"Be Afraid" is a horror/thriller movie released in 2016 by Quest Pacifica. At first glance the movie seems to be another alien abduction film of some sort as monstrous greys are seen, but in the end it is a confusing mess of various related UFO/Alien phenomena from shadow people, tommy knockers, and aliens
The story here concerns Dr. John Chambers who moved out from Pittsburgh to a small country town. He and his family are settling in to a new home. He has a wife named Heather who is expecting a second child, and their oldest Nathan that keep to themselves so far. A few scenes later we are introduced to Dr. Chambers oldest son Ben who has dropped out of college, and seems to be from a previous marriage.
We find that four years prior, farming neighbors of Dr. Chambers who lives in the new town had their child, Emma go missing. Dean sees things that have been visiting all his life, and tells his wife Christine that they are coming and needs to protect the family. During a severe storm, monstrous greys come into the house and steal Emma away. Later we find Dean yelling at a wandering Nathan in the wood if he has seen his daughter and warns him about the woods. Nathan's Brother and Father find him and soon call the cops on Dean.
The local law enforcement knows about Dean's situation and sympathetic to him, and the sheriff seems to be have oddly. Less than a day later, Dr. Chambers and Ben encounter Dean's wife on the road, begging for help as her husband wants to kill himself.
All the while as this has been happen, the Chambers family has been seeing off things in and around the house. No one seems to say anything as they all rationalize it away. Only Nathan seems scared and has seen beings in the house and even Emma. Eventually Dr. Chambers realize too that he is seeing something, but is trying to make logical sense. As the movie go on we eventually find out that the beings are targeting Nathan, and that the Sheriff is aware of what truly is going on since his daughter was also taken some 10 years ago.
The Sheriff's daughter who has an interest is Ben recalls memories when she went missing, after a teenage party and dare leave some of her friends missing. She finds out that the town has a history of cold cases of missing children, and there is something strange about and old abandoned train tunnel. As to be expected, Nathan is taken and Dr. Chambers does everything to rescue his soon.He does so, but in the end become on of the Shadow People who live in the tunnel?
The movie was suspenseful and seems to lead you into believing that this is an alien abduction movie, yet then start to say its a shadow people movie, but then seems to take into account the old legends about creature living in caves and mountains.... where it got really confusing. Even the whole point of Ben being there seemed to be so we could discover the deep dark secret of the sheriff. This is one confusing movie
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