Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Emergence of Intuitive Gifts Among Experiencers

[A topic of discussion was supposed to have a presentation at a group I attend, and it sorely
missed the mark. sadly the Speaker went on about herself, shot fallacious factoids out, and
did P.T. Barnum justice in her song and dance. Sadly we have fallen far from the great days
of the old Explorer's Society and Lodges of Philosophy were we would discuss such topics. I am just writing this of the top of my head from what I know in between breaks. If given more time I could probably be more detailed]

So first off let us set some parameter about this subject. We are gonna talk about intuitive abilities, meaning those that are considered "psychic" in nature, and the correlation among experiencers within CE1-CE5 phenomena in regard to alien entities and their crafts. Keep in mind that intuitive abilities in this discussion does not include ritual or divine forms of magic.... as that is something different.

Intuitive Psychic Abilities
Psychic Phenomena can be grouped into several categories, but in this instance we will be using
five large group to incorporate a number of abilities. Psychic or intuitive abilities deal with how one's mental will can manipulate the world around it or the ability to read it. Here are some brief examples arranged from most common to least common...

-Telepathy: Mental Communication, Memory Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation,
  Hallucinations, Channeling Other Consciousness
-Clairsentience: Remote Viewing, Aura Viewing, Precognition, Object Reading
-Psychometabolic: Energy Healing, Increased Vitality or Constitution, Mutations, Body Functions
-Psychokinesis: Makes things hot or cold, attract or repel objects
-Psychoportation: Ability to Phase through Objects, Teleport, Out of Body Experience

Telepathy is considered one of the most common abilities, as it seems it can be activated by others. The ability to broadcast, receive, and translate thoughts. In our understanding of how our brain works we know that certain regions of the brain are stimulated when doing specific tasks. We can also measure this activity in several ways, such as the level of electrical activity between the synapses or the output of the various types of brain waves. We are still trying to decode with this all means, and have yet to have concrete answers. It is important that our physical living brain is only half of this ability, as our mind... is something a bit different. It is in this area perhaps where the true abilities stem from as our personal will can connect and manipulate another person's mental perception. It also includes
those who have the ability to channel other minds into themselves as a bridge for communication.

Clairsentience seems to be the second most common ability that manifests. A number of people
become highly perceptive and good at reading body language or detecting subtle fluctuations in speech. They become very aware..... to the point where they start to be able to perceive beyond our normal understanding. Some have the ability to see energy, namely the bio-electric fields around living beings. Some can begin to perceive the flow of time, knowing what will happen or precisely how something came to be. Other can set their focus perception beyond barriers and vast distances as well. Ironically various governments have focused on this, as their our documents showing research into this phenomena.

Psychometabolism is something that was usually subtle. Some people are able to operate long periods
without food or sleep, perhaps have a hardier constitution, be seemingly immune to high heat or cold, or perhaps have a miracle cure to some disease. In most cases, examples of this ability is illustrated by the "Light Workers" or Energy Healers. A number of untrained people believe they have the ability to heal or channel energy. Eastern Medicine has a long history of research into this, and Western Medicine is begin to verify many of the claims it has.

Psychokinesis and Psychoportation are uncommon abilities that manifest. Especially that they are
very showy. Manifesting fire and cold or the ability to push and attract objects brings a lot of
attention. To date there has not being any verified accounts, only hearsay and anecdotal evidence.
Psychoportation is something that is reported more so, but it often gets confused with Clairsentience/Telepathy.

Bilocation, the ability to be in two places at once, is something that has been accounted in our history,
However, in regard to psychoportation....you have to be physically there as well. A mental projection
of one's self is more of a Claisentience or Telepathic ability, as one may have mental projected an image of themselves during a remote viewing or telepathic communication.

The Close Encounter Experiences
CE1 to CE2 experiences, those that deal with a craft sighting or evidence, there have been some reports
that certain abilities due manifest. This could be due to radiation from a ship or site frequented by
UFO/UAP, an artifact encountered, or impression of the experience by an individual. Now keep in mind not everyone has the same reaction with these events. Some people seem unfazed and ignore what they have witness or encountered. Others have a curiosity awakened in them. Others have an emotional response of wonder and awe or deep fear. And some begin to realize that the event awakened abilities in themselves.

CE3 to CE5 experience, that dealing with physical or mental contact with a non-human, often has a high chance of manifesting abilities. More often than not, Telepathic abilities are awakened as means
of communication is sometime desired, either allowing us to sense their intentions or to calm us down.
Direct communication mentally may happen. Also usually we are exposed to mental probing, looking through our thoughts and memories, and sometimes have screen memories placed within us. A lot of mental contact is taking place. Physical examinations occur as well in the form of implants who does gods know what,  and some experimentation and exploration which may cause certain irregularities to manifest in our biology.
For those of us that have repeated instances, other abilities might manifest such as Clairsentient ones.
These beings may begin to instruct certain individuals into how to use a number of abilities or
do information downloads. This repeated contact either intentional or unintentional does affect the
experiencer to some noticeable degree.

Regardless of the type of encounter, many seem to have a shift in consciousness. It is akin to a
religious awakening in many. Many seem to have a paradigm shift in which they realize that they are
just a small part of an infinite universe or see that we are a unified and universal lifeforms that lives
in symbiosis with one another or they can see the face of the creator and know their touch. A large number of people seem to feel this way....why.... well that is another topic. Especially when there a a number of people who are not awed by this and just realize these being bleed like us and are not divine beings.

Is there an Emergence of Intuitive Gifts?
This is a loaded question. We have been an accessible global community for only 100 years, thanks to
the innovations of technology in communication and travel. Despite our modern perception, we humans
live in isolated communities..... where your hometown was the your world. Daily life was about survival. You had high community involvement, interference, and control..... so a definitive answer is gonna be muddled.

Those that had gifts in most societies were shunned, often considered crazy, haunted, or possessed. Most of them had resources to go to find out why or how they had these abilities. You were mostly likely immediately shunned, so if you were "touched" you kept it to yourself. If you were lucky, you may have been taken in by a religious group who had a better understanding of what you had and were protected under the guise as a "blessed" individual. This is something that we can see across many cultures throughout our history.

This is where religion comes into play, as this was away to explain things that were not obviously explainable to simple people. anything beyond our human understanding was considered to be of the gods.... and anyone display any abilities was considered to be blessed or cursed by them. Certain dangerous abilities would of coursed be considered evil, and those that were not a threat or isolated were deemed acceptable. Also you needed to be able to exert influence over the person and people around it, and that is how certain dogmatic and ritual practices came to be. These extra steps were there to hid the abilities.

The understanding of these abilities some became part of occult practices and societies. Often associated with certain groups of people like monks, shamans, saints, and witches. Those that kept a low profile kept things in the family. That why there seems to be a tradition that certain gift are passed down from generation to generation in certain families. That my grandmother had the gift of "knowing", my mother had it, and now I have it.

The first "Emergence" in western civilization of intuitive abilities occurs around the 1500s in Europe during the witch hunts. Many of those who had precognitive and telepathic abilities were deemed cursed and unholy creatures, a majority of those being woman. Both Catholic and Protestants would persecute and kill thousands of individuals accused of witchcraft. A number of those accused were pagan worshipers, some did traffic with demons, but others just had an intuitive ability that they kept secret.

Some 400 years later the stigma of paranormal and supernatural abilities became less taboo. Spiritualism and Orientalism became a popular fascination for many. The occult secrets of Asia and Egypt were among the most popular, with tribal fetishism of the Americas and Africa followed close behind as curios. You had individuals who conducted seances, channeled both the dead and "gods", read the tarot, and were well versed in divination techniques. Other were purported to be ability to display feats....often learned from the mysterious far east.....like fire-eating, memorization, the art of illusion, and so forth. Academia and the world at large seemed to be fascinated by all this, with Christian churches being silenced for the first time as the influence began to wane with the knowledge that there are other options out there in the Global Community.

The third wave of interest would come around in the 1960s. Early as 1930 there were a number of secret societies and and government organizations involved with Psychic Abilities, mostly Remote Viewing and Mental Manipulation. During this time we have a high instance of UFO and Non-Human Entity Activity going on. Our communication between cities and countries became better, and we had radio and television to make communication easier. There was a shift in social consciousness as well, as again western tradition began to clash with eastern ones. The idea of Peace, Love, and Harmony became a movement......while in secret we had those analyzing abilities and "gifts" in the cold war. CIA and KGB would have their own occult departments due research for decades to come.

The fourth wave...is the early 2000s, were a Neo "New Age" started to come to pass. Science had already progressed to "the beginnings of magical technology and innovation". Cell Phones with video streaming and the internet were common, something seen only in Flash Gordan a century ago. People were able to communicate experiences, show proof of history by sharing books long since buried, and many began to talk about there experiences.....we started seeing a bigger picture.

In closing, I do not think there is an emergence of abilities. It has always been there with us, as it is part of our amazing reality. We are just more acutely aware of it and the mystery behind it is falling slowly away. As we find explanation and our understanding of how our physical universe works, we have uncovered alot information that demystifies things. Also since we are a little more open to discuss the possibility of other life and consciousnesses, we see that are mundane world has some amazing things to still show forth. We have a greater awareness......but we all have that potential.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Spotting UFOs in the County of Los Angeles : Part 2


The other common thing that most of us forget is that we do live in a regulated system, almost all commercial/private planes and helicopters have to follow FAA flight paths. Los Angeles has one major airport of the coast found in the city of Santa Monica, but is surrounded by many smaller airfields and countless helipads. This doesn't even taken into account the military bases and aircraft that fly over Los Angeles. The map above shows the flight corridors for the air traffic from LAX, and my area is above the arrival air corridor. It is easy to spot the various planes coming in from the south and north either night or day. Likewise for helicopter activity, there are several major freeways such as; 10, 101, 5, 60, 605, 710, 110 and 405. Early morning and evenings there are helicopter usually above the interchanges surrounding downtown LA, 10/110, 101/110, 5/110, 10/405, 5/60/101, 10/710, 5/710, 60/710, 5/605, 10/605, 60/605, and a few others. So the helicopters are very easy to spot..... then due to the crime rate in Los Angeles....you have the CHP, Los Angeles Sheriff Office, and LAPD flying around. Those various agency are clearly marked, and local know where these helipads are throughout the city. Lastly are the air traffic from the Military, most Helicopters and Ospreys. They generally follow the freeways, mostly flying along the 5, 60, and 605 corridors.

The only things that are random are the smaller planes that fly from various airfields, black op helicopters, missile/rocket testing fly overs, and UFOs. Yes the skies above Los Angeles are very busy day or night....... but there is still some odd thing up in the sky. Most people don't look up be cause of all the traffic and noise..... but when you do you can notice these anomalies all throughout Los Angeles County.

Example of Chemtrails (Not LA)

For example, just yesterday October 23, 2024.... (example up above, not Los Angeles) there were several chemtrails in the sky. Usually these are high altitude planes or rockets flying usually south, presumably from Vandenberg US Space Force Base located northwest of Los Angeles or from Edwards Airforce Base in Lancaster/Palmdale north of Los Angeles. Presumably there is activity from the  Naval Weapon Station near Seal Beach southeast of Los Angeles as well.

There are some apps you can use or just check out vector control sites for maps detailing the air traffic in your area to try to identify what is flying around you. Take notice if there are strange patterns and anomalies in your airspace.... especially with the odd black helicopter....these unmarked helicopters are either military or some sort of private entity.....but should not be in public airspace monitoring stuff. Again most go unnoticed because no one watched the skies as we all think everyone is okay cause surely the police, military, FAA, and other are on constant watch. It is a false sense of security. Plus if they were always monitoring...then why are there even reports of UFO/UAPS? When reported on the news.... why can't we get accurate info if it was a missile or rocket?

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

UFO Disclosure day: Controlling the Narrative


As many of you are already well aware the interest in UFOs is decades, if not more than a few centuries old. Modern United States of America points out the Roswell Crash of 1947 as a benchmark of when the wider populace starts showing interest. From there the public trust in our military forces was high, as the US was victorious in WWII. U.S. Airforce was soon tasked with investigation into the UFO Phenomena, infamously known as Project Bluebook which concluded that there was almost nothing........ most reported sighting of UFOs were easily explained as weather phenomena or mistaken identity of planes, satellites, motor vehicles, and fireworks. However, it did state that there were a few cases that had yet to have an explanation for. Also this is where things get complicated.....as you have two research paths.....1) The Craft be reported.....and 2) The Occupants within the craft. Over the next few decades people would still report strange lights and craft in the sky.

Another benchmark day is 1961, with the abduction case of Betty and Barney Hill. They were not the first people to report an abduction or CE3 event, but it became another fixture in the public eye. The being piloting the craft were not "human" and they had an interest in us. Since 1961 many more started to report they too has a close encounter or an abduction. Most kept quite due to fear, ridicule, or were threatened with their assessment in being a mentally stable person. Some people have been mentally institutionalized due to their experiences and others were told to have more faith in god to find solace from these demonic beings. Another benchmark date 1987, when an account of another Abduction case was publicized, Whitley Strieber's Communion. Again this captured the interest of the public eye as many more started to come forward about their own experiences. The stigma around this started to fade..... and more and more stories past and present were shared with the public.

Over the next few years the topic of Aliens and UFO was discussed by many. Some celebrities started to come forward and sponsor some documentaries and television series. It started to be come "marketable", outside of the popular sci-fiction genre. Even its ties to "Spiritualism" and WWII lent to its popularity. In 1997, the Phoenix Lights incident that occurred in Arizona was witnessed by people in multiple states and countries (USA and Mexico). A series of unexplained light formation appeared above Arizona. The US military again had no explanation, and I think people began to tire of this.

Fast Forward to 2017, when To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded by Tom DeLonge, Harold Puthoff, and Jim Semivan. This company was dedicated to entertainment, science, and aerospace. Spear-headed mainly by a celebrity with lots of $$$$$ and a personal alien experience that was used to finally put a fire under the government and into the public consciousness. UFO and ALIENS are REAL!!!! Congress was put on notice as documents and evidence was being presented to "government officials", whistleblowers came forward and testimony from "reliable" sources was given. Finally we would start getting answers..... despite the decades of researcher, experiencers, abductees, large organizations such as MUFON, grifters, opportunists, and others who already acknowledged this. The next few years interest and any movement was a tide, waxing and waning. However the last two years.....more and more has been bought to the public light.....especially when we are seeing massive amounts of tax payer funding going to black-op projects. Where there is evidence of certain individuals and corporations profiting off of all this. You have many people who have a financial stake in all of this.... and this is why we finally have some results coming to fruition.

Yet you need to ask something....if there are already 100,000s of people out there who already know about UFO and Aliens, and several countries already acknowledge their existence....why do we need the U.S.A. government to admit they are real? Furthermore... why does the US seem to hold the market share of whether or not Aliens beings come forward. Who are these gatekeepers and why are some many celebrities and pseudo-researchers poised to make $$$$$ on this.

Someone is controlling this story....those of us who have suffered are being swept under the rug and silenced. No one wants to hear the story of your negative abduction, they want the universal peace and harmony bullshit. Ignore the fact that people have been physically hurt, gone insane, violated, raped, died, and kidnapped..... it is all about the universal family and understanding. Your voice and input do not matter, unless you are an influencer or celebrity. You are not the right kinda of person we need to here from at all....... unless you are a high ranking military official, celebrity or financier,  or "credible" industry leader.....your information is not wanted. If they are gonna come forward I get they need to sell and market this to the general public...... "Fun! Friendly! Convenient! Familiar!". No one wants to see behind the screen after all....or acknowledge the trail of blood.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Augmented Humans, Starseeds, Chimeras, and Hybrids...... oh my

The UFO/UAP experience gets complicated when we talk about the occupants of UFOs. Some claim their are physical beings from beyond our world and other say they are extra dimensional entities. However when they interact with us on a CE4 to CE5 level things get complicated when they intentions become a bit more personal.


As most CE4 individuals can attest when contact is made it does change you, especially in repeated instances. Whether the contact is benign or other, it leaves some changes on the body and mind. One of the obvious last effects is a type of trauma usually, one that usually develops into anxiety or some form CPTSD. This of course is an environmental effect from the overall experience of a CE4 event, and is a psychological reaction...sometimes as a defense mechanism to avoid the traumatic experience. Those that claim more peaceful interaction often claim that there is an attempt of "mental communication", that a voice/thought or strong feeling is directed at them. Now we do have brain waves and we are currently studying what regions of the brains are stimulated by the various types waves......we are still at the beginning stages of understanding this...be what are noticing things. Even those with non-peaceful interactions may begin to pick up upon the thoughts..... as if a part of our brain in suddenly stimulated and begin to become aware of these broadcasts. At this point..... are standard human has become natural augmented..in the sense that a new awareness has manifested which can be reflected in the sense that there are new neural pathways and areas of the brain being stimulated. Of all the augments this is the least invasive..... as it just communication and seems to be an unused portion of our potential.

Things can escalate if an interest is taken to improve or simply explore the individuals of a CE4 encounter. This is when artificial augmentation occurs with the introductions of implants, exploratory surgeries, breeding, genetic manipulation, and unintended side effects. Our human biology is obvious is affected by our encounter with them, sometimes it is unnoticeable.....and other times it is painful obvious. Radiation exposure was one of the many individuals of CE1-3 often complained about, becoming ill after an encounter with a ship. Other times the mere touch of an entity left odd burn marks (hot or cold) or there was some discoloration due to biological oils (if any) from said being, or even manifest as a rash or allergic reaction. Intrusive augments are of course the implants that have been claimed to influence or monitor and individual, and the exploratory surgeries that leave scars or cause our bodies to ache. (Trust me...this is hard to put into words when you have had your skullcap removed and the back of your brain fiddled around with or have had your left eyeball taken out its socket to work on the optic nerve!). The next phase is the selective breeding process and the subtle push to certain genetic traits...those unlucky few who have multi-generational experience can see that there is some odd thing down the lone passed from parent to child....and so on. As far as I am aware I am a third iteration experiment.....from my maternal side...and a second iteration experiment on the paternal side. They been tweaking are genetics for some reasons. All of these things experiences make us no longer a standard human.......at this point we may have even become Chimeras......


What are Chimeras? In classical Greek mythology it was a beast containing three elements of different animals. It has become a term now in genetics to describe an organism carrying "other" DNA. Some of the DNA can be active and other parts can lie dormant. Chimeras come into play when you have differing species.... for example we humans are Homo Sapiens and we are mammals. Are specific genetic make up is rather consistent for our environment. When other entities are introduced or non-human origin and genetic manipulation is taking place.... then this is when foreign DNA is introduced. Most of the time it will not take or may cause a cellular breakdown or unintended mutation.....as our body does resist change....we want a stable biological environment after all. Chimeras are mentioned because off the number alien entities that are reported being encountered......and the cross-breeding that claims to happen. Many of theses entities do not correspond to our biology.....and in a sense if things were attempted.... into would be with the introduction of there genetic material slowly into ours. After all we don't want to introduce an effects that cause one DNA to become dominant and produced an unintended mutation. I think personally there are a lot of Chimeras in our society.... we are just unaware of where this other DNA is hiding in our code. We already crossed that river with our experiments introducing porcine and bovine genetic material in some circumstances..... as well as items from the rodent population. We have harvested organs, made vaccines and insulin...  Alien DNA could have been introduced ages ago and not just fairly fairly recently.


This is commonly the most widely known.....HYBRIDS. If you take offense....not my problem....just trying to make this a simple example. You have a Caucasian and a Negroid.....there kids will produce a hybrid that has a stable mix of both genetic of their parents. It will blend in....and every mix will produce a number of combination as certain traits from the parents are more dominate than the other.... most notably eye color, hair color, hair textures, and skin color superficially. Again if you are offended by this example....go eat a carrot....science doesn't have room for weepy tears. No concerning alien entities, unless they are genetically similar you cannot just produced a hybrid. There are steps involved....and even if you use the crude example of mating a dog and a at.....it won't work 99.99999%. of the time. Lets look at the three major types of aliens with hybrids; Greys, Reptilians, and Pleiadians.

*Pleiadians: These near humans would be the easiest to create a hybrid with as they have very similar mammalian features. Depending on the type they are either very closely human, or they themselves are a hybrid race. Based upon descriptions most are a match for us...we don't know anything about their internal fluids such as blood types, plasma, spinal fluids, or mucus. Some though do have traits in combination with greys or reptillians...noticeable scale patterns on skin or modification with the eyes. Some cranial shapes or ear lobe difference are their as well. More than likely they can have an individual pass of as a human with little difficulty.

*Greys: These are known to create many types of bio-specimens and seem to be engineered. The two methods individuals have reported is that the embryo is modified and allowed to gestate for a while with the mother and then transferred to birthing cylinder. Other find a large number of birthing chambers with various types of specimens either in suspended animation or still in some gestation period. Apparently there is a high mortality rate among there creation, it is not for certain if it is a matter of genetics or an other stimulant issues (Female often weep about the emotional connection necessary for birth and child rearing. Scientifically that is not necessary as there are millions of earth based life forms that survive without). These hybrid from a distance can pass as human, but often have dominant traits of the greys in skin textures, digits, cranial formation, and eyes. [Apparently there are hybrid specimens created from my DNA sample... a male and female. However I suspect it is not a true hybrid....but more of a Chimera....that has been genetic modified to activate their traits.]

*Reptilians: First off one would think that there would be a vast difference between reptiles and mammals. There are definitely not apparently compatible...but as mentioned some exist within the Pleiadian and Greys. Apparently there are a few humans types.....but it is unknown if this is because of advance camouflage/shapeshifting techniques or there are successful creations. It is very confusing as almost every mention of a hybrid turns out to be one that was pretending to be human? It is possible but there not much on this...and most seem fantastical.


The last one is created by energy beings and is rather insidious since it displaces or destroys a human soul. Though many like to claim any alien or hybrid as a Starseed......a true star seed is an "alien" soul that has been deposited or awakened in a human vessel. They can interfere and manipulate humans to create a desired vessel or pick randomly for the most 'human' experience. Usually Starseeds don't come to actualization until there teenage years....though some quirkiness may be seen in adolescence as they are wise or intelligent for their age. Once they self-actualize...they claim that is why they felt so different....or were so special.... or felt they had a connection to otherworldly things....or any multitude of things. Some claim this is a chosen path to experience a new life on a differing planet for the soul is an immortal being.....and others claim they are messengers sent to shape humanity.

These are hard to quantify unless there have been biological changes that would indicate they are other than human. Apparently some claim that one or more types of other entities come into contact with them to awaken or gift them with the appropriate and familiar traits lacking in their current host body.   


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Fae or Faerie


When it comes to UAP/UFO and aliens...... some people will point to faeries. Why there are a lot of similarities and some crossover, these two things are not the same. It doesn't help that two popular TV shows "Supernatural" and "True Blood" have branded that in the minds of some. Christianity is also to blame as well.....as many legends of the Irish Celtics were incorporated into catholic beliefs. Apparently some believe that leprechauns are fallen angels, much like the Djinn of islamic lore. As we mention islamic lore..... the Fae are culturally tied to Europe. They may travel.....but their home origins are in Europe!!!! First and foremost we do have origin of the fae, as their are countless tales and folklore behind them. So do not follow any quote of the modern experts that state "We just don't know the origins of the ancients beings...it is a mystery." Sorry....but there is a wealth of information........


Greek/Roman Fae

According to Greek mythology, when the creation of the universe on our world begin the greater titans set into motion the powers that be.....life, death, air, light, fire, water, time, etc.... eventually when they began to have children.....the fae came about as the Titans legacy lessened and lessened with their children and grandchildren. Not to mention having Gaia birth a variety of creatures. Many of these beings had power in some form or supernatural mastery....dryads, fauns, satyrs, sylphs, undines, salamanders, gnomes, sirens, tritons, and other elemental and nature spirits came about. They lived in our early physical world and played among the Titans. 

As humans delved deeper into the wilderness and their cities expanded the fae retreated. As the Greek were the oldest to make note of these, the Romans....would incorporate much of their beliefs....reflecting an unified history. Don't forget that Ancient Greece covered much of the slavic regions as well...early on.


Galic/Briton/Irish Fae

The Roman Empire and its culture expanded from the Mediterranean coasts to the far Atlantic Sea to British Isles. The majority of indigenous Europeans has their own faerie lore, but the origins are attributed to the Poseidon and Demeter, depicted in their forms of the Stud and the Mare. These two horses, one of land and one of water would give birth to a series of beings that would be revered in the folktales of the Celtic people. Their children and children's children would inhabit that dark woods and forests among ancient Europe.  It is important to note that things get mixed up here as there a three groups the Sidhe, and the Tuatha De Danann, and the Fetes de Faunus. The Sidhe....are the tall elves that are closer to what we see in the Vanir and Alfar in the nordic lines. These are the ones who populate the other world, who have long lifespans and know magic. The next group are the gods, descendants of Poseiden and Demeter.....the Tuatha De Danann...children of Danu which include the various faeries found in the British Isles. The mainland celts of Cymyr seem to have a mix of the Sidhe, Tuatha, and those who are children of Pan/Faunus. We also begin to see influences from the Nordic in the Sidhe, but also of the Alfar of Nidlavellir....known as the dwarves. Nordic faeries also seem to resemble Urda and the  modern Gnome.

Another new branch is also introduced in the concept of the Unseelie and Seelie courts, the fae of the uppworlds of lights and the underworld of darkness. This is a strong duality representing night and day, good and evil, light and dark.

Nordic Fae

As mentioned the Nordic fae are the dwarves, elves, and trolls. giantkind are known as the Jotan and are the forefathers of the Aesirs. Much like the Greek Titans, giants are a whole different thing. The main branch is the dwarves, who appeared in the flesh of Ymir.... a primordial ice giant which the world was made from. When the earth was made they burrowed into that two, but had there own unique realm known as Nidavellir, and are also found in Alfheim and Svartalfhiem. They were known for their craftsmanship and ability to work magic. The elves "were considered" dwarves as well, but were tall and thin and beautiful to look upon. The Svartalf were mischievious and would turn to stone in sunlight.....much like trolls. The last that are not considered fae per say ar those from Vanaheim, the Vanir.....which were considered the people of the plains and forests..... which went to war with the Aesir. These people do not have an origin, and are just another tribe of beings with a strong tie to the forests. Early on there is lot of mixing and interchangeable terms among various fea beings.....which leads to a lot of confusion.... troll and giants are the same, dwarves and elves are the same, and other spirits are generally known from the realm they are found in. Thus a fair number of creatures from Alheim are simply Alfar....and those coming from Jotunheim are just Jotun.


Deathly Spirits

One of the thing that many confuse the fae with are ghosts. Some of the Unseelie fae behave in a manner most dark and dreary, and some feed upon humans in one form or another. Some of confused with vampires and other monsters because of their non-human forms....or that they serve as psychopomps ushering the human spirits to the great beyond. The Wild Hunt, Banshees, The Black Coachman, the Black Hound, Sluagh, Ghost lights "Will o' Wisp" and "Jack o' Lantern" are some that blur the line between fae and the undead. It is important to remember that the fae are non-human in origin....some are mortal...other are not. Some mortal human can be fae enchanted, being cursed or blessed and that gives the fae dominion over their soul......but they are not fae. A "Will O' Wisp" and Jack O' Lantern are two good examples of undead spirits mistaken for the fae. Both Will and Jack were wicked souls. Will would not be allowed in heaven, but was given a silver coin to light his way in the spiritworld...becoming Wii of the Wisp. Jack on the other hand sold his soul to the devil, and tricked him twice to the point that the devil released his hold. However when he arrived to go to heaven....he was refused entry. When he went to hell...the devil refused him for trapping him. The devil however gave him a bit of brimeston to light his way. Jack carved a holder out of a radish...... and that is how we got Jack of the Lantern. These are damned human spirits and not the fae.

Immigrant Fae of the New World 

Many people assume that because of the predominance of European culture......the fae are everywhere. That is not entirely true....... for one many of the fae have their own realms to attend to and fiercely guard what they have. Their is no unified race of fae or even one nation. Talaes talk of multiple kingdoms of the fae, some that war with each other and humans, other that are entire peaceful....and many a racially divided among themselves. There are some who wander and explore.....but they are outside of the norm.

However, since they are spirits of sorts and are magically....they can be summoned through rituals. Many of the early european settlers may have summoned some of the fae in other lands for protection or luck. However it doesn't mean they are found through the Americas or even survived. Cause one of the biggest mistakes neo-pagans and the shamanfluencers forget.... is that there is an indigenous spirit world.....and they don't take kindly to invaders. The fae of the old world if not careful can find themselves overwhelmed in an area that is hostile toward them....as the native elemental spirits refuse to allow them to work their magics. Even worse they may be captured by natives, and some of the new world spiritual beings to be avoided.

The only reason I bring this up is because there are a lot of misinformed people in the UFO community who go by our cartoon knowledge of faeries. Thinking that they are all nice and cute, and pressing upon the European traditions where ever they go. To misidentify an entity can be deadly, especially when you are trying to ward it off or appease it in ritual. The Fae may be extradimensional beings, and may have been ways are ancestors saw some UFO and aliens as.... but.... there is a chance that the fae and aliens are to different things.... and its best not to confuse them. Plus there is hundred of years of faerie lore and mythology that can help guide us.