Saturday, February 11, 2017

Concerning Religious Beliefs

So know there is another situation, in which my open beliefs in Aliens and UFOs have been called into question. Although I been called reasonable and rational, I was told that I should go see a psychologist to work this shit out. Now of course the individual means this with the best intentions, but they are also a protestant christian......yeah....pot calling the kettle black.

As I shared my personality type before and it is INTJ, the Architect archetype found in psychology. My personality is quirky to mostly everyone. I am both a theorist and empiricist, looking at all possible outcomes a finding a commonality and percentage of probability, and verifying and then rationalizing such things. However christian often do not look upon themselves, and as such fail to notice that their own collective belief falls short among themselves. I do know this as a former Catholic myself.

As a Catholic you soon become aware of "True Christians" versus "False Christians" aka Protestants. As many of those have studied history, a major schism within Christianity was with the ideals of Martin Luther...who further splintered the unified Christian belief system known as Roman Catholicism. Prior to that the other schisms were political, Orthodox Catholics, when the Rome Empire split into two. The other are the non-incorporated Christians like Gnostics and other who combined early teachings and other belief systems. So what do I mean by crazy Christians.....I am not attacking the belief system, just the irrationality of the inconsistency between the various groups.

Well known Groups:
-Mormons: Mormons have a belief bought to the attention by the Angel Moroni, who anointed their prophet Joseph Smith. They have claims that Jesus visited the New Word, in addition there are major differences that Elohim is a re-incarnated Alien....from Kolat....and that is Yahweh....and his children is Jesus and Lucifer.
-Jehovah Witnesses: Believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel who reincarnated into a human. They believe that Jesus's body was disintegrated by god and created new bodies for himself. He then ascended back into heaven and became Michael the Archangel again. They have an aversion to any pagan symbol or concepts.Only 144,000 of the faith will go to heaven.
-Various Televangelist and Faith Ministries: In the Americas this include hundreds of individuals church that have splintered off from other protestant groups like Lutheran and Baptists. The Rev. Phelps is a great example of a faith ministry that preaches "God Hates Fags", Peter Popoff from California who did false healings and sold Miracle Water, and sadly many other who have been feature on TBN such as Joel Olsteen.
This even goes on into Latin America where many Pentecostals dupe individuals by faith healing, tongues, anointed prayer oils, and arches of holy water. Not too many the group of individuals who claim there Jesus Christ, not individuals with a psychosis, but people who have formed faith groups around them.

They call me crazy????????

For all the good Christianity can do, it is no different than any other belief system and is subject to see its own twisted reflection. Beliefs can be great, as long as they are productive to society and keep peace and are ideals that can adapt and evolve over time.

The reason why this entry comes up is because of my Wolfbrother. What we experience is under attack and in question. What we hold as spirituality is under attacks and in question, however the conflict that resulted in this current situation is stemmed from christian beliefs. Angels, the Light, the Creator, the inflexible God we always hear about.....

How do you heal someone whose issue has been caused be a belief in Christ and Christian Ideals?


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