Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Bloodwolf Moon and continuing threats

Date: January 20th-22nd, 2019
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 4am, 10am (1-20-19)/ 2:00am (1-22-19)
Attempted Time of Sleep:
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Extremely Depressed  (Me)/In Pain, Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Apathy to Very Depressed to Apathy (Me)/Nervous, Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Disruptive Sleeping, Full Moon
Odd occurrences after: None

On the 20th I was having a very interesting dream. Normally I don't have any dreams of a sexual nature.
This time I did as I was placed with an ideal partner. They laid me next to him, I was clothed and he was bare chested. I began to caress the individual whom I was told was known to me. The thing was they were unresponsive, unable to move and fully aware. I noticed that a tear came down their face. I stopped.
I asked who was this and they wouldn't tell me, only that I would be happy with them...but they had to be properly conditioned. I told them I am not into forcing an individual to like me and this would not do.
A humanoid with a beard didn't understand why I felt that way. He said that I only have two years left so i should enjoy myself. I woke up out the incident, but the man was there in my room still watching me. In a few seconds, the man with the beard vanished.

I hear my aunt scream, but thought it was just my imagination and forced myself back to sleep.

Meanwhile she saw the man with the beard walk into her room. He was wearing a baseball cap and had a beard. As usual he told her not to be afraid, that he was her to assess things as her time would soon be up.
He indicated that she was in a great deal of pain and was wondering why. He said it will soon be over in two years, that she and myself would be taken from here. She was important, and apparently so am I for what I know and what I can do. He indicated that once she goes, others would come in and attempt to take me. Therefore he was going to make sure we both go. He said it was important to keep me safe till then, make sure I don't do anything to try and fight them or attempt escape.

January 22nd was an odd time, as the dream I was having involved a high school friend. My friend Mary from AMC drove me to his home which was in an apartment building. I had been to this area before, as it was in the fake Los Angeles place I sometimes end up in She left and I walked up to see them, I had the key and went in. As I waited for them I saw that pages from my scrapbook where up there. It was photos about my paternal side of the family. I thought it was very odd that he should have them. A few more minutes passed and he, his mom, and her boyfriend came in. He was happy to see me and they all missed me since they haven't seen me in a long time. We talked for a bit and he let me know they were looking for work. I said that in Irwindale, which is 15min away is hiring at Edison. They let them know who I was and they would probably hire them. He thanked me and I told him it was nice to see him again and left.

While I was down stair I walked to the nearby 7-11 there and began to talk with an older gentleman who had a white VW Van. he man was surprised that I saw him, and soon a sheriff stopped by. He was confused as to why there was a White VW Van parked there. He was not seeing a VW Van and seemed intimidated, I told him just to focus and look at me. That seemed to ease him down a bit, he was kinda hot too....
The man was at odds as he stated I was not supposed to see him, let alone have the Sheriff see him too.I told him that his vehicle was not safe for the children or elderly he had in there, and he should let them go.
Again the main said that I should not know this, and the Sheriff agreed with me that the man should step out of the vehicle and let the people go. I said the vehicle is not safe, that they could loose their fingers.
When I said that, I noticed the long grey fingers on the floor along with some kids fingers that trailed off to another truck. They had been taking kids from this vehicle to another truck in which an evil clown with long fingers was at.

The Sheriff drew his weapon and called for back up, he was nervous but having nearby was helpful.  He asked me what was going on and what was that thing. I told him just to remember who he was and to have confidence in his abilities. As we started to approach several green fireballs struck the ground in front of the truck. There was a spill of some blue plasma on the floor that the evil clown caused. It ignited in a blue and green plasma cloud and he disappeared. I woke up, my canine friend started howling and all of a sudden there was a ton of activity on the freeway. Sirens began going off and there was a flurry of helicopters for several minutes.

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