Date: Dec. 21, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00 AM - 5:00 PA
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12pm
State of Mind Before: Sad,Depress
State of Mind After: Tired (Me), Aunt (scared).
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression
Last night was odd. I have been very exhausted lately, stress at work and the usual holiday deep depression. My aunt likewise is still suffering from the loss of our pet.
Last night I awoke sometime early in the morning wide awake as if I was dropped off.
It was like a was place into bed left uncovered and there I was awake. I initially thought I just uncovered myself and woke up, but I felt something was amiss as it seemed out of place and went back to sleep. I honestly feel apathetic.
This evening my aunt asked me if I was up around 3am. She claims that she heard footsteps in our kitchen. Not just a pair, but more as if someone(s) were looking around. Her door wa closed, and she heard movement outside in the hallway. She was frightened, but stayed quiet since nothing came.
Not much to report, but it seems to have quieted down.
My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Past Three Weeks.....
I am back from mourning. Sadly though several strange events have occured of the past three weeks.
Date: Nov, 11, 2010
Type: Missing Time/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Sad,Depress
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me), Aunt (scared, dazed, shock).
Odd occurrences before: Shadows, Noises.
Odd occurrences after: Shadows.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression
Initially I discounted this first event as it was a traumatic week for both me and my aunt. However, due to following events I am putting this down as an event. Although the possible influential factors are high here.... the level of panic and general incoherency I found my aunt in was quite bizarre.
After I left for work, she cleaned her room as usual just tidying up and cleaning the bathroom. Sometime around 10:00 am she doe not remember anything. She wakes up/comes to around 5:30 pm. She panics and call me, I was on my way home from work. She was in a general state of panic... unsure what time it was. She ask where did I go and I have to go to work. She thought it was the morning, when I told her the correct time and I had been at work... she started "oh my god... they where here... they came... and they were here... where are you... come home quick". When I arrived she was still in a state of confusion. She sort of rembered calling me. I asked if she was okay... she kept on going... "where did you go?", "no it's morning wait...", "they were here", "I don't remember its hazy". I did not mention what she said other than she called me. She looked genuinely traumatized and dazed. I just listened to here and gave her dinner, thinking it was initially from the stress we went through.
Date: Nov, 24, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00 AM - 5:30 AM
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00 AM
State of Mind Before: Sad,Depress
State of Mind After: Perplexed, Nervous (Me), Scared.
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression, Holiday
This one happened to me. I went to sleep, and as many of you know... the Traditional Holidays are not very happy times for me. I feel even more isolated an alone as these holiday make me feel even more alone since I have no one or family to spend it with...the good cheer shown and forced by other just gives me raw and numbing feeling.
That night I feel asleep...nothing unsual. However around an hour later I woke up instantlyas if "danger". I didn't panic but was just wide awake with the thought of "What the?!". A few moments later I was suddenly paralyzed.... (I was able to move prior and then I couldn't). I was annoyed and confused, then I noticed my senses going numb..sound became muffled and I was numb in several area of my body. I then noticed a soft intense white light from behind the bed curtains, for something pulled them back just a bit. I blacked out before I could re-act further. I then was in another position, the curtain had been fully drawn and I saw it was 4:50 AM.
I was still paralyzed but I know i was uncovered. I had a headache and closed my eyes. Then again I was wide awake, the curtain was drawn as usual, I remember exactly what happened... was scared.. waited several minutes and finally withdrew the curtain. Noted it was 5:30 AM. I felt very sleepy and went back to bed.
Later I woke up and went to work.. but I was nervous.
Date: Nov, 29, 2010
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind After: Depressed, Nervous (Aunt), Scared.
State of Mind After: Depressed, Nervous (Aunt), Scared.
Odd occurrences before: Shadows.
Odd occurrences after: Shadows.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression, Weather, Holiday
I received a call from my aunt during work. She indicated that the phone had been ringing during the day for some 30 minutes. She was scarred to pick it up becuase she would see shadows prior to the phone ringing. What prompted here to call me this time, was that she had the phone with her... the phone did ring for 30 minutes earlier during the day... but what freaked here out was the blind opening and closing on there own. It has been windy and cold, so it possible that the wind did this... however, she indicated that the blind opened and closed... not just moved.
Date: Dec, 1, 2010
Type: Unknown/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:30 AM
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:00 AM
State of Mind After: Depressed, Nervous (Aunt), Scared.
State of Mind After: Depressed, Nervous (Aunt), Scared.
Odd occurrences before: Event above.
Odd occurrences after: Event above, Feeling Physical sick and drained.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression, Weather, Holiday, Physically Sick/Exhausted?
Before bed I take a shower. During the shower...I heard my bedroom door being bumped. It was not windy... and the thump was lout as if someone tried to open the door (it was barred). I first thought it was my aunt in her room, but then I realized I put her to bed. I became nervous but finished my shower... and then inspected my room and windows looking for another source of the noise.
All night I slept fitfully not really sleeping... just tossing and turning for no reason. I just remember flipping over from my side to my back to my side to my stomach to my side and my back several times. I am usually a very sound sleeper.
When I awoke this morning I felt sick and exhausted to the point where I did not go to work. I been nervous the whole day... and have had trouble eating.
Although I do not recall any weirdness, the only thing was odd was the sequential and methodical tossing and turning. I was like in each position for a certain amount of time. I think I was in my be becuase I felt the covers around me and my pillow... but am unsure. Just remember it was dark and I was so very tired.
Date: Nov, 11, 2010
Type: Missing Time/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Sad,Depress
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me), Aunt (scared, dazed, shock).
Odd occurrences before: Shadows, Noises.
Odd occurrences after: Shadows.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression
Initially I discounted this first event as it was a traumatic week for both me and my aunt. However, due to following events I am putting this down as an event. Although the possible influential factors are high here.... the level of panic and general incoherency I found my aunt in was quite bizarre.
After I left for work, she cleaned her room as usual just tidying up and cleaning the bathroom. Sometime around 10:00 am she doe not remember anything. She wakes up/comes to around 5:30 pm. She panics and call me, I was on my way home from work. She was in a general state of panic... unsure what time it was. She ask where did I go and I have to go to work. She thought it was the morning, when I told her the correct time and I had been at work... she started "oh my god... they where here... they came... and they were here... where are you... come home quick". When I arrived she was still in a state of confusion. She sort of rembered calling me. I asked if she was okay... she kept on going... "where did you go?", "no it's morning wait...", "they were here", "I don't remember its hazy". I did not mention what she said other than she called me. She looked genuinely traumatized and dazed. I just listened to here and gave her dinner, thinking it was initially from the stress we went through.
Date: Nov, 24, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00 AM - 5:30 AM
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00 AM
State of Mind Before: Sad,Depress
State of Mind After: Perplexed, Nervous (Me), Scared.
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression, Holiday
This one happened to me. I went to sleep, and as many of you know... the Traditional Holidays are not very happy times for me. I feel even more isolated an alone as these holiday make me feel even more alone since I have no one or family to spend it with...the good cheer shown and forced by other just gives me raw and numbing feeling.
That night I feel asleep...nothing unsual. However around an hour later I woke up instantlyas if "danger". I didn't panic but was just wide awake with the thought of "What the?!". A few moments later I was suddenly paralyzed.... (I was able to move prior and then I couldn't). I was annoyed and confused, then I noticed my senses going numb..sound became muffled and I was numb in several area of my body. I then noticed a soft intense white light from behind the bed curtains, for something pulled them back just a bit. I blacked out before I could re-act further. I then was in another position, the curtain had been fully drawn and I saw it was 4:50 AM.
I was still paralyzed but I know i was uncovered. I had a headache and closed my eyes. Then again I was wide awake, the curtain was drawn as usual, I remember exactly what happened... was scared.. waited several minutes and finally withdrew the curtain. Noted it was 5:30 AM. I felt very sleepy and went back to bed.
Later I woke up and went to work.. but I was nervous.
Date: Nov, 29, 2010
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind After: Depressed, Nervous (Aunt), Scared.
State of Mind After: Depressed, Nervous (Aunt), Scared.
Odd occurrences before: Shadows.
Odd occurrences after: Shadows.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression, Weather, Holiday
I received a call from my aunt during work. She indicated that the phone had been ringing during the day for some 30 minutes. She was scarred to pick it up becuase she would see shadows prior to the phone ringing. What prompted here to call me this time, was that she had the phone with her... the phone did ring for 30 minutes earlier during the day... but what freaked here out was the blind opening and closing on there own. It has been windy and cold, so it possible that the wind did this... however, she indicated that the blind opened and closed... not just moved.
Date: Dec, 1, 2010
Type: Unknown/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:30 AM
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:00 AM
State of Mind After: Depressed, Nervous (Aunt), Scared.
State of Mind After: Depressed, Nervous (Aunt), Scared.
Odd occurrences before: Event above.
Odd occurrences after: Event above, Feeling Physical sick and drained.
Possible Influential Factors: Death of Patrick, Depression, Weather, Holiday, Physically Sick/Exhausted?
Before bed I take a shower. During the shower...I heard my bedroom door being bumped. It was not windy... and the thump was lout as if someone tried to open the door (it was barred). I first thought it was my aunt in her room, but then I realized I put her to bed. I became nervous but finished my shower... and then inspected my room and windows looking for another source of the noise.
All night I slept fitfully not really sleeping... just tossing and turning for no reason. I just remember flipping over from my side to my back to my side to my stomach to my side and my back several times. I am usually a very sound sleeper.
When I awoke this morning I felt sick and exhausted to the point where I did not go to work. I been nervous the whole day... and have had trouble eating.
Although I do not recall any weirdness, the only thing was odd was the sequential and methodical tossing and turning. I was like in each position for a certain amount of time. I think I was in my be becuase I felt the covers around me and my pillow... but am unsure. Just remember it was dark and I was so very tired.
Monday, November 8, 2010
An Hiatus: Death of a Loved One
I am sorry to report that this blog will be on hiatus for a while. A very very good friends of six years has passed. You can read more at for more details.
In memory of Patrick Berringer, Aug 2004- Nov 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Angels... Aliens... and Demons
Aliens and Demons.... as some of you know there are individuals which point out that in fact that aliens are demons. That what we are experiencing now is the "modern demon". First of all this subject is both right and wrong in its assumption. First off I will tell you why it is partially right.... the word demon is Greek in origin. It true meaning, and the correct usage of the word, means a non-human spiritual entity. Most eastern religion recognize this definition of the words, as demon is a just a general term to describe something that is not human. Example... Angels, Leprechauns, Kistune, Fey, etc. are all demons since they were never human in the first place. So yes... since they are not human in origin... they can be considered demons... but only if they are truly spiritual beings.
Now why this is wrong... I believe most people associating demons with aliens are making reference to the Judeo-Christian usage. In this instance, they are saying that aliens are in league with Satan. The correct word usage for that would be devils... fallen angels and the court and thralls of Satan are devils, and not demons. Further regardless of whether or not these entities are spiritual... they are more likely to extra-terrestrial or inter-dimensional. There connection to a spiritual concept or similarity to certain perceived powers of devil/demons is purely coincidental. After all ancient people would view or technology as magic?
So would would people think aliens are demons? The variety of aliens that most abductee talk about are terrifying. They range from reptilian like beings to androgynous human like creatures with the black eyes. Further more, there technology mimics what some people would call unearthly powers such as possession (mind-link through implants), hypnotic suggestions, illusion, mind alteration, miraculous cures, telepathy, ability to stop time, ability to levitate, ability to phase, ability to teleport, ability to paralyze, etc. For those of us they don't go into the scientific nuances of this it is easier to think of it as magic, and the power of god/divine being will save you. Mentally it is easier to deal with. After all when it is hard science... it is harder to grasp.
Also certain cultures have defied them in the past, Native American, ancient Chaldeans, possibly the Egyptians, Hindi, and other groups as well... so since its Pagan... it is demonic. What I find scary some go as far to say that these beings are Angelic beings in the service of God.
In conclusion, there is a huge universe out there. The probability of other lifeforms is extremely high by itself. When you include the fact that there are other dimensions and realities, and time is not linear in itself... well everything become possible.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Odd Ocuurance/Dream
Date: October 26, 2010
Type: Dream/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:30am and 7pm-12pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12AM and 7pm
State of Mind Before: Melancholy (YLOD error for my PS3)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me), Aunt (scared).
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: My Dream.
Possible Influential Factors: Sadness over Data Loss and PS3???
Well this will be in chronological order. I had my dream first (7pm-12pm), then I awoke to put my aunt to bed. That is when she told me about last night.......
So last night I put my aunt to bed around 11:45 pm. I was distraught because my PS3 got a fatal error.
I went to sleep sad. Never said anything to her. She says that around 330am she though she saw "me" come into the room to check on her. Yet she wasn't sure if it was me, becuase she recalls something "blue"coming in and then out. Whatever it was it happened to walk over the small fence at the door. Patrick was asleep on the bed when this happened. She was scared and watched TV until dawn. She did not mention this event when I saw her in the morning.
Late after I cam home from work. I fed her and went to sleep (still upset about my PS3). I had a very odd dream in which involved my reliving events with my family. During the dream my aunt suddenly told me "Have you heard from Hector? They have taken him too. They want me to come with them. They want me to go as they did with hector and you mom. Don't let them take me". That is when I woke up. Now I was puzzled by this and I will mention why. After I woke up I went to see me aunt and put her to bed....this is when she told me about the "Blue" thing last night.....
Now the reason why I am puzzled by this is two reasons:
1) I had a dream in which my aunt was referring to "then" again. When I next speak to her she tell me of another encounter.
2) My Aunt and Mother's cousin, Hector used to stay here in this house for a bit during his youth. One time he tried to run away. He grew up to be a professor at a major college, and was a very spiritual man who delved into many philosophies until coming back to Christianity. I am wondering if there was an event that had happened that my aunt recalls when she was younger involving our cousin? Unfortunately the extended family is unable to be contacted to question. Also why would I get a dream about a past event? I do not like going on hunches. I won't press on this, but just noting.
Type: Dream/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:30am and 7pm-12pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12AM and 7pm
State of Mind Before: Melancholy (YLOD error for my PS3)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me), Aunt (scared).
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: My Dream.
Possible Influential Factors: Sadness over Data Loss and PS3???
Well this will be in chronological order. I had my dream first (7pm-12pm), then I awoke to put my aunt to bed. That is when she told me about last night.......
So last night I put my aunt to bed around 11:45 pm. I was distraught because my PS3 got a fatal error.
I went to sleep sad. Never said anything to her. She says that around 330am she though she saw "me" come into the room to check on her. Yet she wasn't sure if it was me, becuase she recalls something "blue"coming in and then out. Whatever it was it happened to walk over the small fence at the door. Patrick was asleep on the bed when this happened. She was scared and watched TV until dawn. She did not mention this event when I saw her in the morning.
Late after I cam home from work. I fed her and went to sleep (still upset about my PS3). I had a very odd dream in which involved my reliving events with my family. During the dream my aunt suddenly told me "Have you heard from Hector? They have taken him too. They want me to come with them. They want me to go as they did with hector and you mom. Don't let them take me". That is when I woke up. Now I was puzzled by this and I will mention why. After I woke up I went to see me aunt and put her to bed....this is when she told me about the "Blue" thing last night.....
Now the reason why I am puzzled by this is two reasons:
1) I had a dream in which my aunt was referring to "then" again. When I next speak to her she tell me of another encounter.
2) My Aunt and Mother's cousin, Hector used to stay here in this house for a bit during his youth. One time he tried to run away. He grew up to be a professor at a major college, and was a very spiritual man who delved into many philosophies until coming back to Christianity. I am wondering if there was an event that had happened that my aunt recalls when she was younger involving our cousin? Unfortunately the extended family is unable to be contacted to question. Also why would I get a dream about a past event? I do not like going on hunches. I won't press on this, but just noting.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Odd Occurance
Date: October 22, 2010
Type: Dream/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 3:45 to 5:00 am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2AM, 3AM, 4am, 5am
State of Mind Before: Unable to sleep (no reason)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: , Overcast weather and drizzly, helicopter at 330am for 5-min, several bumping in hallway and outside.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Last night was very odd. I had trouble sleeping and lay in my bed trying to go to sleep. Most of the time I was just waiting and waiting to fall asleep. I was mostly going over WoW things I need to do as well as thinking about my Blog schedule for the other two sites. Also was thinking about upcoming things I would like to go, and just some passing "melancholy" personal thoughts.
As mentioned a helicopter was again in the area around 330am and hovered around the area for 5 min. Again it just sounded as it appeared and disappeared, no fading in or out just like the previous night.
When it betweeb345am to 400am, there was several "bumps" outside and then in the hallway. That is when I became scared and kept think "no. no no. no. Get out. no. no. no. no."
I do know that between 4am and 5am I did "fall asleep", as I had an odd dream. In the dream, which Iis why I am siting this one, I was in my bed at night and seemed to be in a state of sleep paralysis. At first I thought it was rather odd, since I thought I was awake since I had trouble sleeping. I did not realize I was "paralyzed" until I attempted to move. Oddly I felt more perplexed than panic. I attempted to move but I was having trouble and only managed to wiggle my toes and slightly move my hand. I could move my eyebrows and blink. I did my usual routine to snap out of it by moving these areas more and attempting to breathe hard. It was when i started this I was pulled toward the edge of the bed. This is when I panic. An unknown force pulled me toward the edge of the bed. I was moved being slid to the side, however (luckily) I became obstructed in my sheet that I added as a curtain. It attempted to pull me out several times, but finally realized I was entangled. It pushed me back to my original position. I blacked out, and then woke up around 5am. I remembered the event fully and was puzzled. I double checked with my aunt, and she does verify the helicopter agains and odd sounds in the hallway and outside.
Type: Dream/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 3:45 to 5:00 am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2AM, 3AM, 4am, 5am
State of Mind Before: Unable to sleep (no reason)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: , Overcast weather and drizzly, helicopter at 330am for 5-min, several bumping in hallway and outside.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Last night was very odd. I had trouble sleeping and lay in my bed trying to go to sleep. Most of the time I was just waiting and waiting to fall asleep. I was mostly going over WoW things I need to do as well as thinking about my Blog schedule for the other two sites. Also was thinking about upcoming things I would like to go, and just some passing "melancholy" personal thoughts.
As mentioned a helicopter was again in the area around 330am and hovered around the area for 5 min. Again it just sounded as it appeared and disappeared, no fading in or out just like the previous night.
When it betweeb345am to 400am, there was several "bumps" outside and then in the hallway. That is when I became scared and kept think "no. no no. no. Get out. no. no. no. no."
I do know that between 4am and 5am I did "fall asleep", as I had an odd dream. In the dream, which Iis why I am siting this one, I was in my bed at night and seemed to be in a state of sleep paralysis. At first I thought it was rather odd, since I thought I was awake since I had trouble sleeping. I did not realize I was "paralyzed" until I attempted to move. Oddly I felt more perplexed than panic. I attempted to move but I was having trouble and only managed to wiggle my toes and slightly move my hand. I could move my eyebrows and blink. I did my usual routine to snap out of it by moving these areas more and attempting to breathe hard. It was when i started this I was pulled toward the edge of the bed. This is when I panic. An unknown force pulled me toward the edge of the bed. I was moved being slid to the side, however (luckily) I became obstructed in my sheet that I added as a curtain. It attempted to pull me out several times, but finally realized I was entangled. It pushed me back to my original position. I blacked out, and then woke up around 5am. I remembered the event fully and was puzzled. I double checked with my aunt, and she does verify the helicopter agains and odd sounds in the hallway and outside.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Date: October 21, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:00 am to 4:15am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1 am.
State of Mind Before: Apathetic
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
This morning I was awaken by the sound of a heavy helicopter. At first I thought there was an accident nearby the freeway as the noise was very loud. After a minute or tow it suddenly faded, to fast for a copter to travel as it take a couple of seconds to fade in the distance. One the copter noise stopped... there was an eerie hum for the next several minutes. Since the hum was rather low and sounded a distance away from the house I went back to sleep... figuring "they" were bothering the other person in the neighborhood.
Seems my aunt also heard the exact same thing as well.... both the copter noise and the hum. She reported else nothing unusual.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
First Contact::Witness, Abductee, Contactee, or Experiencee
Well as you know individuals who encounter extraterrestrials fall into one of four major categories. Some claim that these are also stages in which encounters evolve..... from Witness to Abductee to Contactee to Experiencee. I would say some people can have more than one category, and certain individuals have had their designation changed from one category to the next, but I would argue against the case that this is a progression. So what are these categories???
Witness: An individual in this category is a CE-3. They encounter an extraterrestrial. This encounter can be as simple as a sighting of a UFO and its occupants or being an eye witness to an abduction\contact. Such examples of witness are family members\associates of an abductee who witness the effects of the abduction taking place (strange lights, paralyzed, odd sounds, seeing the beings, etc.) or an individual who sees a being in an area or in/around there home.
Abductee: An individual who encounters an extraterrestrial and is taken by force or against their will. This is a CE-4. These events can be singular event or ongoing process. The individual is examined, probed, tested, or tagged in some manner. These experiences are usually traumatic, and can be life changing. At this category the contact is unwanted and cause problems for the victim.
Contactee: Unlike an abductee, these individuals have an open dialogue of some manner with an extraterrestrial. This can stem from a willingness to be experimented upon, encounter an extraterrestrial, or become involved on some sort of relationship (physical/platonic). Majority of contactees feel that these are benign encounters.
Experiencee: These individuals seem to be a combination of both the abductee and the contactee. In any event they actively work with the extraterrestrials and fully cooperate with their experiments. They will be engaging and interactive in order to take some control over the situation.
So how do these categories affect those who experience an acounter with them? Well it gives you an idea of what is out there and how you can respond to the given situation.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Daylight UFO in NYC
Seems this October 13, 2010 a UFO was sighted in NY City. It appeared like a silvery white jellyfish.
Official sources have not confirmed what this was. So far people are guessing and so forth. Stanley Fulham, did predict a mass UFO sighting around 10/13/2010 in his bool "Challenges of Change: Book 1".
You can see an interview right here!
Official sources have not confirmed what this was. So far people are guessing and so forth. Stanley Fulham, did predict a mass UFO sighting around 10/13/2010 in his bool "Challenges of Change: Book 1".
You can see an interview right here!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Odd Dream
Odd Dream #XXX
Date: October 3, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 7:45 am to 6:00pm.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 7:45 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Exhausted, Dehydrated (Me)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: Sparkle of Light
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Blogging and Research
So an oddity for the past couple of days I have been dreaming. the majority of dreams have been about every single person I know. Mostly a review of the people I encountered in my life, how they are related to me and how they are on some level still attached. The saddest thing at the end of the dream I woke up angry... (my thought why won't you all just leave me alone, I want nothing to do with anything anymore and any of you). Now keep in mind it was rage, mostly becuase of the potential things that never occurred and the seemingly placement of individuals in my life as if planned.
What happened in my second dream was a also confusing. Again, another review of people I knew. This time I seemed to be on vacation since I was angry. Again, the scene was odd since everyone seemed to want me complacent and was worried about me. I felt something was out of place and kept looking around. I tried getting the people that were in my dream to get us home, and we needed to return. They gave every excuse why we shouldn't go home. I continued to press and press that we needed to go. Then I did something odd, I said "Computer. Arch" (STNG reference) and it seem I found a control center. When I stepped through the door, most of the "supporting cast" in my dream was in there and a guy in flannel with glasses seemed to be couching the people on what to do. They seemed to freeze in there tracks when I came in. The flannel guy seemed to pretend that it was a surprise party and he had to leave (it was a ruse). That is when I told it no, it turned around and looked at me with an intense feeling of annoyance since it was locked in place. It took of its glasses and revealed itself to be a grey. We starred and locked into eachother's eye for a few long minutes, during that time we were exchange like a thousand thoughts per second. I knew we had a heated exchange for it seemed annoyed at my ability to see through stuff and resist, which I got the impression that I shouldn't be able too. It ended with me building up into a rage in which I ended up (in the dream) biting it in the throat as if to consume it. What was odd is that it had a brittle shell and a bloody red pulp interior (kind like a pumpkin). It seemed to react in self preservation and fled.
The reminder of the dream then shifted back home. Los Angeles was inflames as a race war was under way.
Then I woke up.
When I found
Date: October 3, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 7:45 am to 6:00pm.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 7:45 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Exhausted, Dehydrated (Me)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: Sparkle of Light
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Blogging and Research
So an oddity for the past couple of days I have been dreaming. the majority of dreams have been about every single person I know. Mostly a review of the people I encountered in my life, how they are related to me and how they are on some level still attached. The saddest thing at the end of the dream I woke up angry... (my thought why won't you all just leave me alone, I want nothing to do with anything anymore and any of you). Now keep in mind it was rage, mostly becuase of the potential things that never occurred and the seemingly placement of individuals in my life as if planned.
What happened in my second dream was a also confusing. Again, another review of people I knew. This time I seemed to be on vacation since I was angry. Again, the scene was odd since everyone seemed to want me complacent and was worried about me. I felt something was out of place and kept looking around. I tried getting the people that were in my dream to get us home, and we needed to return. They gave every excuse why we shouldn't go home. I continued to press and press that we needed to go. Then I did something odd, I said "Computer. Arch" (STNG reference) and it seem I found a control center. When I stepped through the door, most of the "supporting cast" in my dream was in there and a guy in flannel with glasses seemed to be couching the people on what to do. They seemed to freeze in there tracks when I came in. The flannel guy seemed to pretend that it was a surprise party and he had to leave (it was a ruse). That is when I told it no, it turned around and looked at me with an intense feeling of annoyance since it was locked in place. It took of its glasses and revealed itself to be a grey. We starred and locked into eachother's eye for a few long minutes, during that time we were exchange like a thousand thoughts per second. I knew we had a heated exchange for it seemed annoyed at my ability to see through stuff and resist, which I got the impression that I shouldn't be able too. It ended with me building up into a rage in which I ended up (in the dream) biting it in the throat as if to consume it. What was odd is that it had a brittle shell and a bloody red pulp interior (kind like a pumpkin). It seemed to react in self preservation and fled.
The reminder of the dream then shifted back home. Los Angeles was inflames as a race war was under way.
Then I woke up.
When I found
Friday, October 1, 2010
Odd Dream
Odd Dream #XXX
Date: September 29, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 7:45 pm to 12:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 6:30 pm.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Exhausted, Dehydrated (Me)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: Flash of Light Around 5:15am.
Possible Influential Factors: Blogging and Research
Well originally I just dismissed this as an ordinary dream,and it inspired me to due some thinking on dehydration (yesterday's post). Usually I do not dream... and if I do they are more like memories, "the other place" (alternate reality), or with "them". The reason why I did not mention it is because the dream was only about 10 minutes long and made no sense rational sense as it played as an insignificant memory.
1) I walked to a bus stop that was nearby. However it was very dark and I could not see any surrounding. I just knew it was cold and dark. It was sort of like a post-modern stage production... a lighted area representing the bus stop... no sign... no bench... no nothing... even the floor wasn't not a floor just some abstract surface (Yes I was looking around in the dream since I am always trying to find visual references when I walk somewhere). The odd thing I was comfortable as if I had done this many a times (I hate buses with a passion and will no travel on them because of the people).
2) There was a group of people with me. I would say about a dozen or so just standing there waiting. Most seemed dazed and just waited. However I moved next to thing person I knew (I was very happy that he was there and felt safe, it was someone I had strong feelings for that is not in my life). Although I do not know who this was I knew him and he half remembers me, I only got out a smile from him and he reached out his hand and i grasped it.
3) Something arrived and we lined up in lines of rows and lines of four. I was in position number 15 as it appeared there was 16 of us. We sat on these porcelain like recliners that molded to you. It was still dark.
I looked over to my companion and he began to quietly cry and let go of my hand as soon as the recliners began to lay flat. No one could move. As soon as the UV lighting went on, that is when the people began to panic.
"No no not again", "You said you wouldn't come no more", "It is just a dream... wake up... wake up wake up....", "Help Me", "This isn't happening", "Stop. Please. just leave me alone", and various phrases where being yelled at from across the room. I myself just squinted, crying a bit, and remained silent. I knew what was happening and realized there was nothing I could do but remain in a faux semi-conscious state thinking "nonononononononononono" and blurry images of black and blue. What I could see and hear is that there were a number of beings all around us and something was down on a group level. Something told me "Open my eyes. No need to continue shutting us out. We can hear you". Then I blacked out.
That is when I woke up.
Date: September 29, 2010
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 7:45 pm to 12:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 6:30 pm.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Exhausted, Dehydrated (Me)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: Flash of Light Around 5:15am.
Possible Influential Factors: Blogging and Research
Well originally I just dismissed this as an ordinary dream,and it inspired me to due some thinking on dehydration (yesterday's post). Usually I do not dream... and if I do they are more like memories, "the other place" (alternate reality), or with "them". The reason why I did not mention it is because the dream was only about 10 minutes long and made no sense rational sense as it played as an insignificant memory.
1) I walked to a bus stop that was nearby. However it was very dark and I could not see any surrounding. I just knew it was cold and dark. It was sort of like a post-modern stage production... a lighted area representing the bus stop... no sign... no bench... no nothing... even the floor wasn't not a floor just some abstract surface (Yes I was looking around in the dream since I am always trying to find visual references when I walk somewhere). The odd thing I was comfortable as if I had done this many a times (I hate buses with a passion and will no travel on them because of the people).
2) There was a group of people with me. I would say about a dozen or so just standing there waiting. Most seemed dazed and just waited. However I moved next to thing person I knew (I was very happy that he was there and felt safe, it was someone I had strong feelings for that is not in my life). Although I do not know who this was I knew him and he half remembers me, I only got out a smile from him and he reached out his hand and i grasped it.
3) Something arrived and we lined up in lines of rows and lines of four. I was in position number 15 as it appeared there was 16 of us. We sat on these porcelain like recliners that molded to you. It was still dark.
I looked over to my companion and he began to quietly cry and let go of my hand as soon as the recliners began to lay flat. No one could move. As soon as the UV lighting went on, that is when the people began to panic.
![]() |
Kinda like this, but more not babies and no contraption! |
"No no not again", "You said you wouldn't come no more", "It is just a dream... wake up... wake up wake up....", "Help Me", "This isn't happening", "Stop. Please. just leave me alone", and various phrases where being yelled at from across the room. I myself just squinted, crying a bit, and remained silent. I knew what was happening and realized there was nothing I could do but remain in a faux semi-conscious state thinking "nonononononononononono" and blurry images of black and blue. What I could see and hear is that there were a number of beings all around us and something was down on a group level. Something told me "Open my eyes. No need to continue shutting us out. We can hear you". Then I blacked out.
That is when I woke up.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Waters of Life
As an individual who takes everything into account, I recently revisited a biological theory that may be used to explain the "psychosis" of abduction phenomena through a biological mechanism. Now again, I am only playing devil's advocate here because of two reasons 1) Abductees Report Dehydration and 2) Symptoms of Mild Dehydration. As an abductee, I know that what is happening to all of us is real and not cause by this biological mechanism.... after all how can complete unrelated strangers consistently have the same delusion?
Dehydration ranges in three various forms: hypotonic/hyponatremic (loss of electrolytes and sodium), hypertonic/hypernatremic (loss of water), and isotonic/isonatremic (loss of water and electrolytes). In humans, the most commonly seen type of dehydration by far is isonatraemic dehydration which effectively equates with hypovolemia. Dehydration really has something more to do with the amounts found in blood plasma and can effect the neurological system in some cases.
There are four levels of dehydration; mild, moderate, severe, and terminal. Each levels has a variety of symptoms and begins once 1% to 2% loss of water of the individuals body. So most people in general will usually experience mild dehydration from time to time. Once the body reaches 3% to 6%, moderate dehydration occurs, at 6% onwards severe dehydration occurs, and at 15% or greater it can be fatal.
Mild Dehydration Symptoms: thirst, decreased urine volume, abnormally dark urine, unexplained tiredness, irritability, lack of tears when crying, headache, dry mouth, dizziness when standing, visual snow, and in some cases can cause insomnia. Mild dehydration also has been shown to negatively impact people’s moods
Moderate/Severe Dehydration Symptoms: Some of the previous symptoms, there may be no urine output at all, lethargy or extreme sleepiness, seizures, fainting, sunken eyes, increased heart and respiration, body temperature may rise because of decreased sweating. At the 5% water loss, symptoms change to groggy or sleepy, headaches or nausea, a paresthesia (tingling limbs). At 10% muscles may become spastic, skin may shrivel and wrinkle (decreased skin turgor), vision may dim, urination will be greatly reduced and may become painful, and delirium may begin.
Now as with most things concerning people biology, all of are thresholds are different and we may experience more or less of these symptoms as indicated. Most intriguing is the symptoms of visual snow and delerium.
The aspect of visual snow is interesting becuase of the associated non-visual symptoms; tinnitus, depersonalization-derealization, fatigue, speech difficulties and cognitive dysfunction, anxiety, panic attacks or depression may develop. Abductee most commonly report tinnitus, a sensation of "ear ringing" prior to an experience. Also the after effects usually cause psychological behavoirs leading to be labled as depersonalization and derealization. Now delirium only occurs in certain situations with dehydration, but delirium does include hallucinations.
However, as stated early I am only describing the aspects associated with dehydration. This may possibly be a factor as many of the symptoms are experienced by abductees, who do in fact report some level of dehydration. However I am unable to answer this question, why and if are all the hallucination the same?
Is it possible as humans we do have some sort of genetic memory and lamarckism theory may have been right? Could these shared hallucination be a result of this?
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Movies: The 4th Kind
This movie is a dramatization about the Abduction experience (CE4). It is just a narrative about the phenomena taken in the context of a psychologist stumbling across some patients who share a unique experience in Nome, Alaska around the year 2000. Apparently a married team of psychologist had noted that several of their patients who suffered from sleep disorders had a common theme of night terrors associated with owls. The story takes off after the death of the husband of this team of psychologist, who believed his patients were being abducted by aliens. His wife, seemingly pick up the husbands findings as she too soon believes that an abduction experience is occurring within the town and herself. The film shows very little in the way of aliens and the abduction per say, but shows the real and traumatic experiences of the phenomena on human beings.
Please keep in mind this is just a dramatization. In order to build interest in the film, the advertising company and studio manufactured a believable and credible evidence that would support this infotainment that was "based" upon "actual events". Although as stated it brings the clealry illustrates the fear, anxiety, and stigma that abductees feel..... the story it self is a complete farce which has a secondary affect of hurting the credibility of many abductees.
First of all the events in the movie are fictitious, and even if you were to attempt to logically follow the movie there are several large loopholes of continuity and logic that do not make any sense (the circumstances and investigation of the death of the Dr. Abigail's husband by the local law enforcement.... many of you watch Law & Order and CSI.... you know what I mean) and the technical interference by the beings (video cameras and recordings are distorted, but a simple cassette recorder is not). Also the unprofessional behavior of and lack of responsibility the main characters such as the psychologists and the sheriff?
However, the movie does touch upon some of the beliefs that abductee's are familiar with. The way the entities enter the home, alter memories and perception, incapacitate witnesses, and somehow the interference with our methods of electronic surveillance. The film also make a leaps to connect the entities with the Annunaki of Summeria/Chaldea. Also the entities also do not care of evidence they leave behind and make no effort to cover up certain things. They are extremely aggressive and arrogant as well, going as far able to channel themselves through implants in abductees (such experiences often leave the individual paralyzed as it warps their body). The movie itself, I would say is a great Lovecraftian story more than anything.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Date: September 20, 2010, and September 22, 2010
Type: Unknown
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 1:45 am to 2:30 AM., and 5:00 AM
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30 AM., and 7:30 AM
State of Mind Before: WAT guest (same), Precoopied (Me)
State of Mind After: WAT guest (confused), Scared (Me, Aunt).
Odd occurrences before: Tapping Incident on 9/20/10, High pitched Hum at 2:30 and 3:30 AM on 9/22/10
Odd occurrences after: None 9/20/10, 15 minutes of missing time and cars taking off.
Possible Influential Factors: None
This one I do not know how to classify. It was not a ghost on both accounts. Early Monday morning, my guest was on the computer and I was playing a video game. Around 1:45 AM to 2:30 AM there was a distinctive tap on my window. My guest was well aware and asked me if I heard that too, which I did. I tried to debunk what it could be, bit there is nothing that would have tapped by window. This minor event occurred on 9/20/10.
Early Wednesday morning I was working on some writing projects. Throughout the night I heard the familiar high pitch sound twice. I ignored it and kept my focus on my writing. I rationalized... it is only my ears ringers and kept myself busy. I kept my thought focused on my project. Around 5:00 AM I had to use the restroom, I picked up some books and had them nearby (books can be a good weapon). After I had washed my hands I leaned back on my bathroom counter and read a page or two. Suddenly and very loudly, I heard a series of clicks and and what I can only describe as plastic being bent (but it sounded like some sort of vocalized pattern) The noise seem to have come from my room, less than 12 feet away. The sound lasted for some 3-4 secs. It freaked me out and did not move not knowing how to react. I heard my aunt moan and then had the courage to get out of the room armed and check on her. At that time I heard three cars taking off. When I got to the room she was awake and said she need help to get up. I looked at the clock and noticed it was later than it should have been, but thought nothing of it as I was on alert. She likewise said she heard a very loud and strange clicking sound. I asked her if she made any noise as if to call me, she said before I cam in she was having a bad dream about our relatives that had passed on.
That is when I determined that there was some bought of missing time. One it only took me a few minutes to wash up and read. 15-20 mins are unaccounted for. Plus I did hear here moan since I was in the restroom after the noise. She claims she heard the noise, she also claims she was asleep and moaned, but she was wide awake when I came into the room. Also the odd part is the three cars, no one in the neighborhood (at least three people ever leave at 5am to 530 am ) leaves at that time. Plus the cars just seemed to start, no doors opening or closing, no people walking, etc. The cars started and they drove off ??? This is very unusual and I am scarred.
Type: Unknown
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 1:45 am to 2:30 AM., and 5:00 AM
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30 AM., and 7:30 AM
State of Mind Before: WAT guest (same), Precoopied (Me)
State of Mind After: WAT guest (confused), Scared (Me, Aunt).
Odd occurrences before: Tapping Incident on 9/20/10, High pitched Hum at 2:30 and 3:30 AM on 9/22/10
Odd occurrences after: None 9/20/10, 15 minutes of missing time and cars taking off.
Possible Influential Factors: None
This one I do not know how to classify. It was not a ghost on both accounts. Early Monday morning, my guest was on the computer and I was playing a video game. Around 1:45 AM to 2:30 AM there was a distinctive tap on my window. My guest was well aware and asked me if I heard that too, which I did. I tried to debunk what it could be, bit there is nothing that would have tapped by window. This minor event occurred on 9/20/10.
Early Wednesday morning I was working on some writing projects. Throughout the night I heard the familiar high pitch sound twice. I ignored it and kept my focus on my writing. I rationalized... it is only my ears ringers and kept myself busy. I kept my thought focused on my project. Around 5:00 AM I had to use the restroom, I picked up some books and had them nearby (books can be a good weapon). After I had washed my hands I leaned back on my bathroom counter and read a page or two. Suddenly and very loudly, I heard a series of clicks and and what I can only describe as plastic being bent (but it sounded like some sort of vocalized pattern) The noise seem to have come from my room, less than 12 feet away. The sound lasted for some 3-4 secs. It freaked me out and did not move not knowing how to react. I heard my aunt moan and then had the courage to get out of the room armed and check on her. At that time I heard three cars taking off. When I got to the room she was awake and said she need help to get up. I looked at the clock and noticed it was later than it should have been, but thought nothing of it as I was on alert. She likewise said she heard a very loud and strange clicking sound. I asked her if she made any noise as if to call me, she said before I cam in she was having a bad dream about our relatives that had passed on.
That is when I determined that there was some bought of missing time. One it only took me a few minutes to wash up and read. 15-20 mins are unaccounted for. Plus I did hear here moan since I was in the restroom after the noise. She claims she heard the noise, she also claims she was asleep and moaned, but she was wide awake when I came into the room. Also the odd part is the three cars, no one in the neighborhood (at least three people ever leave at 5am to 530 am ) leaves at that time. Plus the cars just seemed to start, no doors opening or closing, no people walking, etc. The cars started and they drove off ??? This is very unusual and I am scarred.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Date: September 19, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 3:45 am to 4:45am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired (Aunt), Tense (Me)
State of Mind After: Confused & Scared (Aunt), Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: Flash of light from the window
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Once again these beings are bothering my aunt. After I went in and said goodnight and came back to my room, it seems as she turned off the TV and being appeared after a flash of light. This time she noticed it walked through the fence by the door. It stood there and just stared at her. She was to scared to do anything. After a few moments it disappeared. Around 5AM I went to go and check on here and she immediately said... "Don't come out. Stay in your room. They are here again". I quickly proceeded to go to her room to check on them both. She was crying and visibly shaken up. During the time I was in my room, I had a feeling they were her but ignored it.
She is convinced there attempting to take her away and that she wants to move and get out of here. She also wants to protect me from them, becuase she believes they will hurt me. I tried calming her down by rationalizing with her, that there is no way she can protect me (especially since this has happened to me many times before). I do thinks that there is some activity going on in the attic as there are some odd noises there preceding and after the incidents. I did my best to send out a message "to stay away... this is my domain... I am guarding it... go away". There was definitely some type of presence in the vicinity, but it dissipated after I asserted myself in the area.
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 3:45 am to 4:45am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired (Aunt), Tense (Me)
State of Mind After: Confused & Scared (Aunt), Perplexed (Me).
Odd occurrences before: Flash of light from the window
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Once again these beings are bothering my aunt. After I went in and said goodnight and came back to my room, it seems as she turned off the TV and being appeared after a flash of light. This time she noticed it walked through the fence by the door. It stood there and just stared at her. She was to scared to do anything. After a few moments it disappeared. Around 5AM I went to go and check on here and she immediately said... "Don't come out. Stay in your room. They are here again". I quickly proceeded to go to her room to check on them both. She was crying and visibly shaken up. During the time I was in my room, I had a feeling they were her but ignored it.
She is convinced there attempting to take her away and that she wants to move and get out of here. She also wants to protect me from them, becuase she believes they will hurt me. I tried calming her down by rationalizing with her, that there is no way she can protect me (especially since this has happened to me many times before). I do thinks that there is some activity going on in the attic as there are some odd noises there preceding and after the incidents. I did my best to send out a message "to stay away... this is my domain... I am guarding it... go away". There was definitely some type of presence in the vicinity, but it dissipated after I asserted myself in the area.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
UFOs 'On The Record': Original Drawings From Eyewitness Accounts
From the Huffington Post
Last month, journalist Leslie Kean revealed shocking testimonials from government officials about unexplained behavior by unknown objects in the sky over many decades.
Kean's book, the New York Times bestseller "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record" includes a foreword by John Podesta and first-person accounts written by over a dozen military and aviation witnesses and official investigators from around the world.
A Huffington Post slide show from last month provides useful background for this batch of new information, which focuses on original witness drawings, and the importance they play in UFO investigations, particularly when similar features are depicted in different locations and at different times.
What do you think about the credibility of the accounts? And what, if anything, have you seen?
Last month, journalist Leslie Kean revealed shocking testimonials from government officials about unexplained behavior by unknown objects in the sky over many decades.
Kean's book, the New York Times bestseller "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record" includes a foreword by John Podesta and first-person accounts written by over a dozen military and aviation witnesses and official investigators from around the world.
A Huffington Post slide show from last month provides useful background for this batch of new information, which focuses on original witness drawings, and the importance they play in UFO investigations, particularly when similar features are depicted in different locations and at different times.
What do you think about the credibility of the accounts? And what, if anything, have you seen?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Date: September 13, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 1:30 am to 1:45am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:00 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired (Guest "WAT"), Exhausted (Me), Depressed (Me, Guest "WAT")
State of Mind After: Exhausted (Me), Depressed (Guest "WAT"), Confused & Scared (Aunt).
Odd occurrences before: Really exhausted, Insomnia during the week (Me)
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
So yesterday I feel asleep around 10pm. I was really exhausted and despite shows that i wanted to see last night I feel asleep really early. Just passed out. My guest had been asleep for most of of the day since 4:00am. My aunt was watching TV in her room and fell asleep around 12:30am.
My guest was awoken around 1:30 am because he was startled for a moment and felt an unusual presence. For some odd reason he felt two greys were in the house. He just sat there and went back to sleep, not really caring if they did anything (apathy).
My aunt awoke around the same time, and claimed to see two of them standing at the doorway to her bedroom. They were just staring at her. They did not say anything, but just stood they. She asked them "what do you want?". They just stood there.
Both of the aliens were wearing robes, whitish tan. Then they suddenly "vanished".
Patrick woke up when they vanished and started to bark. Just before he barked in my room I awoke and felt something odd and grabbed my weapon. Patrick barked then, and I figured it was just the cat. I calmed down, but my weapon back and got up to go to the restroom. I went to check on my aunt and she did not mention anything but looked upset. I paid her no mind and put her to bed. For the rest of the night until 5am I just did chores around the house.
This morning my aunt mentioned to me they showed up. She said she didn't want to say anything becuase she thought she was dreaming, but said it seemed to real. I asked my guest, if he was up before I got up around 1:45 am. He said no, that he was asleep, but did wake up when he "felt two aliens" enter the house. I did not tell him about the aliens, and what make the story more interesting as that he guess the correct number of beings.
Just to note... this coincides with the usual pattern of the middle of the month.
Date: September 13, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 1:30 am to 1:45am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:00 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired (Guest "WAT"), Exhausted (Me), Depressed (Me, Guest "WAT")
State of Mind After: Exhausted (Me), Depressed (Guest "WAT"), Confused & Scared (Aunt).
Odd occurrences before: Really exhausted, Insomnia during the week (Me)
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
So yesterday I feel asleep around 10pm. I was really exhausted and despite shows that i wanted to see last night I feel asleep really early. Just passed out. My guest had been asleep for most of of the day since 4:00am. My aunt was watching TV in her room and fell asleep around 12:30am.
My guest was awoken around 1:30 am because he was startled for a moment and felt an unusual presence. For some odd reason he felt two greys were in the house. He just sat there and went back to sleep, not really caring if they did anything (apathy).
My aunt awoke around the same time, and claimed to see two of them standing at the doorway to her bedroom. They were just staring at her. They did not say anything, but just stood they. She asked them "what do you want?". They just stood there.
Both of the aliens were wearing robes, whitish tan. Then they suddenly "vanished".
Patrick woke up when they vanished and started to bark. Just before he barked in my room I awoke and felt something odd and grabbed my weapon. Patrick barked then, and I figured it was just the cat. I calmed down, but my weapon back and got up to go to the restroom. I went to check on my aunt and she did not mention anything but looked upset. I paid her no mind and put her to bed. For the rest of the night until 5am I just did chores around the house.
This morning my aunt mentioned to me they showed up. She said she didn't want to say anything becuase she thought she was dreaming, but said it seemed to real. I asked my guest, if he was up before I got up around 1:45 am. He said no, that he was asleep, but did wake up when he "felt two aliens" enter the house. I did not tell him about the aliens, and what make the story more interesting as that he guess the correct number of beings.
Just to note... this coincides with the usual pattern of the middle of the month.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Misnomer: Paranoid Schizophrenia
There are a large number of people out there well versed in dime-store psychology. Just becuase you taken a class, studied a chapter in high school, or have been to a therapist... this does not give you the license to label people.When bringing up the supernatural or extraordinary events that can occur in life, most people will assume you are Paranoid Schizophrenic. However, like any science, there are certain criteria that need to be met before a label can be put on a person.
So let's start with the diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia. There are two categories in which person who is
Schizophrenic fall under:
A. A Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, another Psychotic Disorder, or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition
B. A pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
*neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family
*almost always chooses solitary activities
*has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person
*takes pleasure in few, if any, activities
*lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives
*appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
*shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity
In all honesty I do not fit the criteria above. I desire and enjoy close relationships, I like sharing group experiences or activities (lifestyle leads to solitary activities since not everyone is available), I am a gay I have a interest in activities, I like the things I like, and I have close friends. I try to be indifferent to praise and criticism because I do not like to feel obligated or controlled by other people, and such actions are method to shape your behavior (any psychologist can tell you that about the mechanism and use of praise and criticism in behavioral psychology). Detachment, emotional coldness, flattened affectivity...nah... cause I am very emotional person... I choose who sees what (if your not in my comfort zone then you get nothing out of me, being detached well... people come and go in ourlives and is a budhist principle). So I am not schizophrenic
WAIT.... BUT....
There is the differential diagnosis and associated disorders rights? Yeah... but first and foremost I am an individual. Yeah I may seem odd and eccentric, but who isn't? I would not be described as someone like "Howard Hughes"... now that is odd/eccentric! And suspicious? If you can read body language I give many cues. As for the associated disorder... I seriously doubt I can fall into anyone of those labels either.
So okay... what about Paranoid Disorder? Well again no. I do not meet any of the diagnostic criteria to be even considered Paranoid. To be considered paranoid (A pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent) you need to have four or more of the following:
*Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her.
*Is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates.
*Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used maliciously against him or her.
*Reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events.
*Persistently bears grudges, i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights.
* Perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack.
*Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner.
Again.. I do not fit the criteria. I will say that I am cautious with a healthy level of distrust. We do live in a world of identity theft and low moral character.
The American Culture is all about looking out for #1 (distrusting everyone and making sure your on top). So yeah a healthy sense of doubt is needed to survive. Also I am methodical and not quick to judge until I have my facts.
Now... what does this have to doing with being an abductee? Because this phrase is commonly thrown around to ostracize us or dissuade the belief in the paranormal.
Also why would we all share the same hallucination if this was the case? Why do you have relatively trustworthy officials who are not labeled as such seeing the same thing??? These inconsistencies do show that we are not mentally unsound.
We may have symptoms due to the events that due occur, such phobia and stress disorders to name two, but there are quite a few of us that are mentally sound people. So before you open you mouth and start labellings do some research first.
A good scientist has an open mind, for discover and innovation. A person willing to admit their mistakes and learn from them. Most of all is a seeker of fact and truth that can provide evidence or observance.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Theory: Implants and Paralyzation
Now in two previous post I have discussed scientific methods in which paralyzation occurs and the possible links to DMT. So doing some further research I was thinking as to how the sonic pitch that so many abductees hear figures into this..... so here is my overall theory on how Alien Abduction Occur through the use of Implants.
The Implant
An alien implant is usually metallic or crystalline in nature. Implants that have been recovered range from silicon based diode/cathode, quartz like sliver of crystal, and unknown metallic composites. These implants are usually coated in Calcium by our bodies natural immune system. Keep in mind that it has been proven and theorized that quartz crystals can be used for data storage and a number of minute diodes/cathodes can by found in microprocessors.
The Pitch
These implants are reactive to certain pitch frequencies and our powered through our natural bio-electrical system. the very nature of a cathode/diode works on a very weak charge. Since the implants are constructed of materials with a crystal lattice, they react to sonic vibrations. Signals could be sent to alter there genetic structure or cause the calcium coating to react. The sound is used as a triggering mechanism for the implant, based on the piezoelectric effect and subsequent reaction through hypersound velocity.
The Chemical Reaction
Once the implant is triggered it either releases a certain chemical that is encapsulated in its construction or related the bodies natural coating of calcium to produce calcium chloride or calcium hydroxide. These chemical either cause paralyzation through photochemical reaction, or increase DMT that natural occurs in the brain to induce paralysis, or weakens the cell membranes in order to become more susceptible to chemical introduction.
The use and creation of the calcium chemical compound could explain the secondary symptoms of dehydration that occur after an abduction.
Implants are usually located in the extremities (arms or legs) on the left side of the body. Our circulatory system pressure is from left to right, and distributed through out the body evenly. The chemical reaction is then distributed through the blood stream as oxygen/gas is introduce to our plasma containing the drug, new calcium component, or susceptible cell.
The Blue Light
No the blue light associated with abduction is either due to a reaction of excited argon (used in to increase the potency of natural DMT in the brain) or a form of Ultra-violet light (paralyzation through a photochemo reaction) as stated initially.
I believe this is the method on which abduction occurs in cyclic cases. This methodology works for individual abduction cases and group experiences as well.
Serious research independent of the abduction phenomena is currently under way in devloping mechanism in which to induce paralyzation other than a chemical injection.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Paralyzing Living Organism with UV Light
Scifri Videos: Paralyzing Worms With Light
Apparently scientist have come up with a method to induce paralysis in worms using a chemical and UV lighting. What does this have to do with Alien Abduction? well it could begin to explain one of the mechanism that an individuals could be paralyzed.
As with another article I wrote before I found this out... paralysis can occur if a "chemical is introduced and is charged". This is really eerie since it shows my theory was already going in the write direction.
Basically there is a connection with the bright lights that abductees see, and an introduction of a chemical agent. Although I believe that greys are using a noble gas (argon), the above experiment is using a chemical solution. Also their test subject do not 100% of the time return to normal, some of them die as a result of paralysis. This give hope that we may be uncovering their methods and how we may counter them!
Apparently scientist have come up with a method to induce paralysis in worms using a chemical and UV lighting. What does this have to do with Alien Abduction? well it could begin to explain one of the mechanism that an individuals could be paralyzed.
As with another article I wrote before I found this out... paralysis can occur if a "chemical is introduced and is charged". This is really eerie since it shows my theory was already going in the write direction.
Basically there is a connection with the bright lights that abductees see, and an introduction of a chemical agent. Although I believe that greys are using a noble gas (argon), the above experiment is using a chemical solution. Also their test subject do not 100% of the time return to normal, some of them die as a result of paralysis. This give hope that we may be uncovering their methods and how we may counter them!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Odd Experience: White Lines or 2D Images?
Date: September 3 & 4, 2010
Type: Unknown
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 2:00 am to 5:00 am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:00 am.
State of Mind Before: Normal
State of Mind After: Puzzled.
Odd occurrences before: A dream/experience that my aunt had.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Before mentioning what I was seeing, I need to make sure what I was seeing and kind of debunk what is going on and identify what it was. Several times I was in my aunt's room, I noticed something out in the hallway. I saw a series of three or two white lines, as if the edge of paper simply moved across the hallway. This has occurred only so far at night and around 2am to 5am.
So at first I thought there was something wrong with my eyes, either due to eye strain or from fatigue. However, looking at what would cause this I have none of the symptoms of any eye disorders.I discounted eye problems becuase I am not seeing these shapes at another other time of day and not seeing anything else out of the ordinary. Now as far as ghost, there was a possibility that it could have been a few wandering spirits. Ghost or spirits appear in a variety of shapes and forms. This was a big probability, yet none of the other telltale signs were noticed. The third option, was them... in the sense that they had somehow disguised or altered there form to the 2nd Dimension. Basically length and width, without thickness. You would not seem them if the stood sideways, and would be able to view them as the walk as movement in the 2- may be viewed as a line in the 3-D. It could have been them, especially since my aunt just had an incident.
I finally discussed what I saw and asked if she had seen an thing odd like moving white lines. She indicated that she had seen these odd lines several tomes in the past, during the day and as well at night. She had seen these lines during the times when my grandfather and my grandmother died. She has seen these thing at other times as well. I have not figured out yet with this is.
Date: September 3 & 4, 2010
Type: Unknown
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 2:00 am to 5:00 am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:00 am.
State of Mind Before: Normal
State of Mind After: Puzzled.
Odd occurrences before: A dream/experience that my aunt had.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Before mentioning what I was seeing, I need to make sure what I was seeing and kind of debunk what is going on and identify what it was. Several times I was in my aunt's room, I noticed something out in the hallway. I saw a series of three or two white lines, as if the edge of paper simply moved across the hallway. This has occurred only so far at night and around 2am to 5am.
So at first I thought there was something wrong with my eyes, either due to eye strain or from fatigue. However, looking at what would cause this I have none of the symptoms of any eye disorders.I discounted eye problems becuase I am not seeing these shapes at another other time of day and not seeing anything else out of the ordinary. Now as far as ghost, there was a possibility that it could have been a few wandering spirits. Ghost or spirits appear in a variety of shapes and forms. This was a big probability, yet none of the other telltale signs were noticed. The third option, was them... in the sense that they had somehow disguised or altered there form to the 2nd Dimension. Basically length and width, without thickness. You would not seem them if the stood sideways, and would be able to view them as the walk as movement in the 2- may be viewed as a line in the 3-D. It could have been them, especially since my aunt just had an incident.
I finally discussed what I saw and asked if she had seen an thing odd like moving white lines. She indicated that she had seen these odd lines several tomes in the past, during the day and as well at night. She had seen these lines during the times when my grandfather and my grandmother died. She has seen these thing at other times as well. I have not figured out yet with this is.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Date: Septemberust 2, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:00 am to 6:00 am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30 am.
State of Mind Before: Normal
State of Mind After: Dazed and Confused.
Odd occurrences before: None
Possible Influential Factors: None
This event happened to my aunt. I put her to bed around 3:00 am. I stayed up and played Castle Crashers and read until 12 Noon. While I was awake during this time, nothing odd happened save for a few slight power fluctuations that are normal from time to time. I noticed nothing out of the ordinary.
However, she claims that she awoke sometime after I put her to bed. She was on some type of recliner (leather type) in front of a control panel. She was paralyzed and could not move. Adjacent to here was another chair, and a being in a hooded robe (same being she has seen time and time again) was sitting in it manipulating the controls. from what she saw of the room there where in, it seemed spherical and white with sort of an illumination you get from a computer monitor. The control panel has some light flashing of green, red, and yellow and seemed like LED lights of a console. She panicked and tried to speak. The being told her "I am taking to my planet. There you will be able to walk and feel no pain. There is no need to worry". She protested as replied that she could not leave with him because of myself and our dog. The being replied, "There is no need to worry", and repeated that phrase several times as she continued to protest until she blacked out.
She says that she could not fully see the being's face, but the head was large and she could see the large black eyes from a side profile. She also indicated that the being moved its mouth when it spoke, but was not sure.
She seems rather confused and hazy, but remember the incident vividly and not so sure if it was a dream.
I however and wondering what is going on, since it is the 1st of the month again? These incidents seem to be on a cyclic phase with here. Also the curious question is who are they? So far I am beginning to think that we are either dealing with multiple species of greys or hybrids.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Movies: Mulholland Drive
If you are familiar with David Lynch's work, you know that it is rather unique. His films have startling visuals and are at times very confusing as there are multiple plots and meanings and tons of symbolism. However, one of his early works "Twin Peaks" does obviously touch upon alien abduction and UFOs. Now "Mulholland Dr."........
The story here however has a few twist and turns. Although many people believe the story is about the darker side of Hollywood, and the life of struggling stars, and murder.... there are some very very odd sequences in the film that relate to Alien Abductions.
1) The "Silencio Theatere" an abstract place like the "Red Room" from Twin Peaks..... is this actually were abduction occurs?
2) "The Two Old People and the Box", there is an odd cube in the movie were old people seem to crawl out of and warp reality? Are they demons or just aliens?
3) "The Bounty Hunter"... he appears out of now where in a desolate place. When he moves the lights seem to flicker.
4) The "Little Man".. some Hollywood mogul that lives in an underground base and calls the shots. He is under medical care.
It is these odd parts of the film that make me wonder, if there is another story. I admit the film takes a couple of viewings to fully digest....but i think this movie is about Alien Abduction, and the odd tricks they play with peoples mind.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Gaming: The Sims
This game by EA Games allows you to play "real life" in a simulated environment. You can create a characters with limited AI who will socialize, play, work, and interact with their environment. It is worth to mention that the game had an easter egg in the Sims, which has continued in the sequal the Sims 2. If your character take an interests in astronomy and uses the best telescope in the game there is a probable chance they will get abducted by aliens.
Now the video above, show the actual game sequence when you get abducted and when you are returned.
The middle of the sequence was designed as part of this person's game a movie. However, your Sim is abducted for a period of three hours and is badly shaken up after the experience.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Television: Roswell
This teenage sci-fi drama ran from 1999-2002. It centered around the town of Roswell, New Mexico.
Apparently the spaceship that had been sited that made the town infamous fro UFO's was a ship from the planet Antar in the Whirlwind Galaxy. Apparently on there home planet, a coup took place in which the Royal family was threatened. They fled away and found earth as a suitable place to hid the royal family until such time.
In order for the Antaran to survive on this world, a genetic hybrid of human-antaran DNA was made and clones of King Zan (Max Evans), Princess Vilandra (Isabel Evans), Prince Rath (Michael Guerin), and Queen Ava (Tess Harding) were constructed. A second set of back ups with full memories were also made. The four who would be discovered by the local sheriff had no memory and were adopted. Throughout the show, Max and the others come to terms with their alien heritage, avoiding the government as well as renegades from Antar.
Although never shown as a Grey, the Antarans posses advance technology as well as several psionic powers.
The Hybrids have shown to have the ability of mind control, healing, psycho-kinetic manipulation and transmutation. When taxed them begin to glow and a grey like creature can be seen just under their skin.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Paranormal: Shadow People
Well there is a phenomena that kinda crosses over and touches upon the Alien Abduction experience;
Shadow People. Although I have never personally experienced this specific type of phenomena, others in my family have claimed to have seen them. People have many theories as to what they are.... inter dimensional travelers or spiritual entities from another reality.
However, this has caused some confusion with the Alien Abduction phenomena. Certain individuals when abducted recall shadowy beings flirting around the house, or dark solid being whom they cannot see standing in there rooms or in the hall. This could be part of the aliens obfuscation gears or ability to stay out of sight. My own experiences, I recall them being dark shadowy figures that were solid. As they went on, I realized that these creatures were not ghost or shadow people but aliens instead.
My personal belief is that the are ghosts, as they behavior and and appearance share many of the same traits. Instead of using their energy to form some sort of body from water vapor "mists and glowing shapes", they have somehow managed a trick to diffuse light via a magnetic manipulation. Ghost have the ability to bend energy, that is how they interact with our world... by either pulling water vapor to them to form mists, to leave EVPs, or to create shadows.
Shadow People. Although I have never personally experienced this specific type of phenomena, others in my family have claimed to have seen them. People have many theories as to what they are.... inter dimensional travelers or spiritual entities from another reality.
However, this has caused some confusion with the Alien Abduction phenomena. Certain individuals when abducted recall shadowy beings flirting around the house, or dark solid being whom they cannot see standing in there rooms or in the hall. This could be part of the aliens obfuscation gears or ability to stay out of sight. My own experiences, I recall them being dark shadowy figures that were solid. As they went on, I realized that these creatures were not ghost or shadow people but aliens instead.
My personal belief is that the are ghosts, as they behavior and and appearance share many of the same traits. Instead of using their energy to form some sort of body from water vapor "mists and glowing shapes", they have somehow managed a trick to diffuse light via a magnetic manipulation. Ghost have the ability to bend energy, that is how they interact with our world... by either pulling water vapor to them to form mists, to leave EVPs, or to create shadows.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Music: System of a Down-Aerials
The group "System of a Down" released a track known as "Aerials" from there album Toxicity. What is interesting that the video shows a hybrid. The hybrid dresses in overalls is some sort of celebrity in the video, and is under the control of an old and powerful official. The Hybrid is escorted at all times by two females in red. Does this have a double meaning? Does the old man represent the government? Do the woman represent aspects Sin and Sacrifice? And does the Hybrid show that the common individual is being exploited, so the governement can make a profit from the Aerials?
Most fans assume that the term Aerials, is a reference to Aliens.
It is also interesting to note that there are native American pictograms/glyphs found in the area where the band is performing. You can clearly see this at the end of the video. Some of these glyphs are contemporary, as the question mark and the icthus symbol. I am assuming that most of the other symbols are Native American in origin.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Movie & Book: Fire in the Sky
"Fire in the Sky" is a movie from 1993 that is based off of real life events. It is also known "The Travis Walton Story", which is about a group of loggers that encounter a UFO in November on 1975 in Arizona. One of the loggers, Travis Walton was abducted by the UFO and went missing for a few days. When he came back, he related the events of what the loggers witnessed and went on during his abduction.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Television: American Dad
Seth McFarlane's created another popular series known as "American Dad" who follows the misadventures of the C.I.A. agent Stan Smith and his family.
Seems Stan Smith had rescued an alien named "Roger" from the C.I.A. and bought it home to live with his family.
Roger as an individual is a somewhat effeminate alcoholic and substance abuser who has a panache from the overly dramatic. He is master of disguise and rather adept at assuming different alter egos. The show attempts to represent Roger as a comical counter-part to Stan Smith.
He is a great example of how Greys have become part of our popular culture. Although he is a fictional a comedic fictional character, there are some shards of truth is his creation about the Greys:
"He was born around 400 A.D. on a planet that is very frigid. Crashed landed in the USA in 1947. He feeds of negative emotions".
Supposedly the greys are long lived, either existing through genetic clones or are biological engineered with a long lifespan. Supposedly greys feel comfortable in a cold environment. Presumably our government knows and has contact with Alien life forms. And lastly it has sad that Greys feed off negative emotions.
Seems Stan Smith had rescued an alien named "Roger" from the C.I.A. and bought it home to live with his family.
Roger as an individual is a somewhat effeminate alcoholic and substance abuser who has a panache from the overly dramatic. He is master of disguise and rather adept at assuming different alter egos. The show attempts to represent Roger as a comical counter-part to Stan Smith.
He is a great example of how Greys have become part of our popular culture. Although he is a fictional a comedic fictional character, there are some shards of truth is his creation about the Greys:
"He was born around 400 A.D. on a planet that is very frigid. Crashed landed in the USA in 1947. He feeds of negative emotions".
Supposedly the greys are long lived, either existing through genetic clones or are biological engineered with a long lifespan. Supposedly greys feel comfortable in a cold environment. Presumably our government knows and has contact with Alien life forms. And lastly it has sad that Greys feed off negative emotions.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
News: O'Hare Incident
Around 11/7/2006, there was an incident at Chicago's O'Hare airport in which numerous individuals witnessed a UFO at the airport! A number of employees from United as well as airport patrons sighted a UFO near the United Terminal during rush hour. Air Traffic control had to warn planes of the UFO as it posed a potential threat to airline safety. It hovered over the terminal for a few moments and then zoomed upward.
Most major networks picked up the event as this was UFO. Although many admit that this incident did happen, know one claims that it was extraterrestrial in origin per say.
The O'Hare Incident was revisited on the Huffington Post recently. Here is some footage from Breaking News that day concerning the incident.
Most major networks picked up the event as this was UFO. Although many admit that this incident did happen, know one claims that it was extraterrestrial in origin per say.
The O'Hare Incident was revisited on the Huffington Post recently. Here is some footage from Breaking News that day concerning the incident.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
News: Glowing Alien in China
Around July 17 2007, in china there was an incident in which an UFO discharged a luminous type of alien.
This was captured on closed circuit TV. Toward the end of the video we do see to individuals casually walking up to the object? Sadly I do not understand Mandarin, but this is a rather strange UFO and alien
sighting. It is interesting to note that similar sighting of plasma and luminescent types aliens have occurred in wooded areas around the world. These glowing aliens were seen more readily than the greys during the early 1900s ,
Television: House M.D.
Season 3, Episode 2 entitled "Cane and Able" of House M.D. is about a young boy named Clancy who
who is admitted to the care of house for an odd case of bleeding. The boy claims that he has been abducted many time by aliens, and his parents don't believe him. However Clancy seems to have several mysterious symptoms of an odd bleeding disorder as well as an unexplained piece of titanium at the base of his skull.
Almost every time when Clancy is under extreme stress he experiences flashbacks/abductions from these aliens. As the episode continues, House and his teams realize that there are a number of areas in Clancy body with a foreign genetic tissue. It is eventually found out that Clancy suffers from Chimerism, a rare disorder in which to zygotes in the womb form one fetus. In a sense, Clancy has an unseen twin brother that is fused with him on a genetic level with some level of awareness. They discovers that these hallucinations/abductions are a result of Clancy Chimeric twin.
Sadly House M.D. seems to have portrayed the abduction phenomena as a result of a natural chemical imbalance of the brain, or as neurological disorder.Yet the episode seems to not answer the question, as a seven year old boy... how did he have knowledge of the abduction experience? Although aliens are part of our popular culture, not all the fact are widely available to a seven year old boy. any experience he would have with Aliens would be a result of Star Wars, cartoon aliens, and what not that are very different from the abduction phenomena. If some aliens are indeed inter-dimensional, his chimeric condition could have allowed him to view them. Unbeknown to the rest of the world, these abduction really happened although his chimeric twin was aware... send and receiving his experiences to Clancy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
ODD EXPERIENCE #XXXDate: August 19, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:50 am to 5:10 am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:35 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Sad
State of Mind After: Bothered, Calm, Controlled Scared.
Odd occurrences before: High pitched Buzz, around 4:00 AM something hit the dog fence to my aunts room Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: UFO and CE Research and Blog
This one I am puzzled by becuase they have left me alone recently in the past couple of months. Last night I went to bed early around 11pm and woke up around 2am to put my aunt to bed. Things were going normal as I was checking my e-mail and writing on the computer. Around 3:30 am I heard the typical ring in my ear as I was writing, I just ignored it and kept on typing to keep my mind focused on something else. Around 4:05 am I heard something bump into the the dog fence by my aunts room. Patrick was in the hallway by the gate asleep, so it wasn't him. My aunt was asleep. I went in and told Patrick to go to his sleeping area and tucked him in. I went back to my room, typed for a few minutes and decided to go to sleep. I had the fan on and laid there, thinking about my project in the Darnassian/Thalissian/Eredar language. I was facing the clock, and with one eye open trying to relax and go to sleep.
Suddenly I was unable to move. My first reaction was like "I am stuck"and was calm, with my one eye open I saw the clock and it was 5:11 am (my clock is purposely 20 min ahead so it happened at 4:51am). The fan was still on, and I tried to move abit and get myself out out. When I stopped struggling for a a bit that is when I noticed someone(s) standing by the edge of the bed. My bed curtain partial blocked them. At first I saw a tan almond shaped body of a gray its back toward me, and it was doing something was its hands as the elbow would move and it would turn a bit to me. That is kinda when I sort of was in a calm panic, I attempted to call out only making gurgling noises. Then I tried to make some meditative tonal sounds like "Om". This got their attention. This is when they walked up to the bed, as soon as I saw movement I did my best to close my eye.
What was most unusual is that when one ducked down a bit it seemed to be wearing a weird mask that looked like my aunts face? Kind of like a really detailed rubber mask. I remember seeing two bodies, both a tan almond color, a device similar to a cell phone was place by my ear. It played a recording/translation of a male voice that said "There is no need to struggle. You have some unique properties/anomalies/abilities that our of interest to us and our research. You are not in a position to deal. Compensation is not negotiable". That is when my hand reached for the device to my ear and pushed it aside. They backed off, and me realizing that I could move partially began twitching my feet and shaking my body awake.
When I awoke I checked my cell phone and it was 5:10 am. I was scarred, but calm and just went to my aunts room to check on her and Patrick. They were asleep. I stayed in there until sunrise, which was 6:00 a.m.. Later on while examining my room I noticed that my PC camera was disconnected from the computer. It connects via a USB interface at the front o my computer. I never disconnect... what is worse is that... from the position that I was lying at in the bed... the movements I saw them make with the elbows would account for the camera being disconnected.
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:50 am to 5:10 am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:35 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Sad
State of Mind After: Bothered, Calm, Controlled Scared.
Odd occurrences before: High pitched Buzz, around 4:00 AM something hit the dog fence to my aunts room Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: UFO and CE Research and Blog
This one I am puzzled by becuase they have left me alone recently in the past couple of months. Last night I went to bed early around 11pm and woke up around 2am to put my aunt to bed. Things were going normal as I was checking my e-mail and writing on the computer. Around 3:30 am I heard the typical ring in my ear as I was writing, I just ignored it and kept on typing to keep my mind focused on something else. Around 4:05 am I heard something bump into the the dog fence by my aunts room. Patrick was in the hallway by the gate asleep, so it wasn't him. My aunt was asleep. I went in and told Patrick to go to his sleeping area and tucked him in. I went back to my room, typed for a few minutes and decided to go to sleep. I had the fan on and laid there, thinking about my project in the Darnassian/Thalissian/Eredar language. I was facing the clock, and with one eye open trying to relax and go to sleep.
Suddenly I was unable to move. My first reaction was like "I am stuck"and was calm, with my one eye open I saw the clock and it was 5:11 am (my clock is purposely 20 min ahead so it happened at 4:51am). The fan was still on, and I tried to move abit and get myself out out. When I stopped struggling for a a bit that is when I noticed someone(s) standing by the edge of the bed. My bed curtain partial blocked them. At first I saw a tan almond shaped body of a gray its back toward me, and it was doing something was its hands as the elbow would move and it would turn a bit to me. That is kinda when I sort of was in a calm panic, I attempted to call out only making gurgling noises. Then I tried to make some meditative tonal sounds like "Om". This got their attention. This is when they walked up to the bed, as soon as I saw movement I did my best to close my eye.
What was most unusual is that when one ducked down a bit it seemed to be wearing a weird mask that looked like my aunts face? Kind of like a really detailed rubber mask. I remember seeing two bodies, both a tan almond color, a device similar to a cell phone was place by my ear. It played a recording/translation of a male voice that said "There is no need to struggle. You have some unique properties/anomalies/abilities that our of interest to us and our research. You are not in a position to deal. Compensation is not negotiable". That is when my hand reached for the device to my ear and pushed it aside. They backed off, and me realizing that I could move partially began twitching my feet and shaking my body awake.
When I awoke I checked my cell phone and it was 5:10 am. I was scarred, but calm and just went to my aunts room to check on her and Patrick. They were asleep. I stayed in there until sunrise, which was 6:00 a.m.. Later on while examining my room I noticed that my PC camera was disconnected from the computer. It connects via a USB interface at the front o my computer. I never disconnect... what is worse is that... from the position that I was lying at in the bed... the movements I saw them make with the elbows would account for the camera being disconnected.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Television: Babylon 5
Babylon 5 was a Sci-Fi series that took place in Earth's far future. Humanity had explored our solar system and colonized Mars. One of the first alien races they contacted where the Centauri, from Alpga Centauri. Over the years they encountered many other species as the Earth Alliance explored the galaxy (sounds like Star Trek already???). Well as the series progress you encounter a variety of Alien races, most of them typical sci-fi races.
However in Season 2, Episode 11, we are intorduced to a race called the Streid. These alien species have a habit of abducting individuals and testing them for there strengths and weaknesses. They kidnapped Capt. Sheridan and put him through a number of physical, mental, and social tests. They are very cold and callous.
They Streib are basically the "Greys" and named in homage to Whitley Steiber, who wrote the book "Communion".
In later episode we find and other race known, known only as the "Shadow Surgeons". Although there race was never mentioned we do have reference that the Streib, along with two other race, are allied with the shadow.
Besides the standard parody of the "Greys", there is also another creature known as a Trakallan. N'Grath was one of the only species of his kind encountered on the show. He was the crime boss of the station. What is curious is that the Trakallan resemble the giant insects that are often seen with the "greys".
However in Season 2, Episode 11, we are intorduced to a race called the Streid. These alien species have a habit of abducting individuals and testing them for there strengths and weaknesses. They kidnapped Capt. Sheridan and put him through a number of physical, mental, and social tests. They are very cold and callous.
They Streib are basically the "Greys" and named in homage to Whitley Steiber, who wrote the book "Communion".
In later episode we find and other race known, known only as the "Shadow Surgeons". Although there race was never mentioned we do have reference that the Streib, along with two other race, are allied with the shadow.
Besides the standard parody of the "Greys", there is also another creature known as a Trakallan. N'Grath was one of the only species of his kind encountered on the show. He was the crime boss of the station. What is curious is that the Trakallan resemble the giant insects that are often seen with the "greys".
Television: Taken
A TV mini-series by Steven Speilburg explores a fictional story about the entire UFO phenomena that spans four generations. It starts of in WWII and with the Rosewell incident too. The series follows the lives of two families who have key members abducted for the "Greys" long term plans.
The series touches on almost every key aspect, from UFO Sightings, Military Cover Ups, Alien Abductions, Crop Circles, Alien Implants, and Hybrids.What is surprising about the series it shows the stress and difficulty of the abductees, as they try to cope with their experiences. The "Greys" show up here and there. Sadly the ending of this series which spans about 60 years ends rather poorly, a "E.T." moment as the last generation of abductees and their daughter come in contact with their "Grey". Their daughter Allie is the summation of the Aliens plan, a hybrid child, and she is taken with them in the end.
The series touches on almost every key aspect, from UFO Sightings, Military Cover Ups, Alien Abductions, Crop Circles, Alien Implants, and Hybrids.What is surprising about the series it shows the stress and difficulty of the abductees, as they try to cope with their experiences. The "Greys" show up here and there. Sadly the ending of this series which spans about 60 years ends rather poorly, a "E.T." moment as the last generation of abductees and their daughter come in contact with their "Grey". Their daughter Allie is the summation of the Aliens plan, a hybrid child, and she is taken with them in the end.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010
Aliester Crowley and the Lam
One of the world most infamous occultists, is Aliester Crowley. He is know for various occult works in England and America during the turn of the 1900's. It was during this time period in New York crica 1917 that he made contact with an entity. He was working on a Amaltrah, a magical rite that was supposed to bring about intelligence to manifest physically in our realm. It was during this time, that he made contact with an entity he had come to call the "Lam".
Now is occult circles, the word "Lam" means "the path" in the tibetan tongue. And his intention was to bring about entities that could help with our evolution and growth on a spiritual and physical level. The entity in which he connected, is a group of beings that bear a resemblance to the "Greys"... but robed and minus the black eyes.
Plus they seem to appear more clayish white than grey.
However, several occultist and many such followers have prescribed to this cults and magical writes, becuase it puts you in communion with these entities. Not only have various cult claimed to have opened a doorway, but also the Babylon Project of Scientologist have likewise made contact with such entities.
It is interesting to note that Crowley and the occult attachment harken back to the Bablyonian/Summerian Annunki. Great Old Ones who were the children of the star gods. Does this mean there is a link between the extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional aspects of the UFO phenomena?
Dangerous!!! Caution!!! Merely for Academic Purposes!!!
According to the occultists it is rather easy to come into contact with the Lam. You just need to find an image of one and stare at it for sometime. Focus directly in its eyes and you should make contact. Now I would never do this...for one I am already tagged and two... you don't know which of them you will get.
Now is occult circles, the word "Lam" means "the path" in the tibetan tongue. And his intention was to bring about entities that could help with our evolution and growth on a spiritual and physical level. The entity in which he connected, is a group of beings that bear a resemblance to the "Greys"... but robed and minus the black eyes.
Plus they seem to appear more clayish white than grey.
However, several occultist and many such followers have prescribed to this cults and magical writes, becuase it puts you in communion with these entities. Not only have various cult claimed to have opened a doorway, but also the Babylon Project of Scientologist have likewise made contact with such entities.
It is interesting to note that Crowley and the occult attachment harken back to the Bablyonian/Summerian Annunki. Great Old Ones who were the children of the star gods. Does this mean there is a link between the extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional aspects of the UFO phenomena?
Dangerous!!! Caution!!! Merely for Academic Purposes!!!
According to the occultists it is rather easy to come into contact with the Lam. You just need to find an image of one and stare at it for sometime. Focus directly in its eyes and you should make contact. Now I would never do this...for one I am already tagged and two... you don't know which of them you will get.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Gaming: World of Darkness: Mage the Ascension

The books never really deal with them, but kind of mention them off too the side in a few products here and there. The first Mage product to mention them dealt with the society of Thal'hun. This small sect of sorcerer's believe in the music of the spheres, and that aliens guide us. They are mentioned again briefly with the Void Engineers and the Sons of Ether, mostly warning about the threats from beyond.. They are also mentioned as the Anunnaki, in a supplement called Dead Magic, which discusses Ancient Mesopotamia and makes references to these elder beings. Ironically this is historically accurate to a a point as the Anunnaki did engineer humanity with potential to do great things.
"Transmissions from the Rogue Council" and in the "Infinite Tapestry", we find more hints that these beings are known as psychopomps. They where last active in the 15th Century and for some reason banished. However they have journeyed here and there, abducting individuals in secret since then. They have been called the Vrill and Ka Luon at various times, but are uniformly called the "greys" by most sleepers.
However in in the WOD the space aliens are inter-dimensional beings, ones who have been pulling the strings of mage and the spheres all along..
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