Thursday, January 31, 2019

Can anyone save Me?

I been abducted and visited all of my life. As I researched and documented my life to the best of my ability, I have found out that it is not only me....but also members of my family. It also extends to close friends and others who have seen these beings, or even have interactions with them.

I was brought up as a person in the Catholic faith, a christian who completed all  his sacraments and even served as an Altar Boy and had a calling to serve the Lord. As many know, I have struggled with my faith as I am a homosexual and that I have been abducted/visited by entities all of my life. My sexuality is just a defining trait of who I feel attracted too, but by all appearances I am just an average guy. Same thing with my faith, I am moral and ethically as can be....but you cannot pinpoint what I believe

From experience I felt the presence of the Lord before at mass and at certain times. I also felt the opposite of that as well, when malign beings were around. I have felt the others from spirits of nature, animals, and other entities not explained within my faith. I experienced and learned that there is just more to the universe than my spiritual beliefs were. I have learned that things outside of what I was taught are definitely real, and there are things that faith and belief cannot change.

Since I was young, I have prayed and told "them" to leave me alone. They still came. My grandparents, mother, and aunt did the same.....and they still come. I have known of others who are in the same situation and they too still come. They still come, even if you become physical and defend yourself. I have known individuals who have become physically violent..... and they still come. 

As I have grown older, I have read and met people who claim that they can stop these things. That by prayer, the power of "light", increasing vibration, utilizing a magical spell, energy work...will hedge or cause these being to stop coming. Promises of salvation come from many of these people.....and worst of all many take advantage and fleece people out of money. They can no more save me than my prayers and devotion to certain deities. Is there anyone who can protect or aid me?

The thing is in the end we are all alone. When dealing with this, it is hard to find anyone willing to work together. Even in the support groups you have devise elements as some people believe these are saviors and other find them as attackers. You have one group always telling you "Your experience is wrong.... let me reinterpret things for you and bring you into the light.." Not only is this isolation ongoing with social groups, but on a one and one relationship.... you have nobody. No spouse or companion.... it is just so alone and isolating. The trauma of these visits hedges you away and even stops you at times from opening up.
why must we be lone warriors, why can we not band together and fend these entities off. Is there a higher power who can protect us, or is it someone else who just wants to use us too?.  

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Wolfbrother and Activity

Date: January 25th and 26th, 2019
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 9am (1-25-19)/ 10:00pm (1-26-19)
Attempted Time of Sleep:
7am and 8pm
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Extremely Depressed  (Me)/In Pain, Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Apathy to Very Depressed to Apathy (Me)/Nervous, Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Disruptive Sleeping, Full Moon, Previous Incidents
Odd occurrences after: On going incidents

Currently my wolfbrother is in the hospital again briefly for pressure sores. There is activity but he will not discuss it with me as he fears that it will label him as schizophrenic. However as one can see, I have no qualms about documentary my experiences.

On the 25th I went to bed early in the morning around 7am, another sleepless night do to the anxiety from visits and trying to help my wolfbrother, I actually fell asleep with most of these thoughts out of my head, as my mind is per-occupied with other thoughts. as I went to sleep I had the unusual jolting sensation, as if I was being shocked. I did not fall asleep, but instead was wide awake but somewhere else. I got my barrings quickly. I was in my car, it was late at night and was overcast. I was in Castiac and my wolfbrother was right next to me. I was trying to figure out why? Is this a dream, deja vu, a memory, or is this happening now. The temperature was cold and I could see the five freeway from where we were parked. I know this road, this is the overlook by "his wall" opposite side. I ask my wolfbrother what is going on, and he told me not to worry.
As if it where about to rain, it felt strange in the car, it was very cold and then suddenly there was a flash of light and "they" were out side the car. My wolfbrother lowered his seat and told me to do the same, I complied and grabbed his hand. I told him don't let go, he didn't answer me and I held fast. I was soon paralyzed, but I could move my fingers and toes, my eyelids, and slightly move my head. Their thoughts were in my head and I was doing my best to run interference. You told me it would be alright, and they were trying to make me do something. I kept fighting back and trying to get you to see... they pulled us apart and I woke up. As usual, my canine friend was crying.... and I felt odd. It was all too real which bothered me.

In the evening I went to go and visit him and cam back right away. I was tried and was told to go to sleep.
My thoughts were bothered and someone kept cutting wood and there was the sound of plastic wrap being moved. I kept and someone else kept "urging" the fact though why isn't he here with you. I woke up and my wolfbrother was here, I got my gear on ready to go...and he needed some of my stuff to go hunting. I told him to wait, but he took off on ahead. When I leave the room and go into the hallway, the AC is running and the lights are flickering. All the doors are open and the blinds are opened up, this is exact opposite of the house. I run and close the doors, and draw the blinds shut. I start putting up wards and check on my aunt. She is scared and told me they came in and did this. One of them was still in the room, invisible and talking to her  about us. It was again threatening to take our souls and that we will die soon. I sensed where it was and stated that it was not going to happen, because of who I was. It became angry and repeated I will die, and if they couldn't get to me then others would. I shift the scene, I need my wolfbrother, I call out for him and center on him.

I end up in a theater, lot of young adults are in there staring blankly at a film. I can see and hear the subliming content of the film, I filter the suggestions out. I quickly duck behind seats and men in dark suits come into the theatere. They spotted me popping in and walking, they are making sure that no one got up. No one should be awake. They do not spot me and move on. I trying to wake my wolfbrother up, but no use. I wait till the end of the movie. Most get up and walk out of the theater, there are a few including my wolfbrother who just still sit there and are motionless. I finally rouse him by nuzzling him. My wolfbrother wants to know where he is and I explain, I show him my phone that I have been trying to reach him. He wants to know how this works, and I quickly explain it is sensor activated and we should leave now. You want me to show you, but I tell you it is a bad idea. I walk up and the film restarts. The message is " You are not real. We made you. You belong to us. You our are creation. You will do as we say". As soon as it started, my wolfbrother goes backs to being motionless and sits down. The men in dark suits come out as the movie was started to early. I run toward my wolfbrother and tackle him, I hold on tight, telling him I love him and we wink out.
I woke up, I was vibrating...not shaking but vibrating.....

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Bloodwolf Moon and continuing threats

Date: January 20th-22nd, 2019
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 4am, 10am (1-20-19)/ 2:00am (1-22-19)
Attempted Time of Sleep:
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Extremely Depressed  (Me)/In Pain, Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Apathy to Very Depressed to Apathy (Me)/Nervous, Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Disruptive Sleeping, Full Moon
Odd occurrences after: None

On the 20th I was having a very interesting dream. Normally I don't have any dreams of a sexual nature.
This time I did as I was placed with an ideal partner. They laid me next to him, I was clothed and he was bare chested. I began to caress the individual whom I was told was known to me. The thing was they were unresponsive, unable to move and fully aware. I noticed that a tear came down their face. I stopped.
I asked who was this and they wouldn't tell me, only that I would be happy with them...but they had to be properly conditioned. I told them I am not into forcing an individual to like me and this would not do.
A humanoid with a beard didn't understand why I felt that way. He said that I only have two years left so i should enjoy myself. I woke up out the incident, but the man was there in my room still watching me. In a few seconds, the man with the beard vanished.

I hear my aunt scream, but thought it was just my imagination and forced myself back to sleep.

Meanwhile she saw the man with the beard walk into her room. He was wearing a baseball cap and had a beard. As usual he told her not to be afraid, that he was her to assess things as her time would soon be up.
He indicated that she was in a great deal of pain and was wondering why. He said it will soon be over in two years, that she and myself would be taken from here. She was important, and apparently so am I for what I know and what I can do. He indicated that once she goes, others would come in and attempt to take me. Therefore he was going to make sure we both go. He said it was important to keep me safe till then, make sure I don't do anything to try and fight them or attempt escape.

January 22nd was an odd time, as the dream I was having involved a high school friend. My friend Mary from AMC drove me to his home which was in an apartment building. I had been to this area before, as it was in the fake Los Angeles place I sometimes end up in She left and I walked up to see them, I had the key and went in. As I waited for them I saw that pages from my scrapbook where up there. It was photos about my paternal side of the family. I thought it was very odd that he should have them. A few more minutes passed and he, his mom, and her boyfriend came in. He was happy to see me and they all missed me since they haven't seen me in a long time. We talked for a bit and he let me know they were looking for work. I said that in Irwindale, which is 15min away is hiring at Edison. They let them know who I was and they would probably hire them. He thanked me and I told him it was nice to see him again and left.

While I was down stair I walked to the nearby 7-11 there and began to talk with an older gentleman who had a white VW Van. he man was surprised that I saw him, and soon a sheriff stopped by. He was confused as to why there was a White VW Van parked there. He was not seeing a VW Van and seemed intimidated, I told him just to focus and look at me. That seemed to ease him down a bit, he was kinda hot too....
The man was at odds as he stated I was not supposed to see him, let alone have the Sheriff see him too.I told him that his vehicle was not safe for the children or elderly he had in there, and he should let them go.
Again the main said that I should not know this, and the Sheriff agreed with me that the man should step out of the vehicle and let the people go. I said the vehicle is not safe, that they could loose their fingers.
When I said that, I noticed the long grey fingers on the floor along with some kids fingers that trailed off to another truck. They had been taking kids from this vehicle to another truck in which an evil clown with long fingers was at.

The Sheriff drew his weapon and called for back up, he was nervous but having nearby was helpful.  He asked me what was going on and what was that thing. I told him just to remember who he was and to have confidence in his abilities. As we started to approach several green fireballs struck the ground in front of the truck. There was a spill of some blue plasma on the floor that the evil clown caused. It ignited in a blue and green plasma cloud and he disappeared. I woke up, my canine friend started howling and all of a sudden there was a ton of activity on the freeway. Sirens began going off and there was a flurry of helicopters for several minutes.

Friday, January 18, 2019

TV Series: Project Bluebook

The History Channel as of January 2019 has a series dramatization of Project Bluebook that follows some of the cases Dr. J.A. Hyneck participated in. Season 1 so far promises to deliver 10 episodes; The Fuller Dogfight, The Flatwoods Monster, The Lubbock Lights, Operation Paperclip, Foo Fighters, the Green Fireballs, and other cases.  Each episode not only goes into the incidents, but also into the personal life of Dr. Hyneck. Hopefully the series will come out on DVD soon as it is very unwatchable on cable with all the commercial interruptions.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

A Countdown has begun

Date: January 17th, 2019
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 3:30am to 5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep:
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Extremely Depressed  (Me)/In Pain, Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Apathy to Very Depressed to Apathy (Me)/Nervous, Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Disruptive Sleeping, Mail, Rain, Previous Visit
Odd occurrences after: None

Last night I replied to a friend over e-mail. We haven't ever met in person but shares some commonalities with me. I gave him a brief overview on the status of things since we last communicated. Things I do not necessarily share with my aunt. Information I also recently discussed in private with my Wolfbrother.
As mentioned in previous blogs, we have been threatened in 2018 by a "group". Both myself and my aunt, about or permanent removal from this place....

As stated I was writing an e-mail and certain threats they made were in my head. They were around as I kept feeling them moving about and hearing them whispering. They actively were trying not to let me hear them, but it seems I do. I went to bed and tried to ignore things, letting the cold and dark embrace me and numbing the pain I feel inside always it seems. My aunt couldn't sleep due to pain and her nervousness as see has been seeing more and more of them over the past month. This time while she was reading her book around 4:15 am she states that a white humanoid being, no clothes, but had some sort of baseball cap was in her room. The individual had one black finger, the middle finger. The cap seemed to obscure its eyes. The message it communicated was this:

"Don't be afraid. I am not going to harm you. You know now why are here, why we come. You and your nephew are important to us. We have been watching you, especially your nephew. He is so very different.
We are interested in him because of the things he knows, what he sees, he is so very different. Like you, your are different and you belong with us. We will becoming soon for you and your nephew. You belong to us and you will be with us soon. Do not attempt to fight us, there is little you can do. You will see us again".

It communicated to my aunt as usual in her head. My aunt kept telling it to go away, no to hurt us, just to go away, and praying to GOD.

Meanwhile I was dreaming, running constantly from one dream to the next, switching out. I don't wan to be here. I want to go home. I NEED my companion. I constantly run and cry, desperately searching for home and to be with the man I love. Run.... Rabbit.... Run.... I was warned about in two years I will be gone. My aunt will be gone. I need to fight, find my home, stand with my companion...or seek oblivion to end all of this.   

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Movie: Be Afraid

"Be Afraid" is a horror/thriller movie released in 2016 by Quest Pacifica. At first glance the movie seems to be another alien abduction film of some sort as monstrous greys are seen, but in the end it is a confusing mess of various related UFO/Alien phenomena from shadow people, tommy knockers, and aliens

The story here concerns Dr. John Chambers who moved out from Pittsburgh to a small country town. He and his family are settling in to a new home. He has a wife named Heather who is expecting a second child, and their oldest Nathan that keep to themselves so far. A few scenes later we are introduced to Dr. Chambers oldest son Ben who has dropped out of college, and seems to be from a previous marriage.

We find that four years prior, farming neighbors of Dr. Chambers who lives in the new town had their child, Emma go missing. Dean sees things that have been visiting all his life, and tells his wife Christine that they are coming and needs to protect the family. During a severe storm, monstrous greys come into the house and steal Emma away. Later we find Dean yelling at a wandering Nathan in the wood if he has seen his daughter and warns him about the woods. Nathan's Brother and Father find him and soon call the cops on Dean.
The local law enforcement knows about Dean's situation and sympathetic to him, and the sheriff seems to be have oddly. Less than a day later, Dr. Chambers and Ben encounter Dean's wife on the road, begging for help as her husband wants to kill himself.

All the while as this has been happen, the Chambers family has been seeing off things in and around the house. No one seems to say anything as they all rationalize it away. Only Nathan seems scared and has seen beings in the house and even Emma. Eventually Dr. Chambers realize too that he is seeing something, but is trying to make logical sense. As the movie go on we eventually find out that the beings are targeting Nathan, and that the Sheriff is aware of what truly is going on since his daughter was also taken some 10 years ago.
The Sheriff's daughter who has an interest is Ben recalls memories when she went missing, after a teenage party and dare leave some of her friends missing. She finds out that the town has a history of cold cases of missing children, and there is something strange about and old abandoned train tunnel. As to be expected, Nathan is taken and Dr. Chambers does everything to rescue his soon.He does so, but in the end become on of the Shadow People who live in the tunnel?

The movie was suspenseful and seems to lead you into believing that this is an alien abduction movie, yet then start to say its a shadow people movie, but then seems to take into account the old legends about creature living in caves and mountains.... where it got really confusing. Even the whole point of Ben being there seemed to be so we could discover the deep dark secret of the sheriff. This is one confusing movie

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Recordings Don't Matter

Date: January 6th, 2019
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 4:45am to 5:15am
Attempted Time of Sleep:
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Extremely Depressed  (Me)/In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Apathy to Depression to Apathy (Me)/Nervous (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Insomnia, Disruptive Sleeping, Rain, Odd Dream
Odd occurrences after: None

The usual holiday blues are thankfully over.... the depressing season of Thanksgiving and Christmas has passed. As I have commented before, this is the worst time of year as it only reminds me of the bitter loneliness I am subject too. What is worse is that troubles seemed to have happened to impact my ability to move about freely at least to provide some succor. Issues with my Wolfbrother's refusal to cooperate has also provided a strain. It saddens me to say that any joy in life is being drained away and that I can only hope that the peace that I seek my be within my power, to return to the cold and dark where the light will no longer harm me. Life hold little than my obligation and duty, something that needs to end beside the horror of these "visits".

A few days again, important to mention... I was offered a mate. It was a person who seemed to be tan Vietnamese with the initial V.W. He was hired to be with me, but saw that I was something more. He said he wanted me and let me know his name, but not to share it with anyone. I of course have my reservations, but they are playing with me again.... they are introducing random individuals as they have before.

For the past few nights I have been having trouble sleeping. It is mostly an unknown dread of falling asleep.
I been sleeping during the day and really don't want to be alone. This is not to unusual, even though I have done my best to distract myself in positive ways such as watching documentaries and some comedy animation. I been keeping myself busy...and last night was doing my normal research concerning deities.
I started to feel real drowsy and figured my body clock was just hitting exhaustion so I jumped into bed.
everything was normal, I was thinking of some nice thoughts like cuddling up to someone and the noise started. It was that all to familiar hum and I tried to get up but it was already too late. I was facing my room with the back against the wall. It was just there standing behind the chair and stool. It seemed to consider what it should do, as there were things in the way. I began to struggle and move as much as I could. It seemed curious and irritated, mentioning I was going to make this difficult and there is something wrong with me. I tried to struggle and yell and I was able to turn my head. I motioned to my phone. It communicated that it knew, and that it was no good as it wasn't really there and it communicated in my head.
It began to examined me and I was no longer in the room, I was on my side now and again it was checking my back near the base of the spine and my lower mid back. I made a reference that it may have the wrong person, as I had a feeling it was looking for my wolfbrother. It said it mattered little, that we are both the same.

Afterwards it left walking through my bathroom. My aunt says she screamed around 5:30am as something walked through her room. She was awake reading at the time and I heard her screaming. I was crying and too weak to move and just lay there for a few minutes before I passed out. I was looking at the clock.
In the morning I checked my phone and it did pick me up trying to talk.... at the alleged time.