Thursday, August 19, 2010


ODD EXPERIENCE #XXXDate: August 19, 2010
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:50 am to 5:10 am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:35 am.
State of Mind Before: Tired, Sad
State of Mind After: Bothered, Calm, Controlled Scared.
Odd occurrences before: High pitched Buzz, around 4:00 AM something hit the dog fence to my aunts room Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: UFO and CE Research and Blog

   This one I am puzzled by becuase they have left me alone recently in the past couple of months. Last night I went to bed early around 11pm and woke up around 2am to put my aunt to bed. Things were going normal as I was checking my e-mail and writing on the computer. Around 3:30 am I heard the typical ring in my ear as I was writing, I just ignored it and kept on typing to keep my mind focused on something else. Around 4:05 am I heard something bump into the the dog fence by my aunts room. Patrick was in the hallway by the gate asleep, so it wasn't him. My aunt was asleep. I went in and told Patrick to go to his sleeping area and tucked him in. I went back to my room, typed for a few minutes and decided to go to sleep. I had the fan on and laid there, thinking about my project in the Darnassian/Thalissian/Eredar language. I was facing the clock, and with one eye open trying to relax and go to sleep.

Suddenly I was unable to move. My first reaction was like "I am stuck"and was calm, with my one eye open I saw the clock and it was 5:11 am (my clock is purposely 20 min ahead so it happened at 4:51am). The fan was still on, and I tried to move abit and get myself out out. When I stopped struggling for a a bit that is when I noticed someone(s) standing by the edge of the bed. My bed curtain partial blocked them. At first I saw a tan almond shaped body of a gray its back toward me, and it was doing something was its hands as the elbow would move and it would turn a bit to me. That is kinda when I sort of was in a calm panic, I attempted to call out only making gurgling noises. Then I tried to make some meditative tonal sounds like "Om". This got their attention. This is when they walked up to the bed, as soon as I saw movement I did my best to close my eye.

What was most unusual is that when one ducked down a bit it seemed to be wearing a weird mask that looked like my aunts face? Kind of like a really detailed rubber mask.  I remember seeing two bodies, both a tan almond color, a device similar to a cell phone was place by my ear. It played a recording/translation of a male voice that said "There is no need to struggle. You have some unique properties/anomalies/abilities that our of interest to us and our research. You are not in a position to deal. Compensation is not negotiable". That is when my hand reached for the device to my ear and pushed it aside. They backed off, and me realizing that I could move partially began twitching my feet and shaking my body awake.

When I awoke I checked my cell phone and it was 5:10 am. I was scarred, but calm and just went to my aunts room to check on her and Patrick. They were asleep. I stayed in there until sunrise, which was 6:00 a.m.. Later on while examining my room I noticed that my PC camera was disconnected from the computer. It connects via a USB interface at the front o my computer. I never disconnect... what is worse is that... from the position that I was lying at in the bed... the movements I saw them make with the elbows would account for the camera being disconnected.

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