Monday, June 4, 2018

Missing Time, Fractals, Exam, and Hives

Date: May 30st, 2018 June 2nd, 2018
Type: CE3, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: N/A
Attempted Time of Sleep:
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired
State of Mind After: Depressed
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Shadow Men
Odd occurrences after: Left arms marks triangles to large circle with dots in them. Wolfbrother issue.

Over the past four days I been having really odd experiences. Starting May 31st around 1:30am, as I was leaving my home there was an being on the opposite side of the street. As I was getting into my car no one was there on the street. When backing out someone was on the opposite side of the street, a dark humanoid silhouette, When I got out to look, no one was there, Later on that morning there were was an event of missing time and fractals in the room at the hospital. I went to go visit my wolfbrother in the morning since they needed to move him out of the 5th floor. He was in a bad mood as entities have been bothering him. I saw them when I closed my eyes. Two orbs, when yellow and the other orange were hovering about. The yellow orb was in my face yelling at me in oscillating pattern in its form. From what I can get was it was angry I could detect it and was wondering why. The orange orb was irradiating my wolfbrother. Both wanted me to leave. I left around 1155am. I walked down got in my car and proceeded home. However the car and phone said 1225pm. That could not be takes me a few minutes to get down and to the freeway in about 7min. So where did the time go???

Later on at night I started cooking some soup around 2am... I was reading...and it seem I didn't get to far but time slipped away and it was like 6am and I burned the soup.... very unlike me. I attributed it to my chronic insomnia... and my body just tired.

During the day was my wolfbrother's operation so I waited with him until the early morning hours.

Saturday morning my catnap knocked me out. During this time I had a visit after 11am and they took me to the bathroom. They examined me and told me I am not to spill my seed anymore. They showed me a device that was put in my penis. They commented on how I am defective again. I became angry and attempted to bang my head into the mirror. I woke up. I was mad since I slept the day away and needed to fulfill my obligations. As the hours past I developed four allergic reaction soon my arms. One up near my wrist, two neat my inner elbow, and one on the outer elbow. They were like a from a TB shot but horizontal like fingers. Beside those marks, the triangles on my wrist seemed to be used again, as well as the two circle slots. Something was done....

Sidenote Wolfbrother did something extremely cruel. I knew it was coming. I don't know if I can continue.

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