Sunday, August 22, 2010

Television: House M.D.

Season 3, Episode 2 entitled "Cane and Able" of House M.D. is about a young boy named Clancy who
who is admitted to the care of house for an odd case of bleeding. The boy claims that he has been abducted many time by aliens, and his parents don't believe him. However Clancy seems to have several mysterious symptoms of  an odd bleeding disorder as well as an unexplained piece of titanium at the base of his skull.
Almost every time when Clancy is under extreme stress he experiences flashbacks/abductions from these aliens. As the episode continues, House and his teams realize that there are a number of areas in Clancy body with a foreign genetic tissue. It is eventually found out that Clancy suffers from Chimerism, a rare disorder in which to zygotes in the womb form one fetus. In a sense, Clancy has an unseen twin brother that is fused with him on a genetic level with some level of awareness. They discovers that these hallucinations/abductions are a result of Clancy Chimeric twin.

Sadly House M.D. seems to have portrayed the abduction phenomena as a result of a natural chemical imbalance of the brain, or as neurological disorder.Yet the episode seems to not answer the question, as a seven year old boy... how did he have knowledge of the abduction experience? Although aliens are part of our popular culture, not all the fact are widely available to a seven year old boy. any experience he would have with Aliens would be a result of Star Wars, cartoon aliens, and what not that are very different from the abduction phenomena. If some aliens are indeed inter-dimensional, his chimeric condition could have allowed him to view them. Unbeknown to the rest of the world, these abduction really happened although his chimeric twin was aware... send and receiving his experiences to Clancy.

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