Monday, July 27, 2015

My first CERO meet and greet

I attend my first private group meet with CERO. As explained in my first post about them, CERO is
Their Facebook page is here. The group has three opportunities that individuals can participate:

Open Public Presentations
-Various Guests Speakers on the topic of UFO/Aliens
-Panel with Public Discussion on the Topic of UFO/Aliens

Invitation/Member Group Meetings
-CERO provides two locations in Southern California in which members can come together to share their experiences and thoughts on the UFO/Alien Phenomena
-Its is a very friendly atmosphere with good people, just keep an open mind as their are various interpretations and experiences that people share.

-The President of CERO is a licensed and accredited hypnotherapist. She provides services as a therapist to help individuals recover or clarify memories and deal with the stress these may uncover.
-She has a network of other meta-physical specialist that she can refer too as well for additional insight or counseling.

My first meeting with CERO
Disclaimer: Since the meeting is confidential I will not be sharing names of people, I will make references/titles to some people that make sense to me.

I was nervous about the meetings as I had some reservations. Somethings I did wonder and worry about. I got there thirty minute before to scope out the location which is standard protocol before entering. Due to traffic a number of people were late. There were a number of new people, with mostly the CORE members in attendance. I was one of 4 males, the rest all females....we were basically 1/5 of the group.The group is tolerant as respectful, and listened to my brief of encounters. Then the floor began to open up. A number of people shared their experience and asked question. The guy to the right, the "Fianna", mentioned I have a "nice ring". At the first event I attended for some reason I zero'd in on him as he resonated with me. I know of an older version of him which is weird but doesn't exist. It was auspicious that he arrived late, and even though I avoided sitting next to him... he still ended up by me. Subtly as he was he let me know of his pendent as well, which I remarked "nice pendent". Ironically as things were mentioned more signifier hit as we talked. This is not a chance meeting.

As the meeting went on I discovered that there are a number of attendees that have a number of differ experiences. Some are contactees (Individual who have initiated a CE5 protocol to establish diplomatic contact), abductees (Individuals who are taken against their willing/tricked), experiences (Individuals who willing work with them), and mention of devotees (individual who worship them in reference to spiritual practices ). As we went on there were a number of people from the Pure Lands here, the Pooka and the Orphan noted that. Seems the Fianna, Orphan, and Pooka got along rather well. Ironically the Orphan and Fianna share traits akin to myself as well, were I found it as another resonator. It was just interesting. Especially since the Orphan and I noted that we both see some things.... it was nice to know I wasn't the only one who was already considered "Awakened" by birth or in a caul. There were two avatars who did their best to guide and war us about the non-physical side of things. As I stated before it seems they operate on a 4th dimensional plane or mental plane as well which overlaps our waking consciousness. This part I am not sure of.... as well we are getting into differing experiences. Even with the pack that formed, seems we are each seeing differing specie. However, as expected the Fianna provided me with the one answer I was looking for, and he kept resonating strongly. I do not like that. Not that it bothers me... but those that resonate with me often scar me in the end. Anyhow he did confirm that they do watch over us, and do communicate and step in if their "investment" is jeopardized by cross contamination.

In the end the meeting was a positive experience, but did learn quite alot. I do plan on attending again and hopefully bring my aunt along as well.


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