Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Abduction and Weird Crytalline Cube Underwater

Date: 9/24/2024
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:00am to 3:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:00pm
State of Mind Before: Me (Tired), Wolfbrother (N/A)
State of Mind After: Me (Bothered, Forgetful), Wolfbrother (N/A), Aunt (N/A)
Odd occurrences before: Odd feeling while securing doors and just left
Odd occurrences after: None

This event is rather peculiar as I almost didn't recall it. I knew something was going on since I started singing around 1:00am and my wolfbrother woke me up, and again shortly before 3:00am. When he asked the second time what was going on....I had no idea. I was confused and couldn't remember. However as I was scanning my thoughts a few keyed words bought the memories back and I was upset.

Dream 1

I am not sure if this was a dream. I am in a cell which looks like a bathroom stall. I am very tired and just want to go to sleep. I have things to do tomorrow and I don't want to deal with this. I put the toilet seat down and begin to make a small space so I can sleep. Someone in the next stall says "Lucky you, at least you get a toilet. You figured how to catch a few zzzzs. I guess it's not  your first time." I do not respond as I do not know who this is nor do I care. I lay down. He keeps talking "Hey are you still there? It is ok if you don't want to talk. I was freaked out the first few times. I don't know what they are doing this time." at this point I sit up and look around. The floors are a beige color and curved up toward the wall. There seems to be a basin/ does close to form part of a table/sleeping platform that swivels out from the wall. There is ambient light with no source. The wall is thin but durable, as the guy is next door. It feels like plastic....but it is not. The door to the cell has been propped open....a trash basin was wedge in the door. Did I do that or is that intentional? I stick my head out into the hall. They are here... I think "I am not dealing with this" and I start to sing. I soon am woken up by my wolfbrother in real I started to sing loudly. I tell him thank you.... I am really groggy and go back to sleep.

Unknown incident....

I am having trouble going back to sleep. Something happened and I can't fully remember. My back hurts and I am sore. Nobody loves me and I want to die. I will never have any normal relationship and it is way too late. What is the point. I toss and turn trying to get comfortable. I am just listening to my negative thoughts.... yeah...I need no one remember? They will all betray me again anyway.... best to be alone. Interesting that my only defense against these negative thoughts is to turn them on on themselves were I justify their responses in worse ways...which turns them off. After all my primary function is to ensure I complete my responsibilities..... that always comes first. Some faulty programming indeed.

After about 45mins of tossing and turning and becoming bored of those thoughts, a bright light emanates outside from the window. I am confused thinking I am dreaming....but no I looked at the clock and it was only 2:00am. Why is there bright light? It is not morning.....oh shit!!! Part of me panics as I realize what is about to happen. I feel weak and can't get up. I note that Wolfbrother is in the bed knocked out, my other friend is in the chair???? I am losing my ability to move....and manage to wedge half of my body under the bed before they come in and I can no longer move. My eyes stare up at the ceiling. I hear in my head "How is he awake? You said they were asleep and he would be under?" There is a very tall grey-like being standing above me, and another by the foot of the bed. "Is this the one that can hear us? How usual, is this the defective one you have mentioned?", says another voice. "This one is not defective, it is an unintended result that is within our desired application. We tried to repeat it with this one, the results were not as intended", the voice was making reference to my wolfbrother. "Yes the reclamation project. He hears us and understands". The one standing over me seems irritated that I am wedged under the bed. He does not kneel and am unsure how now I am within waist level. He begins to push on my pelvic region above my penis. It hurts....he is applying pressure and it hurts alot. I do not scream.....but it hurts.

Dream 2

It hurts....the light gets brighter and then all of a sudden its is complete darkness. I here an older female voice say "We are going to see your 'mother' now" [Note that is no what she meant....mother was the word used...but not its intent....impression I got was engineer/creator]. Soon we were in a foyer, it was very cool and dark. The walls, ceiling and floor were all made of crystal. Outside it seemed there was a void, but there was a medium....which was liquid. The woman that was with me was tall thin, whispy white hair, bulbous head, long fingers, grey skin. She was wearing a black Victorian type gown, no lace....but modest and form fitting with high collar. There was a young boy/teen with us blonde hair, kinda of loopy as not sure where he was. Then there was a young female girl/teen, of hindi descent....short hair and quiet. Both were dressed in white shirt and pants, like nursing or correctional uniform. I was dressed the same way as well.

From the foyer I could see into the next rooms. Through one doorway there was another individual in PPE suit with green interior lights and coms. She was attending to a few patients in the other room which was kept dark. She walked from one room to another, I think there was a decontamination station as she took off her suit and went to another room. I heard "You shouldn't come unannounced, especially with those. Have they been properly vaccinated?". The lady I was with responded "These two are yours, they have already been vaccinated. This one is mine and you can view the results". As the woman walked over she took the three plastic gel ovals from the woman in black and looked them over. The plastic gel oval contained biometric information. The one on the hindi girl had highlighted circles indicate that she was appropriate for this environment. The one that was in the PPE suit said "I wish you would let me examine her myself. She is quite a specimen". The woman in black responded "You know that is not allowed. I worked on her perfectly by myself. She is well within parameters". The woman that was in the PPE suit suddenly looks at me "This one can understand what we are saying can't he? Is he aware of where he is?" The woman in black responds "He is one of yours. What do you think? Unless he has a defect which allows him to circumvents the caps you put in assured he understands nothing....nor will he recall anything."

The woman who wore the PPE gear looks directly at me. She has dark hair in a bun, however he skin is purple pink and looks very lithe....almost as if the muscle are exposed....not skeletal. He face is very off as she has a very small mouth, no nose, the eyes are spread wider apart and there is a cavity in the center around the forehead. A bright purple violet light emanates from it. "I don't recall making this one. They all look the same after awhile. Now why don't you let me examine this one...." The woman in black motions for me to look around.....and motions for me not to think out load. Just observe.

The first boy/teen had entered another area. He had cracked the crystal ever so slightly, a hairline fracture. The structure I feared would be compromised. I felt the crystal and say I see that they are basalt columns......that it they were take from under the sea near Ireland or Isle of Man? The woman are talking and a name of "Chandra" is mentioned. I open the door to where the male boy/teen went. There is a gallery of various paintings. One is of a 'Gala' a sea side festival where a hotel was opening again somewhere in Britain. Another painting was that of a forest, another was a black and white skyscrapper in NYC circe 1940s, and many many others. A whistle came from the 'Gala' painting and I walked though.

It was a bright day during summer, a sea-side hotel was hosting a grand opening. A festive atmosphere was about as they had plans for a firework show. There were a few yachts in the harbor. Many people were on the boardwalk and seaside, enjoying hot dogs, ice cream, watermelon, and fried chicken. As I was walking around I noticed a few people cleaning some carousal animal that were left in the sand. I went over and started to help. Their was a medieval white canine, a hunting dog with a blue tabard on it. It had the word "Bootes gusee". I could here the crystalline cracks from the outside.... getting worse...and noticed that the sea was acting odd. I could see that as the crack got wider in the crystals.... they basalt columns were returned from whence they came. Something was going to happen so I ran to who looked in charge. There were a bunch of very hot guys washing muscle cars on the beach.....made no sense since these were American Corvettes.....they were English guys. When I went up to the one with the gold car...he was "very friendly"... I told him "Maybe later....but this place is about to come down. Look to the are in charge right?". When he look to the ocean and say reality begin to warp... he got his guys to start to evacuate everyone to the hotel. When we got out.....apparently the other portraits were becoming unstable too as this section was collapsing... the cracks in the crystal was taking out this wing. There was one portrait with its on room.... the portrait of the forest....I redirected everyone to that room and sealed it. We were safe and cut off. Was this intentional? What was going on. I started to sing.... despite the hot guy trying to calm me down.

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