Date: June 3th, 2013
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:35am, 2:35am, 3:25am, 4:25am, 5:23am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00am (Me)/12:00am (Aunt)/Guest 11:30pm
State of Mind Before: Worried, Happy, Sad (Me)/Depressed, Lonely, Frustrated (Aunt)/Content (Guest)
State of Mind After: Apathetic (Me)/ ----(Aunt)/----- (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Dry Mouth, Did not Follow precautionary sleep procedures.
Odd occurrences after: Illumination in Bathroom, Second to little to toe hurts on left leg.
Possible Influential Factors: Dark Skies Movie, New Tooth paste, My Failure Anniversary.
My guest and I were watching a B-rated movie circa 1983 which is a musical/comedy called "The Return of Captain Invincible". He turned in early and went to his room and fell asleep around 11:30am. Afterwards I check in on my aunt and tucked her in around 12:00am. I chatted with my usual guest who stayed away ironically this weekend until 12:30am. I had to use the bathroom and went right after. While in there I heard a very usual loud noise. It sound like crinkling foil being dragged or hard plastic wrap bring scratched and crumpled. i went to my aunt to see if she knew what was. She heard it as well. When I left her room it was 12:40am. After that I was doing some research into the elements, reading about the color of elements when ignited and the color levels of temperatures. At 2:00 am I tried to go to sleep.
As I was going to bed I was thinking about the research and going over into various elemental states such as solid, plasmas, gasses, liquids, then thinking about inert and noble gasses, the about particle suspension as in aerosols and solutions versus colloids. While doing that however my thoughts veered toward maps and geography really quickly. It was really fast in I started going over areas of the earth looking for something, like trying to pinpoint stuff, these thoughts last for a minute and I began vocalizing something as far as a coordinate or confirmation. I willfully snapped out of it. When I did my head had two synaptic shocks.
I was awake when this happened, and did not fall asleep and looked at the clock as it said 2:35am.
Again I attempted to lay down and go to sleep. I was a little worried because the synaptic shock are well a telltale sign that my head is being messed with. Again I start going over the elements, thinking about composites and chemical solutions, thinking about applications with inert gasses such as helium. The I felt "Why are you thinking about this" as the door got bumped. I immediately switched my thoughts toYakko's Nations of the World song, Wakko's Island Song, Wakko's State and their Capital Songs and mixed them up by making them into a medley. Then I heard something start to pass along the bookcase, again felt "Makes no difference anyway. Sleep".
I wake up at 3:25am, again forcing myself awake and accompanied by the synaptic shocks.I look around and try to go to sleep. Again I started thinking about the elements. I felt "Sleep", but with a hint of irritation.
I tried to fight it by cycling through the Animaniac's songs, but it was repeated again. For some reason I was scarred to get up. This time I started dreaming, It was about seeing my grandmother and mother again.
My grandmother was just talking to me asking how things were, I sort of paid attention to her questions and answered in yes/no. I knew she was dead, and told her I loved her but had to go check on something. I went to the living room and someone was hiding behind the curtains there. I said "come out I see you" and was defensive, my mother came out...which her shape did not match what was behind the curtain. She said she missed me and was sorry. I knew she was dead, I told her " I am sorry, things are the way they are and I just want you to find peace. Let go. I do love you". However she didn't let go. I began to growl and said "Wolves to me", it went dark and I woke up again with two synaptic shocks. It was 4:25am.
At this point I am scarred, but tired, and upset. I don't get up. I am afraid and I bluff by thinking "do not come close, leave. I have my weapons". Unfortunately this was a lie as they were across the room, and that feeling was of doubt was conveyed. I heard a shuffle. My instinct was to get up, but I just felt so tired. I tried to get up, but I was told I am so tired. Again I started thinking about the elements but my process was in reverse order of what I thinking. I felt "Stop that. Sleep".
Again I immediately started dreaming. The scenario this time was about my aunt. She was crying. I said "I know what going on". My aunt started to go on about the previous conversation we had about the day concerning certain ex-family members. I replied "right..... I will take care of it". As I walked out of the house intending to leave the scenario completely my ex-cousins showed up and asked where I was going. I told them none of your business. Then asked again and I said Burzzee Woods. They look at me confused.
I told them "I am sorry but I am going to have to kill you" and began fighting both of them. We fought and the scene changed to somewhere with poor lighting and concrete. They attempted to blend into the shadows. I said "It works both ways" and quickly pinpointed them. I managed to choke one cousin holding her at bay, while the other was scrambling for a device. I though my cousin I was chocking at the other one. I got tapped from behind and woke up.
This time I got four synaptic shocks, my mouth felt funny and my left toe hurt bad. I was able to get out of bed, it as 5:23am and immediately went to the bathroom and washed my face. I thought over what happened, but just told myself it was bad dream, I am okay. However when leaving the bathroom and turning off the light, I flipped the switch thrice and looked back using my peripheral vision. When the light turned on again momentarily the center of the bathroom had a blue-white flash. While washing my face I felt something behind me, but didn't see anything. During all that time I just kept thinking "I am tired, it was just a bad dream". I turned on the light switch at least 15 times at varying speeds. I could not get the center of the bathroom to illuminate. The light begins to turn on from the side of the bathroom. So it the illumination radiate from south to north/east. There was know way that there should have been a flash in the center of he bathroom.
Technically since May 31st I have had dry mouth at night. I figure because of the heat and a day I dislike is fast approaching (Summer Solstice), which usually happens. However, this spell of dry mouth I have is accompanied by an unusual swelling of the mid tongue region and upper mouth. I am not sure if this is irritation due to some new dental products I am using, "Colgate Luminous: Strengthen Enamel".
Since my guest has stayed over, my usual routine of barring the my bedroom door and locking it did not happen. Likewise my weapons were not near my bed. Only reasons why this occurred is because he may had to use the bathroom and I do not want to accidentally hurt him if he startled me in myself. As a precautionary measure, weapons are out of reach normally when they stay.
As mentioned, I watched the movie Dark Skies. It was mostly for academic purposes to see how close Hollywood comes to the overall experience. The subtle signs, the ambiance, the feel of a scene.... sometime they are off and other times they are spot on. Truthfully the film did shake me up. The sound, invisibility, messing with your head, vocals, and reveals hit to close to home. I was shaken, but since I was with a person I feel safe with I was alright. Ironically he has stayed with me these past couple days, which explains the conflicting mood of happiness I am feeling.
All the synaptic shocks occurred in the same place, an inch and 75 degrees above left temple and on my right temple centered. My lower left toe was in pain, it is the second toe to the last. It is a dull pain. At no time did I bump it. The pain is at the joint.