Sunday, September 29, 2024

Second City Stories: Cathedral of Los Angeles, Catacombs, and the Calvary Cemetary


Second City Stories describe the events of an alternate Los Angeles, where another me lives. I have been having these dreams since I was a child. I have come to realize that this is part of the Abduction Phenomena, and is a CE4 (5) event...where I am aware of a parallel world. I have discounted these events as mere dreams, but I have always noted the high level of consistency and history to where they are at. 

To the east along the 60 freeway is the Cavalry Cemetery, a mirror of our own. To the north of the freeway in Monterey Park the elevation is higher. The cemetery is in a bowl area, with the west side rising slightly and the eastside border by a high hill which eventually slopes down into the residential neighborhoods along Atlantic Blvd. To the south the elevation raises to a hill, not as high as the east, and then gentle slopes south. Here the LA Cathedral and Catacomb entrances can be found. The map shows the main streets surrounding the Cemeteries areas, and each section and cemetery has its own form of paths and roads. Main portions of of the areas are dedicated to christian burial, overseen by the catholic church. As mirroring the actual area...there is a Jewish Cemetery, Serbian-Croatan Cemetery, a Chinese Cemetery...and the addition of a Japanese and Native American section. During the winter a heavy fog often hangs over the area...making rather creepy. These are old cemeteries and have mausoleums, crypts, vaults, and headstones. The newer parts have transitioned to grave markers over the plots. None of the cemeteries are closed after sunset and can be accessed anytime of day.

The first area of interest is the catacombs which predate the Cemeteries and Burial Grounds. The area official known as the catacombs is a high open aired half-coliseum like structure with many crypts and mausoleums. There are tunnels which go under the area with additional burial chambers and connects to the Los Angeles Cathedral. The underground tunnels go even deeper, and connect to an underground river. These deeper level are not open to the public and their our folktales that "things" are found down there.

The Los Angeles Cathedral here is a tall sixth-story structure. with one central back belltower extending three more stories. The main entrance is on level three, and the remain two level connect to a lower elevation with another entrance on level 2 where lower parking is available. Level 1 beneath the ground level. The Cathedral's Main worship hall is toward the back and open air up until level 5 with at least three other side chapels open up until level 3. Besides the chapels and Main Worship Hall, there are two large auditoriums, several meeting rooms, a library, a sanctuary for baptism, and storage attic on level 6.  There are two main large sub-level basements with burial chambers, and a tunnel system that connect to the rectory and other catacombs.

Masses are held only at sunset, then night, and late night. Apparently I served as an altar boy here as a teenager for at least three years.

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