Thursday, January 31, 2019

Can anyone save Me?

I been abducted and visited all of my life. As I researched and documented my life to the best of my ability, I have found out that it is not only me....but also members of my family. It also extends to close friends and others who have seen these beings, or even have interactions with them.

I was brought up as a person in the Catholic faith, a christian who completed all  his sacraments and even served as an Altar Boy and had a calling to serve the Lord. As many know, I have struggled with my faith as I am a homosexual and that I have been abducted/visited by entities all of my life. My sexuality is just a defining trait of who I feel attracted too, but by all appearances I am just an average guy. Same thing with my faith, I am moral and ethically as can be....but you cannot pinpoint what I believe

From experience I felt the presence of the Lord before at mass and at certain times. I also felt the opposite of that as well, when malign beings were around. I have felt the others from spirits of nature, animals, and other entities not explained within my faith. I experienced and learned that there is just more to the universe than my spiritual beliefs were. I have learned that things outside of what I was taught are definitely real, and there are things that faith and belief cannot change.

Since I was young, I have prayed and told "them" to leave me alone. They still came. My grandparents, mother, and aunt did the same.....and they still come. I have known of others who are in the same situation and they too still come. They still come, even if you become physical and defend yourself. I have known individuals who have become physically violent..... and they still come. 

As I have grown older, I have read and met people who claim that they can stop these things. That by prayer, the power of "light", increasing vibration, utilizing a magical spell, energy work...will hedge or cause these being to stop coming. Promises of salvation come from many of these people.....and worst of all many take advantage and fleece people out of money. They can no more save me than my prayers and devotion to certain deities. Is there anyone who can protect or aid me?

The thing is in the end we are all alone. When dealing with this, it is hard to find anyone willing to work together. Even in the support groups you have devise elements as some people believe these are saviors and other find them as attackers. You have one group always telling you "Your experience is wrong.... let me reinterpret things for you and bring you into the light.." Not only is this isolation ongoing with social groups, but on a one and one relationship.... you have nobody. No spouse or companion.... it is just so alone and isolating. The trauma of these visits hedges you away and even stops you at times from opening up.
why must we be lone warriors, why can we not band together and fend these entities off. Is there a higher power who can protect us, or is it someone else who just wants to use us too?.  

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