryan Calling For Me, Talking to Valor
Odd occurrences after: Seizure?
So while I was searching on my own driving south along Old Route Road toward Lake Hughes to go to Palmdale, I was desperate. I started asking God, my wolf spirits and the animals there, and even called upon Valor for help in finding my Wolfbrother. I had a good conversation explaining that my Wolfbrother cannot go on like this, that whatever "they" are doing is causing irreparable harm. That "they" need to stop and make sure he is returned home. As I was driving I got two white flashes down a dark highway. Somebody heard me. My gut feeling was even stronger to go toward Palmdale. Originally I was going to take the route he showed me the first time, but we discovered that Lake Elizabeth directly connected there. I went to the was 2:00am...and I felt he was close......but it was late and the park was off limits to explore. I wanted to push on, but I only know the parts he took me too or else I would be lost. When I got home, an hour later I was told they found him. I was so close.
Friday comes along and I have a talk with his Mom. I filled her in and sent her the info she requested. I was going to go visit him at the hospital, but she changed her mind and ask if I would wait till the sometime next week. I hate waiting, but as I am nothing.....I understand my place. I tried to relax and play a game or two to get my mind off things. Uncharacteristically I decided to fall asleep. Within in moments I was paralyzed and unable to breathe. "They" came in, the room was darkened and I could barely see my computer lights. I was trying to yell out for help and do my usual tricks to get free, I was told "We brought you something" and they were observing, it was my Wolfbrother. I cried out for him, and actually managed to say his name. "they" were curious that I was able to say his name and "don't go. come back." They told him to leave. They watched me struggle for a few moments, and I was gasping and calling out for him and fighting. "They" were discussing why the attachment was still there, why there is a link still, they did everything to dissuade me to continue, they don't understand why I care or why my wolfbrother still thinks of me.
Fortunately the phone rang and disrupted whatever was going on, I gasped for air. I felt weak and just laid there, within minutes I heard my guest come in. That must have been cause. I think someone is monitoring and the call was a warning to them.
I have no idea why this is still going on.
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