Monday, September 30, 2024

Raising Your Consciousness/Vibrations: Sound

As mentioned in a previous post, vibrations can be translated into sound. The visual spectrum and electro-magnetic wavelength can be translated into various pitches at certain frequencies we can hear. There is a long history of sacred sounds.....not only with the tones itself...but with the words used in chants. Cymatic science seems to explain these sound waves and how they effect matter.

One of the oldest examples of sacred sounds are the Sanskrit Beej Mantras. There are many sacred words when said properly produce a sound that can manipulate one's energy field. Some of the mantra's are considered inaudible and are only detected by one's spirits such as these;

Om 7.83hz          Gam 14hz          Hleem 20hz          Hreem 26hz          Kleem 33hz
Krowm 39hz       Sreem 45hz

The Beej Mantras associated with the chakras are often easily heard and familiar to most;

Lam  261.6hz, 523.3hz, 1046.5hz, 2093hz, 4186hz, and expressed as a C note
Vam  293.7hz, 587.3hz, 1174.7hz, 2349.3hz, 4698.7hz, and expressed as a D note
Ram  329.6hz, 659.3hz, 1318.5hz, 2637.1hz, 5274.1hz, and expressed as a E note
Yam  349.2hz, 698.5hz, 1396.9hz, 2793.9hz, 5587.7hz, and expressed as a F note
Ham 196hz, 392hz, 784hz, 1568hz, 3136hz, and expressed as a G note
Ohm 110hz, 220hz, 440hz, 880hz, 1761hz, 3520hz, and expressed as a A note
Ohm  123.5hz, 246.9hz, 493.9hz, 987.8hz, 1975.5hz, 3951.1hz,, the color is white, and expressed as a B note

In our western culture this was also studied and a similar system was created by a Benedictine Monk, and these frequencies are know as Solfeggio...are Do Re Me Fa So La Te

396 Hz – Associated with Liberating Guilt and Fear
417 Hz – Associated with Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
528 Hz – Associated with Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 Hz – Associated with Connecting/Relationships
741 Hz – Associated with Expression/Solutions
852 Hz – Associated with Returning to Spiritual Order 

Many cultures have their own variations on how sound effects our reality, and certain cultures have tones related to them expressed in various musical scales. They are a common thread found in various songs. Music is one of the oldest of our traditions.....from simple percussion to woodwinds. Music can influence our mood and create an environment....or in the case as above.... manipulate our own internal energy. Many believe by listening to certain rhythms and chants we can increase our mental acuity and physical well being.

Many have said that listening to certain classical pieces of western music can increase our brains ability to process information, or help us calm down. Spiritual Chants from every religion are said to bring in positive frequencies and drive away negative ones..... and there are whole compositions of Chinese classic music said to help regulate the flow of chi. Modern individuals go as far as creating binaural beats which stimulate the brain waves....allowing for a number of benefits from out of body experiences to physical healing.

So is this the key to attaining a higher level? Is this what they are asking for? For us to have an understanding of a certain frequency of sound to resonate on? Again we are not given a scale...or preference....we are told just raise it..... but it is not always as simple as that. Each frequency has a place and there is no better or worse one. What is confusing is that as we understand the visual and audio connections there are some odd results. Sometimes in order to rise you must go down....and viceversa depending on how you see things. What makes things more difficult is when you start to consider inter-dimensional they may be operating with non-euclidean geometry or 4D or 5D physics. From the many examples out there, we have no foundational structure to start with.....and are grasping at a myriad of ideas. I hope this is at least a point of thought for some to ponder.

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