Friday, February 27, 2009


Date: February 26, 2009
Type: CE1/4, AN1, FB1, AE1-5, Visitation II
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 2:00 am to 3:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:30 a.m.
State of Mind Before: Non-stressed.
State of Mind After: Anxious, Bothered, Confused.
Odd occurrences before: Odd High Pitch Noises and Tapping.
Odd occurrences after: Tapping and High Pitch Noises.
Possible Influential Factors: Related to incident February 8, 2009 ghost?

I was going to sleep when I began hearing odd tapping and some humming. I thought nothing of it, perhaps it was just the hum of the DSL or something. Within minutes I was asleep. I was having an interesting dream in which I was at my mother's old apartment on Belden Avenue in East Losn Angeles. My brother was there. I was just looking around the house and he was just doing stuff. As I went into the living room area suddenly I had a feeling someone was outside. I mentioed that too him and he said it was probably one of his friends. I remember telling him do not open the door!!! He did and there was a brilliant flash of light.

I was suddenly paralyzed, and awake in my room. My bed curtain was drawn, but through the material I could see an ambient glow of blue white lights..kinda like coming off of plasma. Something was tapping the book shelves around the bed, poking and probing them. There also was a slight breeze in the room because my bed curtain was slowing moving. I saw two figures walk before the curtain, I could only see their silhouettes and seemed to be debating whether they should pull the curtain. As they were getting closer I managed to snap my fingers and managed to gurgle a couple of times. Which made them disappear quickly.

I quickly pulled back the curtain... no one was there. Yet I could still here the tapping and high pitch sounds elsewhere in the house. I stayed in bed scared. Patrick, my doggy, did not make any sounds or whimpers we paused me to think it may have been my imagination. Yet my aunt claims that something odd happened last night, there were people talking and walking inside and outside of the house.

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