Although there has been no incidents, my sleep from time to time has been bothersome. I hardly ever dream.
When I do, it just about the "otherplace" or reliving moments of my life. Sadly I been having more and more of the "reliving" moments than I care to have. What's worse then been memories of the past "incidents" while I was living in the East Los Angeles area between 5-12 years.
At that residence it was a small apartment. What was more confusing it the house was also haunted by at least three ghosts. The 1st apartment was haunted by an old woman who was tricked by her family into leaving to a rest home. I actually new her as she lived there at the time. The 2nd Apartment and house was haunted by two ghosts, a male aggressive figure who smelled of smoke and liquor and some other guy. The ghosts would do the usual minor things... slams door, open cupboards, interfere with the lights. That was tolerable.... but as you know I had another problem. The dreams I been having were about maybe ages 7-8, where sometime I would sleep in the living room. The dream/memories I have been having are about those times.
The common one is that appear from the kitchen or back door. They simply walk in or from the area look around and come toward me on the couch. Other times they would be outside the living window just looking in. What was odd about that is the rest of the background was blacked out...I couldn't see the other houses, just a deeply muted backdrop and them.I remember time when I knew they were coming and tried to get to the bedroom where my mom was, only to either find them there already waiting for me or being able to make there before I dropped on the floor being fully paralyzed. My reaction to all these dreams have been "deep sadness", in the sense of why would this happen to such a young kid.
Another dream I had recently was rather odd, since it was not a memory but more of a dream. I was residing in the old room of the house where my "incidents" occurred. Then I went about the day as usually, driving around with my mother. I was being asked a lot of questions like how was I doing, what do I like to do, what did I think about the government, about god, etc. It was an odd conversation, since it was phishing for information.I thought nothing of it much, but fortunately I think I panicked as I pulled into a mini-mall and need to get a drink from 7-11. It was an excuse to get away from here and be around other people. It was there that one of the only people I feel safe with showed up, that I think is when I let my guard down completely. Although he was acting more peculiar than normal, my feelings blinded me.
Abruptly the scene changed back to my old room, I was asleep and it was dark. Someone else was in the room and I started looking for the desk lamp that was by the bed. I managed to turn it on and no one was their... and I questioned why I was in my old room. When I turned around, my guy was there. Immediately I felt safe again. I asked where he came from and if he was okay. He only told me he had to go and had to meet up with the others. By others, I assumed the usual friends and I followed him like a puppy dog. I offered to help him carry his stuff which he avoided me. I felt slighted, and new something was off. So when we got to the door I said goodbye and locked it. Telling him to stay safe, he turned around and was wearing large dark sunglasses. The bags he had were not there and he walked back and entered the gate to the backyard.That's when my aunt screamed and said someone was in the backyard.At first I told he don't worry, as I was aware what was happening... but then I was manipulated again by the fact that "they" were using his image and presence to affect my rationality. Form apprehension I instantly said don't worry it's just him... I am gonna go and see him and left happily to the back. Oddly although I was walking into a trap I felt me attempt to resist realizing what is going on at the same time feeling that euphoric feeling I have with that person. Let's just say when I got there... it did not turn out too well.
When I woke up from this one I felt anger, fear, and betrayal (being manipulated and duped). It hurt alot too becuase of the use of this person, and how vulnerable I am concerning him.
My Experiences and Personal Quest to find what the heck is going. Journey throughout my life I have encountered others who have experienced the same thing. Why is this happening? What is the reason? What can we do to stop this? Hopefully together we can find the answer.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Independent Webisode: Receiver
Now I came across this movie quite by accident. "RCVR" is a series about a group of individuals who experience the abduction phenomena, but are aware on some level with an alien intelligence. In most adults they are overwhelmed with the information and usually go mad withing a couple of years or commit suicide. In this series, it starts off in 1973, Arkansas. It revolves around a federal agent whose department is involved in covering up "Alien Activities". They are also aware that a few abductee cases come across special individuals known as receivers. The agents admit that China and Russia agencies known about these individuals and have captured them in their own countries.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Update: Silence and Knocking
As you have noted there has been no activity for about two months.
It seems things have entered "the quiet phase". Of any and all incidents occurring during this time are:
-2 Episodes of Epilepsy?? Partial (focal) seizure or Febrile seizures.
-Ghostly Knockings between 2-4am.
Paralyzation: Epilepsy
As many people have noticed in the abduction community, paralyzation occurs. People often start categorizing and looking for plausible explanations. One of them has always been medical, and the response is a stroke or a mild seizure of some sorts. Some of the common things that happen, which I know I must have had is a Febrile Seizure. As it is, my body temperature is usually above normal and I have always been prone to high fevers. Now, in our family there has been a history of seizures. Yet again this always twists into the realm of the paranormal. Those who have had seizures... either have had "visions or ghosts" experiences or like me abduction episodes.
The sad thing about seizures is they are not fully understood. Supposedly they are bought on by various effects, but myself including the family members who have experienced these symptoms have never been diagnosed nor been treated. All medical personal have agreed that there is no reason why we "experience" these events. Them been called fits, and usually been said to be psychological in origin.. possible due to depression or anger. Yet when these non abductions have have occurred there is no psychological reasons why I would have these.
Ghostly Knocks
No this I attribute to the fact that we are living next to several cemeteries Hauntings are normal, and despite what one would thing they are far more preferable to "abductions". The knocks have occurred between 2am-4am during the past three weeks. There have been a total of four verified episodes. There is a distinct knock on my aunts bedroom door of 4 raps.At first she thought it might be me, but I never knock on her door. When I heard this I thought it may have been her, as when she needs me she summons me with banging on the wall with her cane. This was not the noise and was a distinct knock on the door. So far it has stopped.
It seems things have entered "the quiet phase". Of any and all incidents occurring during this time are:
-2 Episodes of Epilepsy?? Partial (focal) seizure or Febrile seizures.
-Ghostly Knockings between 2-4am.
Paralyzation: Epilepsy
As many people have noticed in the abduction community, paralyzation occurs. People often start categorizing and looking for plausible explanations. One of them has always been medical, and the response is a stroke or a mild seizure of some sorts. Some of the common things that happen, which I know I must have had is a Febrile Seizure. As it is, my body temperature is usually above normal and I have always been prone to high fevers. Now, in our family there has been a history of seizures. Yet again this always twists into the realm of the paranormal. Those who have had seizures... either have had "visions or ghosts" experiences or like me abduction episodes.
The sad thing about seizures is they are not fully understood. Supposedly they are bought on by various effects, but myself including the family members who have experienced these symptoms have never been diagnosed nor been treated. All medical personal have agreed that there is no reason why we "experience" these events. Them been called fits, and usually been said to be psychological in origin.. possible due to depression or anger. Yet when these non abductions have have occurred there is no psychological reasons why I would have these.
Ghostly Knocks
No this I attribute to the fact that we are living next to several cemeteries Hauntings are normal, and despite what one would thing they are far more preferable to "abductions". The knocks have occurred between 2am-4am during the past three weeks. There have been a total of four verified episodes. There is a distinct knock on my aunts bedroom door of 4 raps.At first she thought it might be me, but I never knock on her door. When I heard this I thought it may have been her, as when she needs me she summons me with banging on the wall with her cane. This was not the noise and was a distinct knock on the door. So far it has stopped.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Television: Penn & Teller's Bullshit: Alien Abductions
Penn & Teller's Bullshit: Alien Abductions
Season 1: Episode 3 "Alien Abductions"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Penn & Teller's series did an interesting series on Alien Abductions. However, the information on the subject
was mostly taken from a convention known as the "Bay Area UFO Expo". As with most conventions, the attendees & subject matter are very questionable. One thing I do agree on is this....most of these conventions attract Merchants, Contactees, and New Agers and is more of a Social Club than anything else. As i stated before... Alien Abductions ....are abductions!!! Not a "friendly hello" or we come in peace..... it is a kidnapping, home invasion, rape, and aggravated assault. Contactees are the misguided ones who embrace being victimized. New Agers are a bother too... they seem to stress to much that the aliens are here to help us.... or that they are messengers. There are some aspects which do have merit, but many fall by the wayside when they start chucking their snake oils.
Sadly even the two professionals there are questionable. One is an author whose credential are... well a storyteller/researcher. The other is a medical doctor. The storyteller, well everything he said is questionable... but the hybrid bloodline is plausible... especially when you take into account that the abduction phenomena has been going about for 1,000's of years within many cultures speaking about hybrids. The medical doctor...his stuff is also highly plausible. The debunker they had did put forth some reasonable alternatives, but what about the instances that don't fall under explainable theories? Myself there have been implants as odd places. I tried to figure where theses came from reasonably and gather as much alternate explanations. Same things with odd injuries at night. Scratches, minor cuts, etc can be explained away... but bruising, burns, punctures are way different.
Now they also had someone comments that people are impressionable and will see things that they have scene in dramatizations. That can be true, but most people see these things before that. Plus here are wide variations of the number of species people have encounters, also some consistencies as well. All though we are all impressionable... if we are independently seeing the same thing... I think that means there is a really good chance we saw it!
Now as far as the alien device that P&T provided.... they are forgetting a crucial fact. It's overall design.
Yes the device that used is for stimulation, but the shape is something that allows for insertion. If you look at the thorax abdomen of many egg laying insect, you will notice the bed like appendage. Even our large intestine is like that, as it allows the tune to easily push object through it.It may be bead as such as it can be flexible and allow slow insertion of implants.
Now the hypnotic regression.... one things I noticed was the patients right away as they did not look 100% healthy. Many looked like they suffered from sort of mental disorder or physical impairment, which at the end were proven true. What is worse, is that many suffered from these mental problems prior to their abductions.
Secondly the professional nature of the therapist came into question. As the debunkers noted, she was leading them on. If you are a hypnotist you are an observer, not a participant. Many of the question direct were too specific. A good observer should let things play out at first, asking you to describe what going on.... "Tell me what you see/hear/feeling". Although they do touch upon missing time.... it is not normal. Falling asleep is one thing or zoning out... but missing time is something way different. Likewise sleep paralysis, I am glad that they did distinguish that sleep paralysis is a biological mechanism that can happen. However, that does not explain we we see things.... and if it is a natural occurring mechanism it does lead to the conclusion that it can be induced by artificial means!!!
Overall the show was informative as to the hoaxes and scams that goes on..... it exposes stuff that are highly questionable. It is sad though that they did not do a program based upon scientific & plausible theoretical evidence. Either way, I appreciate them as entertainers and people who started a dialogue up.
Season 1: Episode 3 "Alien Abductions"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Penn & Teller's series did an interesting series on Alien Abductions. However, the information on the subject
was mostly taken from a convention known as the "Bay Area UFO Expo". As with most conventions, the attendees & subject matter are very questionable. One thing I do agree on is this....most of these conventions attract Merchants, Contactees, and New Agers and is more of a Social Club than anything else. As i stated before... Alien Abductions ....are abductions!!! Not a "friendly hello" or we come in peace..... it is a kidnapping, home invasion, rape, and aggravated assault. Contactees are the misguided ones who embrace being victimized. New Agers are a bother too... they seem to stress to much that the aliens are here to help us.... or that they are messengers. There are some aspects which do have merit, but many fall by the wayside when they start chucking their snake oils.
Sadly even the two professionals there are questionable. One is an author whose credential are... well a storyteller/researcher. The other is a medical doctor. The storyteller, well everything he said is questionable... but the hybrid bloodline is plausible... especially when you take into account that the abduction phenomena has been going about for 1,000's of years within many cultures speaking about hybrids. The medical doctor...his stuff is also highly plausible. The debunker they had did put forth some reasonable alternatives, but what about the instances that don't fall under explainable theories? Myself there have been implants as odd places. I tried to figure where theses came from reasonably and gather as much alternate explanations. Same things with odd injuries at night. Scratches, minor cuts, etc can be explained away... but bruising, burns, punctures are way different.
Now they also had someone comments that people are impressionable and will see things that they have scene in dramatizations. That can be true, but most people see these things before that. Plus here are wide variations of the number of species people have encounters, also some consistencies as well. All though we are all impressionable... if we are independently seeing the same thing... I think that means there is a really good chance we saw it!
Now as far as the alien device that P&T provided.... they are forgetting a crucial fact. It's overall design.
Yes the device that used is for stimulation, but the shape is something that allows for insertion. If you look at the thorax abdomen of many egg laying insect, you will notice the bed like appendage. Even our large intestine is like that, as it allows the tune to easily push object through it.It may be bead as such as it can be flexible and allow slow insertion of implants.
Now the hypnotic regression.... one things I noticed was the patients right away as they did not look 100% healthy. Many looked like they suffered from sort of mental disorder or physical impairment, which at the end were proven true. What is worse, is that many suffered from these mental problems prior to their abductions.
Secondly the professional nature of the therapist came into question. As the debunkers noted, she was leading them on. If you are a hypnotist you are an observer, not a participant. Many of the question direct were too specific. A good observer should let things play out at first, asking you to describe what going on.... "Tell me what you see/hear/feeling". Although they do touch upon missing time.... it is not normal. Falling asleep is one thing or zoning out... but missing time is something way different. Likewise sleep paralysis, I am glad that they did distinguish that sleep paralysis is a biological mechanism that can happen. However, that does not explain we we see things.... and if it is a natural occurring mechanism it does lead to the conclusion that it can be induced by artificial means!!!
Overall the show was informative as to the hoaxes and scams that goes on..... it exposes stuff that are highly questionable. It is sad though that they did not do a program based upon scientific & plausible theoretical evidence. Either way, I appreciate them as entertainers and people who started a dialogue up.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Alien Observations
Date: August 21, 2011 (Some minor odd occurances 8/22 and 8/23)
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:30am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:00am
State of Mind Before: Tired: Normal
State of Mind After: Sad, Lonely, Scarred, and Confused
Odd occurrences before: Missing Time before (aunt)
Odd occurrences after: Subsequent appearances
Sunday night I was finishing up my chores. I had an enjoyable weekend in which I saw a movie and went and donated some of my books. Around 12:00am I was in my room and felt a certain unease, but played it off...figuring that it was just some normal apprehension and what not. I hear the typical ringing in my ear and an odd high pitch yelp that only lasted seconds.
At this point my aunt yelled out for me. She screamed "It's in the hall!". My body, seconds before her scream was on alert... all my hairs stood up. I soon tried to re-assure her that things were alright. I equipped myself to deal with the threat and made my way to her room. She was visible shaken. She explained to me as she was coming back from her bathroom she heard a noise in the living room.
As she made her way back into her room, she opened her door slightly to see if it was me. She claims she saw a white being with a large head walk quickly from the living room along the hallway and straight to my area. She was scared and I told her to calm down.
I proceeded to make a sweep of the house. No physical evidance was found. However, a huge cold area from the living to my doorway was present. It felt uneasy walking that area. She and I were unable to sleep for most of the night.
For her Monday and Tuesday have been uneventful. However I been noticing a figure at night as I walk around the house. It usually appear by the doorways and peeks in or moves partial in and out quickly. From what I can see... it might be one of "them" but I see an almondish color. This is just an observation, although this has occured many times before I do not know if this is becuase of apprehension or if something is truly there. My sleeping for these two nights have been off as well. I am terrified and have been sleeping with weapons. What is worse is that when I dream they are disturbing in the mundane sense. Monday night I was interrogatted, in the sense I was told to describe my day in detail. I was laying down in my bed, my eyes were closed, but someone was communicating with me. It was not vocal. They kept asking me to describe my day, what I wore, whatI did at work, how I enjoyed my lunch, and ask me to describe my feelings and observations. I was even asked about my co-workers and associates both past and present.
Tuesday was a bit I was forced to releive several unpleasant situation in my life. Again lying in my bed, eyes closed, but very visual as too the event unfolding. I was asked how I felt and too describe what I was doing and what I could have done different. I was also shown the outcome of certain situation if I indeed do something different. Almost all of he times, these re-edits of my life turned out worse. I did note that several time I struggled to wake myself/get out of the trance...and when I was on the verge... I found myself in my bed unable to move. My ankles were crossed and my right wrist was at my temple exerting pressure. After a while I managed to free myself. The time was 5:00am. I felt physically ill.
Overall I feel drained. Sick to my stomach.. and lost. I also noted a disturbing quirck in which momentarily I pause. I just zone out. Not sure why this is, Might be exhaustion and mental fatigue.
These chain of events seem related.
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:30am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:00am
State of Mind Before: Tired: Normal
State of Mind After: Sad, Lonely, Scarred, and Confused
Odd occurrences before: Missing Time before (aunt)
Odd occurrences after: Subsequent appearances
Sunday night I was finishing up my chores. I had an enjoyable weekend in which I saw a movie and went and donated some of my books. Around 12:00am I was in my room and felt a certain unease, but played it off...figuring that it was just some normal apprehension and what not. I hear the typical ringing in my ear and an odd high pitch yelp that only lasted seconds.
At this point my aunt yelled out for me. She screamed "It's in the hall!". My body, seconds before her scream was on alert... all my hairs stood up. I soon tried to re-assure her that things were alright. I equipped myself to deal with the threat and made my way to her room. She was visible shaken. She explained to me as she was coming back from her bathroom she heard a noise in the living room.
As she made her way back into her room, she opened her door slightly to see if it was me. She claims she saw a white being with a large head walk quickly from the living room along the hallway and straight to my area. She was scared and I told her to calm down.
I proceeded to make a sweep of the house. No physical evidance was found. However, a huge cold area from the living to my doorway was present. It felt uneasy walking that area. She and I were unable to sleep for most of the night.
For her Monday and Tuesday have been uneventful. However I been noticing a figure at night as I walk around the house. It usually appear by the doorways and peeks in or moves partial in and out quickly. From what I can see... it might be one of "them" but I see an almondish color. This is just an observation, although this has occured many times before I do not know if this is becuase of apprehension or if something is truly there. My sleeping for these two nights have been off as well. I am terrified and have been sleeping with weapons. What is worse is that when I dream they are disturbing in the mundane sense. Monday night I was interrogatted, in the sense I was told to describe my day in detail. I was laying down in my bed, my eyes were closed, but someone was communicating with me. It was not vocal. They kept asking me to describe my day, what I wore, whatI did at work, how I enjoyed my lunch, and ask me to describe my feelings and observations. I was even asked about my co-workers and associates both past and present.
Tuesday was a bit I was forced to releive several unpleasant situation in my life. Again lying in my bed, eyes closed, but very visual as too the event unfolding. I was asked how I felt and too describe what I was doing and what I could have done different. I was also shown the outcome of certain situation if I indeed do something different. Almost all of he times, these re-edits of my life turned out worse. I did note that several time I struggled to wake myself/get out of the trance...and when I was on the verge... I found myself in my bed unable to move. My ankles were crossed and my right wrist was at my temple exerting pressure. After a while I managed to free myself. The time was 5:00am. I felt physically ill.
Overall I feel drained. Sick to my stomach.. and lost. I also noted a disturbing quirck in which momentarily I pause. I just zone out. Not sure why this is, Might be exhaustion and mental fatigue.
These chain of events seem related.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Daylight Abduction: Missing Time
Date: August 12, 2011
Type: Visitation/Abduction
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:30pm-6:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Tired: Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused
Odd occurrences before: Family Death and Aggravated Haressment Weeks before
Odd occurrences after: Moved to Different location
This incident occurred during daylight hours inside the home to my aunt. As she was doing her daily chores around 2:30 pm by the bed, she had the radio on as well, then she turned around and noticed a white opaque mist coming toward here. She was unable to move or scream.
At 6:30 pm she was suddenly at her bureau facing the mirror. She called out my name, but I was not home yet. The radio was on was still on. She felt groggy and a bit confused as she knew something was not right.
The clothes were on the bed unfolded, she was also very hungry, which is odd since she never is.She had an orange, but she remembered that she already ate an orange earlier... but she wasn't sure.
When came home she immediately called out my name. She quickly told me of the event that took place.
I questioned her about her account, for details but they abrupt. What was old as we just talked she seemed to remember some odd events from her childhood. Particularly the the strange nurses and doctors when she was in the hospitals with odd eyes that would visit her when she was young, as well as little people that would
quiz her and talk with her about cognitive topics and administer aptitude like games with her.
They are also obviously aware of my daylight coming and goings, indicating that they may be monitoring and tracking me more thoroughly than I had anticipated..
Type: Visitation/Abduction
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:30pm-6:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Tired: Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused
Odd occurrences before: Family Death and Aggravated Haressment Weeks before
Odd occurrences after: Moved to Different location
This incident occurred during daylight hours inside the home to my aunt. As she was doing her daily chores around 2:30 pm by the bed, she had the radio on as well, then she turned around and noticed a white opaque mist coming toward here. She was unable to move or scream.
At 6:30 pm she was suddenly at her bureau facing the mirror. She called out my name, but I was not home yet. The radio was on was still on. She felt groggy and a bit confused as she knew something was not right.
The clothes were on the bed unfolded, she was also very hungry, which is odd since she never is.She had an orange, but she remembered that she already ate an orange earlier... but she wasn't sure.
When came home she immediately called out my name. She quickly told me of the event that took place.
I questioned her about her account, for details but they abrupt. What was old as we just talked she seemed to remember some odd events from her childhood. Particularly the the strange nurses and doctors when she was in the hospitals with odd eyes that would visit her when she was young, as well as little people that would
quiz her and talk with her about cognitive topics and administer aptitude like games with her.
They are also obviously aware of my daylight coming and goings, indicating that they may be monitoring and tracking me more thoroughly than I had anticipated..
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Visitation Occurance
Date: July 21, 2011
Type: Visitation/Abduction
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:00am-2:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 7:45 pm
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused, Sad, Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Previous Week...odd dream/visitation?
Odd occurrences after: Unable to sleep
I went to sleep early this evening, I felt tired and depressed. Most of the sleep was uneventful, although I awoke a few times around 9pm, 11pm and 12am. After my last time waking up for the night I started dreaming.
It was a rather uneventful dream, I was working at a retail store and off my shift. I was to meet Fritz S., I remember buy a gaming magazine and some dragon memorabilia... a dragon coming out of an egg. However, as I was running late I would be unable to meet him. I was somewhere near Pico Rivera, as in previous dreams... the landscape is consistent with differences. An alternate route through montebello was taken that leads through a large rustic residential area until you hit the 5 freeway. My mother and another individual was with us. I decided we should have dinner at a casino/restaurant there (not the C.C....this one has been there in my dream since I was young.) The moment we walked in I woke up.
I looked at the clock and the time stated 150am. I felt groggy and was going to go back to sleep when the high pitched sound started. I became scared as I knew what it meant and couldn't move. I started crying and attempted making noise... but to no avail. However a thought occurred...if I chanted (as an Native American Indian would they might go away). I soon passed out and woke around 220am fully awake and sprang out of bed.... knowing approximate 20 minutes had passed before I even looked at the clock! I was unable to back to sleep.
Type: Visitation/Abduction
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:00am-2:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 7:45 pm
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused, Sad, Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Previous Week...odd dream/visitation?
Odd occurrences after: Unable to sleep
I went to sleep early this evening, I felt tired and depressed. Most of the sleep was uneventful, although I awoke a few times around 9pm, 11pm and 12am. After my last time waking up for the night I started dreaming.
It was a rather uneventful dream, I was working at a retail store and off my shift. I was to meet Fritz S., I remember buy a gaming magazine and some dragon memorabilia... a dragon coming out of an egg. However, as I was running late I would be unable to meet him. I was somewhere near Pico Rivera, as in previous dreams... the landscape is consistent with differences. An alternate route through montebello was taken that leads through a large rustic residential area until you hit the 5 freeway. My mother and another individual was with us. I decided we should have dinner at a casino/restaurant there (not the C.C....this one has been there in my dream since I was young.) The moment we walked in I woke up.
I looked at the clock and the time stated 150am. I felt groggy and was going to go back to sleep when the high pitched sound started. I became scared as I knew what it meant and couldn't move. I started crying and attempted making noise... but to no avail. However a thought occurred...if I chanted (as an Native American Indian would they might go away). I soon passed out and woke around 220am fully awake and sprang out of bed.... knowing approximate 20 minutes had passed before I even looked at the clock! I was unable to back to sleep.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Dream: Oddly specific
I was trying to go to school, but I kept getting help up do errands for my aunt and grandmother. I was being as patient as possible. Yet it kept lagging on one errand after another. Sadly I wasn't able to go to school and we arrived home.
Across the street, there was some construction going on. One of the workers came up and we started to talk. We hit it off quite well and went for a drive. He happened to be driving a restored classic Chevy Truck, it was blue just like paternal father's. We drove around for a bit, and seemed to hit it off quite well. Sadly though, my ex's friends were following us and threatened to spread gossip about me being happy. We managed to avoid them and we spent the night together just talking.
The next evening I had to show up to some type of event. Oddly a co-worker Jen was their and asked where I was.She was kinda disappointed that I didn't check in and let me know that they we looking for me. There was some sort of bulletin out. For some reason since she was here I was hoping to see Randy and Patrick. Since this was some type of social event and the house was getting crowded I decided to find my grandmother. I asked her a question, apparently Jen informed me that they were looking for the "Heir to Aries". My grandmother looked oddly at me and asked where did I hear that from. Apparently it had to do with a child from the union Rodriguez/Rojelio Families. It was something important, but she didn't want to go into detail. I managed to find my mother, and I asked her what that was all about. We went into the bedroom, which I believed belong to my cousin Jaquin "who was gay".
She said that it might be me as I am not my father's son... she said my father was "HDC".
She went on to say that she know my brother is not my father's either but was put into her.
I had trouble hearing her since there was a lot of was too late when we both realized what was going on. They showed up.
When we both went out into the living room, several people were already paralyzed and confused. They were outside taking care of everyone else. The people who were there I told to stand still, it would only be worse if they ran. Soon the even was over, all though there was missing time. People panicked and in the end my grandmother was outside dead. The cops were called, and apparently several of them witnessed "them" coming down and were aware of what was going on. They had order to wait until it was over to move in. As I looked around, the location of the house we were on was on some street called "Santa Fe" and their was a freeway nearby that had an exit for "Grand Ave". The date was 7/13.
We were taken to the hospital and checked out. Most of the fellow people who were out of the house were in a state of shock and couldn't believe what was going on. I myself was confused and didn't know what to do, I wanted to call someone... but I didn't know who I should call. So I walked around the hospital. That is when I came up the rest of the people who witnessed the event, I thought to listen in on what had transpired so I could fill in the gaps. Sadly after awhile I noticed something was wrong. No one noticed me. I even tried interacting with them and nothing.... I panicked and ran from the room. That is when a bunch of lil people swarmed around me and moved me along. The only one I saw was in a grey pinned stripped suite, he looked like an old many with grey skin and clear blue eyes and wispy white hair. When we got to the entrance of the hospital he looked at me then faded. The crowd of lil people were gone, and I turned and walked back in to check on my aunt. As I was walking back in some people asked if I was okay as I looked extremely tired... I told I was fine and just had a harrowing experience. I asked them if today was Wednesday 7/13. They looked funny at me and informed me that today was 8/28 and that I was way off. At that point I went to the courtyard and began to cry...I felt so alone and scared. Especially since I had no one to anchor me.
When I woke up it was 5:00 am, and yes there was a helicopter off in the distance. Although I rarely dream....this one was vivid and strange enough to be worth mentioning.
Across the street, there was some construction going on. One of the workers came up and we started to talk. We hit it off quite well and went for a drive. He happened to be driving a restored classic Chevy Truck, it was blue just like paternal father's. We drove around for a bit, and seemed to hit it off quite well. Sadly though, my ex's friends were following us and threatened to spread gossip about me being happy. We managed to avoid them and we spent the night together just talking.
The next evening I had to show up to some type of event. Oddly a co-worker Jen was their and asked where I was.She was kinda disappointed that I didn't check in and let me know that they we looking for me. There was some sort of bulletin out. For some reason since she was here I was hoping to see Randy and Patrick. Since this was some type of social event and the house was getting crowded I decided to find my grandmother. I asked her a question, apparently Jen informed me that they were looking for the "Heir to Aries". My grandmother looked oddly at me and asked where did I hear that from. Apparently it had to do with a child from the union Rodriguez/Rojelio Families. It was something important, but she didn't want to go into detail. I managed to find my mother, and I asked her what that was all about. We went into the bedroom, which I believed belong to my cousin Jaquin "who was gay".
She said that it might be me as I am not my father's son... she said my father was "HDC".
She went on to say that she know my brother is not my father's either but was put into her.
I had trouble hearing her since there was a lot of was too late when we both realized what was going on. They showed up.
When we both went out into the living room, several people were already paralyzed and confused. They were outside taking care of everyone else. The people who were there I told to stand still, it would only be worse if they ran. Soon the even was over, all though there was missing time. People panicked and in the end my grandmother was outside dead. The cops were called, and apparently several of them witnessed "them" coming down and were aware of what was going on. They had order to wait until it was over to move in. As I looked around, the location of the house we were on was on some street called "Santa Fe" and their was a freeway nearby that had an exit for "Grand Ave". The date was 7/13.
We were taken to the hospital and checked out. Most of the fellow people who were out of the house were in a state of shock and couldn't believe what was going on. I myself was confused and didn't know what to do, I wanted to call someone... but I didn't know who I should call. So I walked around the hospital. That is when I came up the rest of the people who witnessed the event, I thought to listen in on what had transpired so I could fill in the gaps. Sadly after awhile I noticed something was wrong. No one noticed me. I even tried interacting with them and nothing.... I panicked and ran from the room. That is when a bunch of lil people swarmed around me and moved me along. The only one I saw was in a grey pinned stripped suite, he looked like an old many with grey skin and clear blue eyes and wispy white hair. When we got to the entrance of the hospital he looked at me then faded. The crowd of lil people were gone, and I turned and walked back in to check on my aunt. As I was walking back in some people asked if I was okay as I looked extremely tired... I told I was fine and just had a harrowing experience. I asked them if today was Wednesday 7/13. They looked funny at me and informed me that today was 8/28 and that I was way off. At that point I went to the courtyard and began to cry...I felt so alone and scared. Especially since I had no one to anchor me.
When I woke up it was 5:00 am, and yes there was a helicopter off in the distance. Although I rarely dream....this one was vivid and strange enough to be worth mentioning.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Katy Perry "E.T."
Well Katy Perry's Video "E.T" is very deep. The song obviously has an alien theme to it. The visuals and lyrics make various reference to the abductions phenomena, UFOs, aliens, and mythology.
As far as alien references... the visuals we see a Grey, but she mention hypnosis, electro-magnetic effects (Magnetism), bio-luminescence, and radiation. She makes reference that they may be a dimensional entity as well.
As far as abduction... she clearly states Abductions, the DNA link, breeding, global/armageddon visions, and breeding, as well as experimentation "infect me with your poison".
UFO reference... supersonic travel... and the visual of spaceship and falling to earth.
What is interesting is the Mythology connection... the visual of the Grey,the Tribal Goddess figures, Celestial Madonna, and a Sumerian goddess make me think of the Anunnaki. Also there is the who Adam and Eve thing too at the end, plus the idea of hybrids in the form of a Greek faun. She also mentions that people think of them as either angels or devils.
Although I doubt there is any deep meaning to the song, she clearly put out a lot of the visual and key references that made me go wow! She did some research.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Movies: Altered
"Altered" is a movie circa 2006 about 5 friends that suffered an abduction on their teens. Some 15 years later, three of them have managed to capture the alien during a hunt. Not knowing what to do, they take their captured alien to the one person they knew who had more experience... their friend who was held longer than them.
Apparently these group of High Schoolers, were taken in the swamps along a farm. After 2 days three of the boys (Otis, Wyatt, and Duke) were released. The next two were experimented on, sadly "Timmy" died to exposure to the aliens DNA. Cody on the other hand was experimented on for a few days more. On the sixth day he was left a few counties away. Cody knew they did something to him, and he was correct when he had to dig out a biological tracking device implanted in his intestine. Cody went into hiding after telling the truth about aliens, the town laughed at them all and sentence Wyatt to Prison for the death of his brother Timmy.
The interesting things is that Cody, the main abductee, behaves in a manner most abductees behave in. He has been scared to the point in which he lives in hiding, keeping people away from him as much as possible, and fortifying his home, and planning contingencies. What is interesting he can sense when they are near. For the time he was abducted he made sure to remember what had happened by remaining aware.
The aliens in this movie are called Mongers. They seem to be a cross between the typical greys/reptilians. They both have the mental strengths of greys and the physical strength of a reptilian. They appear to be around 5' feet tall and stocky. They have very sharp claws and teeth. They have the typical black eyes, and a segmented brain that can be a third eye. The writers of this race seem to indicate that there is a caste system of some sorts as these are the "warriors". They do have cloaking technology as well, and their ship appears to be egg shaped with three retractable appendages used for landing or grappling.
These aliens have a high constitution and take a lot of physical punishment, they seem to enjoy causing pain, and contain a deadly saliva that can break down the DNA structure of a human if bitten.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Nightmarish Dreams
Date: June 14, 2011
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:45am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:15 am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused, Sad, Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Odd Noises, Hauntings, Odd Sleeping Patterns, Core Temperature up since last abduction.
Odd occurrences after: None.
On and off, strange noises at night, and not getting much sleep. Last night there were some helicopter activity around the time I went to sleep. As usual there is the sound in the hallway, but accompanied by the tell tale high pitch before I "feel asleep".
What is odd is that they are attempting to appear in a dreamlike state. There were using an older dream in which was a replay of events of me at a modified shopping center complex in montebello/montery park. I was supposed to meet my friend their to have dinner. As usual I was stood up and walked around looking at the stores.
The oddest thing that happened is I got hit on my dream. There was an extraordinary handsome japanese man who made eye contact and begin walking away. I instinctively followed him becuase he was cute. As I caught up to him he said hello, and we kept walking along the shopping center. I replied back and "Said hi" and he said "walk with me". I stupidly let my guard down and went with him.
As we walked we turned into building that was very light an airy, which was reminiscent of an art museum. There was Koto/Biwa "like" being played. When I mentioned that it was a beautiful concert, he was surprised I could here the music. There were several people "japanese" sitting in an stone like atrium communing as someone played the music. There were a few making some quiet conversation, and looked at me oddly as I knew they were talking... as in "You can hear us?" Although the setting was pleasant it felt sinister, and that when four other men joined us on our walk. They were similar to the handsome japanese man, and one bumped me and I got a better look... they weren't japanese... and the one I bumped gave me the impression of "Although you see the truth it is much to late to turn back now". As I was escorted down the hallway which were now "Grey Marble" or "Pearl" we began to enter a room. Four of them went in first, the one that bumped into me, hesitated. As we were in the antechamber of the room they went in... it looked at me. It said "You know were you are. You can't always fight us"..... "Fine if you don't want to do this in here, it can be done were you stand". At that point, the door to the antechamber behind me closed and the doors in front of me closed as he quickly exited.
Now.. the chamber I was in went pitch black. Some humming started. Instinctively I attempted to protect myself, but I reached inward for energy and began tracing a golden halo horizontal, then vertically, then both diagonally, and began spinning them at great speed (like the protons and neutrons around an atom). As the humming increased, it began to get hot and windy, I continued concentrating is protecting myself.
I woke up around 5pm. The noise is the hallway thumped and I just lay there in bed.
I felt so stupid that they are using my own vulnerabilities to wear me down. What worse why they were doing this, as I went through the entire events... I realized it was some type of test... from the very moment I look eyes with one... to the area with the koto music.
Type: Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:45am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:15 am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused, Sad, Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Odd Noises, Hauntings, Odd Sleeping Patterns, Core Temperature up since last abduction.
Odd occurrences after: None.
On and off, strange noises at night, and not getting much sleep. Last night there were some helicopter activity around the time I went to sleep. As usual there is the sound in the hallway, but accompanied by the tell tale high pitch before I "feel asleep".
What is odd is that they are attempting to appear in a dreamlike state. There were using an older dream in which was a replay of events of me at a modified shopping center complex in montebello/montery park. I was supposed to meet my friend their to have dinner. As usual I was stood up and walked around looking at the stores.
The oddest thing that happened is I got hit on my dream. There was an extraordinary handsome japanese man who made eye contact and begin walking away. I instinctively followed him becuase he was cute. As I caught up to him he said hello, and we kept walking along the shopping center. I replied back and "Said hi" and he said "walk with me". I stupidly let my guard down and went with him.
As we walked we turned into building that was very light an airy, which was reminiscent of an art museum. There was Koto/Biwa "like" being played. When I mentioned that it was a beautiful concert, he was surprised I could here the music. There were several people "japanese" sitting in an stone like atrium communing as someone played the music. There were a few making some quiet conversation, and looked at me oddly as I knew they were talking... as in "You can hear us?" Although the setting was pleasant it felt sinister, and that when four other men joined us on our walk. They were similar to the handsome japanese man, and one bumped me and I got a better look... they weren't japanese... and the one I bumped gave me the impression of "Although you see the truth it is much to late to turn back now". As I was escorted down the hallway which were now "Grey Marble" or "Pearl" we began to enter a room. Four of them went in first, the one that bumped into me, hesitated. As we were in the antechamber of the room they went in... it looked at me. It said "You know were you are. You can't always fight us"..... "Fine if you don't want to do this in here, it can be done were you stand". At that point, the door to the antechamber behind me closed and the doors in front of me closed as he quickly exited.
Now.. the chamber I was in went pitch black. Some humming started. Instinctively I attempted to protect myself, but I reached inward for energy and began tracing a golden halo horizontal, then vertically, then both diagonally, and began spinning them at great speed (like the protons and neutrons around an atom). As the humming increased, it began to get hot and windy, I continued concentrating is protecting myself.
I woke up around 5pm. The noise is the hallway thumped and I just lay there in bed.
I felt so stupid that they are using my own vulnerabilities to wear me down. What worse why they were doing this, as I went through the entire events... I realized it was some type of test... from the very moment I look eyes with one... to the area with the koto music.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Visitation Occurance
Sleep Paralysis Day
Date: June 9, 2011
Type: Abduction
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:45 am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused, Sad, Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Odd Noises, Hauntings, Odd Sleeping Patterns, CE3 of an associate.
Odd occurrences after: Repetitious Behavior at 5am, 6am, 7am, and 730am.
Over the past weeks the usual odd noises at night occur, along with some ghostly phenomena, and the usual odd sleeping patterns. On May 30th a close associate's family member had a CE3. This event occurred in Burbank, CA. Although the area in which the craft sighted is highly improbable, she described the tell tale signs of the entity's craft that have seem to have bothered me.I have never gone into detail with her, and she has very little knowledge of my experiences. Her account leads me to speculate that the beings craft my been extra-dimensional. Besides personal issues, things have been at the usual.
Last night, 6-8-11, I have been sleeping from the time I get back from work until 11pm. My body and myself seem to not want to be asleep at night. I been forcing myself to sleep at reasonable hours, but for some reason I do not want to sleep.
Last night I tried to relax myself as normal, did some chores, and was ok.
When I finally forced myself to relax and try to sleep several odd things began to happen. 1) The usual noise in my left ear started (this was toward the pillow), 2) after a couple of secs the volume decreased and hen started in my right ear 3) I heard an odd noise from the hallway (crawl space bang) 4) There was a strong cold draft in my room 5) Then blacked out. During this time I was trying to relax and just remain calm, I even thought how nice cool air, and tried to remain calm. I did not fall asleep... things just turned off as in "blacked out".
During the "black out"... I was escorted down a pearly and circular hallway. Being were behind me as I moved forward. We then got to a warm bathed in a golden light. It was a small chamber some 10' round, and it contained a small garden of river stone, moss grass, and four small fountain statues. I remember saying "What have you done. In our city this is not allowed. It is very lovely though but could do without the female fountains." I was simply told "Wait here" and I simply stared at the fountains.
I revived at 5am. Swung out of bed went to the bathroom, rinsed my mouth, went back to bed and lay there. I noted the time, and also just went through the motions...I was numb... I felt nothing as if i was on automatic pilot... wondering why I was doing this. At 6am.... same thing.. swung out of bed, rinsed my mouth, and lay back in bed. 7am same thing......swung out of bed, rinsed my mouth, and lay back in bed. At this point I knew something was wrong... becuase I was just trapped... I needed to go to work... but I was just laying there. The only thing I could do all those time was move my eyes, and I thought I was dreaming... but I wasn't. I made sure to see the clock and look around... which is quite disturbing when you body is doing something else entirely. Finally around 730 I got up one last time and after rinsing my mouth I was normal. The first thing that hit me was my throat was raw.
It felt like the time I had gastropic biopsy in which a tube with cameras was down my throat. I also through up stomach acid. My stomach was fine the night before.
Of course... my first thought is I need to get to work... so I got dressed although crying and shaking. I was trying to keep it out of my head... of what my have happened.
As per usual I check on my aunt before I go to work. As I said my goodbyes I noticed she was upset. I asked her point blank what was wrong. She was scared, becuase around 3:00 am at night something opened up he crawlspace and was walking around the hallway. She screamed my name, and something walked around the kitchen and the hallway. She also felt a draft of cold air enter her room as well. Trying to remain as calm as I could I said "yeah... it was hem again. Something did happen. They are not after you. Don't be scared. I need to go to work". I attempted to re-assure and go to work. In the car I broke down a bit, but I continued on with driving to work... throughout the next couple of minutes I sobbed apathetically... functioning but crying and wanting to end it all. So far my strong sense of obligation anchors me.... but I can't take this anymore. It is one thing when I am just trapped in this, but another thing when my loved one are subject to this too.
Which brings a whole other can of worms... what do I do? If I admit whats going on and how I really feel... it cause serious ramifications. I am the only one working, a caregiver, like many Americans I live from check to check, and have no social support. Only option is for me to endure and do my best... but it is taking a toll on me.
Date: June 9, 2011
Type: Abduction
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:45 am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused, Sad, Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Odd Noises, Hauntings, Odd Sleeping Patterns, CE3 of an associate.
Odd occurrences after: Repetitious Behavior at 5am, 6am, 7am, and 730am.
Over the past weeks the usual odd noises at night occur, along with some ghostly phenomena, and the usual odd sleeping patterns. On May 30th a close associate's family member had a CE3. This event occurred in Burbank, CA. Although the area in which the craft sighted is highly improbable, she described the tell tale signs of the entity's craft that have seem to have bothered me.I have never gone into detail with her, and she has very little knowledge of my experiences. Her account leads me to speculate that the beings craft my been extra-dimensional. Besides personal issues, things have been at the usual.
Last night, 6-8-11, I have been sleeping from the time I get back from work until 11pm. My body and myself seem to not want to be asleep at night. I been forcing myself to sleep at reasonable hours, but for some reason I do not want to sleep.
Last night I tried to relax myself as normal, did some chores, and was ok.
When I finally forced myself to relax and try to sleep several odd things began to happen. 1) The usual noise in my left ear started (this was toward the pillow), 2) after a couple of secs the volume decreased and hen started in my right ear 3) I heard an odd noise from the hallway (crawl space bang) 4) There was a strong cold draft in my room 5) Then blacked out. During this time I was trying to relax and just remain calm, I even thought how nice cool air, and tried to remain calm. I did not fall asleep... things just turned off as in "blacked out".
During the "black out"... I was escorted down a pearly and circular hallway. Being were behind me as I moved forward. We then got to a warm bathed in a golden light. It was a small chamber some 10' round, and it contained a small garden of river stone, moss grass, and four small fountain statues. I remember saying "What have you done. In our city this is not allowed. It is very lovely though but could do without the female fountains." I was simply told "Wait here" and I simply stared at the fountains.
I revived at 5am. Swung out of bed went to the bathroom, rinsed my mouth, went back to bed and lay there. I noted the time, and also just went through the motions...I was numb... I felt nothing as if i was on automatic pilot... wondering why I was doing this. At 6am.... same thing.. swung out of bed, rinsed my mouth, and lay back in bed. 7am same thing......swung out of bed, rinsed my mouth, and lay back in bed. At this point I knew something was wrong... becuase I was just trapped... I needed to go to work... but I was just laying there. The only thing I could do all those time was move my eyes, and I thought I was dreaming... but I wasn't. I made sure to see the clock and look around... which is quite disturbing when you body is doing something else entirely. Finally around 730 I got up one last time and after rinsing my mouth I was normal. The first thing that hit me was my throat was raw.
It felt like the time I had gastropic biopsy in which a tube with cameras was down my throat. I also through up stomach acid. My stomach was fine the night before.
Of course... my first thought is I need to get to work... so I got dressed although crying and shaking. I was trying to keep it out of my head... of what my have happened.
As per usual I check on my aunt before I go to work. As I said my goodbyes I noticed she was upset. I asked her point blank what was wrong. She was scared, becuase around 3:00 am at night something opened up he crawlspace and was walking around the hallway. She screamed my name, and something walked around the kitchen and the hallway. She also felt a draft of cold air enter her room as well. Trying to remain as calm as I could I said "yeah... it was hem again. Something did happen. They are not after you. Don't be scared. I need to go to work". I attempted to re-assure and go to work. In the car I broke down a bit, but I continued on with driving to work... throughout the next couple of minutes I sobbed apathetically... functioning but crying and wanting to end it all. So far my strong sense of obligation anchors me.... but I can't take this anymore. It is one thing when I am just trapped in this, but another thing when my loved one are subject to this too.
Which brings a whole other can of worms... what do I do? If I admit whats going on and how I really feel... it cause serious ramifications. I am the only one working, a caregiver, like many Americans I live from check to check, and have no social support. Only option is for me to endure and do my best... but it is taking a toll on me.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sleep Paralysis Day
Date: May 15, 2011
Type: ????
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 1:00pm-6:pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Dream.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Well I am not sure how to classify this one. I woke up this morning as usually and did my chores and made breakfast. I didn't eat anything and was just "blah" feeling.
So I laid down. (1)Immediately I had one of the paralysis attacks... I had accidentally had my wrist by my temple. After managing to nudge my hand from under my head... I awoke. I was confused and wonder why this happened. I still felt very lethargic. (2) I laid back down and turned over... again, my wrist had ended up under my temple. Again I struggled and manage to free myself. As I got up I felt lethargic and sat back and laid down. (3) This time I made sure my hands were away from my head... but as I fell asleep my wrists were over each other and I couldn't breathe well. At this point I heard "Why do you struggle?" in a very calm voice.
In my head I replied "There are obligations and duties I must perform". After a few moments of struggling I managed to wake up and breath normally.
I still felt worn out, and weak... I just laid there looked at the clock and it was 3pm. I felt alone and very sad... and thought why do I struggle? At this point I felt how pointless my life is, how no one really wants me in there life, I am truly alone, I've been abandoned and betrayed by the people I love.. and why should I be here. At this point I closed my eyes again. (4) I was on my side and couldn't move, somethings was watching and left. I managed to twitch and move, I was attempting to roll of the bed to wake up. I manged to move my right arm so it extended over the bed. It was then picked up and held straight out. I heard "No". My arm was put back to my side. I began to panic a bit... and thinking "I am dying this time, I can't I have responsibilities". I hyper-ventilated, another trick that usually works. Again I woke up. It was 3:50pm.
This time I got out of bed went to wash the dishes and got my aunt tea. I laid down... again, not realizing what happened before. It was like I didn't care but aware of what was going on (5) Again I fell asleep and was paralyzed. This time and was tired of us this... why is this happening? I managed to roll back and forth until I feel of the bed. Yet... I awoke up on the bed.... lethargic... I looked at the clock and it was 2:50pm. I check the clock again and it was 2:50pm. I was confused as I knew it should be 4'ish. 6) Again I felt the urge to lay down... and was was my ankles this time... and again I managed to move them apart.... when I did my cell phone went off. I managed to get it. It said 4:14pm ... it was from one of the people I am hurt over.... I dismissed the text message and looked at the clock... and laid back down... very sad. Again... this continued for the next couple of hours for a few more times.... each time me struggling to get free. This happened a total of ten time until I just got up and turned on the computer and TV.
Now... as I stated before I am suffering from depression, however I had these paralyzing attacks before...but never so numerous in one day. Yet again... something directly interacting with me and an episode of time displacement. My aunt did confirm that around 4pm I did get her tea... ironically she felt sleepy all day... and did not know why. I do not know if this was them or something else.... either way... not a good day.
-Early that morning I had two strange dreams... 1 dream was about my high schools friends whom I miss.. we were having a sleep over. They had forgot we had done this before. It was a mish-mash of memories. 2nd Dream was odd... it was my grandmother's funeral. My grandmother's daughters were here in the house. We were discussing some things about 1) Grace should sleep in "the room" so she can see them and believe. 2) My mother and I were in my grandmothers room and discussing why are there ghosts here. I said "Perhaps they are trying to convey a message". The closet has glass doors... and I though perhaps there was a message there since there was odd activity in the closet as my grandmother dress were being lifted up.
I was steamy the glass with my breath to see if there was smudges.. none... but as the light refracted at the angle I was looking at the glass I found a series of etched words on the glass....these messages were disturbing... "They are always watching", "they come form 2-4", "I see the lights", "They are in the other room", etc..... apparently my grandmother knew and his this. At this time we went to go and tell my other aunt who had found a book in the kitchen. This book was my grandmother's and showed that the event had happened, the pictures were disturbing as they showed a man over a stone table with 10 of these beings swarming around him and taking out his intestines. At this point I woke up....
Reason why I say these are odd dreams...becuase they are about life here.... and I hardly dream.
Type: ????
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 1:00pm-6:pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Dream.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Well I am not sure how to classify this one. I woke up this morning as usually and did my chores and made breakfast. I didn't eat anything and was just "blah" feeling.
So I laid down. (1)Immediately I had one of the paralysis attacks... I had accidentally had my wrist by my temple. After managing to nudge my hand from under my head... I awoke. I was confused and wonder why this happened. I still felt very lethargic. (2) I laid back down and turned over... again, my wrist had ended up under my temple. Again I struggled and manage to free myself. As I got up I felt lethargic and sat back and laid down. (3) This time I made sure my hands were away from my head... but as I fell asleep my wrists were over each other and I couldn't breathe well. At this point I heard "Why do you struggle?" in a very calm voice.
In my head I replied "There are obligations and duties I must perform". After a few moments of struggling I managed to wake up and breath normally.
I still felt worn out, and weak... I just laid there looked at the clock and it was 3pm. I felt alone and very sad... and thought why do I struggle? At this point I felt how pointless my life is, how no one really wants me in there life, I am truly alone, I've been abandoned and betrayed by the people I love.. and why should I be here. At this point I closed my eyes again. (4) I was on my side and couldn't move, somethings was watching and left. I managed to twitch and move, I was attempting to roll of the bed to wake up. I manged to move my right arm so it extended over the bed. It was then picked up and held straight out. I heard "No". My arm was put back to my side. I began to panic a bit... and thinking "I am dying this time, I can't I have responsibilities". I hyper-ventilated, another trick that usually works. Again I woke up. It was 3:50pm.
This time I got out of bed went to wash the dishes and got my aunt tea. I laid down... again, not realizing what happened before. It was like I didn't care but aware of what was going on (5) Again I fell asleep and was paralyzed. This time and was tired of us this... why is this happening? I managed to roll back and forth until I feel of the bed. Yet... I awoke up on the bed.... lethargic... I looked at the clock and it was 2:50pm. I check the clock again and it was 2:50pm. I was confused as I knew it should be 4'ish. 6) Again I felt the urge to lay down... and was was my ankles this time... and again I managed to move them apart.... when I did my cell phone went off. I managed to get it. It said 4:14pm ... it was from one of the people I am hurt over.... I dismissed the text message and looked at the clock... and laid back down... very sad. Again... this continued for the next couple of hours for a few more times.... each time me struggling to get free. This happened a total of ten time until I just got up and turned on the computer and TV.
Now... as I stated before I am suffering from depression, however I had these paralyzing attacks before...but never so numerous in one day. Yet again... something directly interacting with me and an episode of time displacement. My aunt did confirm that around 4pm I did get her tea... ironically she felt sleepy all day... and did not know why. I do not know if this was them or something else.... either way... not a good day.
-Early that morning I had two strange dreams... 1 dream was about my high schools friends whom I miss.. we were having a sleep over. They had forgot we had done this before. It was a mish-mash of memories. 2nd Dream was odd... it was my grandmother's funeral. My grandmother's daughters were here in the house. We were discussing some things about 1) Grace should sleep in "the room" so she can see them and believe. 2) My mother and I were in my grandmothers room and discussing why are there ghosts here. I said "Perhaps they are trying to convey a message". The closet has glass doors... and I though perhaps there was a message there since there was odd activity in the closet as my grandmother dress were being lifted up.
I was steamy the glass with my breath to see if there was smudges.. none... but as the light refracted at the angle I was looking at the glass I found a series of etched words on the glass....these messages were disturbing... "They are always watching", "they come form 2-4", "I see the lights", "They are in the other room", etc..... apparently my grandmother knew and his this. At this time we went to go and tell my other aunt who had found a book in the kitchen. This book was my grandmother's and showed that the event had happened, the pictures were disturbing as they showed a man over a stone table with 10 of these beings swarming around him and taking out his intestines. At this point I woke up....
Reason why I say these are odd dreams...becuase they are about life here.... and I hardly dream.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
My Profile Case (Update)
State of Mind:
Currently subject is suffering from a functional depression. Subject also is not coping well with own emotions, choosing rationalize them and dealing with them logical manner and remaining in "working mode". However, after a certain build up or time subject become non-functional for an hour or so. Root cause of the depression are the abduction, lack of support network, and uncertainty of his ability as a caretaker. These other two factors are impacted by the abductions.
Support Network: State of fact that subject has less than two people who he considers himself close with. The last two individuals are no longer there as anticipated as they have deals with their own lives. No family relatives. Attempts with meeting new individuals for potential close people have not been successful.
Most candidate have ridiculed or flat out rejected. Future prospect without dependent has become very scary as individuals believe if he is alone... things with the abduction will get worse. Thoughts of "liquidation" are becoming more common.
State of Mind:
Currently subject is suffering from a functional depression. Subject also is not coping well with own emotions, choosing rationalize them and dealing with them logical manner and remaining in "working mode". However, after a certain build up or time subject become non-functional for an hour or so. Root cause of the depression are the abduction, lack of support network, and uncertainty of his ability as a caretaker. These other two factors are impacted by the abductions.
Support Network: State of fact that subject has less than two people who he considers himself close with. The last two individuals are no longer there as anticipated as they have deals with their own lives. No family relatives. Attempts with meeting new individuals for potential close people have not been successful.
Most candidate have ridiculed or flat out rejected. Future prospect without dependent has become very scary as individuals believe if he is alone... things with the abduction will get worse. Thoughts of "liquidation" are becoming more common.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Dream Invasion
Date: May, 13, 2011
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:48am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely, Apprehensive
State of Mind After: Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptom, Arm (week before), Noises.
Odd occurrences after: None.
For the past couple weeks since one popped in... there have been several odd occurrences. Most of these I have been writing off as coincidental or dismissing due to my depression. These are the following things in a nutshell:
-Humming Sounds from 2am to 5 am in the morning
-Noises Outside(Bumps, odd talking)
-Fluctuating Sleeping Patterns
-Loss of Appetite
-Odd Build up of static electricity
So far since the last encounter in April I have been fearful of going to sleep, subconsciously.. my body does not wanna shut off. I am afraid to go to sleep although I know there is nothing I can do... I have trouble sleeping... until about 2:30 am... when I pass out from exhaustion. Oddly I managed to adjust my schedule to accommodate this behavior..adjusting my sleeping schedule so I would be up between those hours. During the day I noticed another odd thing from the time I got up until 3pm... I kept get shocked from statics electricity. No I am been dismissing this as part of my depression and the statics as part of the odd weather or some other issue at work causing this.
Now a week ago around 12am, as I was watching TV.... I noticed out of the corner of my eye one of their arms by the bookcase. I did a double take cause it was clear as day... it was as if it edging around the book case and retreated back. I got up nonchalantly and pretended not to notice. After a few minutes I went and realized I had left my room door open. I dismissed this as stress, although I wasn't thinking of them... to the even this week.... again I have some issues I am dealing with more pressing that the abductions. All these antics I been dismissing and putting out of my mind. However I went to sleep and was tired.... I actually had a dream and a very boring one. I was basically just repeating the weeks events... but it was in a fast forward motion. At certain points it would slow down and people in my life would ask me odd questions about life and "what would I do". Then after this it would fast forward again...after a few days of this "in the dream"... when I got home I say one the greys stand at my door. Immediately I began to back out of the house in fear. It looked at me in the sense "You see me? You not suppose to see me".. and when I ran out the door I ran into an other one.
At this point I immediately woke up.... I was instantly on my feet.. in which i got up from my bed and swung up into a standing position. I looked at the clock...saw the time and calmly told myself verbally "It was not real. I am going back to sleep".. although in my head I was why am I being so calm? And I feel asleep. Then I woke up around 5:15am. This time I was confused.... as why I was so calm. I felt complete apathy. I looked around the room and checked everything. I was unnervingly calm. I went back to bed and just lay their until I reasoned that I need to go to work. That broke the apathy and I resumed the day as normal as can be. However throughout the whole day I was trying to analyze the odd dream and behavior.
Next post is an assessment of my current state for the record...
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:48am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely, Apprehensive
State of Mind After: Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptom, Arm (week before), Noises.
Odd occurrences after: None.
For the past couple weeks since one popped in... there have been several odd occurrences. Most of these I have been writing off as coincidental or dismissing due to my depression. These are the following things in a nutshell:
-Humming Sounds from 2am to 5 am in the morning
-Noises Outside(Bumps, odd talking)
-Fluctuating Sleeping Patterns
-Loss of Appetite
-Odd Build up of static electricity
So far since the last encounter in April I have been fearful of going to sleep, subconsciously.. my body does not wanna shut off. I am afraid to go to sleep although I know there is nothing I can do... I have trouble sleeping... until about 2:30 am... when I pass out from exhaustion. Oddly I managed to adjust my schedule to accommodate this behavior..adjusting my sleeping schedule so I would be up between those hours. During the day I noticed another odd thing from the time I got up until 3pm... I kept get shocked from statics electricity. No I am been dismissing this as part of my depression and the statics as part of the odd weather or some other issue at work causing this.
Now a week ago around 12am, as I was watching TV.... I noticed out of the corner of my eye one of their arms by the bookcase. I did a double take cause it was clear as day... it was as if it edging around the book case and retreated back. I got up nonchalantly and pretended not to notice. After a few minutes I went and realized I had left my room door open. I dismissed this as stress, although I wasn't thinking of them... to the even this week.... again I have some issues I am dealing with more pressing that the abductions. All these antics I been dismissing and putting out of my mind. However I went to sleep and was tired.... I actually had a dream and a very boring one. I was basically just repeating the weeks events... but it was in a fast forward motion. At certain points it would slow down and people in my life would ask me odd questions about life and "what would I do". Then after this it would fast forward again...after a few days of this "in the dream"... when I got home I say one the greys stand at my door. Immediately I began to back out of the house in fear. It looked at me in the sense "You see me? You not suppose to see me".. and when I ran out the door I ran into an other one.
At this point I immediately woke up.... I was instantly on my feet.. in which i got up from my bed and swung up into a standing position. I looked at the clock...saw the time and calmly told myself verbally "It was not real. I am going back to sleep".. although in my head I was why am I being so calm? And I feel asleep. Then I woke up around 5:15am. This time I was confused.... as why I was so calm. I felt complete apathy. I looked around the room and checked everything. I was unnervingly calm. I went back to bed and just lay their until I reasoned that I need to go to work. That broke the apathy and I resumed the day as normal as can be. However throughout the whole day I was trying to analyze the odd dream and behavior.
Next post is an assessment of my current state for the record...
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Memory..... why do I remember......
Someone asked me any important question..... "How do you remember what happens to you?".
"Is it a dream-like or something clear?". In all honesty I just remember....
I am not a neuro-biologist, nor do I hold a degree in medicine.... but what I can tell you comes from what I have read and seen about how our brain works. Those that have studied biology and psychology know that our memories and the brain in a complex things.... our brain process our memories by the data it receives through our senses.... sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, etc..... these response are encoded into our brain via cell and neuro patterns that form in our brain. The memory is made up of bytes of data from each region and are reformed to give a complete memory. Repetition of an event help encoding the structure, so our brains can easily retrieve the information.... ergo the old adage "Practice makes perfect".
However, although we get the basics of who memory works we still don't know enough of it.
Plus we know there is both short term and long term memory....not to mention... forgetting... and that the brain is a biological mechanism that is making this happen which is prone to age, disease, and damage.... so where is our memory and core being stored really? Science has yet to include the "spirit" or a mechanism that is a replicate of what philosophy calls the soul and its part in memory.
However... getting back to the topic... why and how do I remember the events that happen to me? As I cued in earlier.... repetition. Since i have been constantly abducted in the same manner for years, the pattern of sensations are hard coded...despite all the mind wiping they have done. My body is aware of every time they come because the familiar sensations are repeated... that gives me the cue to remember.... when they leave the same things.... these sensations of there withdrawal are repeated. The reason why we remember some things are because the tests they do are repetitive.... sometimes they also make us remember because the event is traumatic..... other times why we don't remember is simply because are mind encodes the event as something else a dream or screened out because it was such a negative experience we shouldn't remember it. You can suppress things, but.... there is always evidence.... evidence of absence.... evidence of oddity... it like with black holes.... you can't see them... but you can see their passing.
At least from my research into the topic of memory... it re-affirms something that I have stated... be aware of everything that is happening... not just from sound and sight... but the other sensations.... all things things can help you remember things by keying in familiar patterns to help bring about the memory.
I been living with this for all of my life... I know how scary things can get... and yes... it is life threatening... it can mess up your life... but we as individual can over come any challenge at us... life has a way of always surviving and evolving. The whole fact that these experiences are happening to us are showing us one thing... that there is knowledge beyond what we know... that the rules of space and time and universals law are that we know are just the tip of the iceberg... that there are possibilities and probabilities out there.
There is hope.
"Is it a dream-like or something clear?". In all honesty I just remember....
I am not a neuro-biologist, nor do I hold a degree in medicine.... but what I can tell you comes from what I have read and seen about how our brain works. Those that have studied biology and psychology know that our memories and the brain in a complex things.... our brain process our memories by the data it receives through our senses.... sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, etc..... these response are encoded into our brain via cell and neuro patterns that form in our brain. The memory is made up of bytes of data from each region and are reformed to give a complete memory. Repetition of an event help encoding the structure, so our brains can easily retrieve the information.... ergo the old adage "Practice makes perfect".
However, although we get the basics of who memory works we still don't know enough of it.
Plus we know there is both short term and long term memory....not to mention... forgetting... and that the brain is a biological mechanism that is making this happen which is prone to age, disease, and damage.... so where is our memory and core being stored really? Science has yet to include the "spirit" or a mechanism that is a replicate of what philosophy calls the soul and its part in memory.
However... getting back to the topic... why and how do I remember the events that happen to me? As I cued in earlier.... repetition. Since i have been constantly abducted in the same manner for years, the pattern of sensations are hard coded...despite all the mind wiping they have done. My body is aware of every time they come because the familiar sensations are repeated... that gives me the cue to remember.... when they leave the same things.... these sensations of there withdrawal are repeated. The reason why we remember some things are because the tests they do are repetitive.... sometimes they also make us remember because the event is traumatic..... other times why we don't remember is simply because are mind encodes the event as something else a dream or screened out because it was such a negative experience we shouldn't remember it. You can suppress things, but.... there is always evidence.... evidence of absence.... evidence of oddity... it like with black holes.... you can't see them... but you can see their passing.
At least from my research into the topic of memory... it re-affirms something that I have stated... be aware of everything that is happening... not just from sound and sight... but the other sensations.... all things things can help you remember things by keying in familiar patterns to help bring about the memory.
I been living with this for all of my life... I know how scary things can get... and yes... it is life threatening... it can mess up your life... but we as individual can over come any challenge at us... life has a way of always surviving and evolving. The whole fact that these experiences are happening to us are showing us one thing... that there is knowledge beyond what we know... that the rules of space and time and universals law are that we know are just the tip of the iceberg... that there are possibilities and probabilities out there.
There is hope.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
New Abduction Techiques or Abductors?
Date: April, 26, 2011
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:30am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Depressed, Apprehensive
State of Mind After: Bothered, Sad, Depressed, Dumbfounded.
Odd occurrences before: Subconsciously apprehensive about going to sleep, odd noises. Note... Full Moon previously on Sunday.
Odd occurrences after: Items in room were moved, dumbfounded state for 1 1/2 hours.
As reported something odd has happened in general this weekend. As usual I try to remain calm and collective, approaching his analytically and logically. However... last night was one of these events were obvious proof and their presence disturbs me.
Last night I had trouble going to bed... I was not tired and tried to get myself to go to sleep. I noticed I felt apprehensive about going to sleep... I wanted to go to sleep but my body would not relax. After lulling myself into state of comfort... I started to here some noises ... although my mind instantly put me on alert.. I told myself to ignore it and I am just being apprehensive. It will be all right.
I dreamt. It was the stupid dreams about reality... scenarios about people and places in the past.. interacting with people that are no longer in my life. Stuff full of regret and loss as one would say. However, their was an urgency in the dream for me to get home... always.. to get home. When I finally got home... I remember waking up. Apparently my aunt fell on the floor in the hallway. I had to pick her up and she said they came (this was in the dream).
At that moment I woke up.... I was shivering... my left eye felt left side of my face felt numb. I was cold..... The clock showed 5:55 am. (5:30 am I have times set differently on all clocks). My curtain was pulled back, and the fan was moved. I was scared... I knew what happened... they show up... odd though I was intimidated scared.... I oddly went to the cubby corner end of the bed and huddled there for the next hour of so...just scared and silent... with a feeling of denial, frightened, regret, and sadness. Around the time I needed to leave for work... I managed to pull myself together. However... I feel frazzled, very sad, and mentally lethargic. I believe they have been working the left side of my body in order to influence the right hemisphere of the brain. They were sloppy last night... and wanted me to know that yes it was them.
What is worse (proof) is that my aunt was woken up around 5:00 am.... she says she heard the usually footsteps. However something was trying to open my door. They tried the nob, but it was locked. But after a few rattles and such them managed to open the door. Later she heard them leave as well, with them closing the door. I asked her if there was anything unusual last night and this is what she stated.... I have not mentioned to her my incident.
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:30am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Depressed, Apprehensive
State of Mind After: Bothered, Sad, Depressed, Dumbfounded.
Odd occurrences before: Subconsciously apprehensive about going to sleep, odd noises. Note... Full Moon previously on Sunday.
Odd occurrences after: Items in room were moved, dumbfounded state for 1 1/2 hours.
As reported something odd has happened in general this weekend. As usual I try to remain calm and collective, approaching his analytically and logically. However... last night was one of these events were obvious proof and their presence disturbs me.
Last night I had trouble going to bed... I was not tired and tried to get myself to go to sleep. I noticed I felt apprehensive about going to sleep... I wanted to go to sleep but my body would not relax. After lulling myself into state of comfort... I started to here some noises ... although my mind instantly put me on alert.. I told myself to ignore it and I am just being apprehensive. It will be all right.
I dreamt. It was the stupid dreams about reality... scenarios about people and places in the past.. interacting with people that are no longer in my life. Stuff full of regret and loss as one would say. However, their was an urgency in the dream for me to get home... always.. to get home. When I finally got home... I remember waking up. Apparently my aunt fell on the floor in the hallway. I had to pick her up and she said they came (this was in the dream).
At that moment I woke up.... I was shivering... my left eye felt left side of my face felt numb. I was cold..... The clock showed 5:55 am. (5:30 am I have times set differently on all clocks). My curtain was pulled back, and the fan was moved. I was scared... I knew what happened... they show up... odd though I was intimidated scared.... I oddly went to the cubby corner end of the bed and huddled there for the next hour of so...just scared and silent... with a feeling of denial, frightened, regret, and sadness. Around the time I needed to leave for work... I managed to pull myself together. However... I feel frazzled, very sad, and mentally lethargic. I believe they have been working the left side of my body in order to influence the right hemisphere of the brain. They were sloppy last night... and wanted me to know that yes it was them.
What is worse (proof) is that my aunt was woken up around 5:00 am.... she says she heard the usually footsteps. However something was trying to open my door. They tried the nob, but it was locked. But after a few rattles and such them managed to open the door. Later she heard them leave as well, with them closing the door. I asked her if there was anything unusual last night and this is what she stated.... I have not mentioned to her my incident.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Date: March-April, 25, 2011
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:30am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Depressed
State of Mind After: Bothered, Sad, Depressed.
Odd occurrences before: Half-moon scratch on the left ankle, even line scratch of three spaced line on left shoulder, Left side of faced sore, bursted blood vessel on the left eye (outerside eye red/inner eye okay).
Odd occurrences after: Odd noises, walking, an episode of daytime sleep paralysis
Possible Influential Factors: Depression, Paranormal Activities.
About 1 month ago when I was leaving for work, after coughing and looking in the mirror to comb my hair... I noticed my eye was red. When I came home and took a shower and looked at my eye....during the day my left side of the face felt sore. As I examined my body, I noticed a scratch along my ankle and shoulder. All these injuries were on my left side. I thought this was odd... but simply chucked this up to unknown and was more concerned about my eye.
About a week later, during the day I had sleep paralysis. Again I thought this was from joint pressure on my ankles and wrists. Nothing vivid or odd. Again since I had a guest with me who was also asleep I gave no thought to this. Although I do not know why I felt so so sleepy that day.
Yesterday, after I put my aunt to bed I came to my room to sleep. I felt unusually warm and though it is just my body again overheating. As I lay down, I heard the oddest noise which was reminiscent of gold fish gasping for air... that slight and silent mouthing noise. The thing That I found odd was that there was a cold draft blowing into my bed. When I look to the edge, there was a draft lifting the curtain slight as if billowing from under the bed very slightly. At this time I saw the color of the carpet as if the light was on... but I felt oddly calm and didn't seem to care at the time. I was just glad it was cool.
It was at this time I noticed that my left eye had a problem. My night vision was decreased slightly, it wasn't as sharp as before. Again I thought this was odd.
I feel asleep. Next I woke up vibrating, my ankles felt they were being forced to touch, but my foot was tangle into the blankets and unable to touch. For about a minute I was vibrating.... not tingling.. not shaking... but vibrating as if you were humming. After this I was scared... and did not move... I awaited until I slowly stopped. It faded away from head/toes to the navel. I did not move and fell asleep. It did bother me when i woke up this morning... and I asked my aunt if anything odd happened. She stated that there were several odd hums last night as if something was vibrating. It would start and stop and last for a few minutes.
My left is hurts every so often after last night, and has twitched here an there.
I have also noticed that the left eye seems to have changed a bit (things appear slight closer and greens and yellow a bit more vivid).
As can be expected I am scarred, they are attempting an alternate form of abduction I believe... not the usual high pitch sound.... but humming and vibration.
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:30am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Depressed
State of Mind After: Bothered, Sad, Depressed.
Odd occurrences before: Half-moon scratch on the left ankle, even line scratch of three spaced line on left shoulder, Left side of faced sore, bursted blood vessel on the left eye (outerside eye red/inner eye okay).
Odd occurrences after: Odd noises, walking, an episode of daytime sleep paralysis
Possible Influential Factors: Depression, Paranormal Activities.
About 1 month ago when I was leaving for work, after coughing and looking in the mirror to comb my hair... I noticed my eye was red. When I came home and took a shower and looked at my eye....during the day my left side of the face felt sore. As I examined my body, I noticed a scratch along my ankle and shoulder. All these injuries were on my left side. I thought this was odd... but simply chucked this up to unknown and was more concerned about my eye.
About a week later, during the day I had sleep paralysis. Again I thought this was from joint pressure on my ankles and wrists. Nothing vivid or odd. Again since I had a guest with me who was also asleep I gave no thought to this. Although I do not know why I felt so so sleepy that day.
Yesterday, after I put my aunt to bed I came to my room to sleep. I felt unusually warm and though it is just my body again overheating. As I lay down, I heard the oddest noise which was reminiscent of gold fish gasping for air... that slight and silent mouthing noise. The thing That I found odd was that there was a cold draft blowing into my bed. When I look to the edge, there was a draft lifting the curtain slight as if billowing from under the bed very slightly. At this time I saw the color of the carpet as if the light was on... but I felt oddly calm and didn't seem to care at the time. I was just glad it was cool.
It was at this time I noticed that my left eye had a problem. My night vision was decreased slightly, it wasn't as sharp as before. Again I thought this was odd.
I feel asleep. Next I woke up vibrating, my ankles felt they were being forced to touch, but my foot was tangle into the blankets and unable to touch. For about a minute I was vibrating.... not tingling.. not shaking... but vibrating as if you were humming. After this I was scared... and did not move... I awaited until I slowly stopped. It faded away from head/toes to the navel. I did not move and fell asleep. It did bother me when i woke up this morning... and I asked my aunt if anything odd happened. She stated that there were several odd hums last night as if something was vibrating. It would start and stop and last for a few minutes.
My left is hurts every so often after last night, and has twitched here an there.
I have also noticed that the left eye seems to have changed a bit (things appear slight closer and greens and yellow a bit more vivid).
As can be expected I am scarred, they are attempting an alternate form of abduction I believe... not the usual high pitch sound.... but humming and vibration.
Continuing Paranormal Occurances
Date: April. 23, 2011
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:30am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:00am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Depressed (Me), Sad, Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: N/A (Me), Scared (Aunt).
Odd occurrences before: Odd Noises in the hall/outside wall knocks.
Odd occurrences after: Continued noises.
Possible Influential Factors: Depression
As I have been recording, there have been a number of unexplained noises that have been happening in the house. Some of the things I can rationalize as the house settling or the timbers and cement weakening due to age and exposure.
My aunt claims that moments after she turned off the TV that night, she felt very groggy and fell asleep. She felt like she was being lifted up and was floating upright. She recalls going down the hall, her feet never touching the ground and in the kitchen the image of her parents were there. They were dressed as they appear in the anniversary portrait that is found in the living room. They kept beckoning her to come to them. Behind them though there were about 5 humanoid figures of various heights and sizes...(too tall or too short, thin, oddly shaped) their faces and features could not be made out. Before she reached them, she awoke and felt that she was dropped back in her chair and it was 7am.
Now, that night before I went to sleep I had odd feelings, of them around. I been trying to ignore it becuase they seem as if it is just random thoughts. However, it is odd and a coincidence. Now... three views of have of my aunts incidents is this:
1) She was just having a vivid dream, and really misses her parents. It was a simple longing to reunite with them and that happens to be a picture she usually sees everyday of them.
2) She was contacted by their spirits letting her know her time is coming. She will be reunited with her passed on family.
3) Aliens are using an familiar and available image. They levitated her and watched her reactions to the image of her parents.
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:30am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:00am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Depressed (Me), Sad, Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: N/A (Me), Scared (Aunt).
Odd occurrences before: Odd Noises in the hall/outside wall knocks.
Odd occurrences after: Continued noises.
Possible Influential Factors: Depression
As I have been recording, there have been a number of unexplained noises that have been happening in the house. Some of the things I can rationalize as the house settling or the timbers and cement weakening due to age and exposure.
My aunt claims that moments after she turned off the TV that night, she felt very groggy and fell asleep. She felt like she was being lifted up and was floating upright. She recalls going down the hall, her feet never touching the ground and in the kitchen the image of her parents were there. They were dressed as they appear in the anniversary portrait that is found in the living room. They kept beckoning her to come to them. Behind them though there were about 5 humanoid figures of various heights and sizes...(too tall or too short, thin, oddly shaped) their faces and features could not be made out. Before she reached them, she awoke and felt that she was dropped back in her chair and it was 7am.
Now, that night before I went to sleep I had odd feelings, of them around. I been trying to ignore it becuase they seem as if it is just random thoughts. However, it is odd and a coincidence. Now... three views of have of my aunts incidents is this:
1) She was just having a vivid dream, and really misses her parents. It was a simple longing to reunite with them and that happens to be a picture she usually sees everyday of them.
2) She was contacted by their spirits letting her know her time is coming. She will be reunited with her passed on family.
3) Aliens are using an familiar and available image. They levitated her and watched her reactions to the image of her parents.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Television: V: The Visitors
Most of you will only recall that "V" premiered recently, but in fact is a remake of a show that aired in the 1980s. The show itself was based on a "what if" a massive UFO sightings occurred, witnessed by the global public, and the likely interaction that would fallout. In both the original series and the remake the "Visitors" are an alien race that traveled from their solar system to ours for "various reasons of peace and exploration". A fleet of motherships positioned themselves around the major cities of the world. When the visitors made official contact we find that they are human in appearance and seems very uniform social structure. Their ambassador to humanity and leader "Dianna/Anna" makes a peace offering to earth to offer a mutual exchange of technology and advance science with the world.
Over the course of the show, we show that humanity is split on seeing these visitors as saviors and beings to do business... while others fear that they hide sinister motives. In both series.... there are themes about invasion, hybrids, climate change, etc, and the eventual downfall of humanity.
Eventually we find out that these being are actually "Reptilians" who are wearing human skins to infiltrate and befriend humanity. There motives stem from a passive conquest with plan of taking over the planet for its resources and population. They seek to crossbreed with humans, or in the very least make some use from human genes. It become very apparent that they are sinister motives behind everything they have done, turning humanity against itself and bring much of the earth under their control.
It the remake, it is documented that the visitors have been interacting with the planet for quite sometime. Evidence of a skeleton was found during an archaeological dig, and one of the main characters seems to have been abducted and treated so here physical make up is more compatible with the visitors. human genes.
As many in the UFO/Abductee community know there have been reports for centuries of lizard like beings from the stars who are the basis for this show. They are known as "Reptilians", and on almost all accounts are extremely hostile and seek enslavement and breeding with humankind. It is rumored that this race has infiltrated the world's various government and powers and has slowly been influencing their agenda for decades. Now like Greys... there are various forms of "Reptilians"... one theory suggest they are from space... while another theory claims they have existed on our planet for centuries living within the earth.
Television: Doctor Who: The Silence
A new species has recently appeared in the latest "Doctor Who" series. So far the the show has been hinting at them for quite sometime, as they seem to be the force behind the destruction of the Tardis.
What is most peculiar is that they seem to be a composite of the greys that are usually seen among abductees.
Apparently these beings per the Storyline of "Doctor Who" have been on the planet for centuries, co-existing with humanity in an unseen method.... whether being clandestine and underground.... or being able to affect ones memory. Not much is known about the species at this time. Yet careful observers can note the similarity between them and the greys... they are humanoid and almond/grey in color. From certain shots they appear to favor the M.I.B. look or no clothing. There eyes are sunk far back in, giving their eye sockets a large shadow (big black eyes), and have know mouth, four digits, and a large bulbous head. They have an ability cause individuals to "forget" about them when you do not look at their image (reference to Crowley's Lum???). They also seem to be able to generate electrical interference and redirect an energy blast to vaporize living beings.
It will be interesting to see what more the show will reveal as this particular "species" can hit home to so many.
Friday, March 25, 2011
THC/DMT Follow Up
Awhile back I did a post on "Alien Abductions and DMT, Argon and Isotopes", that touched upon a mechanism that may play a part in Alien Abduction. To recap, the human body produces a cannabidol known as THC. This chemical compound in part goes along with another chemical known as DMT, which is produced naturally during REM sleep.This compound is believed to be responsible for our bodies to enter a state of relaxation during sleep.
Sadly the United States is way behind in research concerning THC and the medical uses of Cannibus. The few studies that have been conducted in the United States are highly questionable. However, studies overseas both in Europe and Israel have provided some analytical data on the effects of THC and Cannabidols on the human body. Most enthusiast of cannabis know that there are many variation of the plant, some that a selectively grown and marketed for their taste, aromas, and various effects (intensities). Sadly the classification of these brands of Cannabis are solely arbitrary based upon the grower and the observations of the users. What is known is that all these varieties have different level of Cannabidols and THC, which can have a wide array of effects depending on the degree and potency of each. These can vary from the manipulation of the nervous system (pain sensitivity, hunger, lethargy, etc) and biochemical mental stimulants (Depression, Mania, Paranoia, Euphoria).
The main reason for a follow up, is that due to human clinical trials, we have isolated some effects of THC.
Pure THC when introduced into the body has a psychological effect of morbidity, sadness, and paranoia. Something that most abductees seem to share after an episode. When a Cannadidol is introduced with THC, the standard Euphoric effects are felt. Although, this articles seems to point a minor detail of a study, this minor detail lends more evidence to an airborne agent released. I believe that an Argon-THC laden gas is released before abduction, then excited with energy... thus revealing the tell tales signs of a blue light and people being paralyzed.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Paranormal Activity
Type: Paranormal
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 10:30pm-11:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 8:00pm
State of Mind Before: Tired, Depressed (Me), Sad, Depressed (Aunt)
State of Mind After: N/A (Me), Scared (Aunt).
Odd occurrences before: Odd Noises in the hall.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
Again there are happenings in the hall. Last night my aunt heard a group of beings murmuring and walking in the hallway. She stated that while she was watching TV, it sounded like there were a number of beings walking back and forth in our hallway and seemed to be talking to one another. She could not make out what was being said, but she says it was on the level of quiet talking and whispering. It abruptly stopped after 30 minutes.
The night before that had happened, I myself heard a large thump around 11pm that came from the hall that sound like the crawlspace hatch moving.
I am currently chalking these occurrences to the standard paranormal activities that surround us, due to the fact that we live in the vicinity of several graveyards and churches.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Movies: Paul
Another movie seeming to make light of the Alien Abduction phenomena is Paul. Like so many other aliens movies.... this is about "Human(s) befriending an Alien who is hunted by the Government". You have the classic Grey here who is humanized "It can talk, has teeth, and human like eyes" and uses the plot "in 1947 an alien ship was found...". This movie is a comedy, and seems to show the Greys as a relateble character... and is brought to you from Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz).
It is mostly like gonna be an interesting comedy, with a lot of hilarious looks at the abduction phenomena here.
For example Paul has the ability to heal and turn invisible. Of course there are Secret Agents, the Shadow Government, and UFOs....
Movie: Mars Needs Moms
Disney's "Mars Needs Moms" seems like a link to revitalize their old "Mission to Mars" ride in Tomorrowland ... but it is sadly connected to a very traumatic abduction phenomena known as Aliens Hybrids/Mating. More often than note, woman who are abducted sometimes are used for breeding purposes. These woman are fertilized and carry a child for a number of months until.... it is removed.
Sometime before the child can be identified as "foreign" by the woman's doctor, it is removed by the Greys and placed in maturation chambers in order to be brought to final term. Usually the woman is believed to suffer a miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion. This deeply scars the woman in question, sadly they are usually reintroduced to their "children". Most only are given the knowledge that they have contributed to their program, while other are instructed to care and feed the hybrid child.
Thus film seems to make light of a very serious subject, although most people will be unaware of the "seed" idea of this film....
![]() |
Alien Artwork - Janelle M. Wilson's Collection |
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Love can be worse than Fear
Although not really rated to aliens or ghosts... it is a dream. A couple of times, in the past during on of the abductions they did play minds games with me like this..... this was just a dream. Either way the effects were hurtful nonetheless.
In life we have few moments of happiness... with certain family and friends (pets) or just truly memorable events.
Some of us though have had lives that well, we only know pain... betrayal... disappointment... envy ... jealousy... hate... and indifference from those we deal with as family member and other people we socially interact with.
Those of us that have lived those kinda lives have built up a tolerance in which apathy is luxury and emotions are muted... we begin to internalize most of what we feel good or bad and appear on the surface as "ok".
It seems it only when reality throws us a curve ball an we experience "happiness/love", something our system can't handle becuase well it is painful... it makes us vulnerable and soothes everything in a moment... yet when absent it makes things worse as we are thrown back a place without it... where we feel intense pain becuase what we longed for so much has been denied... we have been given a taste... but that it... we can see it around us.. give it to others.... but never again able to know its bliss. You can over come fear.... you can overcome pain... by you can't overcome love.
That is what has me all in a world of pain right now. I happened to dream.... more of a memory of a time past... when I was truly happy.. when I knew together we could accomplish and withstand anything. I awoke in my dream in the place I felt safe and happy....I was completely happy and overjoyed.. in bliss. At that moment I was lost in comfort and in happiness... nothing mattered other than that moment... all of my worries were gone.. it wasn't until I woke up again... into this reality... that I realized that what I experience was just a dream/memory. In a childish way I tried to force myself to go back to sleep to go back.... but it did not happen.
I tried to rationalize love as a fear to overcome.... but it is not working right now... it is so sad that one of the most cherished emotions can be so painful.
In life we have few moments of happiness... with certain family and friends (pets) or just truly memorable events.
Some of us though have had lives that well, we only know pain... betrayal... disappointment... envy ... jealousy... hate... and indifference from those we deal with as family member and other people we socially interact with.
Those of us that have lived those kinda lives have built up a tolerance in which apathy is luxury and emotions are muted... we begin to internalize most of what we feel good or bad and appear on the surface as "ok".
It seems it only when reality throws us a curve ball an we experience "happiness/love", something our system can't handle becuase well it is painful... it makes us vulnerable and soothes everything in a moment... yet when absent it makes things worse as we are thrown back a place without it... where we feel intense pain becuase what we longed for so much has been denied... we have been given a taste... but that it... we can see it around us.. give it to others.... but never again able to know its bliss. You can over come fear.... you can overcome pain... by you can't overcome love.
That is what has me all in a world of pain right now. I happened to dream.... more of a memory of a time past... when I was truly happy.. when I knew together we could accomplish and withstand anything. I awoke in my dream in the place I felt safe and happy....I was completely happy and overjoyed.. in bliss. At that moment I was lost in comfort and in happiness... nothing mattered other than that moment... all of my worries were gone.. it wasn't until I woke up again... into this reality... that I realized that what I experience was just a dream/memory. In a childish way I tried to force myself to go back to sleep to go back.... but it did not happen.
I tried to rationalize love as a fear to overcome.... but it is not working right now... it is so sad that one of the most cherished emotions can be so painful.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Hiding in the UV Spectrum
As we know "light" is a tricky and wondrous thing. It can not only illuminates our surroundings, but can change temperatures, transmit data (fiber optics), etch (holograms), and create illusions (TV, photographs, etc). It basically helps define reality in some sense....
As some of you may have already read, "Blue Lights" are common with Alien Abductions and I theorized that the blue lights have a connection with the ability to paralyze individuals. Currently there has been research into paralyzing and UV Lighting, based upon a chemical recreation to the light's wave lengths.... and certain chemical that are excited/enhanced by certain wavelength which increase the potency.
Now an interesting thing about light is that we as human only have the ability to a certain number of colors. Within the animal kingdom, certain animals have better color vision than we do allowing them with the ability to detect a great amount of the visible light spectrum, while others see less color allowing vision for a few wavelengths.
Now why is this important? As we have advanced in scientific research we have identified that colors and the reflection of light can show us hidden things that our eyes/brain do not normal detect. A simple example of this phenomena is with a Blacklight.... the wavelength it omits allows us to see items not normally reflected in our range of sight. Blacklight wavelengths can uncover stains not visible to the naked eye. Lately there has been some research with blacklight and alien abductees. Apparently contact with greys and aliens leave some type of residue that shows up under UV lighting. There have been reports of abductees and cow mutilations were blacklight was introduced, that areas on the individual re-acted. Most of the areas that re-acted were tested to see if it was a topical phenomena (above skin like dust or liquid) but almost all areas seemed to indicate that they were sub-dermal in nature (oil or prolong contact). Most creatures leave a residue whether it be oil or scent.
The other part of this light article is about recording devices..... the technology we have today sometimes gives us the ability to photograph/record things that are not within our spectrum of vision. In other words they capture a great amount of the visible spectrum. That is why sometimes ghostly phenomena and UFOs can be pick up on these devices.
If interested I suggest to check out the following pages about visible light......Color Vision and Visible Spectrum.
As some of you may have already read, "Blue Lights" are common with Alien Abductions and I theorized that the blue lights have a connection with the ability to paralyze individuals. Currently there has been research into paralyzing and UV Lighting, based upon a chemical recreation to the light's wave lengths.... and certain chemical that are excited/enhanced by certain wavelength which increase the potency.
Now an interesting thing about light is that we as human only have the ability to a certain number of colors. Within the animal kingdom, certain animals have better color vision than we do allowing them with the ability to detect a great amount of the visible light spectrum, while others see less color allowing vision for a few wavelengths.
Now why is this important? As we have advanced in scientific research we have identified that colors and the reflection of light can show us hidden things that our eyes/brain do not normal detect. A simple example of this phenomena is with a Blacklight.... the wavelength it omits allows us to see items not normally reflected in our range of sight. Blacklight wavelengths can uncover stains not visible to the naked eye. Lately there has been some research with blacklight and alien abductees. Apparently contact with greys and aliens leave some type of residue that shows up under UV lighting. There have been reports of abductees and cow mutilations were blacklight was introduced, that areas on the individual re-acted. Most of the areas that re-acted were tested to see if it was a topical phenomena (above skin like dust or liquid) but almost all areas seemed to indicate that they were sub-dermal in nature (oil or prolong contact). Most creatures leave a residue whether it be oil or scent.
The other part of this light article is about recording devices..... the technology we have today sometimes gives us the ability to photograph/record things that are not within our spectrum of vision. In other words they capture a great amount of the visible spectrum. That is why sometimes ghostly phenomena and UFOs can be pick up on these devices.
If interested I suggest to check out the following pages about visible light......Color Vision and Visible Spectrum.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Unknown Grey Entity
Type: Ghost
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 11:30pm-11:45pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Happy (Me), Sad, Depress (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Vigilant (Me), Scared (Aunt).
Odd occurrences before: 7 Block Street Light Outage since 2/4/11.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: None
I was playing a video game and was happy. For the past week I have been exhausted and apathetic. My aunt however has been depressed due to her physical health.
At around 11:30pm, she say a grey figure in the hallway walk by toward the living room. She thought it was me. It made no sound. After trying to get more details... she said it was solid, humanoid, but a bit taller than me. I made a sweep of the house. Only thing odd I found in the vicinity was an insect which I disposed off. As I left to my room to use the "facilities", she yelled again... she was visibly shaken. She said it passed again, this tine in the opposite direction. I did a sweep again. Only thing I noted is that there was a strange light breeze in the hall. All windows are closed, but the slight breeze could be from the central air vents.
As stated previously, we have been hearing footsteps in the hall between the hours of 1pm-5pm.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Memory or Dream?
So yesterday, I felt sick and went to sleep early. The sad thing is that I started dreaming... but it was a combination of dreaming and I believe parts of a memory.
In the dream I was about 9 or 10, and I was in a place that I have been before which is place that is a series of aqueducts. At this place I met familiar people, supposedly my family and close friends.... but they are not.
It was always this way... the sound of moving water and the feeling of cold.... with these people I know but don't know.... and half way through the dream it turns bad....
What I mean it turns bad is I am in the white room. It has very plastic/porcelain like features, like four table with blue head rests. I am always standing looking around, knowing that I am waiting. Then the dream shifts back to my mom ironing at night and I watching TV with her. I fall asleep.
Then its the next night. It was in the bedroom, it was night and a familiar noise woke me and my mother up.
The light ine the room was a dull blue grey and ambient. She then screamed and said "no no no" she got in between something and me. I screamed recognizing it and was pressed against the wall, my mother between me and it. "It" was them, one was standing there in the space between the beds. All the features were fuzzy/blurred as if it did not want me to see it, but I was fully aware what it was. It said "You are ready. He is ours". Then the dream with the place of the aqueducts played out, the people who are my "family" but not my family are there. Even a lil dog to ease me. However, it feel wrong... all the rushing water and I feel cold. It is not right. Then I awake on the white table with the blue headrests, get off the table and look around.
My mom is ironing, but it seems like she is in a trance doing it. I am on the couch and watching TV. I feel exhausted and fall is a repeat and is a common real occurrence in my life.
The entire dream repeats all over again, as if they had happened many times... and however the 2nd time after they came my mother panics when I am returned. She gets some of our belongs and we take off in the car. She is telling that she is sorry, that she never should have gone to this group somewhere in Pico Rivera (a place by the the Rio Honda river). Apparently this group was trying to make contact. She kept apologizing as she was driving and crying.
Not entirely sure what to make of this. I felt scarred and disturbed... especially which this seems to be more of a memory.
In the dream I was about 9 or 10, and I was in a place that I have been before which is place that is a series of aqueducts. At this place I met familiar people, supposedly my family and close friends.... but they are not.
It was always this way... the sound of moving water and the feeling of cold.... with these people I know but don't know.... and half way through the dream it turns bad....
What I mean it turns bad is I am in the white room. It has very plastic/porcelain like features, like four table with blue head rests. I am always standing looking around, knowing that I am waiting. Then the dream shifts back to my mom ironing at night and I watching TV with her. I fall asleep.
Then its the next night. It was in the bedroom, it was night and a familiar noise woke me and my mother up.
The light ine the room was a dull blue grey and ambient. She then screamed and said "no no no" she got in between something and me. I screamed recognizing it and was pressed against the wall, my mother between me and it. "It" was them, one was standing there in the space between the beds. All the features were fuzzy/blurred as if it did not want me to see it, but I was fully aware what it was. It said "You are ready. He is ours". Then the dream with the place of the aqueducts played out, the people who are my "family" but not my family are there. Even a lil dog to ease me. However, it feel wrong... all the rushing water and I feel cold. It is not right. Then I awake on the white table with the blue headrests, get off the table and look around.
My mom is ironing, but it seems like she is in a trance doing it. I am on the couch and watching TV. I feel exhausted and fall is a repeat and is a common real occurrence in my life.
The entire dream repeats all over again, as if they had happened many times... and however the 2nd time after they came my mother panics when I am returned. She gets some of our belongs and we take off in the car. She is telling that she is sorry, that she never should have gone to this group somewhere in Pico Rivera (a place by the the Rio Honda river). Apparently this group was trying to make contact. She kept apologizing as she was driving and crying.
Not entirely sure what to make of this. I felt scarred and disturbed... especially which this seems to be more of a memory.
Archangels Among Us
Last night I had an odd dream. It was brief, but very real. Apparently an individual I knew named Raphael came (he felt like my best friend I knew for years). He said he wanted to show me something. We went to the kitchen.
With a white slip a paper, he took a black maker a drew a pentagram on it. He then litt the the side of the paper he drew on fire. That side turned jet black, while the other side remained white. He then rubbed the paper against the wall in the kitchen, and said "The Devil is truly here", as various pentagrams appeared.
I said "Wait a minute, those a regular pentagrams, sigils of protection, and these here look" pointing to four sigils "are additional protections" are they not? Before the fourth glyph showed I awoke as there was some noise.
In the morning I awoke, my bedroom door was locked. I didn't lock it. My aunt claimed she heard my door handle being jarred as if something was trying to open the door in the middle of the night.
My conclusion of this dream. I may have been visited by an Angel... namely Raphael.. since he appeared as the only Raphael I know of. Strangely I felt safe and knew him for quite sometime. Raphael is an Archangel, and his name means "God Heals", "God, Please Heal". He is known as a patron of healing, who restores direction. Within the Tree of Life, Raphael holds the place as a Guardian of Knowledge which ironically share at times with Michael. The Sephiroth here us called Tiphareth, and is number six. It is also known as the sphere of harmony. The behavior of "Raphael" and the spell he showed me lend proof this was Raphael.
When Raphael revealed the glyphs, his remark seemed to mean more "There is certainly a lot of protection here, you are being constantly attacked". He did not correct me, and that was the feeling I had when I spoke to him as if confirming it so.
The Glyphs I saw were a pentagram. Those glyphs were all wards of protection. However, four glyphs also appeared. At first I thought these were runes (Futhark), but I also saw them as Greek.
These glyphs have meanings as well.
Isa: A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it. Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.
Ehwaz: Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.
Uruz: Physical strength and speed, untamed potential. A time of great energy and health. Freedom, energy, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom. Sudden or unexpected changes (usually for the better). Sexual desire, masculine potency. The shaping of power and pattern, formulation of the self.
Laguz: Flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters. Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld. Success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss.
Thurisaz: Reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital eroticism, regenerative catalyst. A tendency toward change. Catharsis, purging, cleansing fire. Male sexuality, fertilization. (Thorr, the Thunder god, was of Giant stock.)
Iota: There will always be hard work; work is never done. Hard work is the surest means of success. When you have lost all other possessions, you still have your labor as an asset. The oracle recommends elbow-grease.
Sigma: Neither advance nor retreat; wait or hold your ground, as appropriate; the best action is inaction. “Phoibos” refers to Apollo as Bright and Pure, which also characterizes His advice in this oracle.
Pi: If you persist in your struggles, after many trials you will succeed. Perseverance through adversity.
Gamma: You will have a successful harvest, or you will reap all your profits from the Earth. The Mother of All will bring your labors to a fruitful conclusion. Gaia will give you your just deserts.
With a white slip a paper, he took a black maker a drew a pentagram on it. He then litt the the side of the paper he drew on fire. That side turned jet black, while the other side remained white. He then rubbed the paper against the wall in the kitchen, and said "The Devil is truly here", as various pentagrams appeared.
I said "Wait a minute, those a regular pentagrams, sigils of protection, and these here look" pointing to four sigils "are additional protections" are they not? Before the fourth glyph showed I awoke as there was some noise.
In the morning I awoke, my bedroom door was locked. I didn't lock it. My aunt claimed she heard my door handle being jarred as if something was trying to open the door in the middle of the night.
My conclusion of this dream. I may have been visited by an Angel... namely Raphael.. since he appeared as the only Raphael I know of. Strangely I felt safe and knew him for quite sometime. Raphael is an Archangel, and his name means "God Heals", "God, Please Heal". He is known as a patron of healing, who restores direction. Within the Tree of Life, Raphael holds the place as a Guardian of Knowledge which ironically share at times with Michael. The Sephiroth here us called Tiphareth, and is number six. It is also known as the sphere of harmony. The behavior of "Raphael" and the spell he showed me lend proof this was Raphael.
When Raphael revealed the glyphs, his remark seemed to mean more "There is certainly a lot of protection here, you are being constantly attacked". He did not correct me, and that was the feeling I had when I spoke to him as if confirming it so.
The Glyphs I saw were a pentagram. Those glyphs were all wards of protection. However, four glyphs also appeared. At first I thought these were runes (Futhark), but I also saw them as Greek.
These glyphs have meanings as well.
Isa: A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it. Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.
Ehwaz: Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.
Uruz: Physical strength and speed, untamed potential. A time of great energy and health. Freedom, energy, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom. Sudden or unexpected changes (usually for the better). Sexual desire, masculine potency. The shaping of power and pattern, formulation of the self.
Laguz: Flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters. Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld. Success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss.
Thurisaz: Reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital eroticism, regenerative catalyst. A tendency toward change. Catharsis, purging, cleansing fire. Male sexuality, fertilization. (Thorr, the Thunder god, was of Giant stock.)
Iota: There will always be hard work; work is never done. Hard work is the surest means of success. When you have lost all other possessions, you still have your labor as an asset. The oracle recommends elbow-grease.
Sigma: Neither advance nor retreat; wait or hold your ground, as appropriate; the best action is inaction. “Phoibos” refers to Apollo as Bright and Pure, which also characterizes His advice in this oracle.
Pi: If you persist in your struggles, after many trials you will succeed. Perseverance through adversity.
Gamma: You will have a successful harvest, or you will reap all your profits from the Earth. The Mother of All will bring your labors to a fruitful conclusion. Gaia will give you your just deserts.
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