Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Disclosure: Don't get Carried away with Beliefs


Alien Saviors

One things among the Alien Abduction/Encounter crew is that there is a strong spiritual belief with "Aliens". A fair number of individuals who have encountered them have claimed that they are "Spiritually Enlightened", have strong "Shamanic/Spiritual Ties", or are "Emissaries of the God(s)". I don't know if these people are just coping with their belief systems...because when they are added to the mix of things...our scientific understanding goes down due to inept mysticism.

Inept Mysticism? Yes, you heard me correctly. Many individuals are either extremely ignorant of mystic and spiritual traditions, tend to put a modern interpretation on age old customs with mixing and matching, or are just plain incorrect in their assumptions how things are. Like any belief system, there are certain rules and beliefs you need to follow.... and its not up to interpretation.... unless you want to end up like the 100,000 flavors of Christianity. There are certain practices that are open, but many have a deep rooted cultural aspect to it.


This a a general term for a person who has a set of religious beliefs based upon a certain cultural, usually among tribal societies. It asserts that there is a spiritual world with beings, and our material world. It traditions are heavily influenced by a cultural, and shamans can be found with Eskimo, Native Americans "Indians", Mayans, Incans, Aztecs, Aborigines, Asian groups, Mongols, and certain African cultures. Druidism and Wiccan practices are not part of this group, though similar. Although there is an open understanding, you can't necessarily mix cultural traditions, they are not necessarily interchangeable. Sadly many US "Medicine Woman" claim psychic abilities and communication with certain cryptids like Sasquatch, twisitng Shamanism with their own beliefs. They even go as far twisting narrative of aliens as well to fit their beliefs. When looking across the board, when it comes to Aliens.... many have indicated that they are simply tangible people from the sky. Bigfoot is a tangible living creature that is elusive. It is not necessarily otherworldly being that have mystical powers. We can see that through ancient narratives and accounts that have been passed down. Modern day stuff is know flooded with Psychic Dimensional Bigfoot who uses wormholes and become invisible bullshit.


A modern pagan movement that attempts to claim all witchcraft as a unified system of belief. Across many cultures a practitioner of natural magic, male or female, has been called a witch. However the modern movement basis it heavily upon European traditions, and embraces many pagan gods from the Norse, Celtic, and Roman pantheons. Hecate is one of the most popular goddess, with Pan, Herne, Baphomet, and others following as needed. There is a strong belief that there a large feminine association, but that is a fallacious. Also many claim a culture title of a witch without the realization that each belief system is unique. An Italian Witch is very different from their English counterpart or even those of the Diabolical bent. Modern day Wiccans also have a habit claiming fae lore in their beliefs to add another level muddiness.  Some Wiccans see aliens as members of the fae, and will often see the abduction phenomena as an extension of the involvement of faeries.


Catholics and the other 100,000 protestants beliefs put things as either Angels or Demons. Withing the mythology, there are a group of renegade angels, the watchers, who are not sided with Lucifer and operate on some level with mankind. Muslims refer to another group of earthly angels as the Djinn. Many will point out that perhaps these being are members of the fallen angles who come to punish the sinful. Other will point that they are instead, messengers from heaven, as they have concerns with the earth and mankind. Warning us of the impending doom of our planet if we do not change our ways (instead of telling the shareholders or the CEO/CFO and the board...they contact Miss Montgomery a lunch lady in rural Arkansas). Christianity itself already has some UFO/Alien ties as it is.

Several biblical fables point out UFOs in the old testament, while others claim Jesus was a hybrid, and in the New Testament that the physical ascension of Mary and Jesus was an alien abduction. Also Medieval art has depictions of "UFOs" in the form of golden discs or orbs in the sky.

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