Date: Oct 27th 2012
Type: Dream, Ghost, C.E.4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 4:30am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30 am
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Disappointed, Very Disillusioned (Me), Sad (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Optimistic (me) scared (aunt)
Odd occurrences before: The usual sounds of tapping.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Major Depression, Disappointment, Jobless, Insomnia.
The previous day I felt a sense of malaise and just extreme sadness. Personally I feel so alone... powerless... and worried. It is my 3rd month of no work and I have no help. My funds are dwindling and I have no aid from any sources. Anything paranormal was the farthest thing from my mind. What is worse is that I am responsible for someone....if it was just me I know I can get by... but I am doing my best to take care of my aunt. I try to hide what I am feeling so it doesn't affect her and I do my best to put on a positive face. So yesterday to cover up the fact that I feel awful I just slept... I got up to feed her and check up on her...but I remained in my room crying myself to sleep.
Around 1am I woke up because I heard her in the restroom and I went to go and check up on her. I spent some time with her until 3am watching TV and just talking to her to cheer her up. Around 3:20 am I told her I need to go to bed...because I started feeling so bad where I couldn't pretend to be okay. I put her to be and then made a beeline to my room. I tried to relax in order to go to sleep.
She on the other hand decided to read for a bit, and she didn't go to sleep until 4:00am. She says that she heard something outside the hallway and she was alert. A black figure with white eyes appeared in her room.
It walked through the bedroom door and stood there. My aunt called out for me, but I was knocked out.
It just stood there until my aunt asked what it wanted. It then pointed at her and she called out for me again, then started praying. It then just left. She was scared and didn't go to sleep. She looked at the the time and it was 4:30 am. The being was about 3'-4' tall and solid black, with white eyes.
I awoke at 7:00am expecting my alarm to go off...but it is Saturday..So I just went back to sleep. I awoke around 10:50am and felt okay and actually a bit happier. I check my e-mail and did my usual tasks...and then talked to my aunt. This is when she related the encounter to me.
My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Bluelighting and See Through Walls
Date: Oct 24th 2012
Type: Dream, CE3
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 4:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:00 am
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Disappointed, Very Disillusioned
State of Mind After: Depressed
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Major Depression, Disappointment, Jobless, Insomnia.
I been having trouble sleeping for the past two months. Most of it is becuase of my worry.
This night I forced myself to go to bed early and fall asleep so I could feel more rested.
Around 4:00am there was a blueish white light shining along the outside of my bedroom. It was in the walkway above the roof. From what i can tell the source of the light was the sense that the light shone through the walls and the bookcases as well. It was emanating from some small orb that was above the roof. It made everything seem semi-transparent. At first I thought it was the neighbors security lights, but the intensity and the color was off and then when it moved I knew it wasn't their lights. I also could not one showed up though.....I could see the clock and everything...but no one was around. After a few minutes the lights just went went off and I was left in the dark.
My eyes then had trouble i was seeing after images of book pages. It was like when you stare at a black and white image for a long time and then you see the after images...there was a jumble of them. I tried to focus to see if I could figure out what I was looking it.......and then it made sense as it was items from my library. What i could make out in the jumble of images where a few pages from the books I owned.
Now this encounter felt like a the sense that it was unusual. However, it is being counted as a CE3 since the blue light was present.I know it wasn't a dream becuase as soon as I was able to move and re-adjust my eyes to see clearly I went to the restroom and then watched a bit of TV to figure this out.
Type: Dream, CE3
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 4:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:00 am
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Disappointed, Very Disillusioned
State of Mind After: Depressed
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Major Depression, Disappointment, Jobless, Insomnia.
I been having trouble sleeping for the past two months. Most of it is becuase of my worry.
This night I forced myself to go to bed early and fall asleep so I could feel more rested.
Around 4:00am there was a blueish white light shining along the outside of my bedroom. It was in the walkway above the roof. From what i can tell the source of the light was the sense that the light shone through the walls and the bookcases as well. It was emanating from some small orb that was above the roof. It made everything seem semi-transparent. At first I thought it was the neighbors security lights, but the intensity and the color was off and then when it moved I knew it wasn't their lights. I also could not one showed up though.....I could see the clock and everything...but no one was around. After a few minutes the lights just went went off and I was left in the dark.
My eyes then had trouble i was seeing after images of book pages. It was like when you stare at a black and white image for a long time and then you see the after images...there was a jumble of them. I tried to focus to see if I could figure out what I was looking it.......and then it made sense as it was items from my library. What i could make out in the jumble of images where a few pages from the books I owned.
Now this encounter felt like a the sense that it was unusual. However, it is being counted as a CE3 since the blue light was present.I know it wasn't a dream becuase as soon as I was able to move and re-adjust my eyes to see clearly I went to the restroom and then watched a bit of TV to figure this out.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Television: Intruders
This movie originally aired in 1992. It is based upon UFO researcher Budd Hopkins books. A previous movie Communion was done concerning another case. The movie follows a case about two women who suffer the same nightmares, and their psychiatrists notices starting similarities. This is one of the very few movies that depict an alien abduction in a Urban/Metropolitan setting. The first part of the movie shown here is oddly reminiscent of my first experience, and ironically about "white vans" sited as well. The movie like the first one, eventually has a message to deliver....that they are here....good ones and bad ones... and we need their help to usher in a New Age.
A DVD Region 1 release was made available this year, and a PAL version has been around for quite a while.
The movie has been edited from its initial release, and most of can be viewed on youtube.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Ghosts and Aliens
Date: 2012
Type: Visitation, Abduction
Location: Van Nuys, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Haunting
Odd occurrences after: Haunting.
Possible Influential Factors: New Age Believer
This is a personal story related to me when I attended a MUFON event. After the meeting I met up with an individual who reached out to us and began speaking with us. She is a total stranger who I met, and do not know much detail other than what she told me. She was very frightened and looking for answers.
As far as I know some incidents began occurring with her and the family. At first she believed that these were some sort of haunting from a woman who had lived there. Apparently the previous tenant may died in the house, and was some sort of old woman. All the common activity and signs of a poltergeist/haunting had occurred. She was very fearful and that she did not want to interfere with family. Apparently it turned worse when a UFO was sighted near the house during one of these ghostly encounters. She say a spherical UFO with a probing arm. It was a small UFO, similar in size to the one in account DF01. What is interesting this UFO was in roughly the same size and shape and occurred near an airport.
She as a person was distraught and stressed from the emotional state when she related the incidents to me. She is a spiritual person of a non-christian belief system and did not believe in traditional schooling methods. She is also accomplished musical artists as well. I attempted to let her know that she had the tools to cope with this and advised her on looking to the net for groups and people whom she could share her stories with and perhaps find answers their. As I said... my heart truly felt for here as I knew the terror in those eyes.
Date: 2012
Type: Visitation, Abduction
Location: Van Nuys, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Haunting
Odd occurrences after: Haunting.
Possible Influential Factors: New Age Believer
This is a personal story related to me when I attended a MUFON event. After the meeting I met up with an individual who reached out to us and began speaking with us. She is a total stranger who I met, and do not know much detail other than what she told me. She was very frightened and looking for answers.
As far as I know some incidents began occurring with her and the family. At first she believed that these were some sort of haunting from a woman who had lived there. Apparently the previous tenant may died in the house, and was some sort of old woman. All the common activity and signs of a poltergeist/haunting had occurred. She was very fearful and that she did not want to interfere with family. Apparently it turned worse when a UFO was sighted near the house during one of these ghostly encounters. She say a spherical UFO with a probing arm. It was a small UFO, similar in size to the one in account DF01. What is interesting this UFO was in roughly the same size and shape and occurred near an airport.
She as a person was distraught and stressed from the emotional state when she related the incidents to me. She is a spiritual person of a non-christian belief system and did not believe in traditional schooling methods. She is also accomplished musical artists as well. I attempted to let her know that she had the tools to cope with this and advised her on looking to the net for groups and people whom she could share her stories with and perhaps find answers their. As I said... my heart truly felt for here as I knew the terror in those eyes.
The Ex-Boyfriend
Date: 1999 and 2009
Type: Visitation
Location: North Hollywood and Burbank, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Close Relationship with me
Odd occurrences after: Close Relationship with me.
Possible Influential Factors: Coast to Coast AM, Boyfriend, Religious, Stress/Anxiety, Drug Influence (2nd Event)
When my boyfriend and I were together, I had let him know that I believed in Aliens and I was an abductee.
Since we were together, I thought to let him know just in case something was to occur. He is a skeptic about the paranormal and supernatural, as well as religious. His point was since he didn't believe in that it would never effect him. Now on average he would visit me on the weekends, int the beginning we would spend a lot of time together but it had tapered off to a point where he was asleep most of the time here (literally a lazy Sunday where he didn't wake up till late afternoon). The point is that out of the year he was here 1/7 days, spending just one night. So looking at things there was a 14.29% chance of him being here on a night when and incident may have occurred. This doesn't not factor in the randomness of these events, and by my tracking show that these are mostly weekday issues or occur at the beginning/ending of the month.
In 1999 he admitted that late one night something was outside his window at his apartment in North Hollywood. It made some strange noises, and seemed to be looking for a way to get into the house as it was feeling across the outside of the walls and windows.He did say there was some sort of ringing in his ears or slight humming. He dismissed this as a nightmare or because he was listening too much to Art Bell on Coast to Coast Am. This event never repeated.
Around 2008, by then we were no longer together but still keep in contact. Sadly after we were no longer together in unrelated circumstances he began using marijuana. He had also suffered from some other personal issues as well but this may have little bearing on the experience. According to him, late one night after smoking some herb sometime during the night "The Greys" showed up on the bedroom balcony. They just stood there and look at him. He felt that they appeared to let him know that they were real....and that I was not making this stuff up. They just stood there and then just vanished. He admits that this was most likely a hallucination associated with his pot use. However, the fact that he would have such a random hallucination concerning me is odd and the probability of it is quite low. Yet please note that there is an association with marijuana and aliens, as some heavy users have reported seeing Greys when high.
Although he explains away these experiences, it is more so as a hardcore skeptic. As an individual he is a reliable witness and highly creative and intelligent. He is not prone to lying, and if he does quickly admits the truth.
Date: 1999 and 2009
Type: Visitation
Location: North Hollywood and Burbank, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Close Relationship with me
Odd occurrences after: Close Relationship with me.
Possible Influential Factors: Coast to Coast AM, Boyfriend, Religious, Stress/Anxiety, Drug Influence (2nd Event)
When my boyfriend and I were together, I had let him know that I believed in Aliens and I was an abductee.
Since we were together, I thought to let him know just in case something was to occur. He is a skeptic about the paranormal and supernatural, as well as religious. His point was since he didn't believe in that it would never effect him. Now on average he would visit me on the weekends, int the beginning we would spend a lot of time together but it had tapered off to a point where he was asleep most of the time here (literally a lazy Sunday where he didn't wake up till late afternoon). The point is that out of the year he was here 1/7 days, spending just one night. So looking at things there was a 14.29% chance of him being here on a night when and incident may have occurred. This doesn't not factor in the randomness of these events, and by my tracking show that these are mostly weekday issues or occur at the beginning/ending of the month.
In 1999 he admitted that late one night something was outside his window at his apartment in North Hollywood. It made some strange noises, and seemed to be looking for a way to get into the house as it was feeling across the outside of the walls and windows.He did say there was some sort of ringing in his ears or slight humming. He dismissed this as a nightmare or because he was listening too much to Art Bell on Coast to Coast Am. This event never repeated.
Around 2008, by then we were no longer together but still keep in contact. Sadly after we were no longer together in unrelated circumstances he began using marijuana. He had also suffered from some other personal issues as well but this may have little bearing on the experience. According to him, late one night after smoking some herb sometime during the night "The Greys" showed up on the bedroom balcony. They just stood there and look at him. He felt that they appeared to let him know that they were real....and that I was not making this stuff up. They just stood there and then just vanished. He admits that this was most likely a hallucination associated with his pot use. However, the fact that he would have such a random hallucination concerning me is odd and the probability of it is quite low. Yet please note that there is an association with marijuana and aliens, as some heavy users have reported seeing Greys when high.
Although he explains away these experiences, it is more so as a hardcore skeptic. As an individual he is a reliable witness and highly creative and intelligent. He is not prone to lying, and if he does quickly admits the truth.
Burbank Airport UFO
Date: 2011
Type: Sighting
Location: Burbank, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Unknown
Odd occurrences after: Unknown.
Possible Influential Factors: Religious
This particular experience was related to me by my ex-boyfriend. His mother late one night when she was
at home observed a UFO floating along side the house. They lived on the second floor of a townhouse community that was next to the Burbank Airport and a Cemetery. There have been no prior incidents of any ghosts or UFOs, although CFEX01 has two accounts..
The UFO that she saw was a glowing sphere that hoovered along the driveway along the second story height. It was spherical and possibly a 10' sphere. The light was soft and not bright. She heard no noise and after a few minutes it just whisked straight up into the sky.
She is a very credible witness. The issue is that she lived near the airport. This is not the first time though UFO's have managed to be caught on tape or under the radar near an airport.
Date: 2011
Type: Sighting
Location: Burbank, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Unknown
Odd occurrences after: Unknown.
Possible Influential Factors: Religious
This particular experience was related to me by my ex-boyfriend. His mother late one night when she was
at home observed a UFO floating along side the house. They lived on the second floor of a townhouse community that was next to the Burbank Airport and a Cemetery. There have been no prior incidents of any ghosts or UFOs, although CFEX01 has two accounts..
The UFO that she saw was a glowing sphere that hoovered along the driveway along the second story height. It was spherical and possibly a 10' sphere. The light was soft and not bright. She heard no noise and after a few minutes it just whisked straight up into the sky.
She is a very credible witness. The issue is that she lived near the airport. This is not the first time though UFO's have managed to be caught on tape or under the radar near an airport.
Shadowy Abductors
Date: 1980-1990
Type: Visitation, Abduction
Location: East Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Unknown
Odd occurrences after: Unknown.
Possible Influential Factors: Religious
During my early years my mother let me know that one of my classmates, a female, had experienced some spiritual trouble. During the time that my mother lived in East Los Angeles, we had some issue with the apartment. Not only were there a haunting, but it got to the point that a priest had to be called in. This is entirely separate from the the abductions that occurred there. During my mothers time of seeking for help, she happened to mention it to one of my classmates parents. They were a deeply religious and devoted family.
According to that family, they had some sort of "demonic entities" that were plaguing their daughter at night.
They had sought help from the church, and a priest went and blessed there home. However the incidents still occurred. According to the parents, late at night these shadowy figures would enter there home. They would walk in and show up in their daughters room. Sometimes their daughter would scream and they would come, other times their daughter was unable to move...paralyzed by fright. There was an incident in which the parents claimed that one night there daughter was trying to be taken. These beings had came into her room and began carrying her out the door. The parents screamed and yelled but could not do anything.
At this time it was thought to be "evil spirits" or "demonic entity". At this age I was interested in the church and felt that these could possibly be demons. I remember talking to my classmate about this around 1987 when we were telling ghost stories. She was surprised that I knew, and told her why I knew becuase we had similar problems. No she was a highly intelligent student and like me one of the people who were in the top of the class. She did re-affirm the story I was told. The details she added were that it began with one or two of these dark being showing up in her room. She would remember them as small being with a large tri-angular shaped head.The incident in which they attempted to carry her out, she remembers blue light and it being very cold. She was told that these were demons, and that since she was a good and faithful person....they were attempting to attack her and the family.
Now looking back this is eerie similar to what my aunt is experiencing in some cases. What she describes may not have been demonic or evil spirits. At the time though and sine her family was very religious...this possible case could have been a CE4. Especially considering the fact that what I remember seeing was similar to her a well.
Date: 1980-1990
Type: Visitation, Abduction
Location: East Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Late Night
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Unknown
Odd occurrences after: Unknown.
Possible Influential Factors: Religious
During my early years my mother let me know that one of my classmates, a female, had experienced some spiritual trouble. During the time that my mother lived in East Los Angeles, we had some issue with the apartment. Not only were there a haunting, but it got to the point that a priest had to be called in. This is entirely separate from the the abductions that occurred there. During my mothers time of seeking for help, she happened to mention it to one of my classmates parents. They were a deeply religious and devoted family.
According to that family, they had some sort of "demonic entities" that were plaguing their daughter at night.
They had sought help from the church, and a priest went and blessed there home. However the incidents still occurred. According to the parents, late at night these shadowy figures would enter there home. They would walk in and show up in their daughters room. Sometimes their daughter would scream and they would come, other times their daughter was unable to move...paralyzed by fright. There was an incident in which the parents claimed that one night there daughter was trying to be taken. These beings had came into her room and began carrying her out the door. The parents screamed and yelled but could not do anything.
At this time it was thought to be "evil spirits" or "demonic entity". At this age I was interested in the church and felt that these could possibly be demons. I remember talking to my classmate about this around 1987 when we were telling ghost stories. She was surprised that I knew, and told her why I knew becuase we had similar problems. No she was a highly intelligent student and like me one of the people who were in the top of the class. She did re-affirm the story I was told. The details she added were that it began with one or two of these dark being showing up in her room. She would remember them as small being with a large tri-angular shaped head.The incident in which they attempted to carry her out, she remembers blue light and it being very cold. She was told that these were demons, and that since she was a good and faithful person....they were attempting to attack her and the family.
Now looking back this is eerie similar to what my aunt is experiencing in some cases. What she describes may not have been demonic or evil spirits. At the time though and sine her family was very religious...this possible case could have been a CE4. Especially considering the fact that what I remember seeing was similar to her a well.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Shadow Person Encounter?????
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Just an Illustration "not of the occurrence" |
Date: Oct 7th and Oct 15th 2012
Type: Dream, Ghost, C.E.4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 5:00am (Oct 7th) and 4:15am Oct 15th
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:30 am (Oct 7th) and none (Oct 15th)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sad, Disappointed
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sad (Oct 7th), Apathetic (Oct 15th)
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: Tapping Sounds (Oct 15th).
Possible Influential Factors: Depression, Disappointment, Jobless, Insomnia.
The following events will go in chronological order. The reason why the early event of Oct 7th was not reported becuase I was unsure of what actually occurred.I initially dismissed the first occurrence, but re-evaluated it as it has direct bearing on what happened this morning. Also I am unsure as what to classify this as, as this may be an alien or ghost? Although there is a phenomena know as Shadow People I am not sure what they are as well.
October 7th.
On Sunday night thing were okay. I watched TV and went to be eventually around 4:30 am. Other than the fact I am sad that I have no job at the moment and money is almost exhausted I was okay. I slept on the floor, and had the fan on. As I drifted off to sleep I had an atypical dream. The first thing that was off that it started as "Remember". Something that said "Remember".
"It was a memory of me when I was a young boy, when I used to sleep on the floor in my aunt's room. During the middle of the night my aunt was startled by something making noise in the hallway. She called out to me and woke me up. She asked if I heard any noise.I didn't hear anything, the dogs in the porch were quite. As I re-assured her and we proceeded to get back to bed... her door suddenly began to close by itself. In the corner was a shadow of a being, wispy and thin with hollow eyes. The lines were solidly defined, just transparent in the sense of wispy like ones own shadow. It was as if the light was hitting something and cast a shadow on an invisible being? My aunt shrieked saying "Oh good, help us..its here. Dad. Dad." and I just yelled as it began to walk closer to us."
I awoke wide awake and jumped back into the corner of my shelf an bed. That awoke my friend. He asked what was wrong and I said nothing. By then the time was around 7:00 am. The entire left side of my body was cold and numb with a tingly sensation as if something touched me. After a few moments of convincing myself that it was just a dream. I went back to sleep. For the rest of the day it bothered me, but pushed it to the back of my mind. Oddly every time I recalled the event it causes my to physical react in the same way i woke up...."Cold Tingly Sensation on my left side". I dismissed this as I did not initially recall this incident.
During the rest of the week whenever I thought back on this I felt the chill. I soon just let it go. As far as my dreams for the rest of the week, they were real nightmares. My nightmares are unfulfilled desires, dreams that show me happy and loved by a romantic interest a "soulmate". These are horrible to me only because when I awake this is the farthest thing from the truth.... it hurts so much knowing the brief moments of bliss was just an illusion. What is worse, each time this occurs I realize it is wrong and push away and fight myself awake.
October 15th, 2012.
During the previous week my aunt was sick, depressed and sad. She has likewise not been able to sleep.
I attempted to keep her in good spirits by watching Seasons 1 & 2 of the Walking Dead. She actually was happy, as she understood what the story was about as I explained what was going on. Initially it crept her out, but when i told her it was more of a drama on how humanity attempts to survive...their choices and moral dilemmas...than it was a horror series. Now my aunt is scared to go to sleep at night. Occasionally she see things in the hallway and here's noises. Many a time I hear the same thing too. She couldn't go to sleep so she stayed up watching TV. I couldn't not sleep either and was on the computer in the kitchen.
From her circumstance around 4:10am a shadowy being appeared in her room by the doorway. It just stood there. She attempted to call out. But was scarred and begin praying to God. It left. A few minutes later the light bulb in her room went out. The TV was still on though. She describes the being as a dark shadow of a person, and where the eyes should be you can see right through them.
As I was in the kitchen with the lights on and on the computer, around 4:15 am I noticed something stick its head or body just slight into the kitchen and withdraw. It was completely black as it was like solid darkness.
I stopped what I was doing. I went to go and check the area, and was angry at myself for leaving my door open. As the only other pathway for it to move would be into my room or back the way it came.I quickly turned on the hall lights and made my way to my aunts room to check on her. When I got there the light was off and I asked her what wrong. She looked frightened but just said the light bulb went out. I replaced the bulb and checked it, there was no burnt out wire as there usually is or discoloration. I also replaced the bulb just a few weeks it was still new. I thought this was odd. I asked her if everything was okay and she said "no". She told me how she was uneasy as there were things in the hallway and something showed up.
She told me of the dark figure and said it showed up around the same time I saw my thing. I told her what had happened to me. I asked her to describe it more in detail... and when she described was like
the dream/memory I had the week before. I asked her if she remembered seeing it before.... and she said she has seen this since she was 10. No one would believe her. She doesn't remember what I remember.... though. She does know that this one is completely different from the encounters I have had and the other apparitions that we encounter. This is a solitary being that shows up every few years or so.
Now as to debunk... I have no where to start but the phantom chills/tingling I have. The only thing I can think of is some type of epidermal nerve damage. This summer my aunt did have a case of the shingles. I do not exhibit any such symptoms. Secondly i thought perhaps this could be cardiovascular related or a possible indication of a stroke? I am currently showing no sign of any physical distress that would lead me to believe this. The only other physical factor that has changed is my diet, in the sense I am eating way less since i have no money and limited supplies. Any food I have goes to my aunt first.
I also thought perhaps this was due to insomnia, but I am not showing he typical signs one experiences for sleep deprivation. Also my body is adjusted to the strain of little sleep since I started suffering from the effects of the Abduction Phenomena.
Personally I think that it is "them", observing us through other methods. From my knowledge of spiritual entities this is not behaving as a ghost. I will though research Shadow People further and see what more I can find.
A Question of Sanity.
I have bought up this topic before, both from a personal perspective and as a motion of awareness of a serious part of the Alien Abduction Experience and UFO Phenomena. One of the reasons why I am bring this up is because personally, do to circumstances in my life I had a falling out with someone. This individual who accompanied to a MUFON meeting, believed he had his own experience. However, he claims it was just nightmares.... and that my experiences likewise must be a delusion. During the entire experience, we both were leery of the type of people we would encounter. He initially viewed the entire topic with a healthy dose of skepticism.Yet we did agree upon that with suitable technology that crafts could travel between the stars. As to the speculation surrounding the operators of the craft, we left that up for discussion. Although they did agree to the probability of life elsewhere in the universe as well. However, as he was upset....
he said some things which I believe are untrue about me....yet it gave me pause to re-examine things.
Sadly he was not the only one to tell me this. Another individual who I knew told me this to my face, that I was crazy and needed medical help.
In another instance, my two only friends have also questioned things. One has told me that other people thinking I am seriously mental and that I should be on meds (only cause I claim to have been abducted in their words). My other friend who experienced with me has let it go, something happened but he know what not and lets it go at that. He seems bothered by the whole thing. Sadly, the only other living witness I have I doubt her sometimes as well. The only reason she has any credibility it because of the way I correlate my experience with her own. If it wasn't for that...I would doubt her as well.
Although there are many of us who experience this phenomena, we are all isolated. The biggest things I have noticed that many of us feel alone and isolated. Many of us feel we do not belong, either because of the fear of ridicule or rejection. What is worse that among those who experience this phenomena we are further splintered into various groups as there are more than one type beings conduction these abductions, then it is further split into those that believe these are beings are either benign or malign, and that they are special and not victims. This isolation further comes down on you as you begin to question your own sanity. In the sense of what is wrong with me?.
Stress from these encounters can leave people deeply saddened our depressed. It manifest from the fact that you have no control....there is no way to stop them from disrupting you life. Further there is nothing you can do from threatening your family and loved ones. Those of us who have any romantic relationship know that it is threatened by this. Those of that are caregivers for children or elderly know that they jeopardize the ones they love. Its just not the concerning for ourselves, but the concern for others and how we relate to them.
What is worse is again that isolation....leading to sadness on how other will relate to us.
Again this deal with the fact that many feel powerless and threatened. Ultimately the choices come down to this....find a way to cope and live with it.or end it all. It does not always mean death, and abandonment of friends, society, and work occur as well. Sometimes it is just better to walk away... than explain what is really happening and to deal with the ridicule and downright question of your sanity. The experiences can push you to the edge, especially when you are terrorized by the mere fact of going to sleep. You can't fight... the only thing to do is run and run. My personal belief is that no one should be forced to live. I know there is legal liability of some sorts, but seriously you have a right to settle things in your own way when life becomes a certain way.
You begin to question your own sanity. At first it is just little things dealing with anxiety and depression, then it deals with hallucination and night terrors. You are told something is "WRONG" with you. That you need treatment, that by taking medications that would leave you vulnerable and malleable is the answer. This begins to affect how you function with society any many levels. Sometimes things are so bad you can't actually function..many succumb to treatments or take a path into alcoholism or drug addiction.
The things is there is nothing wrong with you. Perhaps individual have develop some issues, but anyone who has been physical abducted would too. It is reasonable. After an experience like that any sane person would be traumatized to some level. Plus it is healthy to question things. Our senses can so easily be fooled, and a sane person questions this. It is just a tough rode ahead. Of course since we are all human, we may have actual disorder cause by everyday life or personality issues.
My point in all this Is that I know I am not insane. I know that I am comfortable with who I am.
I am amazed that I am a resilient person who has dealt with this issue. I feel so alone at times and broken...I pull through. I am rationale and I hope I tend to look at things rationally and reasonably. I know my faults, my failures, what issues I do have. I am not crazy nor do I need.medication. However I am alone......
I just hope that I can leave some knowledge that may help others out there. I know there are people hurting and looking for answers. There are so many out there that are dealing with this issue and are scarred.
Just know, that you are not crazy. Remain vigilant and aware, use logic and reason, and when that fails you...use commonsense and faith if any.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Knocking and Lights
Date: Oct 1st and October 3rd 2012
Type: Dream, C.E. 4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 4:30 am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:00am (10-1) and 6:30am (10-3)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sad, Disappointed
State of Mind After: Depressed, Anxious
Odd occurrences before: Tapping Sounds, Odd Breeze.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Depression, No Job, CA EDD issues
My state of mind is trying to be positive and optimistic. Within the month I recently was let go from my job.
Additionally I am having issues with the CA EDD. Contact the state for help and having issues with my unemployment request have made me sad. You work hard, pay into a system under duress by the government, and then you can't even access it or claim it without some major production. It's horrible....
Sorry that is on my mind right now....things are bad in real life and there is a lot riding on my shoulders.
So my EDD interview was scheduled for Oct 1st between 8:00am and 10:00am. I was too nervous to go to sleep so I stayed up and read my books in the kitchen and played some World of Warcraft. It help to calm me down and ease my tensions. The previous week there was issue with off knocking along the outside over our home walls. Around 1:00am to 6:00am., as if someone or something was in the backyard. The knock would be targeted at the rooms that we occupied (my room, the kitchen, or my aunts room). It would be a sharp and audible knock.
As far as trouble shooting I checked outside. There are no notable scratches or physical evidence along the walls that I can tell. We may have foundation problems or termites, but that doesn't seem to be the case. As the knocking is specific. I thought perhaps it was the house settling because of the heat....since the knock are occurring were people are active I thought it was perhaps from the electrical usage or body heat. That does not seem to be he case as the kitchen and my bedroom are cold when this occurs, my aunt's room is hot.
I also know that the squirrel tend to run on the tin awning and make no exception to the noise they make. I know of no animal that would make a knock like that other than a humanoid.
Going back to Oct 1st.....I heard the knock. It occurred in a specific spot along the wall. The southeast section of the kitchen opposite from where I was sitting. It sort of reminded me of being in a sub...phantom knocks do to pressure that is creepy. It happened at least three if the area was being marked?
Close to 5:00 am a bright light shined momentarily. This was pure white light. It scarred me because I thought someone was shining a bright flashlight down the walkway at the window. It scarred me...but since I had my interview.....I stayed up and was frazzled. Since the interview went sour.... and not so well (they seem to be leaning toward denying my claim) I just cried myself to sleep.
Now I attempted to troubleshoot this as well. My neighbor adjacent to the house has a safety light with a motion detector and timer for her backyard. When on, the light emanating from it is a dull yellow. Furthermore the wall between us casts a shadow along the kitchen wall when it is on. So the wall blocks 1/3 of the light. The light that flashed showed fully on the wall and more, meaning that this was above the wall or in the distance perhaps. I checked the other neighbors houses....they have no halogen lights or fixtures that would have produced that event. The flash of light has happened before both on my aunt's and my bedroom side.... there is a tree by my aunts room that would block any street light... meaning that it would have to emanate from the walkway. The interesting thing to note is that all three of my neighbors surrounding me have motion detector lights. All three of them have lived here as long as we have. However none of us talk. Unable to question them as to sightings or experiences.
October 3rd been trying to cope.....looking for work, doing what I need to do, cataloging what I need to sell so I can survive a bit. Up late trying to relax and chatting via skype with an associate. Around 3:45am to odd breezes brushed my right leg and left cheek. Then I heard odd noises outside. I told my associate on skype, and he had to go anyways and wished me luck. There was no knockings but there was someone walking outside, none of the motion detectors went off. I turned all the lights on an walked through the house. Around 4:30am I checked on my aunt who was up. She felt uneasy and couldn't sleep. Around 5:00am... I went outside to throw the trash away. It was a clear sky and bright....nothing amiss other than a white dog across the street in the neighbors yard that kept staring at me. It was like a statue. Odd thing is I wasn't aware they had a new dog. I watched it for about twenty minutes to make sure it was a dog. After our contest of wills it moved and I guess it was real. Although I am gonna check if the dog is there. I feel like I am stressing and going crazy. I actually do not trust that was a dog.....
UPDATE Oct 15th 2012
The neighbors do have a new dog. It is a white German Shepard, and it is still young. It would explain its peculiar behavior. I am glad that it was a dog and I saw it paying with the other dogs during the day.
The White Rabbits have all but disappeared as of July.
Type: Dream, C.E. 4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 4:30 am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:00am (10-1) and 6:30am (10-3)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Sad, Disappointed
State of Mind After: Depressed, Anxious
Odd occurrences before: Tapping Sounds, Odd Breeze.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Depression, No Job, CA EDD issues
My state of mind is trying to be positive and optimistic. Within the month I recently was let go from my job.
Additionally I am having issues with the CA EDD. Contact the state for help and having issues with my unemployment request have made me sad. You work hard, pay into a system under duress by the government, and then you can't even access it or claim it without some major production. It's horrible....
Sorry that is on my mind right now....things are bad in real life and there is a lot riding on my shoulders.
So my EDD interview was scheduled for Oct 1st between 8:00am and 10:00am. I was too nervous to go to sleep so I stayed up and read my books in the kitchen and played some World of Warcraft. It help to calm me down and ease my tensions. The previous week there was issue with off knocking along the outside over our home walls. Around 1:00am to 6:00am., as if someone or something was in the backyard. The knock would be targeted at the rooms that we occupied (my room, the kitchen, or my aunts room). It would be a sharp and audible knock.
As far as trouble shooting I checked outside. There are no notable scratches or physical evidence along the walls that I can tell. We may have foundation problems or termites, but that doesn't seem to be the case. As the knocking is specific. I thought perhaps it was the house settling because of the heat....since the knock are occurring were people are active I thought it was perhaps from the electrical usage or body heat. That does not seem to be he case as the kitchen and my bedroom are cold when this occurs, my aunt's room is hot.
I also know that the squirrel tend to run on the tin awning and make no exception to the noise they make. I know of no animal that would make a knock like that other than a humanoid.
Going back to Oct 1st.....I heard the knock. It occurred in a specific spot along the wall. The southeast section of the kitchen opposite from where I was sitting. It sort of reminded me of being in a sub...phantom knocks do to pressure that is creepy. It happened at least three if the area was being marked?
Close to 5:00 am a bright light shined momentarily. This was pure white light. It scarred me because I thought someone was shining a bright flashlight down the walkway at the window. It scarred me...but since I had my interview.....I stayed up and was frazzled. Since the interview went sour.... and not so well (they seem to be leaning toward denying my claim) I just cried myself to sleep.
Now I attempted to troubleshoot this as well. My neighbor adjacent to the house has a safety light with a motion detector and timer for her backyard. When on, the light emanating from it is a dull yellow. Furthermore the wall between us casts a shadow along the kitchen wall when it is on. So the wall blocks 1/3 of the light. The light that flashed showed fully on the wall and more, meaning that this was above the wall or in the distance perhaps. I checked the other neighbors houses....they have no halogen lights or fixtures that would have produced that event. The flash of light has happened before both on my aunt's and my bedroom side.... there is a tree by my aunts room that would block any street light... meaning that it would have to emanate from the walkway. The interesting thing to note is that all three of my neighbors surrounding me have motion detector lights. All three of them have lived here as long as we have. However none of us talk. Unable to question them as to sightings or experiences.
October 3rd been trying to cope.....looking for work, doing what I need to do, cataloging what I need to sell so I can survive a bit. Up late trying to relax and chatting via skype with an associate. Around 3:45am to odd breezes brushed my right leg and left cheek. Then I heard odd noises outside. I told my associate on skype, and he had to go anyways and wished me luck. There was no knockings but there was someone walking outside, none of the motion detectors went off. I turned all the lights on an walked through the house. Around 4:30am I checked on my aunt who was up. She felt uneasy and couldn't sleep. Around 5:00am... I went outside to throw the trash away. It was a clear sky and bright....nothing amiss other than a white dog across the street in the neighbors yard that kept staring at me. It was like a statue. Odd thing is I wasn't aware they had a new dog. I watched it for about twenty minutes to make sure it was a dog. After our contest of wills it moved and I guess it was real. Although I am gonna check if the dog is there. I feel like I am stressing and going crazy. I actually do not trust that was a dog.....
UPDATE Oct 15th 2012
The neighbors do have a new dog. It is a white German Shepard, and it is still young. It would explain its peculiar behavior. I am glad that it was a dog and I saw it paying with the other dogs during the day.
The White Rabbits have all but disappeared as of July.
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