Wednesday, April 7, 2021

What Dreams May Come Mandella Effect

 What Dreams May Comes is a movie adaption that came out in 1998, based upon a novel from 1978. It stars Robin Williams, who plays a deceased husband exploring the afterlife. He learns that his wife dies and rescue her as she is trapped in her own "hell". I watched the movie once in 1998 when it was available from rental. I recently purchased the movie to watch with a friend who is a Robin Williams fan, and is one of the few movies I enjoy of his other than Popeye. As I was watching it, I was shocked to find that a whole 30 minutes was gone from the movie. My friend felt like there was something missing as well.

Neither of us have read the book, but apparently the book focuses more on the Wife dealing with her past. The death of her children, the death of her husband, her suicide, and her husband's attempt to rescue her from her own private hellscape. The movie is paced as such; 1) Chris and Anne meeting, getting married, and their kids, 2) Death of the Children, Anne's Mental State, Death of Chris, 3) Chris in the Afterlife, 4) Anne Depression and Suicide, 5) Chris and Anne in Hell, 6) Happy Ending with Everyone Reunited.

The movie I remember has the following Scenes after part 5. Scene 6) " Chis Sacrifices himself for Anne, Anne is back in Summerland but Chris is not. Albert and Leona ask where Chris is, but she doe not know. The Seeker "Real Albert", tells them that he choose to stay in order to save Anne. The Scene then shifts to Chris standing in a dark place, staring at the lavender tree his wife painted after his death. As when he first arrived, everything is in paint....but darker colors. He stands there staring at tree, watching again how the tree is stripped away. Remembering who his wife just gave up, it begins to melt and the paints run together forming a dark morass which begins to pull him in, he is sinking and falling. He is encased in darkness, realizing he has been separated from Anne. Scene 7) Anne ask the Seeker what she can do? He doesn't know what else to do as Chris did the impossible by rescuing her. . . . Leona notices Katie is trying to get her attention. She then realizes Katie can find Chris. Chris is in a dark tunnel, the one he died in in is being tortured by his worst memories of failing his children and his wife. Katie finds him and Anne saves him in the same way he did, using their memory about the boats when they first meet, 8) Happy ending as in the movie, but as in "alternate ending" you discover Albert and Leona are their children..... and Katie can fly as she was their guardian angel all that time.

I real believe these where the missing 30 minutes in the movie. I really checked out the trailers to see perhaps these were missing or deleted scenes.... and no evidence there off.