Thursday, September 26, 2024

Second City Stories: My home

Second City Stories describe the events of an alternate Los Angeles, where another me lives. I have been having these dreams since I was a child. I have come to realize that this is part of the Abduction Phenomena, and is a CE4 (5) event...where I am aware of a parallel world. I have discounted these events as mere dreams, but I have always noted the high level of consistency and history to where they are at. 

As mentioned since I was younger I have dreamed of an alternate Los Angeles. The geography is a bit different, with some obvious alteration to freeways and roads. Despite this I have always lived at my home which mirrors that place.... in other words...we share the same place. The difference between this home and that home is that the alternate one is on a larger property and on a hill.

The home is front yard west and backyard south, with an apartment backyard to the north side, and a side walkway along the south side of the house. It is a partial two story, but the upper floor was never full finished and is just one big empty attic space. This area is located partial between the apartment and main home. It has a large driveway...for 4 cars and a very large two story garage. The garage itself is split level with an area that extends underneath the duplex. There is space for at least 10 cars. The rest of the property is elevated on the hill.... with the front garden being higher and a ramped terrace that allows access from street level and the driveway. The apartment is also larger, a little bit longer, and take advantage of the wider space, allowing them now to have a small backyard area to the northside of the house.

Our main home has a larger living room, and the configuration is mostly the same. However there is an extra bedroom between the kitchen and living room. The bathrooms are also a lot larger, with one bathroom having access to a secret basement deep under the home and connecting to tunnels. There is also a "new" enclosed porch area in the back. My grandmother, aunt, myself, and a couple of our dogs lived here. I had a cousin (doesn't exist here) live with us too and he was nice. However when he graduated college he moved out of state and joined the military. After my grandmother died I happened to have a boyfriend who lived with me for three years until he was taken (Alien Abduction) and never returned.

Now....weird things happen at the home. The back bedroom is haunted big time..... and there is a presence there. Poltergeist activity happens there on the regular. Lights won't work sometimes, the door will lock, the windows and curtain won't stay closed, and items will be tossed and moved around the room. The weird energy was theorized by someone, a "priest" to be a vortex or portal. This was the side affect of such a place. Alien Abduction was also happening there....the greys would try to get in through the sides of the home, attempting to enter through bedroom windows. They also would try to come in through the front by the living room door and would often try to break the gate along side the south of the house. They were really really aggressive and not at all subtle, it was also widely accepted by the populace that these things happen from time to time. The government would warn us with news alert of possible threats as advance radar would detect anomalous conditions, as if a wormhole might be forming within our solar system....or if there was a surprise attack where mass abductions occurred (like signs). However most abductions happened during their single outings. Eventually we were marked by the government as person of interest since they focused on us more than one time, and I had a personal relationship presumed "terminated". As a result by law I would have to disclose that I am targeted. Which does not allow me much in the personal relationship and friends. However the only positive side was that I did get hired to work as an archivist in downtown. 

Oddly enough the second floor was never messed with, and when I climbed up outside to access is empty....a bit dusty and dry.... and just empty. New weird activity other than a ghost that just prefers to remain in the shadows. It is hiding from me, being only sight from time to time..

The neighborhoods are likewise altered, as my neighbor to the south is on an elevated hill as well, and is tappers down for the next for houses. On this block there is an extra 4 houses on the south. To the north we have one extra home that tappers down on that side ending the block. The block shapes in the area are also altered an now Opal St. is a cul-de-sac extending 8 properties down with housing not found here. The existing neighbors are on a new cul-de-sac running west to east that connects to Esperanza. The south block ends at 8th street ends at Esperanza. The block we are is shaped like a big "S". The blocks directly to the west are a rectangular blocks, and on the rows we are on are a mix of triangular and rectangular blocks, due to the difference in elevation.

Following 8th St east you will hit a district of warehouses until you hit the hills along the cemetery. Much of the area has been heavily damaged from several invasions, and the city has not reconstructed the area. East of this my home is a large academic center. This center serves as a campus servicing Pre-School to High School. It is a public school and also serves as a bomb shelter.

The blocks on the southside of 8th st are likewise longer and shaped with the rectangular and circle patterns of roads, basically a large rectangle containing an Oval inside and divided half and length wise. This patterned is repeated three more times, and the length would be from Lorena to Esperanza. That area is all flatland. If you travel southwest you will hit Olympic Blvd which merges with farther south.Whittier Blvd. (wrong location from the real world) and along this area there are large and industrial buildings. These mirror this area, but more intense with trucking, shipping, warehousing, and metal works. Lorena has some minor business, and the residential area that is just west of it is a commercial area instead for two blocks...then reverting to a residential area again...then along Soto with some other commercial business. The Resurrection Church and School is present here too....but the Sears Building and Wyvernwood projects are not present here.

Lastly unlike our Los Angeles light pollution is not an issue as you do not have street lamps. Basically car and other vehicles provide their own light. The moon and stars provide enough light for most people. If there is outdoor lighting it is on a need to need basis.


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