My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Television: Roswell
This teenage sci-fi drama ran from 1999-2002. It centered around the town of Roswell, New Mexico.
Apparently the spaceship that had been sited that made the town infamous fro UFO's was a ship from the planet Antar in the Whirlwind Galaxy. Apparently on there home planet, a coup took place in which the Royal family was threatened. They fled away and found earth as a suitable place to hid the royal family until such time.
In order for the Antaran to survive on this world, a genetic hybrid of human-antaran DNA was made and clones of King Zan (Max Evans), Princess Vilandra (Isabel Evans), Prince Rath (Michael Guerin), and Queen Ava (Tess Harding) were constructed. A second set of back ups with full memories were also made. The four who would be discovered by the local sheriff had no memory and were adopted. Throughout the show, Max and the others come to terms with their alien heritage, avoiding the government as well as renegades from Antar.
Although never shown as a Grey, the Antarans posses advance technology as well as several psionic powers.
The Hybrids have shown to have the ability of mind control, healing, psycho-kinetic manipulation and transmutation. When taxed them begin to glow and a grey like creature can be seen just under their skin.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Paranormal: Shadow People
Well there is a phenomena that kinda crosses over and touches upon the Alien Abduction experience;
Shadow People. Although I have never personally experienced this specific type of phenomena, others in my family have claimed to have seen them. People have many theories as to what they are.... inter dimensional travelers or spiritual entities from another reality.
However, this has caused some confusion with the Alien Abduction phenomena. Certain individuals when abducted recall shadowy beings flirting around the house, or dark solid being whom they cannot see standing in there rooms or in the hall. This could be part of the aliens obfuscation gears or ability to stay out of sight. My own experiences, I recall them being dark shadowy figures that were solid. As they went on, I realized that these creatures were not ghost or shadow people but aliens instead.
My personal belief is that the are ghosts, as they behavior and and appearance share many of the same traits. Instead of using their energy to form some sort of body from water vapor "mists and glowing shapes", they have somehow managed a trick to diffuse light via a magnetic manipulation. Ghost have the ability to bend energy, that is how they interact with our world... by either pulling water vapor to them to form mists, to leave EVPs, or to create shadows.
Shadow People. Although I have never personally experienced this specific type of phenomena, others in my family have claimed to have seen them. People have many theories as to what they are.... inter dimensional travelers or spiritual entities from another reality.
However, this has caused some confusion with the Alien Abduction phenomena. Certain individuals when abducted recall shadowy beings flirting around the house, or dark solid being whom they cannot see standing in there rooms or in the hall. This could be part of the aliens obfuscation gears or ability to stay out of sight. My own experiences, I recall them being dark shadowy figures that were solid. As they went on, I realized that these creatures were not ghost or shadow people but aliens instead.
My personal belief is that the are ghosts, as they behavior and and appearance share many of the same traits. Instead of using their energy to form some sort of body from water vapor "mists and glowing shapes", they have somehow managed a trick to diffuse light via a magnetic manipulation. Ghost have the ability to bend energy, that is how they interact with our world... by either pulling water vapor to them to form mists, to leave EVPs, or to create shadows.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Music: System of a Down-Aerials
The group "System of a Down" released a track known as "Aerials" from there album Toxicity. What is interesting that the video shows a hybrid. The hybrid dresses in overalls is some sort of celebrity in the video, and is under the control of an old and powerful official. The Hybrid is escorted at all times by two females in red. Does this have a double meaning? Does the old man represent the government? Do the woman represent aspects Sin and Sacrifice? And does the Hybrid show that the common individual is being exploited, so the governement can make a profit from the Aerials?
Most fans assume that the term Aerials, is a reference to Aliens.
It is also interesting to note that there are native American pictograms/glyphs found in the area where the band is performing. You can clearly see this at the end of the video. Some of these glyphs are contemporary, as the question mark and the icthus symbol. I am assuming that most of the other symbols are Native American in origin.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Movie & Book: Fire in the Sky
"Fire in the Sky" is a movie from 1993 that is based off of real life events. It is also known "The Travis Walton Story", which is about a group of loggers that encounter a UFO in November on 1975 in Arizona. One of the loggers, Travis Walton was abducted by the UFO and went missing for a few days. When he came back, he related the events of what the loggers witnessed and went on during his abduction.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Television: American Dad
Seth McFarlane's created another popular series known as "American Dad" who follows the misadventures of the C.I.A. agent Stan Smith and his family.
Seems Stan Smith had rescued an alien named "Roger" from the C.I.A. and bought it home to live with his family.
Roger as an individual is a somewhat effeminate alcoholic and substance abuser who has a panache from the overly dramatic. He is master of disguise and rather adept at assuming different alter egos. The show attempts to represent Roger as a comical counter-part to Stan Smith.
He is a great example of how Greys have become part of our popular culture. Although he is a fictional a comedic fictional character, there are some shards of truth is his creation about the Greys:
"He was born around 400 A.D. on a planet that is very frigid. Crashed landed in the USA in 1947. He feeds of negative emotions".
Supposedly the greys are long lived, either existing through genetic clones or are biological engineered with a long lifespan. Supposedly greys feel comfortable in a cold environment. Presumably our government knows and has contact with Alien life forms. And lastly it has sad that Greys feed off negative emotions.
Seems Stan Smith had rescued an alien named "Roger" from the C.I.A. and bought it home to live with his family.
Roger as an individual is a somewhat effeminate alcoholic and substance abuser who has a panache from the overly dramatic. He is master of disguise and rather adept at assuming different alter egos. The show attempts to represent Roger as a comical counter-part to Stan Smith.
He is a great example of how Greys have become part of our popular culture. Although he is a fictional a comedic fictional character, there are some shards of truth is his creation about the Greys:
"He was born around 400 A.D. on a planet that is very frigid. Crashed landed in the USA in 1947. He feeds of negative emotions".
Supposedly the greys are long lived, either existing through genetic clones or are biological engineered with a long lifespan. Supposedly greys feel comfortable in a cold environment. Presumably our government knows and has contact with Alien life forms. And lastly it has sad that Greys feed off negative emotions.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
News: O'Hare Incident
Around 11/7/2006, there was an incident at Chicago's O'Hare airport in which numerous individuals witnessed a UFO at the airport! A number of employees from United as well as airport patrons sighted a UFO near the United Terminal during rush hour. Air Traffic control had to warn planes of the UFO as it posed a potential threat to airline safety. It hovered over the terminal for a few moments and then zoomed upward.
Most major networks picked up the event as this was UFO. Although many admit that this incident did happen, know one claims that it was extraterrestrial in origin per say.
The O'Hare Incident was revisited on the Huffington Post recently. Here is some footage from Breaking News that day concerning the incident.
Most major networks picked up the event as this was UFO. Although many admit that this incident did happen, know one claims that it was extraterrestrial in origin per say.
The O'Hare Incident was revisited on the Huffington Post recently. Here is some footage from Breaking News that day concerning the incident.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
News: Glowing Alien in China
Around July 17 2007, in china there was an incident in which an UFO discharged a luminous type of alien.
This was captured on closed circuit TV. Toward the end of the video we do see to individuals casually walking up to the object? Sadly I do not understand Mandarin, but this is a rather strange UFO and alien
sighting. It is interesting to note that similar sighting of plasma and luminescent types aliens have occurred in wooded areas around the world. These glowing aliens were seen more readily than the greys during the early 1900s ,
Television: House M.D.
Season 3, Episode 2 entitled "Cane and Able" of House M.D. is about a young boy named Clancy who
who is admitted to the care of house for an odd case of bleeding. The boy claims that he has been abducted many time by aliens, and his parents don't believe him. However Clancy seems to have several mysterious symptoms of an odd bleeding disorder as well as an unexplained piece of titanium at the base of his skull.
Almost every time when Clancy is under extreme stress he experiences flashbacks/abductions from these aliens. As the episode continues, House and his teams realize that there are a number of areas in Clancy body with a foreign genetic tissue. It is eventually found out that Clancy suffers from Chimerism, a rare disorder in which to zygotes in the womb form one fetus. In a sense, Clancy has an unseen twin brother that is fused with him on a genetic level with some level of awareness. They discovers that these hallucinations/abductions are a result of Clancy Chimeric twin.
Sadly House M.D. seems to have portrayed the abduction phenomena as a result of a natural chemical imbalance of the brain, or as neurological disorder.Yet the episode seems to not answer the question, as a seven year old boy... how did he have knowledge of the abduction experience? Although aliens are part of our popular culture, not all the fact are widely available to a seven year old boy. any experience he would have with Aliens would be a result of Star Wars, cartoon aliens, and what not that are very different from the abduction phenomena. If some aliens are indeed inter-dimensional, his chimeric condition could have allowed him to view them. Unbeknown to the rest of the world, these abduction really happened although his chimeric twin was aware... send and receiving his experiences to Clancy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
ODD EXPERIENCE #XXXDate: August 19, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:50 am to 5:10 am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:35 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Sad
State of Mind After: Bothered, Calm, Controlled Scared.
Odd occurrences before: High pitched Buzz, around 4:00 AM something hit the dog fence to my aunts room Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: UFO and CE Research and Blog
This one I am puzzled by becuase they have left me alone recently in the past couple of months. Last night I went to bed early around 11pm and woke up around 2am to put my aunt to bed. Things were going normal as I was checking my e-mail and writing on the computer. Around 3:30 am I heard the typical ring in my ear as I was writing, I just ignored it and kept on typing to keep my mind focused on something else. Around 4:05 am I heard something bump into the the dog fence by my aunts room. Patrick was in the hallway by the gate asleep, so it wasn't him. My aunt was asleep. I went in and told Patrick to go to his sleeping area and tucked him in. I went back to my room, typed for a few minutes and decided to go to sleep. I had the fan on and laid there, thinking about my project in the Darnassian/Thalissian/Eredar language. I was facing the clock, and with one eye open trying to relax and go to sleep.
Suddenly I was unable to move. My first reaction was like "I am stuck"and was calm, with my one eye open I saw the clock and it was 5:11 am (my clock is purposely 20 min ahead so it happened at 4:51am). The fan was still on, and I tried to move abit and get myself out out. When I stopped struggling for a a bit that is when I noticed someone(s) standing by the edge of the bed. My bed curtain partial blocked them. At first I saw a tan almond shaped body of a gray its back toward me, and it was doing something was its hands as the elbow would move and it would turn a bit to me. That is kinda when I sort of was in a calm panic, I attempted to call out only making gurgling noises. Then I tried to make some meditative tonal sounds like "Om". This got their attention. This is when they walked up to the bed, as soon as I saw movement I did my best to close my eye.
What was most unusual is that when one ducked down a bit it seemed to be wearing a weird mask that looked like my aunts face? Kind of like a really detailed rubber mask. I remember seeing two bodies, both a tan almond color, a device similar to a cell phone was place by my ear. It played a recording/translation of a male voice that said "There is no need to struggle. You have some unique properties/anomalies/abilities that our of interest to us and our research. You are not in a position to deal. Compensation is not negotiable". That is when my hand reached for the device to my ear and pushed it aside. They backed off, and me realizing that I could move partially began twitching my feet and shaking my body awake.
When I awoke I checked my cell phone and it was 5:10 am. I was scarred, but calm and just went to my aunts room to check on her and Patrick. They were asleep. I stayed in there until sunrise, which was 6:00 a.m.. Later on while examining my room I noticed that my PC camera was disconnected from the computer. It connects via a USB interface at the front o my computer. I never disconnect... what is worse is that... from the position that I was lying at in the bed... the movements I saw them make with the elbows would account for the camera being disconnected.
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:50 am to 5:10 am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:35 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Sad
State of Mind After: Bothered, Calm, Controlled Scared.
Odd occurrences before: High pitched Buzz, around 4:00 AM something hit the dog fence to my aunts room Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: UFO and CE Research and Blog
This one I am puzzled by becuase they have left me alone recently in the past couple of months. Last night I went to bed early around 11pm and woke up around 2am to put my aunt to bed. Things were going normal as I was checking my e-mail and writing on the computer. Around 3:30 am I heard the typical ring in my ear as I was writing, I just ignored it and kept on typing to keep my mind focused on something else. Around 4:05 am I heard something bump into the the dog fence by my aunts room. Patrick was in the hallway by the gate asleep, so it wasn't him. My aunt was asleep. I went in and told Patrick to go to his sleeping area and tucked him in. I went back to my room, typed for a few minutes and decided to go to sleep. I had the fan on and laid there, thinking about my project in the Darnassian/Thalissian/Eredar language. I was facing the clock, and with one eye open trying to relax and go to sleep.
Suddenly I was unable to move. My first reaction was like "I am stuck"and was calm, with my one eye open I saw the clock and it was 5:11 am (my clock is purposely 20 min ahead so it happened at 4:51am). The fan was still on, and I tried to move abit and get myself out out. When I stopped struggling for a a bit that is when I noticed someone(s) standing by the edge of the bed. My bed curtain partial blocked them. At first I saw a tan almond shaped body of a gray its back toward me, and it was doing something was its hands as the elbow would move and it would turn a bit to me. That is kinda when I sort of was in a calm panic, I attempted to call out only making gurgling noises. Then I tried to make some meditative tonal sounds like "Om". This got their attention. This is when they walked up to the bed, as soon as I saw movement I did my best to close my eye.
What was most unusual is that when one ducked down a bit it seemed to be wearing a weird mask that looked like my aunts face? Kind of like a really detailed rubber mask. I remember seeing two bodies, both a tan almond color, a device similar to a cell phone was place by my ear. It played a recording/translation of a male voice that said "There is no need to struggle. You have some unique properties/anomalies/abilities that our of interest to us and our research. You are not in a position to deal. Compensation is not negotiable". That is when my hand reached for the device to my ear and pushed it aside. They backed off, and me realizing that I could move partially began twitching my feet and shaking my body awake.
When I awoke I checked my cell phone and it was 5:10 am. I was scarred, but calm and just went to my aunts room to check on her and Patrick. They were asleep. I stayed in there until sunrise, which was 6:00 a.m.. Later on while examining my room I noticed that my PC camera was disconnected from the computer. It connects via a USB interface at the front o my computer. I never disconnect... what is worse is that... from the position that I was lying at in the bed... the movements I saw them make with the elbows would account for the camera being disconnected.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Television: Babylon 5
Babylon 5 was a Sci-Fi series that took place in Earth's far future. Humanity had explored our solar system and colonized Mars. One of the first alien races they contacted where the Centauri, from Alpga Centauri. Over the years they encountered many other species as the Earth Alliance explored the galaxy (sounds like Star Trek already???). Well as the series progress you encounter a variety of Alien races, most of them typical sci-fi races.
However in Season 2, Episode 11, we are intorduced to a race called the Streid. These alien species have a habit of abducting individuals and testing them for there strengths and weaknesses. They kidnapped Capt. Sheridan and put him through a number of physical, mental, and social tests. They are very cold and callous.
They Streib are basically the "Greys" and named in homage to Whitley Steiber, who wrote the book "Communion".
In later episode we find and other race known, known only as the "Shadow Surgeons". Although there race was never mentioned we do have reference that the Streib, along with two other race, are allied with the shadow.
Besides the standard parody of the "Greys", there is also another creature known as a Trakallan. N'Grath was one of the only species of his kind encountered on the show. He was the crime boss of the station. What is curious is that the Trakallan resemble the giant insects that are often seen with the "greys".
However in Season 2, Episode 11, we are intorduced to a race called the Streid. These alien species have a habit of abducting individuals and testing them for there strengths and weaknesses. They kidnapped Capt. Sheridan and put him through a number of physical, mental, and social tests. They are very cold and callous.
They Streib are basically the "Greys" and named in homage to Whitley Steiber, who wrote the book "Communion".
In later episode we find and other race known, known only as the "Shadow Surgeons". Although there race was never mentioned we do have reference that the Streib, along with two other race, are allied with the shadow.
Besides the standard parody of the "Greys", there is also another creature known as a Trakallan. N'Grath was one of the only species of his kind encountered on the show. He was the crime boss of the station. What is curious is that the Trakallan resemble the giant insects that are often seen with the "greys".
Television: Taken
A TV mini-series by Steven Speilburg explores a fictional story about the entire UFO phenomena that spans four generations. It starts of in WWII and with the Rosewell incident too. The series follows the lives of two families who have key members abducted for the "Greys" long term plans.
The series touches on almost every key aspect, from UFO Sightings, Military Cover Ups, Alien Abductions, Crop Circles, Alien Implants, and Hybrids.What is surprising about the series it shows the stress and difficulty of the abductees, as they try to cope with their experiences. The "Greys" show up here and there. Sadly the ending of this series which spans about 60 years ends rather poorly, a "E.T." moment as the last generation of abductees and their daughter come in contact with their "Grey". Their daughter Allie is the summation of the Aliens plan, a hybrid child, and she is taken with them in the end.
The series touches on almost every key aspect, from UFO Sightings, Military Cover Ups, Alien Abductions, Crop Circles, Alien Implants, and Hybrids.What is surprising about the series it shows the stress and difficulty of the abductees, as they try to cope with their experiences. The "Greys" show up here and there. Sadly the ending of this series which spans about 60 years ends rather poorly, a "E.T." moment as the last generation of abductees and their daughter come in contact with their "Grey". Their daughter Allie is the summation of the Aliens plan, a hybrid child, and she is taken with them in the end.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010
Aliester Crowley and the Lam
One of the world most infamous occultists, is Aliester Crowley. He is know for various occult works in England and America during the turn of the 1900's. It was during this time period in New York crica 1917 that he made contact with an entity. He was working on a Amaltrah, a magical rite that was supposed to bring about intelligence to manifest physically in our realm. It was during this time, that he made contact with an entity he had come to call the "Lam".
Now is occult circles, the word "Lam" means "the path" in the tibetan tongue. And his intention was to bring about entities that could help with our evolution and growth on a spiritual and physical level. The entity in which he connected, is a group of beings that bear a resemblance to the "Greys"... but robed and minus the black eyes.
Plus they seem to appear more clayish white than grey.
However, several occultist and many such followers have prescribed to this cults and magical writes, becuase it puts you in communion with these entities. Not only have various cult claimed to have opened a doorway, but also the Babylon Project of Scientologist have likewise made contact with such entities.
It is interesting to note that Crowley and the occult attachment harken back to the Bablyonian/Summerian Annunki. Great Old Ones who were the children of the star gods. Does this mean there is a link between the extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional aspects of the UFO phenomena?
Dangerous!!! Caution!!! Merely for Academic Purposes!!!
According to the occultists it is rather easy to come into contact with the Lam. You just need to find an image of one and stare at it for sometime. Focus directly in its eyes and you should make contact. Now I would never do this...for one I am already tagged and two... you don't know which of them you will get.
Now is occult circles, the word "Lam" means "the path" in the tibetan tongue. And his intention was to bring about entities that could help with our evolution and growth on a spiritual and physical level. The entity in which he connected, is a group of beings that bear a resemblance to the "Greys"... but robed and minus the black eyes.
Plus they seem to appear more clayish white than grey.
However, several occultist and many such followers have prescribed to this cults and magical writes, becuase it puts you in communion with these entities. Not only have various cult claimed to have opened a doorway, but also the Babylon Project of Scientologist have likewise made contact with such entities.
It is interesting to note that Crowley and the occult attachment harken back to the Bablyonian/Summerian Annunki. Great Old Ones who were the children of the star gods. Does this mean there is a link between the extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional aspects of the UFO phenomena?
Dangerous!!! Caution!!! Merely for Academic Purposes!!!
According to the occultists it is rather easy to come into contact with the Lam. You just need to find an image of one and stare at it for sometime. Focus directly in its eyes and you should make contact. Now I would never do this...for one I am already tagged and two... you don't know which of them you will get.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Gaming: World of Darkness: Mage the Ascension

The books never really deal with them, but kind of mention them off too the side in a few products here and there. The first Mage product to mention them dealt with the society of Thal'hun. This small sect of sorcerer's believe in the music of the spheres, and that aliens guide us. They are mentioned again briefly with the Void Engineers and the Sons of Ether, mostly warning about the threats from beyond.. They are also mentioned as the Anunnaki, in a supplement called Dead Magic, which discusses Ancient Mesopotamia and makes references to these elder beings. Ironically this is historically accurate to a a point as the Anunnaki did engineer humanity with potential to do great things.
"Transmissions from the Rogue Council" and in the "Infinite Tapestry", we find more hints that these beings are known as psychopomps. They where last active in the 15th Century and for some reason banished. However they have journeyed here and there, abducting individuals in secret since then. They have been called the Vrill and Ka Luon at various times, but are uniformly called the "greys" by most sleepers.
However in in the WOD the space aliens are inter-dimensional beings, ones who have been pulling the strings of mage and the spheres all along..
Television: South Park
Since the beginning of Season 1, there have been a number of episodes concerning aliens. The greys for one
used to abduct Eric Cartman, and also abducted several of the cows on the show. It was a running gag.
Yet, the creators of the show for some reason, also hid a number of the greys in the backgrounds of a few episodes just because. They even had a contest, which they purposely made people aware of the fact that they have been hiding greys in the background for years, but hid even more stuff in 2008-2009.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
FB1 "UFO" during the Day
Type: FB1
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 3:20 pm.
State of Mind Before: Tired
State of Mind After: Confused.
Odd occurances before: Dog was sick.
Odd occurances after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Lack of sleep, and Stress
I been trying to make heads or tail over this one. It happened rather quickly and I am not sure what i saw as I was trying to figure out what it was. Plus I was rather surprise it happened during the day too and that no one else seemed to react.
I was driving to perform some errand, and driving eastbound on the 60 Freeway, right before the 710 merger near the third street off ramp. Atop of the hill to the left of the Calvery cemetary, I saw a fuzzy white abject hover. It was the size of a SUV, and was white but fuzzy and reminded me a a rather solid cloud. At first I thought it was a ballons or a bird... but the shape was large and seemed to be vibrating/oscillating. It shapes
was sort of a frisbee shape, but this was only a side view.
The reason why it was so strange is because it simple rose from the hill and hovered maybe a few hundred feet in the air (above the 710 merger I am guessing). Then it began to move to the left for a brief moment, and then shot up in a north eastern direction into the clouds above the Monterey Park area. This all happened within a 20 seconds as I was driving from the initial spot from where I saw it to the 710 merger.
I tried to see if it was anything obvious...ballons, helicopter, etc... but no reasonable explanation... especially after the flight it took. I tried seeing if there was any other reports, but the closest thing I could find on the net was this report of nighttime activity.... and it seems to match this object, except for the red light. I know this video has been discussed.. and most people said this is not ab alien craft becuase of the red blink light. Although it may be a USO.
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