Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Raising Your Consciousness/Vibrations: Intelligence and Wisdom

Another thing that raising your vibrational level might be as simple as Intelligence and Wisdom. For starters they are not the same thing....but both apply to an aspect of your consciousness.

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Wisdom: the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.

It is hard to believe but these two qualities are hard to measure in a person, as they are subjective. An IQ test is biased, as it is based up of what we consider a basic understanding of common knowledge. The desired qualities looked for in an IQ test also change overtime, as concept of common knowledge evolves over time. Some aspects don't change...traditionally speaking such as science or math unless there are new discoveries and practices that have evolved our in our understanding of things...like basic arithmetic or basic geometry. History and literature can change sadly, as interpretations of certain things can change of understanding. They are not as solidified and one must debate a point to agree on the consensus of of such facts....which undermines the objectivity of chronological events. A great example is the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus, which is now in doubt as others have pointed out that Leif Erickson made or Zheng He made landfall first....despite their being vast civilizations and cultures already there. Not only has history be shown to be subjective, but apparently math and science to a degree as well...as many modern day scholars claims that these studies are racists or "feelings" should be taken into account....as there are no definite answers.... it is the journey to understanding that only counts.

Despite our human potential....some of us don't want to increase our intelligence. We rather stay in our comfortable and infallible towers that we are accustomed to. Sometime all we want is to be a seamstress and focus on survival. Matter of fact our ability to survive effects our level of intelligence, as if we don't have a safe environment....when or where can we have the tome to ponder the universe? Many of us our now fortunate that our worlds history of knowledge is available to us if we wish to make use of it. We can learn the whole history of our planet if we want, immerse ourselves in various cultural experiences, explore fantastical and theoretical scenarios, and so much more...utilizing the latest of technology. The more we learn, the more aware we are.... and on a biological level the more neurons we have firing in our head. The connection we make with our brain's neural networks are so much greater with every accumulation of information. We know there is a change to our brains and we can detect this in a number of ways, measuring the electrical impulse and regions stimulated to monitoring the output of various brain waves.

We can specialize in certain topics, but it is helpful to have a well rounded education..... basics of the sciences, literature, arithmetic, cultural studies, linguistics, art, and philosophy. Encourage one another to try new things or help hone existing talents.

However, we forget that "Intelligence" is a luxury...... as much of what we value is not necessary for our day to day survival. Intelligence thrives when we have an excess of food, water, shelter, and safety.....where we can have time ponder and imagine. Those that worry about livelihood need to focus on their survival. Ironically many intelligent people have lost basic survival skills.

The other part of this is Wisdom...which comes with application of knowledge and experience. Wisdom is very subjective, and often depends on the environment you are in. You can be very knowledgeable, but if you do not know how to apply or learn to keep quiet it may not do you any good. Sometimes knowing to much complicates one's capacity for wisdom as we get bogged down be details.....often missing the obvious. What is messy is that Wisdom has a bad relation with being "spiritual", as many find that these two qualities go hand in hand. Wisdom is not belief, but more akin to practical applications and common sense. Wisdom is how we operate and navigate our life, hoping that we are making the most optimal choices in our lives. Wisdom hopes we use the knowledge we have gained and puts it to practical use. 

As far as our physical brains are concerned, we often hold that our mind's eye  or pineal gland is open, allowing us to draw in our extrasensory experience. That our ability to use our heightened senses gives us an edge, whether it be sensitivity and awareness or empathy. 

These are just my thoughts....as this particular aspects is hard to pin down for me.



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