Monday, September 6, 2010

Paralyzing Living Organism with UV Light

Scifri Videos: Paralyzing Worms With Light

Apparently scientist have come up with a method to induce paralysis in worms using a chemical and UV lighting. What does this have to do with Alien Abduction? well it could begin to explain one of the mechanism that an individuals could be paralyzed.
As with another article I wrote before I found this out... paralysis can occur if a "chemical is introduced and is charged". This is really eerie since it shows my theory was already going in the write direction.

Basically there is a connection with the bright lights that abductees see, and an introduction of a chemical agent. Although I believe that greys are using a noble gas (argon), the above experiment is using a chemical solution. Also their test subject do not 100% of the time return to normal, some of them die as a result of paralysis. This give hope that we may be uncovering their methods and how we may counter them!

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