Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Fae or Faerie


When it comes to UAP/UFO and aliens...... some people will point to faeries. Why there are a lot of similarities and some crossover, these two things are not the same. It doesn't help that two popular TV shows "Supernatural" and "True Blood" have branded that in the minds of some. Christianity is also to blame as well.....as many legends of the Irish Celtics were incorporated into catholic beliefs. Apparently some believe that leprechauns are fallen angels, much like the Djinn of islamic lore. As we mention islamic lore..... the Fae are culturally tied to Europe. They may travel.....but their home origins are in Europe!!!! First and foremost we do have origin of the fae, as their are countless tales and folklore behind them. So do not follow any quote of the modern experts that state "We just don't know the origins of the ancients beings...it is a mystery." Sorry....but there is a wealth of information........


Greek/Roman Fae

According to Greek mythology, when the creation of the universe on our world begin the greater titans set into motion the powers that be.....life, death, air, light, fire, water, time, etc.... eventually when they began to have children.....the fae came about as the Titans legacy lessened and lessened with their children and grandchildren. Not to mention having Gaia birth a variety of creatures. Many of these beings had power in some form or supernatural mastery....dryads, fauns, satyrs, sylphs, undines, salamanders, gnomes, sirens, tritons, and other elemental and nature spirits came about. They lived in our early physical world and played among the Titans. 

As humans delved deeper into the wilderness and their cities expanded the fae retreated. As the Greek were the oldest to make note of these, the Romans....would incorporate much of their beliefs....reflecting an unified history. Don't forget that Ancient Greece covered much of the slavic regions as well...early on.


Galic/Briton/Irish Fae

The Roman Empire and its culture expanded from the Mediterranean coasts to the far Atlantic Sea to British Isles. The majority of indigenous Europeans has their own faerie lore, but the origins are attributed to the Poseidon and Demeter, depicted in their forms of the Stud and the Mare. These two horses, one of land and one of water would give birth to a series of beings that would be revered in the folktales of the Celtic people. Their children and children's children would inhabit that dark woods and forests among ancient Europe.  It is important to note that things get mixed up here as there a three groups the Sidhe, and the Tuatha De Danann, and the Fetes de Faunus. The Sidhe....are the tall elves that are closer to what we see in the Vanir and Alfar in the nordic lines. These are the ones who populate the other world, who have long lifespans and know magic. The next group are the gods, descendants of Poseiden and Demeter.....the Tuatha De Danann...children of Danu which include the various faeries found in the British Isles. The mainland celts of Cymyr seem to have a mix of the Sidhe, Tuatha, and those who are children of Pan/Faunus. We also begin to see influences from the Nordic in the Sidhe, but also of the Alfar of Nidlavellir....known as the dwarves. Nordic faeries also seem to resemble Urda and the  modern Gnome.

Another new branch is also introduced in the concept of the Unseelie and Seelie courts, the fae of the uppworlds of lights and the underworld of darkness. This is a strong duality representing night and day, good and evil, light and dark.

Nordic Fae

As mentioned the Nordic fae are the dwarves, elves, and trolls. giantkind are known as the Jotan and are the forefathers of the Aesirs. Much like the Greek Titans, giants are a whole different thing. The main branch is the dwarves, who appeared in the flesh of Ymir.... a primordial ice giant which the world was made from. When the earth was made they burrowed into that two, but had there own unique realm known as Nidavellir, and are also found in Alfheim and Svartalfhiem. They were known for their craftsmanship and ability to work magic. The elves "were considered" dwarves as well, but were tall and thin and beautiful to look upon. The Svartalf were mischievious and would turn to stone in sunlight.....much like trolls. The last that are not considered fae per say ar those from Vanaheim, the Vanir.....which were considered the people of the plains and forests..... which went to war with the Aesir. These people do not have an origin, and are just another tribe of beings with a strong tie to the forests. Early on there is lot of mixing and interchangeable terms among various fea beings.....which leads to a lot of confusion.... troll and giants are the same, dwarves and elves are the same, and other spirits are generally known from the realm they are found in. Thus a fair number of creatures from Alheim are simply Alfar....and those coming from Jotunheim are just Jotun.


Deathly Spirits

One of the thing that many confuse the fae with are ghosts. Some of the Unseelie fae behave in a manner most dark and dreary, and some feed upon humans in one form or another. Some of confused with vampires and other monsters because of their non-human forms....or that they serve as psychopomps ushering the human spirits to the great beyond. The Wild Hunt, Banshees, The Black Coachman, the Black Hound, Sluagh, Ghost lights "Will o' Wisp" and "Jack o' Lantern" are some that blur the line between fae and the undead. It is important to remember that the fae are non-human in origin....some are mortal...other are not. Some mortal human can be fae enchanted, being cursed or blessed and that gives the fae dominion over their soul......but they are not fae. A "Will O' Wisp" and Jack O' Lantern are two good examples of undead spirits mistaken for the fae. Both Will and Jack were wicked souls. Will would not be allowed in heaven, but was given a silver coin to light his way in the spiritworld...becoming Wii of the Wisp. Jack on the other hand sold his soul to the devil, and tricked him twice to the point that the devil released his hold. However when he arrived to go to heaven....he was refused entry. When he went to hell...the devil refused him for trapping him. The devil however gave him a bit of brimeston to light his way. Jack carved a holder out of a radish...... and that is how we got Jack of the Lantern. These are damned human spirits and not the fae.

Immigrant Fae of the New World 

Many people assume that because of the predominance of European culture......the fae are everywhere. That is not entirely true....... for one many of the fae have their own realms to attend to and fiercely guard what they have. Their is no unified race of fae or even one nation. Talaes talk of multiple kingdoms of the fae, some that war with each other and humans, other that are entire peaceful....and many a racially divided among themselves. There are some who wander and explore.....but they are outside of the norm.

However, since they are spirits of sorts and are magically....they can be summoned through rituals. Many of the early european settlers may have summoned some of the fae in other lands for protection or luck. However it doesn't mean they are found through the Americas or even survived. Cause one of the biggest mistakes neo-pagans and the shamanfluencers forget.... is that there is an indigenous spirit world.....and they don't take kindly to invaders. The fae of the old world if not careful can find themselves overwhelmed in an area that is hostile toward them....as the native elemental spirits refuse to allow them to work their magics. Even worse they may be captured by natives, and some of the new world spiritual beings to be avoided.

The only reason I bring this up is because there are a lot of misinformed people in the UFO community who go by our cartoon knowledge of faeries. Thinking that they are all nice and cute, and pressing upon the European traditions where ever they go. To misidentify an entity can be deadly, especially when you are trying to ward it off or appease it in ritual. The Fae may be extradimensional beings, and may have been ways are ancestors saw some UFO and aliens as.... but.... there is a chance that the fae and aliens are to different things.... and its best not to confuse them. Plus there is hundred of years of faerie lore and mythology that can help guide us.

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