Date: Throughout November 30th, 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 2:30am to 3:15am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:30am
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Extremely Depressed (Me)/In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Apathy (Me)/N/A (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Previous CE4, Contact via Telepathy
Odd occurrences after: None
I really had nothing unusual happen other than a few incidents last week; one on Wednesday where is sighted two greys in the living room standing there around 1:00am, and someone coming into my room and attempting an abduction. My aunt has also had incidents all month long, from being appearing in her room to monitor her and also reprimanded her for reading. It is strange that this year they have become irritated that she reads, given the fact that all her life she does that. Other than those occurrences I have been feeling extremely depressed, where I don't want to be alive. I am assuming the usual Holiday Blues that I get during these horrid months of November to December. I also went to visit my Wolfbrother.
I went to bed around 2:30am, as I just put my aunt to sleep. I simply just went to lay in my bed.
I lay on my right side facing the wall, so my back was turned to the room. I covered myself up and just lay there and in moments I heard the familiar sound in my ear. I just didn't care and thought it was one of those false alarms and just me hearing things. I could no longer move, I didn't panic but I was attempting to wiggle. I was then put on my back, I opened my eyes up briefly and could see the rest of the room, but closed my eyes once again as I saw and odd purple dark area above me on the ceiling. It was not supernatural. Something then covered my face with some microfiber type sheet and I was lifted up, I felt the weight transition from my bedding to something else. During this time I started chanting a mantra for my wolfbrother. A being started to communicate with me. It was very feint and I tried to listen carefully, "Good you are not struggling and are open to hear what we have to say. You have been selected for your abilities and mental acuity that is valuable to us. Your interaction will greatly help us better in order to get us to know you. You are one of the few individuals who we seek. Your name doesn't match, yet it does. Who are you? We know you but who are you? Why is there two?". After hearing this I did everything I could to wiggle and move. Eventually I was able to get out and managed to stand up and try to get out of my room. The microfiber sheet clung to me and was hampering my ability to see and move. However I could feel hands and other parts pressing against me. "This one feel so different from the last time, are you sure? He says he is, but he is not, but he is?, as multiple voices were discussing things. Besides this whispering there was a secondary conversation going on with me asking about my interest in "Dimensional theory and its understanding", apparently they were indicating that my level was far different than the fractured mind they new me as. I knew they were speaking of my wolfbrother.
The other ones acting with me physically started to get handsy, and I told them "No". The sheet was unveiled and I was standing in a very sunny and open room with nice carpeting. There were two beings attempting to be human. I do not know if it was prosthetic are if they were hybrids. They told me to select what I would prefer and should me pictures of a number of naked males. I look at this and told them I could see what they are, this pretend does not work with me. Especially since I knew of the cavity they have.... they were sort of surprised and annoyed. "You have the wrong one. This one is awake. How is this "Wolfbrother"? He is, but he is not?". I took that opportunity and ran. I attempted to yell out for help at this point from calling my aunt, my guest, and for some reason Wolfbrother's Dad. The corridors I were running through were bluish what and had cold vapor. There was a outline frame of some black material that was not metal bt felt rubbery.
I woke up on my side again with my mouth open and drooling. The left side was ice cold and I looked at the clock and it was only 3:15am.
My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Friday, November 30, 2018
New Ones Being Handsy
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Psychic Perception
According to the reading there seems to be a column of energy behind me at the base of the shoulders, extending four feet above me. The column seems segmented. The individual has never seen that before.
Their impression seems to indicate strength. However when they said that, for some reason it reference to me as "He can see my wings"....something my wolfbrother often tells me.
As they delved deeper they had to stop, just a glimpse was a bit overwhelming. The taste of blood/copper and an intense feeling of rage and turmoil was felt. It was described ironically as a tumble of some sort of wolves or canines, just a whirl of rage and fighting. They seemed to indicate there is a lot more to me than just what everyone sees.
My personal reaction was a bit of discomfort as the back of my head began to itch. Curious as "They" use to mess with that area.
Previous reads where noted as my instinctively putting up a barrier when probed.
Another relation to them noted that I am "different" from among four others. They have the ability to see sickness. I assumed that it may have been in reference to my maltrotated kidney. Personally I am concerned as the past year my tolerance for the heat has diminished and I have had episodes of really high temperatures.
Another friend, read and saw a women dotting over me lovingly when I spoke of my mother. I have many mixed feelings over that. As i stated with "them" they have often used that imagery of my mother being very loving. Truth be told she was that way, but years of stress and other issues bought friction between us. It was a love/hate relationship.
I am interested because the individuals picks up mental imagery as well as messages. I am curious as to the nature of these if they are psychic impressions that they read from a persons feeling or actual contact with an individual.
The copper/blood taste... from what I found most psychic tend to associate that with black magic or a type of death. However as the following blurb from this post may indicate an alternate meaning
It has also been hypothesized that being Rh- and higher in copper means one can be more electromagnetically sensitive (guilty). And that being surrounded in all this emf is driving us all in one way or another really sick ie imbalanced, mentally, emotionally and physically which in the long term prevents us from becoming spiritually balanced.
Dr. Nick Begich touches on this in one of his talks. Earth Pulse
So when researching all this I found info on being copper toxic and found some really interesting info.
Dr Wilson Copper toxic
There exists a high copper personality. Positive traits include a warm, caring, sensitive, emotional nature, often with artistic orientation and a child-like quality. Often high-copper people are young-looking. Many traditionally feminine traits are associated with copper such as softness, gentleness and intuitiveness. This may relate to the qualities of metallic copper, which include softness, malleability and an excellent conductor of electricity.
When the personality is not fully integrated or the copper becomes too high, negative traits show up. These include spaciness, racing thoughts, living in a dream world and naiveté. Other qualities include childishness, excessive emotions, sentimentality, a tendency to depression, fearfulness, hidden anger and resentments, phobias, psychosis and violence. Artists, inventors and other high-copper types often "live on the edge", in part due to their high copper level.
The copper personality tends to accumulate copper easily. Copper can function as a psychological defense mechanism. It causes one to detach slightly from reality. This provides relief from stress for the sensitive individual. It works well as long as the copper does not become too high. Very high copper can cause a psychotic break from reality, a type of schizophrenia.
Copper toxic
"Virtually all MDs, including psychiatrists, still have not heard of this health problem. They practice medicine and psychiatry with an incredible lack of awareness that such a serious health problem even exists. They claim to be practicing “evidence based medicine”, yet they are practicing without the most basic evidence – real laboratory data showing the presence of excess (toxic) copper that has a profound effect on both the physical and mental health of the vast majority of their patients. Ever since Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD first wrote about the devastating health effects of copper toxicity in 1975, it has been a challenge for him and others among us to get the message out to the public and health professionals. Today, with the development of the internet and Google, the time is ripe for getting the copper toxicity message out to the public." ~ Dr. Rick Malter, Ph.D.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Threats, Threats, and more threats
Date: Throughout October 22nd, 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Depressed (Me)/Scared, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Hopeful (Me)/Very Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Power Fluctuations, Doors opening, Insomnia, Previous CE4, Contact via Telepathy, Audio Response
Odd occurrences after: None
Over the past three weeks my aunt has been contact by a group of beings that remain invisible, but I can feel an EMF in the area she indicates. They appear in the bathroom and her room, they insist on telling her that she will die and they will take us soon. They tell her that she needs to leave me be, as things are going according to there plan. She is not to interfere.... or else they will kill me and my companion just because they can.
They have also attempted to influence be attempting re-programing... sequencing various combination of 1-2-3 and Lemon or Salt. They were also wondering if I was able to see them or if I was completely under.
Later on they attempted something....and it was weird. Owls in my bedroom, the wall paper, the shelf, and the phone.
Yeah...that was weird......never heard of "Steel Owl" and I dream of it......
When I picked up the phone, they asked about if I been to the secret room that my grandfather made. They asked if I know about the "apron" and "angle".... again reference to him being a rule mason. They also keep talking about a specific room I been in but I am not sure exist.
Now fast forward to day..... we had an incident with three witnesses, my aunt, myself, and my lil friend. As I was in the kitchen I heard a "Hello", a male voice....the he re-acted and startled with a yelp for help. I ran into the a hall and the living room..... Nothing. I asked my aunt.... and she indicated she heard it. Then I went into the bathroom and felt the EMF field. She started screaming as a being was in the room. I could not see it. She said it was telling her that they new what we did today...and that it won't help...things will be over soon. She is freaked out...and I am also. As I am alone......
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Depressed (Me)/Scared, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Hopeful (Me)/Very Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Power Fluctuations, Doors opening, Insomnia, Previous CE4, Contact via Telepathy, Audio Response
Odd occurrences after: None
Over the past three weeks my aunt has been contact by a group of beings that remain invisible, but I can feel an EMF in the area she indicates. They appear in the bathroom and her room, they insist on telling her that she will die and they will take us soon. They tell her that she needs to leave me be, as things are going according to there plan. She is not to interfere.... or else they will kill me and my companion just because they can.
They have also attempted to influence be attempting re-programing... sequencing various combination of 1-2-3 and Lemon or Salt. They were also wondering if I was able to see them or if I was completely under.
Later on they attempted something....and it was weird. Owls in my bedroom, the wall paper, the shelf, and the phone.
Yeah...that was weird......never heard of "Steel Owl" and I dream of it......
When I picked up the phone, they asked about if I been to the secret room that my grandfather made. They asked if I know about the "apron" and "angle".... again reference to him being a rule mason. They also keep talking about a specific room I been in but I am not sure exist.
Now fast forward to day..... we had an incident with three witnesses, my aunt, myself, and my lil friend. As I was in the kitchen I heard a "Hello", a male voice....the he re-acted and startled with a yelp for help. I ran into the a hall and the living room..... Nothing. I asked my aunt.... and she indicated she heard it. Then I went into the bathroom and felt the EMF field. She started screaming as a being was in the room. I could not see it. She said it was telling her that they new what we did today...and that it won't help...things will be over soon. She is freaked out...and I am also. As I am alone......
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Threats and Wolfbrother and friends
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Depressed (Me)/Scared, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Hopeful (Me)/Very Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Power Fluctuations, Doors opening, Insomnia, Previous CE4, Contact via Telepathy
Odd occurrences after: None
I went to go watch a movie with a friend to get my mind of of things. My stomach was upset and I needed to be in a cool place. I was also uneasy for other things. My aunt and I had a conversation this morning.
My aunt was beginning to put two and two together about GMO, namely us and others at the meeting.
"They" have been really bothered about her going to CERO, and the fact she is reading some particular books.... one that the Solar Griffin reads. "They" are also upset that I told her what I know.
Previous night there was powerfluctions around 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00am. Around 2:00am went I went to through the trash out the front door, the front door opened. The screen door was locked, but the wooden door clicked and then slightly to swing open. I couldn't sleep as I was bothered. Every once awhile I was told to "Sleep" and the pitch in the ear was there. They were trying to promise me something if I cooperate.
I said "No. I am alone. Stop lying about that".
I left home around 3:30pm, she was watching the rest of the Dodger Game. She sort of dozed off as the game was over to be awakened by a being and noise through out the house. There was a weird noise in the background.
Being: "It is about time you are awake"
Aunt: "What is going on? Where am I?"
Being: "Wake up now. We need to talk"
Aunt: "Who shut off the TV?"
Being: "That was us. We need to talk"
Aunt: "Leave me alone. Don't touch my nephew"
Being: "You say that every time, stop that. You realize there is nothing you can do"
Aunt: "Leave me alone. God Help me"
Being: "Stop that and listen. You are interfering with things. You are not to go back to the meeting. You are not to interfere with Wooden Rabbit's friends".
Aunt: "What are you talking about? I don't understand"
Being: "The meeting you went to on Sunday. MUFON Lady and the Crystal Horse where you had dinner. You are not to associate with them."
Aunt: "Why?"
Being: "We are telling you not to interfere. We have plans for Wooden Rabbit. You are impeding them. Do you understand? You will not be here any longer soon, but we cannot have you interfering. You do no't belong to us there."
Aunt: "How do you know there names? How do you know where I was?"
At this point my aunt here's individuals going through out the house. Being are entering my room as the sound of the door and light switch are heard. Our canine friend is whimpering.
Being: "We are watching you. We watch you and your nephew. You are interesting to us. We cannot always get through to you. Your nephew is very interesting to use and we can't have you jeopardize him."
Aunt: "Leave him alone. Don't hurt us?"
Being: "We are not going to hurt you. You will soon see. You both are different. We watch you very closely. However you two make it difficult. There is something wrong in this house. Makes it difficult".
Aunt: "Please just go. I don't understand. I will do as you ask. Just don't hurt me and leave us alone".
Being: "You better do as we say or you will see. These are just warnings. We are always watching.
If you do not comply you will see."
Aunt: "I am not doing anything."
Being: "We heard what you said this morning. We know what he said. He shouldn't have figured it out. You know now but don't understand. He is difficult, how does he know? We watch. How does he know? You do not know do you?"
Aunt: "Why are you in his room. What do you want from us"
Being: "We are trying to understand him. we want to see what he is writing. He is so very different.
His room his not like the others. He is different. Difficult. Why?"
Aunt: "I..."
Being: "Of Ryan? We know what he asked. He is broken and is no use to us in that state. He will revert soon to the way he was. For now we don't care, just a broken and such a waste. They were useful, he will not listen."
Aunt: "How do you know"
Being: "Listen. We are watching you. I do not like repeating myself."
There is laughter in my room. The TV turns on in her room.
Aunt: "Why are you doing that"
Being: "So no one suspects. You are just watching TV after all nothing else"
Dog whimpers again as the exit my room.
Being: "Remember what we said. He is ours, especially now since the other is broken. Do not go to the meeting or associate with Crystal Horse or MUFON Lady. Things can get worse".
The being walks back through to the bathroom and disappears.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Proof of CE4 with aunt
Date: September 26th, 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 12:00am to 12:30am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:00pm (Me)/11:45pm (Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Extremely Depressed (Me)/Scared (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Extremely Depressed (Me)/Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia
Odd occurrences after: High Pitched Sounds
My friend and I came back from dinner around 10:00pm and my aunt was watching TV.
we used the restroom, checked our e-mails and both of us went to sleep around 11:00pm.
I checked her when I came home and she seemed fine.
My sleep patterns for the last month have been disruptive to the point were I am not sleeping at night. When I do attempt sleep it is only for one to two hours at a time. I sleep, wake up an hour or so later after a vivid dream, fall asleep and wake up again after a vivid dream, etc.
I am not sleeping well. My stress levels are through the roof as well a my depression. Within the last week my wolfbrother again, ended our association. I came to the realization, like with my mother, I can not do anything to improve the situation other than institute my removal. I am not doing at all well.
As for the incident, my aunt recalls that she heard my guest and I retire for the evening. A few minutes after 11:00pm she dozed off due to boredom. She recalls having a bothersome dream, but can't remember any details other than her legs hurting and saying "stop" several times. She finally awoke when someone slapped her face. She saw a being around 5"11 made up of smoke.
She immediately grabbed her cross and said "God, Mom, Dad. Please help me".
The entity responded, "That won't do you any good".
She then said, "Don't touch me. Leave me alone".
The entity reesponded "No. We are not done with you yet".
She grabbed her cross and said "God, Mom, Dad. Please help me. Get it away".
The entity responded, "I told you that won't do any good. You know why I am here".
She then said, "Is it because of my nephew?".
The entity responded, "No it is because of you. You went somewhere a few days ago".
She then said, "What are you talking about?".
The entity responded, "We are always watching you. You know, where they were talking about stuff you didn't understand".
She then said, "I knew what they were talking about, the black and white man and stuff."
The entity responded, "No you don't, your nephew had to explain things to you. You will see soon enough though."
She said "God please get him to go away. Don't touch me. Stop".
The entity pointed at her stomach and asked, "You are having issue there, are you not?"
She said "Leave me alone. Michael! Michael!"
The entity said, "That won't do any good. He can't hear you."
She said "What do you want with me?"
The entity said, "You are different and we are watching you. You will see soon enough"
She asked "Are you going to take me?"
The entity back away and exited through the bathroom.
My aunt was awake at 1:00am, and from what she things the conversation with the being happened around 12:30am. As for myself I was drifting in and out of sleep with the typrical dreams...I am looking for something and interacting with former friends from years ago, I am looking for my companion, as there is a deep sense of loss. The other set of dreams is I am a priest and I am at a council meeting, which is a consistent and ongoing one.
I awoke around 2:00am per my schedule to put her to bed officially. When I got in the room she was awake. She was visibly scared and seemed as if she was crying. I immediately noticed the blood on her leg. I turned on the light and began to quickly access the situation. She muttered "They came".
I began to document and the clean the wound. I knew from experience that this was not something she did, and as I wiped the blood away...I saw the patterns. She was telling my what had happened and her interaction with the being. I can attest that the wound and blood was not self inflected as my aunt can't bend down and reach her legs. Further there was no blood on her hands or fingernails.
The blood was smeared....which was really odd an made no sense.
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 12:00am to 12:30am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:00pm (Me)/11:45pm (Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Extremely Depressed (Me)/Scared (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Extremely Depressed (Me)/Scared (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia
Odd occurrences after: High Pitched Sounds
My friend and I came back from dinner around 10:00pm and my aunt was watching TV.
we used the restroom, checked our e-mails and both of us went to sleep around 11:00pm.
I checked her when I came home and she seemed fine.
My sleep patterns for the last month have been disruptive to the point were I am not sleeping at night. When I do attempt sleep it is only for one to two hours at a time. I sleep, wake up an hour or so later after a vivid dream, fall asleep and wake up again after a vivid dream, etc.
I am not sleeping well. My stress levels are through the roof as well a my depression. Within the last week my wolfbrother again, ended our association. I came to the realization, like with my mother, I can not do anything to improve the situation other than institute my removal. I am not doing at all well.
As for the incident, my aunt recalls that she heard my guest and I retire for the evening. A few minutes after 11:00pm she dozed off due to boredom. She recalls having a bothersome dream, but can't remember any details other than her legs hurting and saying "stop" several times. She finally awoke when someone slapped her face. She saw a being around 5"11 made up of smoke.
She immediately grabbed her cross and said "God, Mom, Dad. Please help me".
The entity responded, "That won't do you any good".
She then said, "Don't touch me. Leave me alone".
The entity reesponded "No. We are not done with you yet".
She grabbed her cross and said "God, Mom, Dad. Please help me. Get it away".
The entity responded, "I told you that won't do any good. You know why I am here".
She then said, "Is it because of my nephew?".
The entity responded, "No it is because of you. You went somewhere a few days ago".
She then said, "What are you talking about?".
The entity responded, "We are always watching you. You know, where they were talking about stuff you didn't understand".
She then said, "I knew what they were talking about, the black and white man and stuff."
The entity responded, "No you don't, your nephew had to explain things to you. You will see soon enough though."
She said "God please get him to go away. Don't touch me. Stop".
The entity pointed at her stomach and asked, "You are having issue there, are you not?"
She said "Leave me alone. Michael! Michael!"
The entity said, "That won't do any good. He can't hear you."
She said "What do you want with me?"
The entity said, "You are different and we are watching you. You will see soon enough"
She asked "Are you going to take me?"
The entity back away and exited through the bathroom.
My aunt was awake at 1:00am, and from what she things the conversation with the being happened around 12:30am. As for myself I was drifting in and out of sleep with the typrical dreams...I am looking for something and interacting with former friends from years ago, I am looking for my companion, as there is a deep sense of loss. The other set of dreams is I am a priest and I am at a council meeting, which is a consistent and ongoing one.
I awoke around 2:00am per my schedule to put her to bed officially. When I got in the room she was awake. She was visibly scared and seemed as if she was crying. I immediately noticed the blood on her leg. I turned on the light and began to quickly access the situation. She muttered "They came".
I began to document and the clean the wound. I knew from experience that this was not something she did, and as I wiped the blood away...I saw the patterns. She was telling my what had happened and her interaction with the being. I can attest that the wound and blood was not self inflected as my aunt can't bend down and reach her legs. Further there was no blood on her hands or fingernails.
The blood was smeared....which was really odd an made no sense.
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Cleaned (After) |
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Initial (Before) |
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Thought Provoking Cases through History
Jacques Vallée, UFOs, and the Case Against Aliens
This short video discusses the common themes throughout history that involve the alien abduction phenomena. It goes over research pointing out the re-occurrence of these events throughout history and how they all share a theme...
Abduction of Jacob Jacobson, 1759
This case was recorded by a village priest about a young man who went missing for 4days. He claims to have been delayed as he stopped by a "red mansion", one that had many little men that were there. A tall female who seemed to interact with Jacob, was kind. However he was soon ejected from the mansion, and to hi surprise it vanished. His family was relieved to see him, but he was gone for days....but to Jacob it had only been hours.
Zaragoza Goblin, 1934
This cases deals with a presence that manifested itself in a building and tormented the residents their. Experts and officials documented their interactions with it. What makes it even more strange, that it was aware of the currents surroundings and responded to questions.
Flatwoods Monster, 1952
This case is about an unknown robot that is sighted after a UFO landed. A family and friends come face to face with a UFO and something.
Zanfretta Abductions, 1978-1981
A Security Guard make contact with tall green giants, encounter them as he made his rounds around the village. The first time was a chance encounter, in which he thought they were burglars. Over the years they came back and would take him while out on patrol.
Voronezh Incident, 1989
In Russia several individuals recount as a UFO lands in a public park, with over 40 witnesses.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Daytime Disturbance and Computer Issue
Date: August 1st, 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Depressed (Me)/ Pain, Depressed, Scared (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Angry (Me)/Pain, Scared, Depressed (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Insomnia, Computer and TV non responsive, Previous Visits
Odd occurrences after: None
There are many incidents which have occurred over the month of July, both for myself and my aunt. I have been taken several times this month, and they have bothered my aunt by showing up in the room.
Today I went out and did my usual errands and came back with the intent to visit my wolfbrother, who is still in the same position although I am trying. Around 1:30pm I was doing research on my computer and it frooze and would not reboot. It was just dead.... of course I freaked out. For 10 min I was trying to fix the issue. It came back after a few hard restarts and I went to the rest room. For the briefest of moments I thought I saw someone in the room...but was already stressed. My aunt started yelling and was not specific, and I told her to please wait.
Around 1:30pm her TV froze and then turned off. They were at the door to the room, the white ones with back eyes. They stared at her and then after awhile they approached her. She finally was able to say something which was "Leave me alone" and "Go away"..their hand were stretched out as they approached. She finally remembered to call me.... but she just said "come here"... as I told her that doesn't specify an I was occupied. However they heard me finish and disappeared.
They have been showing up more frequently in my aunts room, either observing or just walking through.
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Depressed (Me)/ Pain, Depressed, Scared (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Angry (Me)/Pain, Scared, Depressed (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Insomnia, Computer and TV non responsive, Previous Visits
Odd occurrences after: None
There are many incidents which have occurred over the month of July, both for myself and my aunt. I have been taken several times this month, and they have bothered my aunt by showing up in the room.
Today I went out and did my usual errands and came back with the intent to visit my wolfbrother, who is still in the same position although I am trying. Around 1:30pm I was doing research on my computer and it frooze and would not reboot. It was just dead.... of course I freaked out. For 10 min I was trying to fix the issue. It came back after a few hard restarts and I went to the rest room. For the briefest of moments I thought I saw someone in the room...but was already stressed. My aunt started yelling and was not specific, and I told her to please wait.
Around 1:30pm her TV froze and then turned off. They were at the door to the room, the white ones with back eyes. They stared at her and then after awhile they approached her. She finally was able to say something which was "Leave me alone" and "Go away"..their hand were stretched out as they approached. She finally remembered to call me.... but she just said "come here"... as I told her that doesn't specify an I was occupied. However they heard me finish and disappeared.
They have been showing up more frequently in my aunts room, either observing or just walking through.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Pressure Mounting from Both and I am caught in the Middle
July has been an awfully difficult month for me. As stated in my last entry, the entities which bother my wolfbrother have made threats to me. The threats are no mere boasts, but actual real life consequences.
One group seeks to punish me for helping and assisting, while the other seeks to push me to do more and punish me when I don't do enough. This month this has manifested in the following ways:
-Multiple times misplacing and losing my phone
-Car Stolen
-Dislocation of Shoulder (Muscular)
-Additional Implants, Scoop Marks
-Increased Activity (Music and Voices)
-Additional Threats and multiple Dominic references
-Interaction with Wolfbrother's "recent medical issues"
In all honesty reading over my notes I feel at odds as this seem really crazy. What is worse is that my wolfbrother at times confirms things I have yet to share with him. Their communication is echoed in our conversation at random. Mentally and emotionally I am drained to the point of numbness, but realize I am in severe pain. The group which wants me to leave my wolfbrother has stated that my time is over with him, they seen the results of the experiment and it is over. They believe that he is their property and since I am not affiliated with that group there is no further need for my association. They have plans for him and my continued involvement complicates matters as I am some sort of unwanted anchor.
The other group insists that we are a set, and since the experiment proved their point he is their property as intended in the first place. I was engineered to care for him and that is my purpose as they have other plans for him. Despite the situation I am to accommodate him, regardless of my ability to sustain my self. I am an expendable asset as the focus is on him. If I do not fulfill my obligation they have threatened me with bodily harm and worse.... as there are worse things than death that they can do to me.
Of course in addition to this real life come into play, my obligations and responsibilities which I am desperately trying to balance. My own and assisting with his. What makes things worse is that my wolfbrother both loves me and hates me. He realizes that I am useful, and I already made peace with the fact that he doesn't really care for me at all.....but uses me. What is worse is that others have began to bring it to my attention as it is really noticeable. Even with the individuals who know the additional burden of the aliens, notice and don't get that regardless of my association this is forced and manipulated by them. I appreciate my friend who have pointed things out, but I already do realize this that I have written about before. It is a cycle of abuse that starts from my birth and has followed me to now. It is one of the things that constantly follow me regardless of what I do..... it has resulted in my coming to the truth they have always told me.... I am inherently defective.... not worthy of love.... I am just a useful tool and have no value beyond that.
The Dominic connection was the one clue that tipped me off. What are the chances that a known associate of Dominic would cross path with my friend. Dominic was classified as a "starseed" and I was forced by them to care for him for some months which bought me to the edge of ruin. I did my best to erase him from my he almost destroyed me. My wolfbrother was the next sequence in the experiment they crafted, and he even told me on how they manipulated him to hate there is a marker in me that just makes "someone want to hurt me". No one other than myself knew what they told me...and he echoes their very words I overhear. It is compounded by things that society and certain people have said..... as I am without worth or merit, I am an abomination not welcomed by grace, and I am defective.
It is getting to the point where I may have to enact "Protocol 56", as I am having difficulty dealing with this. The lack of sleep, upset stomach, my self-esteem, and overall well being are not doing so good. So far my back ups are in place....but I don't know how long I can weather such assaults both physically and emotionally.
I would say counseling or therapy would be in order, but the mere fact that aunt is experiencing visit in connection with my experiences only shows that I have no hope. No one will take what I say seriously.... I really have to fight this on my own.... I am alone in this battle.... there is no one to stand with me and any involved will only become a target for them.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Marks, Stolen Car, and Razors
Date: July 3rd to July 8th, 2018
Type: CE4, Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: N/A
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Depressed
State of Mind After: Extremely Depressed. Emotional Distraught, Forced Apathy
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Stolen Car
Odd occurrences after: Radio in my Head, Stolen Car, Foreign Object, Head issues
Over the course of the last few nights it has been really hot and I don't want to sleep during the night.
My wolfbrother has been agitated and has shown sign of indecisiveness and confusion. He recently allowed me to comeback and requested "help" with something. I tried to talk with him and get him off the subject. This was July 3rd and let his dad know of my concerns.
Since then there has been a rise in activity. Of course I have attributed it to a personal crisis of conscience, but in reality there has been outside interference from two groups in opposition (Minority) and for (Majority).
Many are encouraging the plan to escape and reset, and the minority and against it. I have been threatened by both sides to do as "they say". Additionally outside difficulties have suddenly arose, which now are interfering with the long term well being of my aunt and myself. I believe this can be resolved, but is causing major major stress. Threatening of course my ability to assist my wolfbrother in his times of need.
The opposition urged me to provide a path and solution, they are confident in my abilities to find away. They scolded me though that I wasn't do enough, and I have to do more. I can't take it personal. I expressed that they are of know help and have already taken steps to provide an alternate means which isn't so drastic. I don't trust them so I don't tell them. They are upset that I keep waking up and resisting. In turn I am becoming more and more violent when they show, hurting myself one the other side as they will not provide any real assistance, in terms of financial, social, or physical issues. I am being "assessed" as they are curious how I will deal with this responsibility. I have expressed my frustration and need for help. They are aware of my Wolfbrother's request of contacting NASA or whatever government agency handles our experiences.
The ones who are urging me to insist of this foolhardy endevour are examining me physcially. Additional markings have appeared on my persona. As shown below are some of the major scars I have. Recently the activity around my let ankle has additional scoop marks at the "2 O'clock" position. It was very tender the past few days and I was able to remove a foreign object on 7/7/2018, which I will go more into detail.
I have been physically examined multiple times in the past few weeks for an overall assessment by several groups. It has been commented that I am an anomaly and a beneficial "reject/mistake" that they are unable to replicate both on a physical and mental level. They do not understand my overall mental conditioning on how I managing to cope or the fact that I am past my expiration date. With all the issues I have I should have terminated long ago. Like with the other group I have become increasingly violent on the other side.
To make matters worse, I have been urged to loose "my phone" one or both have caused me to misplace my phone when I am at home. Not charge it, leave it in the oddest of places, turn it off.....but when outside I am aware of my phone and location at all times. When I come home it is a different story. Likewise this has started with my keys and wallet.... I am conveniently misplacing things. My OCD has allowed me to find the items.....but it is becoming harder.
Personally at this point I do feel extremely overwhelmed. I am doing my best to care for my aunt and our canine associate, trying to assist my wolfbrother whether his homophobic onslaught on me which was recently triggered by them, dealing with the ongoing financial struggle, and worse my inability to acquire and individual to just love me. I feel so isolated and alone, and constantly question why I even bother. People betray me, and there are only a few decent people who accept me for being me. Most times I feel horrible about myself....if it is not constantly coming from them reminding me what an "abortion" of a person I am. What is worse, my Wolfbrother mocks me with the secret things only they say in exact tone and wording.
Reaffirming that I am situation that is very real and can't easily be helped.
7/6/2018 my wolfbrother had an incident and needed further hospitalization. I knew something was wrong, but was really hurt by their onslaught that night. I didn't want to sleep so I as up aware of things.
As of 7/7/2018 my recent scoop marking had a foreign object embedded in it. This object was the size of a grain of sand and had some sort of follicles. I was have severe pain and irritation, and when i first pulled it out I thought it was simply a clogged pore with a few in grown hairs. However this small black particle was the consistency of a grain of sand. It had several blonde follicle like like strand protruding from it. I thought it looked like some sort of tick....but it was not as it was a small black speck with these blonde strands. I have dark hair.......Also the strands were retracting which was weird. As I squeezed it with my fingernail I could feel the hardness, ad rolling between my fingers confirmed it. When touching the skin the strands tried to extend to stick. I dropped it in the sink and it rolled into the drain.
In addition I been feeling very tight and sharp pin pricks on the top of my head in several places. basically near the top of my head on the scalp. Basically the top on aligns with my spine, and the other six are located above both outer eyes, ears, and near the back of the head. This has been hurting through out the day and bothers me every hour or so in one specific location at a time. I have felt up on my scalp and there are indeed a tiny prick spot. They are in the same locations....and hurts.
The last phenomena is the ongoing mysterious music I am hearing when I lay down. It sounds like a radio and very faint. My aunt has heard it to, despite the fact we have appliance running that would mask the sound if it were here. I been trying to make out the words.... someone is talking and here is music in the background. It is either instrumental in nature or reminiscent of the Osman's, Sonny and Cher, or John Denver... stuff they would play on the Muppet Show?
Regarding my aunt... besides me having the various experiences, she has corroborated some odd thing from individuals walking in the hall, entering her room and vanishing, and likewise I have felt presences and come out only to find they were just in the room.
Today 7/8/2018 one of the weirdest and nerve wracking things occurred. My car was stolen from County USC Medical Center Lot 5. I went to stay with my Wolfbrother since his dad had to work. I was there at 4am and stayed until 5pm...hoping that a family member would arrive to relieve me....none of course showed up. Now when I arrived my wolfbrother sent me to get breakfast, so I last so my car at 5AM and parked under a lamp and there was a full lot. Other vehicle had windows rolled down and the lot is busy.
When I went to leave my car was missing. At first I thought perhaps I had just forgot where I parked, but after walking the lot several times and broke down crying.... I realized my car was stolen. I called the police with the emergency call box... and Sheriff's came. Since I am not the registered owner, but only a driver... they couldn't report the car stolen until I could get home and call LAPD. I kept my resolved and contacted people for help, but no one could come to my aid. So I headed to go home and take the bus. I spoke with security there at the hospital as well hoping there was a camera.
Good news is that I have the car back now, apparently someone moved it from Lot 5 to the emergency parking lot and parked right in the 15 minute or less loading spaces. The door side lock was broken, the car wasn't hot-wired.
This makes no sense Nothing was stolen at all!!!! The car was rummaged through...but as far as I can tell it is okay. I found it quite odd that the Sheriff said there was nothing they could do. Also when the car was located...they just said as long as I have the keys....I can go home. No check for prints or a report.
After a 12 hour exhausting day I collapsed when I got home, of course after attending to things. This is just so weird.
I feel so alone. Hated and reviled. Not worthy of love..... and all the weird stuff happens which just solidifies that fact that all I can do is struggle to find "my escape". It is ironic that I use these words.... as I am clearly the only one that understands my wolfbrother.
Type: CE4, Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: N/A
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Depressed
State of Mind After: Extremely Depressed. Emotional Distraught, Forced Apathy
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Stolen Car
Odd occurrences after: Radio in my Head, Stolen Car, Foreign Object, Head issues
Over the course of the last few nights it has been really hot and I don't want to sleep during the night.
My wolfbrother has been agitated and has shown sign of indecisiveness and confusion. He recently allowed me to comeback and requested "help" with something. I tried to talk with him and get him off the subject. This was July 3rd and let his dad know of my concerns.
Since then there has been a rise in activity. Of course I have attributed it to a personal crisis of conscience, but in reality there has been outside interference from two groups in opposition (Minority) and for (Majority).
Many are encouraging the plan to escape and reset, and the minority and against it. I have been threatened by both sides to do as "they say". Additionally outside difficulties have suddenly arose, which now are interfering with the long term well being of my aunt and myself. I believe this can be resolved, but is causing major major stress. Threatening of course my ability to assist my wolfbrother in his times of need.
The opposition urged me to provide a path and solution, they are confident in my abilities to find away. They scolded me though that I wasn't do enough, and I have to do more. I can't take it personal. I expressed that they are of know help and have already taken steps to provide an alternate means which isn't so drastic. I don't trust them so I don't tell them. They are upset that I keep waking up and resisting. In turn I am becoming more and more violent when they show, hurting myself one the other side as they will not provide any real assistance, in terms of financial, social, or physical issues. I am being "assessed" as they are curious how I will deal with this responsibility. I have expressed my frustration and need for help. They are aware of my Wolfbrother's request of contacting NASA or whatever government agency handles our experiences.
The ones who are urging me to insist of this foolhardy endevour are examining me physcially. Additional markings have appeared on my persona. As shown below are some of the major scars I have. Recently the activity around my let ankle has additional scoop marks at the "2 O'clock" position. It was very tender the past few days and I was able to remove a foreign object on 7/7/2018, which I will go more into detail.
I have been physically examined multiple times in the past few weeks for an overall assessment by several groups. It has been commented that I am an anomaly and a beneficial "reject/mistake" that they are unable to replicate both on a physical and mental level. They do not understand my overall mental conditioning on how I managing to cope or the fact that I am past my expiration date. With all the issues I have I should have terminated long ago. Like with the other group I have become increasingly violent on the other side.
To make matters worse, I have been urged to loose "my phone" one or both have caused me to misplace my phone when I am at home. Not charge it, leave it in the oddest of places, turn it off.....but when outside I am aware of my phone and location at all times. When I come home it is a different story. Likewise this has started with my keys and wallet.... I am conveniently misplacing things. My OCD has allowed me to find the items.....but it is becoming harder.
Personally at this point I do feel extremely overwhelmed. I am doing my best to care for my aunt and our canine associate, trying to assist my wolfbrother whether his homophobic onslaught on me which was recently triggered by them, dealing with the ongoing financial struggle, and worse my inability to acquire and individual to just love me. I feel so isolated and alone, and constantly question why I even bother. People betray me, and there are only a few decent people who accept me for being me. Most times I feel horrible about myself....if it is not constantly coming from them reminding me what an "abortion" of a person I am. What is worse, my Wolfbrother mocks me with the secret things only they say in exact tone and wording.
Reaffirming that I am situation that is very real and can't easily be helped.
7/6/2018 my wolfbrother had an incident and needed further hospitalization. I knew something was wrong, but was really hurt by their onslaught that night. I didn't want to sleep so I as up aware of things.
As of 7/7/2018 my recent scoop marking had a foreign object embedded in it. This object was the size of a grain of sand and had some sort of follicles. I was have severe pain and irritation, and when i first pulled it out I thought it was simply a clogged pore with a few in grown hairs. However this small black particle was the consistency of a grain of sand. It had several blonde follicle like like strand protruding from it. I thought it looked like some sort of tick....but it was not as it was a small black speck with these blonde strands. I have dark hair.......Also the strands were retracting which was weird. As I squeezed it with my fingernail I could feel the hardness, ad rolling between my fingers confirmed it. When touching the skin the strands tried to extend to stick. I dropped it in the sink and it rolled into the drain.
In addition I been feeling very tight and sharp pin pricks on the top of my head in several places. basically near the top of my head on the scalp. Basically the top on aligns with my spine, and the other six are located above both outer eyes, ears, and near the back of the head. This has been hurting through out the day and bothers me every hour or so in one specific location at a time. I have felt up on my scalp and there are indeed a tiny prick spot. They are in the same locations....and hurts.
The last phenomena is the ongoing mysterious music I am hearing when I lay down. It sounds like a radio and very faint. My aunt has heard it to, despite the fact we have appliance running that would mask the sound if it were here. I been trying to make out the words.... someone is talking and here is music in the background. It is either instrumental in nature or reminiscent of the Osman's, Sonny and Cher, or John Denver... stuff they would play on the Muppet Show?
Regarding my aunt... besides me having the various experiences, she has corroborated some odd thing from individuals walking in the hall, entering her room and vanishing, and likewise I have felt presences and come out only to find they were just in the room.
Today 7/8/2018 one of the weirdest and nerve wracking things occurred. My car was stolen from County USC Medical Center Lot 5. I went to stay with my Wolfbrother since his dad had to work. I was there at 4am and stayed until 5pm...hoping that a family member would arrive to relieve me....none of course showed up. Now when I arrived my wolfbrother sent me to get breakfast, so I last so my car at 5AM and parked under a lamp and there was a full lot. Other vehicle had windows rolled down and the lot is busy.
When I went to leave my car was missing. At first I thought perhaps I had just forgot where I parked, but after walking the lot several times and broke down crying.... I realized my car was stolen. I called the police with the emergency call box... and Sheriff's came. Since I am not the registered owner, but only a driver... they couldn't report the car stolen until I could get home and call LAPD. I kept my resolved and contacted people for help, but no one could come to my aid. So I headed to go home and take the bus. I spoke with security there at the hospital as well hoping there was a camera.
Good news is that I have the car back now, apparently someone moved it from Lot 5 to the emergency parking lot and parked right in the 15 minute or less loading spaces. The door side lock was broken, the car wasn't hot-wired.
This makes no sense Nothing was stolen at all!!!! The car was rummaged through...but as far as I can tell it is okay. I found it quite odd that the Sheriff said there was nothing they could do. Also when the car was located...they just said as long as I have the keys....I can go home. No check for prints or a report.
After a 12 hour exhausting day I collapsed when I got home, of course after attending to things. This is just so weird.
I feel so alone. Hated and reviled. Not worthy of love..... and all the weird stuff happens which just solidifies that fact that all I can do is struggle to find "my escape". It is ironic that I use these words.... as I am clearly the only one that understands my wolfbrother.
Friday, June 15, 2018
The Fallen Host and Sex that kills
Date: June 14th, 2018
Type: CE4, Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:00am to 5:15am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:30am
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired
State of Mind After: Extremely Depressed. Emotional Distraught, Forced Apathy
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia
Odd occurrences after: Hearing CB in my head
Over the past weeks things have changed. New group? New tactics? I am unsure. I been examined again anew, and they have really started hard on reminding me of how I am defective, how broken I am. Yet the odd part... why are they so much interested in me?
I am nothing extraordinary? I hold no secrets to universal truth or clearance to security. I have no influence to important individuals. I am just mere one person in a existence... a joke, defective, and unwanted by those whom I cherish. An odd dichotomy that I cannot yet unravel.
The events start when I get home. I am saddened as I know what will be happening, I am not blind. I already know that events are in motion. He deceives himself, believing in the subjective truth of the moment. I do care, as once again I am being hurt. I even asked to be released... he won't. So must I escape this as well?
Being home was comforting in only that I could find some solace in my things, my books, but even that could not sate my heavy sorrow. So as my mind, heart, and body where in pain I thought perhaps sleep would bring me succor. I should know better when I am being influenced as I do not want sleep. Was it my body or them? I admit I hardly sleep for what happens, but I wanted to find some comforting in not being awake. Yet honestly, my mind is always awake as you will see.
As soon as I rested my head and tried to find a comforting image, it started again. The machine on the ceiling that is not really there, and the small person by the bathroom door watching. They think they can just run by, but I see them all to well. The waves of light and darkness distorted in the low light of my room.
As I had my head down on the pillow, I could here clapping. Someone was getting a standing ovation, there was a lot of clapping. I lifted my head up, nothing. I lay my head down and the clapping began. Then I was in the kitchen. It was morning. My brother walked by me and I was furious. Why is he here? I wanted cereal and poured the milk and I could see and smell it was curdled. I yelled out "What is mine is mine. Buy your own food from now on. I will not share anymore. I am tried of getting screwed over". Something comes to the side and I hear in my head, "It was Gene". I wake up startled and realize that was only a minute. Some invisible person walks from the bathroom to the bedroom door. I think "Go away! I am not in the mood. Leave me alone. Just leave me alone." I try to hold onto a manufactured happy memory, but it leaves bitter ashes in my mouth and a just cry to sleep.
For the next few hours I wake up every 10 to 15 minutes. The AC is running, but I am burning up. I am being poked and prodded. I can hear them in my head saying "Not good", "It is defective", "It is all wrong", "Why would we want this [with disgust", "Is it even a male", and a slew of other insults that cut deeper than the physical things they are doing. The reason why I keep waking up is as I hurt I will myself back, but they struggle and pull me back. I can hear other voices comment "See. See! See what he is doing? How many can do this? It is a struggle to keep him here. How many can do this?" Excited the voice continue "Look at everything in his head. This is beyond what we can do. It stretches out for miles, multiple individuals and details are here". A voice says "It is what we need, but not what we want". Another says "No. This thing displeases me. It is disgusting. It should not be allowed".
Again I awake. My legs, stomach, and kidneys hurt. I wake up and look at the clock. I am not alone in the room, I knock out, wake up and knock out. Both sides trying to keep me there. I am angry. I keep going back to sleep. I don't want too. They keep showing me my house, they know the layout. They know my family. Makes me upset. They tell me they figured out what I am. That I am special. They recognizes how I have been modified and what I have become. They have tried to duplicate, but it doesn't turn out right. The higher ups dislike me. They say I am some sort of abomination. I have had enough of this, I begin to walk out and leave. They show themselves as all manner of celebrities, trying to tell me to stay. I comment on how I have no need of this. I am leaving. I walk out the front door and head to downtown. As I am walking they are following, they are amazed at the detail. Places I never been, but fully remembered. I tell them to go away.
I arrive at a warehouse and market. I go in and push the wall away by the freezers. There is a giant black woman lounging on a sofa, attending by a multitude of small white humanoids. They are a gasp that I walked in. She says "Well, well, well, you can see what is behind the curtain. You know don't you. I can feel it. You know what we are. What I am. You are an ugly little creature. Yet from what I am told you will have uses." I tell her, "Leave me alone. I want none of this. All you do is make me suffer. I have not attacked you. Just please stop". I walk back out and seal the room once again. It is nighttime and I am heading to an open air night market. It is little tokyo area. As I am walking people begin point at the sky.
There is a huge UFO flying and circling overhead. It seems to be a rounded triangle ship. It flies into the clouds and disappears. Next to more vessels fly over head. It is oval shape, they are black. It reminds me of a roach head or legs. Again they head toward the clouds. During this time I grab my phone and try to take a picture. Making sure the flash is not on. As other people start taking pics I switch to video....I do not want to attract their attention. However where they flew too was a giant mother ship. I have seen it before. There is a mothership above Los Anegeles, it is in a hyperspace pocket. It is here but not here. The phone switches and is being remotely controlled by one of the ships. It is now showing a reptilian pilot that has crashed his ship into that mother ship. I cover the camera on my phone. I don't want it to see me. It tries to tell me "Get away. They want you. They will harm you. They want you for what you are and what you can do. The light cannot be trusted". Greys are coming in behind them and shoot him with their crystal wands. They drag him off the ship and attempt to trace his signal. I turn off my phone. I wake up.
I am up again. Must not go to sleep. Wolfbrother. I need you. Why do you lie to me? I knew I was alone. Why do you lie? I can hear me, "Michael. They are going to appear as celebrities. I don't know why. The large ones are some sort of nephilim. They are locked as blacks, they don't seem to mind." So the greys when I am back are small Caucasian people, and the tall ones are blacks.
The Nephalim are getting irritated that the greys cannot collar me properly. They suggest using a human to anchor me. I fall asleep again. It is day time and I am in an open air mall. Lots of vendors and stalls. As I walk through I begin pocketing useful items for later. I need to stop this. I soon run into a guy who is beaten up pretty badly and he is literally thrown in from the side. Good looking white guys, like the lead actor from the Scary Movie" series. He is not the only real person here. I can hear them in the background "They call him Cum Canon" and they giggle. He smells of blood, sweat, and semen. He is hurt, his leg is in pain. He looks at me and says, "You are real aren't you? Please help me. I want to get out of here!". I go over to help, as well as another go who seems to realize where he is. "The other awake when he is near? Why does this occur", when of the Nephlim says. The other guys asks, "who said that" and seems freaked out. I tell them we should head to the fountain. As the guy leans on me, he says he know me or at least has seen me somewhere before. He smells so good, it is intoxicating for a moment. I recognize the scent. As we switch side and drag hm over to the fountain I tell him "I know this isn't the right time, but I am really desperate. I don't mean it that way cause you are perfect. Yet I need someone to love me, Everyone uses me. It is a constant cycle. I just want... no NEED... my companion... if not I can't ... I will do it". The words choke as I feel so much pain.... physical wounds heal but the emotional scars are burned in and the pain is there. I only say this as he is familiar to me on some level. I hear laughter again. So does he.
HE is thinking for a moment. I can see it in his eyes. He know I am real cause I am hurt and is confused. He is familiar with me but is having trouble remembering why. I am trying to tend to his wounds at the fountain. The other guys is bothered by the laughter. I can hear some among the laughter say "Kill him. He knows the truth now. Do it before he kills you". Other say "Show them. Make him remember", and one of them comes and shove my face into the guys crotch. I resist an pull away. The guy is getting agitated and yells "What the fuck is going on?". He tries to stand, and I attempt to support him but he says "Stay the fuck away from me. Who are you?".
The laughter starts all around. The nephalim and the greys. The greys bring monitors in to show the guy what has transpired. I try to step back but they are all around me. They see and feel my pain and are happy about my inner turmoil. They begin to show the guy what we have been doing throughout the years. I have no recollection of these events, but it is me. I know I did do these things as I begin to recall in vivid detail. Over the years he and I have been having sex, they show us copulating, having me fluff him and take him. This has been going on for a few years, not consecutively but at least the past seven years. They comment "I am one of the few that can accommodate him and can get his seed very quickly". He begins to get angry, despite being hurt and in pain he yells " I am not like that. You are lying. I am not some fucking fag!" He turn to me and lunges at me. They part and he pounces at me and attacks me with some much anger and fury. He says " You fucking faggot. You are a piece of shit. I would never do anything like this you fucking asshole, I will kill you. I will kill you you fucking faggot. I don't like you. would never do this. You are fucking disgusting. I will kill you". I roll up into a ball, I let him wail on me. He is right. I deserve this. I don't deserve to live. I am defective and abomination. I deserve to die. Just end me already. I don't want to feel.
One of the Nephalim come and swats the white man away like a ragdoll. The little greys come and begin to wipe this memory. They need to make him forget, as we will be put to use later.
Although he hates me, he does lust after me too. One of the greys try to come and wipe my memory but I swat it away. They back off, surprised that after that beating I am still able to move. The area changes again. The other guys are dragged away, I am in a stone city, and auditorium that open out to a lush jungle. In the background there is a large aquatic center. I huge walrus like creature sticks it head out of the water and howls and sprays water. The greys go and shock it, forcing it down into the water again. The nephalim who swatted the guy away was standing here. He looked like a large muscular Zulu warrior. I am standing up, with my head down, blood, tears, and anger are all present on me.
My hands are balled up into a fist. This guys is at least 12 feet tall, I am looking at him with peripheral vision as my head is down. He bellows "This is my Queen????!!! Are you joking with me? This ugly fat thing. You all displease me. Take this filth and dispose of it." It turns away from me, waving his hands and the greys cautiously approach me. One confident female with red hair says "Look again, but look again at WHAT it is. They engineered that. They did it. It is ugly but far exceeds the failure we encountered. It can't be replicated." It turn around again and tells me "Do you know who I am?". My reply is Sheena the She-Devil. He looks proud and claps, "so quick. That was a complex answer only I would understand. You are much smarter than you look." He then address the grey who spoke. "Can he accommodate me? Will he survive?". She bows ans says "You have read the data, this one will. It is the one we have been looking for. She will be upset, but you will have what you want."
As I stand there, my rage and sorrow was just building. My wings begin to unfold slowly as they speak. A nimbus of fire is around me and I begin to float in the air. My arms spread outward as do my wings and I begin to sing. The Nephilim bellows, laughing in awe and fear "Finally he shows us his true self. He is the ONE. Shut him down before he escapes".
I wake up crying and confused. It is 5:15 am. I am shaking. I was going to sleep, but I got the phone and began documenting what had happened. It is hard to text through the tears and me shaking. This cut me deeply. I don't want to feel. My emtions are too much, I begin to shutdown and become apathetic....if I don't I will do it. I hurt so much. I don't want to sleep.
When driving around 2:23pm on an errand, on the way home I started to get feedback. In my head I was hearing a C.B. going off and read outs as if from a cop SUV. I looked up in the rearview mirror and sure enough one was following me. As soon as I got to my home it left. It only followed me three blocks. When it left, the C.B. sound in my head was gone.
Around 7:20pm my left tooth by the lower canine fell out. Thanks wolfbrother.
Type: CE4, Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:00am to 5:15am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:30am
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired
State of Mind After: Extremely Depressed. Emotional Distraught, Forced Apathy
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia
Odd occurrences after: Hearing CB in my head
Over the past weeks things have changed. New group? New tactics? I am unsure. I been examined again anew, and they have really started hard on reminding me of how I am defective, how broken I am. Yet the odd part... why are they so much interested in me?
I am nothing extraordinary? I hold no secrets to universal truth or clearance to security. I have no influence to important individuals. I am just mere one person in a existence... a joke, defective, and unwanted by those whom I cherish. An odd dichotomy that I cannot yet unravel.
The events start when I get home. I am saddened as I know what will be happening, I am not blind. I already know that events are in motion. He deceives himself, believing in the subjective truth of the moment. I do care, as once again I am being hurt. I even asked to be released... he won't. So must I escape this as well?
Being home was comforting in only that I could find some solace in my things, my books, but even that could not sate my heavy sorrow. So as my mind, heart, and body where in pain I thought perhaps sleep would bring me succor. I should know better when I am being influenced as I do not want sleep. Was it my body or them? I admit I hardly sleep for what happens, but I wanted to find some comforting in not being awake. Yet honestly, my mind is always awake as you will see.
As soon as I rested my head and tried to find a comforting image, it started again. The machine on the ceiling that is not really there, and the small person by the bathroom door watching. They think they can just run by, but I see them all to well. The waves of light and darkness distorted in the low light of my room.
As I had my head down on the pillow, I could here clapping. Someone was getting a standing ovation, there was a lot of clapping. I lifted my head up, nothing. I lay my head down and the clapping began. Then I was in the kitchen. It was morning. My brother walked by me and I was furious. Why is he here? I wanted cereal and poured the milk and I could see and smell it was curdled. I yelled out "What is mine is mine. Buy your own food from now on. I will not share anymore. I am tried of getting screwed over". Something comes to the side and I hear in my head, "It was Gene". I wake up startled and realize that was only a minute. Some invisible person walks from the bathroom to the bedroom door. I think "Go away! I am not in the mood. Leave me alone. Just leave me alone." I try to hold onto a manufactured happy memory, but it leaves bitter ashes in my mouth and a just cry to sleep.
For the next few hours I wake up every 10 to 15 minutes. The AC is running, but I am burning up. I am being poked and prodded. I can hear them in my head saying "Not good", "It is defective", "It is all wrong", "Why would we want this [with disgust", "Is it even a male", and a slew of other insults that cut deeper than the physical things they are doing. The reason why I keep waking up is as I hurt I will myself back, but they struggle and pull me back. I can hear other voices comment "See. See! See what he is doing? How many can do this? It is a struggle to keep him here. How many can do this?" Excited the voice continue "Look at everything in his head. This is beyond what we can do. It stretches out for miles, multiple individuals and details are here". A voice says "It is what we need, but not what we want". Another says "No. This thing displeases me. It is disgusting. It should not be allowed".
Again I awake. My legs, stomach, and kidneys hurt. I wake up and look at the clock. I am not alone in the room, I knock out, wake up and knock out. Both sides trying to keep me there. I am angry. I keep going back to sleep. I don't want too. They keep showing me my house, they know the layout. They know my family. Makes me upset. They tell me they figured out what I am. That I am special. They recognizes how I have been modified and what I have become. They have tried to duplicate, but it doesn't turn out right. The higher ups dislike me. They say I am some sort of abomination. I have had enough of this, I begin to walk out and leave. They show themselves as all manner of celebrities, trying to tell me to stay. I comment on how I have no need of this. I am leaving. I walk out the front door and head to downtown. As I am walking they are following, they are amazed at the detail. Places I never been, but fully remembered. I tell them to go away.
I arrive at a warehouse and market. I go in and push the wall away by the freezers. There is a giant black woman lounging on a sofa, attending by a multitude of small white humanoids. They are a gasp that I walked in. She says "Well, well, well, you can see what is behind the curtain. You know don't you. I can feel it. You know what we are. What I am. You are an ugly little creature. Yet from what I am told you will have uses." I tell her, "Leave me alone. I want none of this. All you do is make me suffer. I have not attacked you. Just please stop". I walk back out and seal the room once again. It is nighttime and I am heading to an open air night market. It is little tokyo area. As I am walking people begin point at the sky.
There is a huge UFO flying and circling overhead. It seems to be a rounded triangle ship. It flies into the clouds and disappears. Next to more vessels fly over head. It is oval shape, they are black. It reminds me of a roach head or legs. Again they head toward the clouds. During this time I grab my phone and try to take a picture. Making sure the flash is not on. As other people start taking pics I switch to video....I do not want to attract their attention. However where they flew too was a giant mother ship. I have seen it before. There is a mothership above Los Anegeles, it is in a hyperspace pocket. It is here but not here. The phone switches and is being remotely controlled by one of the ships. It is now showing a reptilian pilot that has crashed his ship into that mother ship. I cover the camera on my phone. I don't want it to see me. It tries to tell me "Get away. They want you. They will harm you. They want you for what you are and what you can do. The light cannot be trusted". Greys are coming in behind them and shoot him with their crystal wands. They drag him off the ship and attempt to trace his signal. I turn off my phone. I wake up.
I am up again. Must not go to sleep. Wolfbrother. I need you. Why do you lie to me? I knew I was alone. Why do you lie? I can hear me, "Michael. They are going to appear as celebrities. I don't know why. The large ones are some sort of nephilim. They are locked as blacks, they don't seem to mind." So the greys when I am back are small Caucasian people, and the tall ones are blacks.
The Nephalim are getting irritated that the greys cannot collar me properly. They suggest using a human to anchor me. I fall asleep again. It is day time and I am in an open air mall. Lots of vendors and stalls. As I walk through I begin pocketing useful items for later. I need to stop this. I soon run into a guy who is beaten up pretty badly and he is literally thrown in from the side. Good looking white guys, like the lead actor from the Scary Movie" series. He is not the only real person here. I can hear them in the background "They call him Cum Canon" and they giggle. He smells of blood, sweat, and semen. He is hurt, his leg is in pain. He looks at me and says, "You are real aren't you? Please help me. I want to get out of here!". I go over to help, as well as another go who seems to realize where he is. "The other awake when he is near? Why does this occur", when of the Nephlim says. The other guys asks, "who said that" and seems freaked out. I tell them we should head to the fountain. As the guy leans on me, he says he know me or at least has seen me somewhere before. He smells so good, it is intoxicating for a moment. I recognize the scent. As we switch side and drag hm over to the fountain I tell him "I know this isn't the right time, but I am really desperate. I don't mean it that way cause you are perfect. Yet I need someone to love me, Everyone uses me. It is a constant cycle. I just want... no NEED... my companion... if not I can't ... I will do it". The words choke as I feel so much pain.... physical wounds heal but the emotional scars are burned in and the pain is there. I only say this as he is familiar to me on some level. I hear laughter again. So does he.
HE is thinking for a moment. I can see it in his eyes. He know I am real cause I am hurt and is confused. He is familiar with me but is having trouble remembering why. I am trying to tend to his wounds at the fountain. The other guys is bothered by the laughter. I can hear some among the laughter say "Kill him. He knows the truth now. Do it before he kills you". Other say "Show them. Make him remember", and one of them comes and shove my face into the guys crotch. I resist an pull away. The guy is getting agitated and yells "What the fuck is going on?". He tries to stand, and I attempt to support him but he says "Stay the fuck away from me. Who are you?".
The laughter starts all around. The nephalim and the greys. The greys bring monitors in to show the guy what has transpired. I try to step back but they are all around me. They see and feel my pain and are happy about my inner turmoil. They begin to show the guy what we have been doing throughout the years. I have no recollection of these events, but it is me. I know I did do these things as I begin to recall in vivid detail. Over the years he and I have been having sex, they show us copulating, having me fluff him and take him. This has been going on for a few years, not consecutively but at least the past seven years. They comment "I am one of the few that can accommodate him and can get his seed very quickly". He begins to get angry, despite being hurt and in pain he yells " I am not like that. You are lying. I am not some fucking fag!" He turn to me and lunges at me. They part and he pounces at me and attacks me with some much anger and fury. He says " You fucking faggot. You are a piece of shit. I would never do anything like this you fucking asshole, I will kill you. I will kill you you fucking faggot. I don't like you. would never do this. You are fucking disgusting. I will kill you". I roll up into a ball, I let him wail on me. He is right. I deserve this. I don't deserve to live. I am defective and abomination. I deserve to die. Just end me already. I don't want to feel.
One of the Nephalim come and swats the white man away like a ragdoll. The little greys come and begin to wipe this memory. They need to make him forget, as we will be put to use later.
Although he hates me, he does lust after me too. One of the greys try to come and wipe my memory but I swat it away. They back off, surprised that after that beating I am still able to move. The area changes again. The other guys are dragged away, I am in a stone city, and auditorium that open out to a lush jungle. In the background there is a large aquatic center. I huge walrus like creature sticks it head out of the water and howls and sprays water. The greys go and shock it, forcing it down into the water again. The nephalim who swatted the guy away was standing here. He looked like a large muscular Zulu warrior. I am standing up, with my head down, blood, tears, and anger are all present on me.
My hands are balled up into a fist. This guys is at least 12 feet tall, I am looking at him with peripheral vision as my head is down. He bellows "This is my Queen????!!! Are you joking with me? This ugly fat thing. You all displease me. Take this filth and dispose of it." It turns away from me, waving his hands and the greys cautiously approach me. One confident female with red hair says "Look again, but look again at WHAT it is. They engineered that. They did it. It is ugly but far exceeds the failure we encountered. It can't be replicated." It turn around again and tells me "Do you know who I am?". My reply is Sheena the She-Devil. He looks proud and claps, "so quick. That was a complex answer only I would understand. You are much smarter than you look." He then address the grey who spoke. "Can he accommodate me? Will he survive?". She bows ans says "You have read the data, this one will. It is the one we have been looking for. She will be upset, but you will have what you want."
As I stand there, my rage and sorrow was just building. My wings begin to unfold slowly as they speak. A nimbus of fire is around me and I begin to float in the air. My arms spread outward as do my wings and I begin to sing. The Nephilim bellows, laughing in awe and fear "Finally he shows us his true self. He is the ONE. Shut him down before he escapes".
I wake up crying and confused. It is 5:15 am. I am shaking. I was going to sleep, but I got the phone and began documenting what had happened. It is hard to text through the tears and me shaking. This cut me deeply. I don't want to feel. My emtions are too much, I begin to shutdown and become apathetic....if I don't I will do it. I hurt so much. I don't want to sleep.
When driving around 2:23pm on an errand, on the way home I started to get feedback. In my head I was hearing a C.B. going off and read outs as if from a cop SUV. I looked up in the rearview mirror and sure enough one was following me. As soon as I got to my home it left. It only followed me three blocks. When it left, the C.B. sound in my head was gone.
Around 7:20pm my left tooth by the lower canine fell out. Thanks wolfbrother.
Monday, June 4, 2018
Missing Time, Fractals, Exam, and Hives
Date: May 30st, 2018 June 2nd, 2018
Type: CE3, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: N/A
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired
State of Mind After: Depressed
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Shadow Men
Odd occurrences after: Left arms marks triangles to large circle with dots in them. Wolfbrother issue.
Over the past four days I been having really odd experiences. Starting May 31st around 1:30am, as I was leaving my home there was an being on the opposite side of the street. As I was getting into my car no one was there on the street. When backing out someone was on the opposite side of the street, a dark humanoid silhouette, When I got out to look, no one was there, Later on that morning there were was an event of missing time and fractals in the room at the hospital. I went to go visit my wolfbrother in the morning since they needed to move him out of the 5th floor. He was in a bad mood as entities have been bothering him. I saw them when I closed my eyes. Two orbs, when yellow and the other orange were hovering about. The yellow orb was in my face yelling at me in oscillating pattern in its form. From what I can get was it was angry I could detect it and was wondering why. The orange orb was irradiating my wolfbrother. Both wanted me to leave. I left around 1155am. I walked down got in my car and proceeded home. However the car and phone said 1225pm. That could not be takes me a few minutes to get down and to the freeway in about 7min. So where did the time go???
Later on at night I started cooking some soup around 2am... I was reading...and it seem I didn't get to far but time slipped away and it was like 6am and I burned the soup.... very unlike me. I attributed it to my chronic insomnia... and my body just tired.
During the day was my wolfbrother's operation so I waited with him until the early morning hours.
Saturday morning my catnap knocked me out. During this time I had a visit after 11am and they took me to the bathroom. They examined me and told me I am not to spill my seed anymore. They showed me a device that was put in my penis. They commented on how I am defective again. I became angry and attempted to bang my head into the mirror. I woke up. I was mad since I slept the day away and needed to fulfill my obligations. As the hours past I developed four allergic reaction soon my arms. One up near my wrist, two neat my inner elbow, and one on the outer elbow. They were like a from a TB shot but horizontal like fingers. Beside those marks, the triangles on my wrist seemed to be used again, as well as the two circle slots. Something was done....
Sidenote Wolfbrother did something extremely cruel. I knew it was coming. I don't know if I can continue.
Type: CE3, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: N/A
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired
State of Mind After: Depressed
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Shadow Men
Odd occurrences after: Left arms marks triangles to large circle with dots in them. Wolfbrother issue.
Over the past four days I been having really odd experiences. Starting May 31st around 1:30am, as I was leaving my home there was an being on the opposite side of the street. As I was getting into my car no one was there on the street. When backing out someone was on the opposite side of the street, a dark humanoid silhouette, When I got out to look, no one was there, Later on that morning there were was an event of missing time and fractals in the room at the hospital. I went to go visit my wolfbrother in the morning since they needed to move him out of the 5th floor. He was in a bad mood as entities have been bothering him. I saw them when I closed my eyes. Two orbs, when yellow and the other orange were hovering about. The yellow orb was in my face yelling at me in oscillating pattern in its form. From what I can get was it was angry I could detect it and was wondering why. The orange orb was irradiating my wolfbrother. Both wanted me to leave. I left around 1155am. I walked down got in my car and proceeded home. However the car and phone said 1225pm. That could not be takes me a few minutes to get down and to the freeway in about 7min. So where did the time go???
Later on at night I started cooking some soup around 2am... I was reading...and it seem I didn't get to far but time slipped away and it was like 6am and I burned the soup.... very unlike me. I attributed it to my chronic insomnia... and my body just tired.
During the day was my wolfbrother's operation so I waited with him until the early morning hours.
Saturday morning my catnap knocked me out. During this time I had a visit after 11am and they took me to the bathroom. They examined me and told me I am not to spill my seed anymore. They showed me a device that was put in my penis. They commented on how I am defective again. I became angry and attempted to bang my head into the mirror. I woke up. I was mad since I slept the day away and needed to fulfill my obligations. As the hours past I developed four allergic reaction soon my arms. One up near my wrist, two neat my inner elbow, and one on the outer elbow. They were like a from a TB shot but horizontal like fingers. Beside those marks, the triangles on my wrist seemed to be used again, as well as the two circle slots. Something was done....
Sidenote Wolfbrother did something extremely cruel. I knew it was coming. I don't know if I can continue.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Anomalous Behavioral Pattern
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Alone, Different, and Waiting |
First things first. My relation to the rest of the world. I am a classic introvert by nature, and great with small groups. I value intimacy and quality relationships, and do well in a structured and situation (knowing my function and place). The one things I am constantly told by "Them" is that I am DEFECTIVE. I have no value other than what I was made for. My personality seems to have been shaped by this, but being as DEFECTIVE as I am ...for some really weird reason I am functional. I have reviewed things and I know I compartmentalize many things, remain apathetic, and try to review as they come. With me it is trying to hold up my obligations and responsibilities. In time eventually when I reflect on things I see how broke I am, how worthless I truly am, why no one would every value me other than as an object or resource. The per usual I file those thoughts away, and go on with my assigned tasks and duties, distracting myself with research.
This is where the contradiction lies though, I realize my potentiality and worth of who I am. I can asses the value I have to others, in the sense of my usefulness. I am loyal, nurturing, a mediator, someone who is willing to walk by another as an equal companion, someone who is worth knowing and enjoying life with. However reality hits me.....and since I dislike contradictions I seem to sabotage certain aspects of myself to reflect the reasons as to why I am such a failure and undeserving of companionship. What kind of person would want me? Why would I inflict myself one someone else?
No I isolated why I am feeling this way. My sexual orientation and the alien experiences. Although I have a history of severe emotional abuse from my family (my father did not want me, tried to kill me more than once, severe abandonment issues from my mother, being considered "defective" etc.), I dealt with that. When i think back on those issue it is sad, but that is in the past. However when looking at my orientation for instance, it only reaffirms my DEFECTIVE nature and that no one will ever want me. Example, I once held Christianity close to my heart, was a member of a church and wanted to become a member of the order. How ever they made me realize that I was the worst being in all of creation, not worthy of forgiveness and damned no matter what I do. I can never seek absolution of this sin as I am fundamentally an abomination.
I will be tolerated, but in the end I will be damned and left behind. My Wolfbrother consistently remind me of this, who I am loved and valued....but in the end I am an abomination that will be cast off when the time comes. My nature is to strive to prove myself of my worth and seek some form of acceptance, but I only see that it will end as they say. I will be alone.... no matter what I would be able to do I will never know love.
Only betrayal.... I am DEFECTIVE.
Beside the religious aspect, my own supposed community finds me distasteful. As I am different, I do not follow their agenda, and this I am alone. Then if something does come forward...the alien issue comes in.
Why would I curse someone else to this experience?
What is worse, and I do not know which came first. This conclusion I have or their influence in the matter. They attempt to remind me everyday that I am alone, unwanted, that I am an object, not a being who deserves anything. Their interference in my life is one of the causes why my father tried to kill me, why there were issues with my mother, why I feel like a pariah among my peers. I see their hands in my life guiding and influencing events that seems to have per-pared me for my next participation in their experiments. I think part of the defensive mechanism I have in place is the compartmentalization, which keeps me sane and functional.
I do not know if their intention is to have a broken and passive subject..... but they keep reminding me I am DEFECTIVE. Also the way I think....I feel so isolated. I feel no one understands me, and the whole situation with my Wolfbrother (the 2017 issues) only reminds me of what levels they are willing to go to hurt me and others. They have manipulated me, and hurt me in so many ways beside the physical scars.
I don't want to feel right now. I have no escapes either. My logical mind cannot fathom the reasons for alcoholism, drug use, or even paid companionship. If I even tried such measure, it would be ineffective.
What I need in my life will never be, that hurts more since I know what I need. I can't buy it or take it by force. In the unlikely event that I do encounter it, would I be so selfish to endanger them with the alien thing?
In the past anyone who presented themselves for me to hold onto ends up hurting me even worse, each time they were "involved" in the selection and association with said solution.
I am becoming emotional as well which is not good. The apathy isn't working. I am beginning to feel Fear, Loss, and Sorrow. This of course causes me such emotional pain, in need to find way to override or nullify it. So far I can pacify things, but it is only a matter of time.
I realize that it is beyond my ability to change the whole thing about my orientation. I am who I intend to be. There is nothing wrong with it. I am a good person. I can survive on my own as it has been proven. I just have to somehow remove the need "to be loved" and "accepted". It is a tricky thing, and honestly I can't be heartless. The second thing with the Aliens I can change... I can resist, makes allies, and hopefully find away to stop this not only for myself...but others. However oddly enough.... I need people to do it.... otherwise certain scenario automatically will be enacted.
It reinforces why they seem to want me isolated and broken, but as I am DEFECTIVE DEFECTIVE, they will not get what they intended. As I said be before.... Be Aware, Try to Be Calm, and Resist.
As to the picture above. It reminds me that even in a group I am alone. Although I am capable of not only surviving on my own, but assisting others.....I am alone. The guys together crossed legged represent the difference and they will never accept me. They seem to be on stable and dry land. The lone figure is being washed away slowly by the sea, a force bigger than himself. His leg position means he is seeking, open to something or someone. waiting for completion or fulfillment.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Missing Post 4-7-18 "More Threats"
Date: April 7th 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 11:00pm-1:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:30pm [Me])/N/Aam [Aunt]/N/A [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Worried (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Scared, Worried, Overwhelmed (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Told to Sleep
Odd occurrences after: None
My sleep schedule is ruined, it is hot and my body temperature is up. I have the AC going. I am on the computer typing when I get the urge to fall asleep because I been ordered "GO TO BED" by someone.
I quickly go to my area without rhyme or reason and go to sleep real fast. As soon as I shut my eyes I hear my wolfbrother say "Please don't let me go. You have to stay with me. I need you. Don't let go". I start to drift off to a deep sleep. Soon I find I am walking with my mother, but it isn't her. I ask "Where is my Wolfbrother?". It responds "That is not important". This is MOM and not my mom, I start to run from it.
It is like a blank corridor I am in, and the following words are yelled into my head "THERE IS NO PLACE TO RUN. WE ARE ALWAYS WATCHING. YOU ARE ALWAYS ALONE. HE IS JUST USING YOU. YOU KNOW THIS." I keep running and up in a weird bedroom. There is no doors and windows, the walls just surround me. There is a girl and a boy on either side of me on some old beds. The girl calls herself Anabelle and asks me whats a matter. I grab a plastic stick. She looks worried, the fat boy tells me I am safe. They look like old badly made life sized dolls. I tell them "Don't touch me! I am looking for my Wolfbrother. He is my little brother. You need to leave him alone." Anabelle turns to me and says "You should be more concerned about what will happen to you". The fat boy comes closer and says "We have touched you since you were little. You have the mark and are ours". For some reason I start to flood my head with old TV Themes rapidly; "I love Lucy", "LaVerne and Shirley", "Munsters", "Happy Days", Threes Company", and the "Andy Griffith Show". The room disappears as I keep cycling through episodes I watched randomly, so many characters and plots, I add more and more from every episode I watched.
Soon I am in a white oval room light by ambient light. Two of "them" are on the ground from sensory overload. They are having trouble processing all the images and sound I sent. I step on a light disc and access a console that materializes. It is a mental construct that is an interface and semi-tangible it feels like cartilage of some sort. I slide the controls and access a speech from president Nixon I once recall from an alternate tangent, for some reason I need to access this......
"My fellow Americans. I come before you once more to inform you of a terrible discover that not only threatens America, but the rest of the wold as well. As president I have become privy to secrets of National Security, threats to the U.S. interests both domestic and abroad. I have been advised not to proceed with the following revelation, but as they say 'That ship has already sailed'.
It has come to my attention, and as many of you already know we are being visited by being of unknown origin. Their craft have been spotted for decades now, and many of you are obviously aware of their presence. It is my duty to let the American people know we are looking into this threat with all seriousness.."
I stop as the two greys are coming out of their daze and I shift. I think I am in NYC sometime around 1969 or 1972. I am by Madison Square Gardens. The weather is kinda of nasty so I head for a Irish Pub and Restaurant, you have to be a member to get in....but no one notices me. I can smell the cabbage, the shepard's pie, potatoes, and sweet malty ale. Some of the men are talking about a boxing match. I notice that a sick irishman is sneaking into the pub as they offered to by a member a free meal and a pint. He didn't like the weather either. He come ups to me and says "My boys will be needing you still lad. Go back home and find your place by his side." When he pats me on the back I awake.
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 11:00pm-1:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:30pm [Me])/N/Aam [Aunt]/N/A [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Worried (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Scared, Worried, Overwhelmed (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Told to Sleep
Odd occurrences after: None
My sleep schedule is ruined, it is hot and my body temperature is up. I have the AC going. I am on the computer typing when I get the urge to fall asleep because I been ordered "GO TO BED" by someone.
I quickly go to my area without rhyme or reason and go to sleep real fast. As soon as I shut my eyes I hear my wolfbrother say "Please don't let me go. You have to stay with me. I need you. Don't let go". I start to drift off to a deep sleep. Soon I find I am walking with my mother, but it isn't her. I ask "Where is my Wolfbrother?". It responds "That is not important". This is MOM and not my mom, I start to run from it.
It is like a blank corridor I am in, and the following words are yelled into my head "THERE IS NO PLACE TO RUN. WE ARE ALWAYS WATCHING. YOU ARE ALWAYS ALONE. HE IS JUST USING YOU. YOU KNOW THIS." I keep running and up in a weird bedroom. There is no doors and windows, the walls just surround me. There is a girl and a boy on either side of me on some old beds. The girl calls herself Anabelle and asks me whats a matter. I grab a plastic stick. She looks worried, the fat boy tells me I am safe. They look like old badly made life sized dolls. I tell them "Don't touch me! I am looking for my Wolfbrother. He is my little brother. You need to leave him alone." Anabelle turns to me and says "You should be more concerned about what will happen to you". The fat boy comes closer and says "We have touched you since you were little. You have the mark and are ours". For some reason I start to flood my head with old TV Themes rapidly; "I love Lucy", "LaVerne and Shirley", "Munsters", "Happy Days", Threes Company", and the "Andy Griffith Show". The room disappears as I keep cycling through episodes I watched randomly, so many characters and plots, I add more and more from every episode I watched.
Soon I am in a white oval room light by ambient light. Two of "them" are on the ground from sensory overload. They are having trouble processing all the images and sound I sent. I step on a light disc and access a console that materializes. It is a mental construct that is an interface and semi-tangible it feels like cartilage of some sort. I slide the controls and access a speech from president Nixon I once recall from an alternate tangent, for some reason I need to access this......
"My fellow Americans. I come before you once more to inform you of a terrible discover that not only threatens America, but the rest of the wold as well. As president I have become privy to secrets of National Security, threats to the U.S. interests both domestic and abroad. I have been advised not to proceed with the following revelation, but as they say 'That ship has already sailed'.
It has come to my attention, and as many of you already know we are being visited by being of unknown origin. Their craft have been spotted for decades now, and many of you are obviously aware of their presence. It is my duty to let the American people know we are looking into this threat with all seriousness.."
I stop as the two greys are coming out of their daze and I shift. I think I am in NYC sometime around 1969 or 1972. I am by Madison Square Gardens. The weather is kinda of nasty so I head for a Irish Pub and Restaurant, you have to be a member to get in....but no one notices me. I can smell the cabbage, the shepard's pie, potatoes, and sweet malty ale. Some of the men are talking about a boxing match. I notice that a sick irishman is sneaking into the pub as they offered to by a member a free meal and a pint. He didn't like the weather either. He come ups to me and says "My boys will be needing you still lad. Go back home and find your place by his side." When he pats me on the back I awake.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Missing post for 4-9-18
Date: April 9th 2018
Type: CE4. Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 7:00am-9:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 5:00am [Me])/2:00am [Aunt]/N/A [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Worried (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Scared, Worried, Overwhelmed (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, "People" coming into the room
Odd occurrences after: None
I have mentioned that there are some locations that are repeatable in my dreams like the movie theaters, vacation spots, hotels, areas of the city, etc. This time I have a very odd dream of a place I have dreamed of in over 30 something years. It is called "Medieval Mountain".
The mental scenario starts off with me working at Kaiser, but my co-workers are individuals from my elementary school as adults. I recognize most of them with now problem. Regina wanted to go to lunch with me, but I told her that I needed to go to the bank. I did not want to go with her, but she said it would be ok.
I was wondering why I Regina was here, because Audrey is the one who was abducted. As soon as that though crossed my mind the dream shifted.
No I was with my aunt and taking her in a wheelchair to a place known as Medieval Mountain. She asks me if I am going to take my Wolfbrother here. I say "He really doesn't talk to me anymore. He only listens to them and refused to take my hand. He will take from me...but that is about it". I start to wheel here around.
Now this place doesn't exist in this reality, it is a facade and a combination of several places. It is basically a themed miniature golf center with a castle, they serve pizza, have jousting, a magic show, and an arcade. When I was younger "they" would take me here and watch me interact and see what games I would play in the arcade. They also showed my magic tricks during the magic show. I know this is all fake, something else is behind the facade, I know that the arcades is a testing area, the magic show is an instruction room, the jousting hall is a presentation and operation theater, and the pizza area is an injection/supplement place.
My aunt wanted to see the stuff, but I told her that none of this was safe. The knights walking around where observing the kids and teens here, a few looked at me and I gave a blank look as if I was enthralled. I started to go up the ramp toward the jousting area. This was a huge arena/amphitheater where special individuals like myself were shown. It was glowing in soft twilight, the carving along the walls and tables where as I remember them and sparkled and shimmered. They reminded me of pictoglyphs. One of the knights asked I needed help....I played dumb and started to go back to the arcade. At that point they asked about my aunts wheel chair, they said they had a special chair for here and we couldn't use the one we had.
So I picked her up and sat her down on a regular chair.
In the distance I spotted 5 horseman. I knew who it was and I quickly ported to him. I stopped them as they were riding. The lead horseman was dressed in a black/purple shroud with a black crown and sword. I stated "Drop the act. As usual you have it all wrong. Famine, War, Pestilence, and Death do not serve you. They are your jailers and keepers. Take off that hood and see things for what they are. Awaken. Remember who I am and walk with me." There is a sharp pain behind me and I hear "Do not interfere!". I wake up.
Type: CE4. Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 7:00am-9:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 5:00am [Me])/2:00am [Aunt]/N/A [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Worried (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Scared, Worried, Overwhelmed (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, "People" coming into the room
Odd occurrences after: None
I have mentioned that there are some locations that are repeatable in my dreams like the movie theaters, vacation spots, hotels, areas of the city, etc. This time I have a very odd dream of a place I have dreamed of in over 30 something years. It is called "Medieval Mountain".
The mental scenario starts off with me working at Kaiser, but my co-workers are individuals from my elementary school as adults. I recognize most of them with now problem. Regina wanted to go to lunch with me, but I told her that I needed to go to the bank. I did not want to go with her, but she said it would be ok.
I was wondering why I Regina was here, because Audrey is the one who was abducted. As soon as that though crossed my mind the dream shifted.
No I was with my aunt and taking her in a wheelchair to a place known as Medieval Mountain. She asks me if I am going to take my Wolfbrother here. I say "He really doesn't talk to me anymore. He only listens to them and refused to take my hand. He will take from me...but that is about it". I start to wheel here around.
Now this place doesn't exist in this reality, it is a facade and a combination of several places. It is basically a themed miniature golf center with a castle, they serve pizza, have jousting, a magic show, and an arcade. When I was younger "they" would take me here and watch me interact and see what games I would play in the arcade. They also showed my magic tricks during the magic show. I know this is all fake, something else is behind the facade, I know that the arcades is a testing area, the magic show is an instruction room, the jousting hall is a presentation and operation theater, and the pizza area is an injection/supplement place.
My aunt wanted to see the stuff, but I told her that none of this was safe. The knights walking around where observing the kids and teens here, a few looked at me and I gave a blank look as if I was enthralled. I started to go up the ramp toward the jousting area. This was a huge arena/amphitheater where special individuals like myself were shown. It was glowing in soft twilight, the carving along the walls and tables where as I remember them and sparkled and shimmered. They reminded me of pictoglyphs. One of the knights asked I needed help....I played dumb and started to go back to the arcade. At that point they asked about my aunts wheel chair, they said they had a special chair for here and we couldn't use the one we had.
So I picked her up and sat her down on a regular chair.
In the distance I spotted 5 horseman. I knew who it was and I quickly ported to him. I stopped them as they were riding. The lead horseman was dressed in a black/purple shroud with a black crown and sword. I stated "Drop the act. As usual you have it all wrong. Famine, War, Pestilence, and Death do not serve you. They are your jailers and keepers. Take off that hood and see things for what they are. Awaken. Remember who I am and walk with me." There is a sharp pain behind me and I hear "Do not interfere!". I wake up.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Missing Post for 4-20-18
Date: April 20th 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 700am-11:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:20am [Me])/2:00am [Aunt]/N/A [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Worried (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Scared, Worried, Overwhelmed (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia
Odd occurrences after: Missing Time(s)
The day was met with a bunch of false wake ups. I was stuck in some sort of loop in which I would awake text my wolfbrother, only to find that I was dreaming, and repeat the process a few times. Sometimes I got farther than just texting my wolfbrother. I got as far as completing my obligations with my aunts care and driving to see my wolfbrother...only to wake up again.
Earlier in the morning after I fell asleep sometime after 4am...I awoke during a medical procedure. My legs were in the air and I was on a table. I was rather calm. A few individuals were doing a rectal exam and colonoscopy of some sorts. They were surprised I woke up during the procedure and was conscious. There was a concern, but I told them quickly "I won't struggle. This feels kinda nice. You know I am gay." They seemed puzzled, but since I was calm they went about their business as the device was already in. One of the more human looking operators assisting "them" was by me and I asked what should I call him. He responded "A. Perez". They soon finished and put me back in my sleeping area. As mentioned above....there was a lot of false wake ups and I tried texting my wolfbrother about this. I even thought I posted the blog.
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 700am-11:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:20am [Me])/2:00am [Aunt]/N/A [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Worried (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Scared, Worried, Overwhelmed (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia
Odd occurrences after: Missing Time(s)
The day was met with a bunch of false wake ups. I was stuck in some sort of loop in which I would awake text my wolfbrother, only to find that I was dreaming, and repeat the process a few times. Sometimes I got farther than just texting my wolfbrother. I got as far as completing my obligations with my aunts care and driving to see my wolfbrother...only to wake up again.
Earlier in the morning after I fell asleep sometime after 4am...I awoke during a medical procedure. My legs were in the air and I was on a table. I was rather calm. A few individuals were doing a rectal exam and colonoscopy of some sorts. They were surprised I woke up during the procedure and was conscious. There was a concern, but I told them quickly "I won't struggle. This feels kinda nice. You know I am gay." They seemed puzzled, but since I was calm they went about their business as the device was already in. One of the more human looking operators assisting "them" was by me and I asked what should I call him. He responded "A. Perez". They soon finished and put me back in my sleeping area. As mentioned above....there was a lot of false wake ups and I tried texting my wolfbrother about this. I even thought I posted the blog.
Friday, May 11, 2018
The Nephilim and the wolf
Date: May 10th 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 10:45pm-11:15pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:45pm [Me])/N/A [Aunt]/N/A [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Frustrated, Depressed (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Scared, Hurt (Me)/In Pain (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Flashes of Light on Ceiling, Prompted to Sleep.
Odd occurrences after: Shaken and Emotionally Hurt.
This evening I was trying to configure a nightcam for use in the home that Mars Apollo gifted me. Because I do not use Wi-Fi I was unable to configure it and make it work. I did research for about two hours trying to find a workable configuration. There is one possible method I can try.
Around 10:45pm I had the intrusive thought of "Go to sleep. Find Mars Apollo", I only complied as I am physically worn out, tired, and need to be in the cold. So I laid down with the pillow over my head bundled up, and questions began.
The questions were concerning my Wolfbrother and Mars Apollo, they wanted to know where my loyalties lay. They wanted to know if I would show he same loyalty to Mars Apollo as I do my Wolfbrother. They were inclined to inform me that the plans for Mars Apollo would require my support. I interjected that "I do not appreciate being manipulated, and neither does he. Go away. I am tired, he is tired, we need to rest. If you want us to talk, have Mars Apollo call me know and I will drive down to his area. It is not far. We could meet at several public and discrete locations...I began to give them a list of such places from Palos Verdes to the industrial areas of Torrance."
Another individual said "Enough. Show him what will happen if he says no", and soon they showed me from a FPV of myself driving the car at night along the 101 en route to see my Wolfbrother. At the Brooklyn off ramp where the 101 enters downtown, they had me black out. I was no longer in control of the car, I attempted to quickly put the breaks on, shift into neutral, hit the emergency light, and steer toward the wall. There was a grumble of irritation from them as I should have been completely limp since my motor function were cut. They allowed me to hear what was going on, but my sight and and body was not responding correctly, I managed some grunts. The car sort of spun out as a car hit me, then another proceed to crash in and push me hard into the tunnel wall. I noticed there was internal injuries and I was bleeding out. At first I cried out for my mother, then got upset as she hated me....I yelled out for my Wolfbrother because this was not really happening, and got mad because he too hates me. This was a mental scenario, and playing on a few levels of my inner turmoil. I was upset at myself that I keep hoping that my Wolfbrother would keep his word.
I was surprised to hear in my head, "What???? He should not be conscious like this. He is awake", a voice was irritated. I yelled in shock as before me was a grey's spindly legs and arm that I could see from my pillow fort. I jumped and yelled in surprised, and it ported out. The other two went invisible. "What should we do? He left us. Finish. No, he is not like the other one, he won't attack, he will listen", they were confused and were trying to adapt to the situation and complete their mission. They began to negotiate.... if I would comply they would assist my Wolfbrother. Details would be forthcoming, but I would need to make a choice. This sensed my anger and began to thoughts were "I do not want to be manipulated again. All you do is hurt me, and these scars don't heal. What you intend to do will cause severe harm to him and those whom he cares for. Do not do this." There last response was "That was not a threat, but a consequence if you do not comply."
I immediately texted my Wolfbrother. Of course he did not read it, but he called me within five minutes asking to come over. I told him what had happened and for him to read the texts. I am feeling hurt....loss...not for me... but the bad emotional hurt that is a fester wound that they just poked. I am running my apathy algorithm to counteract this feeling. I will be fine...I always survive somehow.
Update: My aunt apparently had an encounter between this time with a shadowy being that was attempting to touch her.
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 10:45pm-11:15pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:45pm [Me])/N/A [Aunt]/N/A [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Tired, Frustrated, Depressed (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Scared, Hurt (Me)/In Pain (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Flashes of Light on Ceiling, Prompted to Sleep.
Odd occurrences after: Shaken and Emotionally Hurt.
This evening I was trying to configure a nightcam for use in the home that Mars Apollo gifted me. Because I do not use Wi-Fi I was unable to configure it and make it work. I did research for about two hours trying to find a workable configuration. There is one possible method I can try.
Around 10:45pm I had the intrusive thought of "Go to sleep. Find Mars Apollo", I only complied as I am physically worn out, tired, and need to be in the cold. So I laid down with the pillow over my head bundled up, and questions began.
The questions were concerning my Wolfbrother and Mars Apollo, they wanted to know where my loyalties lay. They wanted to know if I would show he same loyalty to Mars Apollo as I do my Wolfbrother. They were inclined to inform me that the plans for Mars Apollo would require my support. I interjected that "I do not appreciate being manipulated, and neither does he. Go away. I am tired, he is tired, we need to rest. If you want us to talk, have Mars Apollo call me know and I will drive down to his area. It is not far. We could meet at several public and discrete locations...I began to give them a list of such places from Palos Verdes to the industrial areas of Torrance."
Another individual said "Enough. Show him what will happen if he says no", and soon they showed me from a FPV of myself driving the car at night along the 101 en route to see my Wolfbrother. At the Brooklyn off ramp where the 101 enters downtown, they had me black out. I was no longer in control of the car, I attempted to quickly put the breaks on, shift into neutral, hit the emergency light, and steer toward the wall. There was a grumble of irritation from them as I should have been completely limp since my motor function were cut. They allowed me to hear what was going on, but my sight and and body was not responding correctly, I managed some grunts. The car sort of spun out as a car hit me, then another proceed to crash in and push me hard into the tunnel wall. I noticed there was internal injuries and I was bleeding out. At first I cried out for my mother, then got upset as she hated me....I yelled out for my Wolfbrother because this was not really happening, and got mad because he too hates me. This was a mental scenario, and playing on a few levels of my inner turmoil. I was upset at myself that I keep hoping that my Wolfbrother would keep his word.
I was surprised to hear in my head, "What???? He should not be conscious like this. He is awake", a voice was irritated. I yelled in shock as before me was a grey's spindly legs and arm that I could see from my pillow fort. I jumped and yelled in surprised, and it ported out. The other two went invisible. "What should we do? He left us. Finish. No, he is not like the other one, he won't attack, he will listen", they were confused and were trying to adapt to the situation and complete their mission. They began to negotiate.... if I would comply they would assist my Wolfbrother. Details would be forthcoming, but I would need to make a choice. This sensed my anger and began to thoughts were "I do not want to be manipulated again. All you do is hurt me, and these scars don't heal. What you intend to do will cause severe harm to him and those whom he cares for. Do not do this." There last response was "That was not a threat, but a consequence if you do not comply."
I immediately texted my Wolfbrother. Of course he did not read it, but he called me within five minutes asking to come over. I told him what had happened and for him to read the texts. I am feeling hurt....loss...not for me... but the bad emotional hurt that is a fester wound that they just poked. I am running my apathy algorithm to counteract this feeling. I will be fine...I always survive somehow.
Update: My aunt apparently had an encounter between this time with a shadowy being that was attempting to touch her.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
What is the Plan. My value to them
Over the course of years my research has led me to the following conclusions about my experiences with them. I tried to dissociate myself from an emotional response as much as possible, and try to look at the reason why I am a test subject for them. I am self-reflective, seeing what use I would be and why based upon the experiences I know.
GMO, "Genetically Modified Organism"I am an experiment, a generational one that has been engineered as far back as my great-grandparents. I know on my mother side there is a history of twins in the family, and also we share some odd precognitive abilities. On this side, we have a large number of professionals who are academically inclined. On my fathers side I have Native American Indian Blood, and oddly enough both grandparents come from Sweetwater, Texas.
-Physical Complications: Mal-rotated Kidney, Fluctuating Metabolism, Dehydration Prone, Accelerated Filtration with Kidneys.
-Modifications: Accelerated Child Development, Emphatic Enhancements, Cognitive Enhancements, Behavioral Conditioning
I been selected as a candidate to be more "adaptive" to their native environment and using me to gauge if there is a biological mechanism of subservience to them and there hybrid or gene-manipulated experiments.
The early contact in my mother's womb was the first stage of manipulation, and my formative years was the rest. I was subjected to the behavior conditioning as well as the cognitive enhancements most abductees get.
I been through the test to show my ability at 3D and 4D spatial awareness, puzzle solving skills, using their technology, and basic assessment tests. The psychological tests I believed failed, as I DO NOT feel I am special. I do not know if it was due to religion, family instability, or them.... but I personal feel that I am not worthy of love and am defective. Although some may view this as a negative, it does have some advantages as it acts as a drive to work harder, be more compassionate, be detached, and less likely to be influenced by. Physically the changes done are most like to make my genetics compatible, allowing me to sire offspring and function in their native environment. The oddity with my kidney regulates my core body temperature, which burns hot and is a boon in cold. However I overheat, but am able to filter out foreign substances faster.
The changes to my synaptic pathways I think were for communication purposes.
Environmental Conditioning and CompatibilityAt least with them, their environment is different from that of earth. They have a preference from low illumination, there circadian cycle is different than hours, and the preferential temperature is cold. Over the course of my life I have been a little off...I am sensitive to illumination, preferring darkness or shade. My circadian rhythm is off....which I operate with little sleep with a preference to nocturnal environment, but I am active for a period of 48 hours.....then become sluggish. I prefer a cooler temperature.
Also exposure to their environment and physical proximity has allowed me to be more awake. I have an inclination due to this manipulation to my genetics, it makes me a good candidate as I am "functional". These traits and enhancements may be passable to any offspring as I have adapted.
SubservienceThis I learned through overhearing them. As noted in my experiences, it seems they paired me with another human test subjects that were also modified. They are classified as "starseeds". I think their genetic markers are manipulated to indicate some higher level of foreign DNA or pheromones that would make us more pliable. As mammals we do have a recessive and instinctual nature consider scent through body chemistry. Although most of don't consciously realize it we are influence by scents that can make us more agreeable.
With two of the individuals I know, there was this strong factor they pushed.
Seeing how compliant and helpful I could be, in both a rational and irrational way. Through there experiments, they have seen that some of it works. Although I have my free will, I can be easily manipulated in irrational ways. I am aware of it and note it, and must convince myself logically against such suggestions or influences.
In addition to the obvious, a renewed experiment which was terminated when I was in my late teens and early twenty's re-emerged. That of the pairing off and bonding with someone. My wolfbrother was such an individual in which they thought by providing a modified individual whom I would bond with and was modified, it would make me more receptive to influence.
Unrealized ScenariosMy difficulty as a subject has also shown them some surprising data as well. By modifying the and re-mapping neural pathways, there have been unforeseen consequences. The ability to hear them more clearly, feedback, ability to detect with sight (as far as sensitivity to UV spectrum), and I think to do some of the stuff they do in too a limited degree.
We do know since WWII both the former USSR and the USA have had private and government operations look into the fringe science for advantageous individuals with latent psychic talents. Many sought to discover and use such talents as Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Telekinetic, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Precognitive, and other extrasensory abilities. As our technologies have adapted there are example that we have a rudimentary understanding of how all this works. Currently we have the ability to now operate a computer with our thoughts!
GMO, "Genetically Modified Organism"I am an experiment, a generational one that has been engineered as far back as my great-grandparents. I know on my mother side there is a history of twins in the family, and also we share some odd precognitive abilities. On this side, we have a large number of professionals who are academically inclined. On my fathers side I have Native American Indian Blood, and oddly enough both grandparents come from Sweetwater, Texas.
-Physical Complications: Mal-rotated Kidney, Fluctuating Metabolism, Dehydration Prone, Accelerated Filtration with Kidneys.
-Modifications: Accelerated Child Development, Emphatic Enhancements, Cognitive Enhancements, Behavioral Conditioning
I been selected as a candidate to be more "adaptive" to their native environment and using me to gauge if there is a biological mechanism of subservience to them and there hybrid or gene-manipulated experiments.
The early contact in my mother's womb was the first stage of manipulation, and my formative years was the rest. I was subjected to the behavior conditioning as well as the cognitive enhancements most abductees get.
I been through the test to show my ability at 3D and 4D spatial awareness, puzzle solving skills, using their technology, and basic assessment tests. The psychological tests I believed failed, as I DO NOT feel I am special. I do not know if it was due to religion, family instability, or them.... but I personal feel that I am not worthy of love and am defective. Although some may view this as a negative, it does have some advantages as it acts as a drive to work harder, be more compassionate, be detached, and less likely to be influenced by. Physically the changes done are most like to make my genetics compatible, allowing me to sire offspring and function in their native environment. The oddity with my kidney regulates my core body temperature, which burns hot and is a boon in cold. However I overheat, but am able to filter out foreign substances faster.
The changes to my synaptic pathways I think were for communication purposes.
Environmental Conditioning and CompatibilityAt least with them, their environment is different from that of earth. They have a preference from low illumination, there circadian cycle is different than hours, and the preferential temperature is cold. Over the course of my life I have been a little off...I am sensitive to illumination, preferring darkness or shade. My circadian rhythm is off....which I operate with little sleep with a preference to nocturnal environment, but I am active for a period of 48 hours.....then become sluggish. I prefer a cooler temperature.
Also exposure to their environment and physical proximity has allowed me to be more awake. I have an inclination due to this manipulation to my genetics, it makes me a good candidate as I am "functional". These traits and enhancements may be passable to any offspring as I have adapted.
SubservienceThis I learned through overhearing them. As noted in my experiences, it seems they paired me with another human test subjects that were also modified. They are classified as "starseeds". I think their genetic markers are manipulated to indicate some higher level of foreign DNA or pheromones that would make us more pliable. As mammals we do have a recessive and instinctual nature consider scent through body chemistry. Although most of don't consciously realize it we are influence by scents that can make us more agreeable.
With two of the individuals I know, there was this strong factor they pushed.
Seeing how compliant and helpful I could be, in both a rational and irrational way. Through there experiments, they have seen that some of it works. Although I have my free will, I can be easily manipulated in irrational ways. I am aware of it and note it, and must convince myself logically against such suggestions or influences.
In addition to the obvious, a renewed experiment which was terminated when I was in my late teens and early twenty's re-emerged. That of the pairing off and bonding with someone. My wolfbrother was such an individual in which they thought by providing a modified individual whom I would bond with and was modified, it would make me more receptive to influence.
Unrealized ScenariosMy difficulty as a subject has also shown them some surprising data as well. By modifying the and re-mapping neural pathways, there have been unforeseen consequences. The ability to hear them more clearly, feedback, ability to detect with sight (as far as sensitivity to UV spectrum), and I think to do some of the stuff they do in too a limited degree.
We do know since WWII both the former USSR and the USA have had private and government operations look into the fringe science for advantageous individuals with latent psychic talents. Many sought to discover and use such talents as Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Telekinetic, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Precognitive, and other extrasensory abilities. As our technologies have adapted there are example that we have a rudimentary understanding of how all this works. Currently we have the ability to now operate a computer with our thoughts!
Monday, May 7, 2018
Mars Apollo is at War
Date: May 7th 2018
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 4:15am-4:35am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:150am [Me])/2:00am [Aunt]/1:00am [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Pre-occupied with Tap Tap Fish (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Numb, Apathy, Hurtl (Me)/Scared (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Flash of Light on Ceiling, One standing in the room and disappearing before bed.
Odd occurrences after: Left side of body from head to toe, extremely cold less that the 64 degree temperature in the room. After an 1 hour and 30 min, still cold and tingly.
There is a lot on my mind, from issues with my Wolfbrother and his health to my financial well being, and my piling responsibilites. Add to that I do not want to sleep because of "them". Since my March I been on edge, and fortunately not too much major stuff since I am preoccupied with my wolfbrother. To unwnid I was playing Tap Tap fish for a bit laying on my bedding area. As I was laying doing about 30 minutes into the game I had a feeling someone was standing a few feet away watching me. I quickly glanced from the screen to the area, but since it was a transition from a lighted screen to darkness my eyes were not quick to adjust. I did see a medium sized grey "tannish" stand there and fade. Unlike the usual ones this one looked like a wrinkled naked emaciated old man with dark beady eyes, no nose or ears. I just ignored and played until 4:00am as that is when the daily reset in the game. I was going to press on, but I had the urge to turn off and sleep. I actually questioned why, and if I should since it was an outside thought and not my own. I got an empathic feeling of "he heard us". I flashed the phone quickly around the room to ease my conscious, nothing unsual. I figured I must be paranoid and that lack of sleep is causing me to be hypervigilant....but I do need to sleep. The AC was already on and I wa at a comfortable 64 degrees. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling and above me was a small silver pinpoint of light on the ceiling above my head. I got the phone and looked up, reflection or anything. Again I felt paranoid, but calmed my self down and tried to think good happy thoughts to sleep.
Note: The small pinpoints of light are another tell-tale sign. At first I been wondering if it was my vision. However they are consistant appearing in the same place within my room when an exerience happenes. I doubt it is a siezure, as it is always just a small pinpoint of light...
As I lay down, and get comfortable I can hear the familiar sound starting.
I was going to get up when I heard Mars Apollo asks, "So I wanna know your vulnerabilities and strengths Michael." I can see him clearly in my mind, the distraction of him makes me not focus on the sound. I respond "There is nothing I want from you, and what I want you are not able to give me". Mar Apollo states, "That was not what I asked. Do you know what you are?". I reply "Using him is flattering, but I am not dealing with you today. Leave me alone. Anyway I am having lunch and I will tell him". He responds, "Do not complicate matters further. You already see the string do you not?".
At this point I begin to feel pressure coming up my side from my knee along my hip and to my head. I was covered with my comforter from head to toe, but had an opening so I could see the wall. I opened my eyes as soon as the presure started going up my body as a grey was grawling on me. Fear gripped me momentarilly as I realize this was a physical thing again in real-time. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall, and was trying to see if there was any shadows. I could make out to anamoulous shapes one on top of me and another standing where my hips were. I could faintly pick up "How is it resisting. He shoudl be under. Continuing asking it questions." At this point I am awake an unable to move. I begin to hyperventalate trying to get myself to move. The one atop of me is irritated and pushes me a bit as if gesturing "none of that". As I stare at the wall the distance between me and it begin to distort, there is an additional 3 feet.... the being atop of me is trying to move me into this new space. I can see tiny whisps of shadow in this area moving about like floating ash. As my head is being nudged in, there is some sort of field.
Itnumbs me for a second ad feels cold. I do not like the feeling of it as my synapse in my brain are firing all at once and I can hear more of them. My left hand shoots out and I put it into the field as if to push myself back.
There is nothing to grab onto, and my hand feels the same numbing and tingling cold. The one on top again orders me, "Stop that", inquires to the other behind him, "He's not supposed to be doing this. What do I do?" The other one comes closer and tries to push my head forward. I let out a howl, and gnash my teeth. The one behind me jumps back and in a flash "pops" out. The last things he said was "Just get him in". Since I howled and starting struggling even more, I beging to cry out and yell. I start calling for my "Wolfbrother".
The one atop is irritated and tries again using Mars Apollo, "I can tell what I can offer, but you must do as I say." I pick up that with my yelling to for my Wolfbrother, he figured I would trade in. I began to act more feral....gnashing my teeth and wiggling, rolling my eyes back. The warped distane between me and the walled began to normalize. At that point I started to kick and flail hitting the wall. It rolled off.
For a few moments I was still unable to move. However flaing around I found my rod. It wasn't supposed to be there and this one was a bamboo cane. I flailed it around and got the sheet off. Things felt off and I don't think I am actually in my room. I could sense they are still around so I head to see if my aunt is okay. As I open the door one was there monitoring the situation and tried to turn invisible. I grabbed it by the neck. There was another in the kitchen bu faded out. The one I had by the neck was invisible and had that weird numb cold feeling. I head to my aunts rooms to see if she was okay. No one was there. At that point the being managed to touch my head and I was back in my room. I was on my left side and quickly noted the time. It was approxiamte 20 minutes.....the entre event was in real time. The only odd thing to note was the left side of my body was numb and cold, meaning it was less than 64 degrees. It is still not warm...and its been over an hour.
I also had my mouth open, as I was trying to scream and yell.
I did go and check my aunt afterward and did a sweep of the house. Things were okay. She knocked out at the same time I did, and noted that before there was a pressence and some weird sounds around 4:00am. She also heard my yell and scream, hit and kick the wall. That woke her out of trance like state, then she closed her eyes and just prayed...and tried to fall asleep. Convincing herself she was just having a bad dream. She heard me!!!
I think this is a direct response to Woldbrother and Mars Apollo. Wolfbrother get the same chills when they have close communication, I witnessed it a couple of times and head "He can see us can't he?" when they are instructing wolfbrother.
I have concerns now Mars Apollo is a set up in the sense he is like Dominic. They are trying to pair me away from my wolfbrother.
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 4:15am-4:35am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:150am [Me])/2:00am [Aunt]/1:00am [Guest]
State of Mind Before: Overwhelmed, Pre-occupied with Tap Tap Fish (Me)/N/A (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
State of Mind After: Numb, Apathy, Hurtl (Me)/Scared (Aunt)/N/A (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother, Insomnia, Flash of Light on Ceiling, One standing in the room and disappearing before bed.
Odd occurrences after: Left side of body from head to toe, extremely cold less that the 64 degree temperature in the room. After an 1 hour and 30 min, still cold and tingly.
There is a lot on my mind, from issues with my Wolfbrother and his health to my financial well being, and my piling responsibilites. Add to that I do not want to sleep because of "them". Since my March I been on edge, and fortunately not too much major stuff since I am preoccupied with my wolfbrother. To unwnid I was playing Tap Tap fish for a bit laying on my bedding area. As I was laying doing about 30 minutes into the game I had a feeling someone was standing a few feet away watching me. I quickly glanced from the screen to the area, but since it was a transition from a lighted screen to darkness my eyes were not quick to adjust. I did see a medium sized grey "tannish" stand there and fade. Unlike the usual ones this one looked like a wrinkled naked emaciated old man with dark beady eyes, no nose or ears. I just ignored and played until 4:00am as that is when the daily reset in the game. I was going to press on, but I had the urge to turn off and sleep. I actually questioned why, and if I should since it was an outside thought and not my own. I got an empathic feeling of "he heard us". I flashed the phone quickly around the room to ease my conscious, nothing unsual. I figured I must be paranoid and that lack of sleep is causing me to be hypervigilant....but I do need to sleep. The AC was already on and I wa at a comfortable 64 degrees. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling and above me was a small silver pinpoint of light on the ceiling above my head. I got the phone and looked up, reflection or anything. Again I felt paranoid, but calmed my self down and tried to think good happy thoughts to sleep.
Note: The small pinpoints of light are another tell-tale sign. At first I been wondering if it was my vision. However they are consistant appearing in the same place within my room when an exerience happenes. I doubt it is a siezure, as it is always just a small pinpoint of light...
As I lay down, and get comfortable I can hear the familiar sound starting.
I was going to get up when I heard Mars Apollo asks, "So I wanna know your vulnerabilities and strengths Michael." I can see him clearly in my mind, the distraction of him makes me not focus on the sound. I respond "There is nothing I want from you, and what I want you are not able to give me". Mar Apollo states, "That was not what I asked. Do you know what you are?". I reply "Using him is flattering, but I am not dealing with you today. Leave me alone. Anyway I am having lunch and I will tell him". He responds, "Do not complicate matters further. You already see the string do you not?".
At this point I begin to feel pressure coming up my side from my knee along my hip and to my head. I was covered with my comforter from head to toe, but had an opening so I could see the wall. I opened my eyes as soon as the presure started going up my body as a grey was grawling on me. Fear gripped me momentarilly as I realize this was a physical thing again in real-time. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall, and was trying to see if there was any shadows. I could make out to anamoulous shapes one on top of me and another standing where my hips were. I could faintly pick up "How is it resisting. He shoudl be under. Continuing asking it questions." At this point I am awake an unable to move. I begin to hyperventalate trying to get myself to move. The one atop of me is irritated and pushes me a bit as if gesturing "none of that". As I stare at the wall the distance between me and it begin to distort, there is an additional 3 feet.... the being atop of me is trying to move me into this new space. I can see tiny whisps of shadow in this area moving about like floating ash. As my head is being nudged in, there is some sort of field.
Itnumbs me for a second ad feels cold. I do not like the feeling of it as my synapse in my brain are firing all at once and I can hear more of them. My left hand shoots out and I put it into the field as if to push myself back.
There is nothing to grab onto, and my hand feels the same numbing and tingling cold. The one on top again orders me, "Stop that", inquires to the other behind him, "He's not supposed to be doing this. What do I do?" The other one comes closer and tries to push my head forward. I let out a howl, and gnash my teeth. The one behind me jumps back and in a flash "pops" out. The last things he said was "Just get him in". Since I howled and starting struggling even more, I beging to cry out and yell. I start calling for my "Wolfbrother".
The one atop is irritated and tries again using Mars Apollo, "I can tell what I can offer, but you must do as I say." I pick up that with my yelling to for my Wolfbrother, he figured I would trade in. I began to act more feral....gnashing my teeth and wiggling, rolling my eyes back. The warped distane between me and the walled began to normalize. At that point I started to kick and flail hitting the wall. It rolled off.
For a few moments I was still unable to move. However flaing around I found my rod. It wasn't supposed to be there and this one was a bamboo cane. I flailed it around and got the sheet off. Things felt off and I don't think I am actually in my room. I could sense they are still around so I head to see if my aunt is okay. As I open the door one was there monitoring the situation and tried to turn invisible. I grabbed it by the neck. There was another in the kitchen bu faded out. The one I had by the neck was invisible and had that weird numb cold feeling. I head to my aunts rooms to see if she was okay. No one was there. At that point the being managed to touch my head and I was back in my room. I was on my left side and quickly noted the time. It was approxiamte 20 minutes.....the entre event was in real time. The only odd thing to note was the left side of my body was numb and cold, meaning it was less than 64 degrees. It is still not warm...and its been over an hour.
I also had my mouth open, as I was trying to scream and yell.
I did go and check my aunt afterward and did a sweep of the house. Things were okay. She knocked out at the same time I did, and noted that before there was a pressence and some weird sounds around 4:00am. She also heard my yell and scream, hit and kick the wall. That woke her out of trance like state, then she closed her eyes and just prayed...and tried to fall asleep. Convincing herself she was just having a bad dream. She heard me!!!
I think this is a direct response to Woldbrother and Mars Apollo. Wolfbrother get the same chills when they have close communication, I witnessed it a couple of times and head "He can see us can't he?" when they are instructing wolfbrother.
I have concerns now Mars Apollo is a set up in the sense he is like Dominic. They are trying to pair me away from my wolfbrother.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Movies: The Graciefield Incident
This film was originally made sometime in 2015, and its is about a weekend getaway with some friends in Canada. It centers are Matt and his girlfriend, as a year previously they were in an auto accident in which he lost an eye and their unborn child. They all (Mathew. John, Trey, Jessica, Julia, Liz, and the Mathew's dog) go for a weekend trip to Graciefield, a heavily forested area in Quebec, Canada. Mathew's boss has a private cabin in the woods, and he is a big foot enthusiast. The only nearby neighbor is a farm who grows....corn.
As they leave a news story talks about how a satellite in orbit was in a collision with an unknown object.
A few hours after they had settled in to the cabin, had dinner, had some fun, relaxed..... a shooting start or meteorite flies by. The guys are excited and want to see what it is so they head off into the wood. Mathew and John locate the odd rock, and as the girls come looking for them head back after some creepy stuff right away. Mathew's dog goes missing...and he is worried.
Now to make a long story short, people begin disappearing one by one as a being is stalking them. Mathew and John realize what is really going on but do not want to scare the women. Eventually things come out when Trey goes missing, then his girlfriend, soon John and his girlfriend, and lastly Matthew's girlfriend. By this time Matthew figures stuff out and realizes the rock he found is actually a container for an egg or something. When he finally offers it back to the found out it contained its young inside. The alien leaves and returns his friends and dog back....they are all naked.... and conveniently within minutes the Canadian search and rescue team arrive. Flash forward a year later, Mathew and his girlfriend have a child.
Now people may wonder why this movie finally came out to DVD around 2017. Supposedly it was because of DVD distribution issues. To complicate matters there was an other movie produced around the same time called "Extraterrestrial" that had a very similar plot except the alien baby...and their was a government cover-up. It had some very good concepts in it, but personally I didn't not like the movie.... the whole "baby alien" and the aliens trying to get the pod back made no sense. Literally the alien was in the vicinity of the pod when they found it, although it possessed an made no attempt to tell anyone "DUDE you have MY BABY. Give it back". was hours ago....and you mean that little pod was floating in orbit.....and no one noticed it was missing for hours? When it does crash on earth, you find it right away but do nothing becuase a human has a flash light? Things didn't not progress on a logical scale for me.
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