Saturday, June 13, 2009

Alien Abductions and DMT, Argon, and Isotopes

First of all I am not a cannabis advocate. It is just a plant and its use by some people is there own choice. The reason for this particular article is concerning DMT.

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring chemical produced in our brains, much like serotonin from the pineal gland. A human produces this chemical in slight quantities each night. It is believed to be responsible for altering ones perceptions and lucid dreaming. Now commonly DMT can be found in various levels of other substances such as milk, cannabis, and Jurema.

Now interestingly enough....Argon
Now Argon (Ar, one of the Noble Gasses in the periodic table) has some interesting properties. It is a harmless and inert gas. It have several applications. When introduced to DMT.... it enhances it!!!

"The one- and two-argon van der Waals complexes of dimethyl tetrazine (DMT) have been investigated by means of laser-induced excitation and dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy. The band shifts D[script `]0 − D[script ']0 range from −23 to −31 cm−1 for DMT–Ar relative to DMT. The excited state dissociation energy of the DMT–Ar bond was estimated to be 270 <= D[script ']0 <= 484 cm−1. In all levels with energy greater than the argon dissociation energy, predissociation is very fast. A dissociation rate constant kD = 3 × 109 s−1 has been determined for dissociation from the 6a1 level. This rate constant is an order of magnitude larger than that observed in tetrazine–argon. The dissociation rate constant of DMT–Ar2 from the 6a1 level is approximately 2 × 1010 s−1. Unlike aminotetrazine–Ar2, DMT–Ar2 shows no mode-selective variations in the branching ratios between the DMT and DMT–Ar photoproducts. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics."

Well what does all this have to do with Alien Abduction? Well as with my experience, Aliens Abductions occur with blue lighting. In my experience there was always a blue light (Ar when excited by electricity and other gasses will produced a specific blue light!) In an episodes of personal UFO sightings blue light and the smell of excited Argon permeated the air... it just crossed my mind that the explained paralysis many of us feel could be cause by increase in Argon? The increased amount of Argon could possibly stimulate the natural DMT, which would bring about paralysis? The Blue Light phenomena, is a tell tale sign that Argon is involved... it also could be used as a stabilizer for the natural environment for the greys and us to interact? Could aliens by increasing Ar levels to induce paralysis? I know the tracking devices have to have some involvement as well, but only connection I found was if it was some for of Calcium isotope that is formed which gives off Argon....

Now the Calcium-40 isotope is a stable and gives of Argon. Medically Calcium-42, -44, -46, -48 istopes are currently being used in Medical science for...

• Calcium metabolism, bioavailability, and absorption parameters during physical stress, bed rest, and space flight
• Osteoporosis research and bone turnover studies
• Role of nutritional calcium in pregnancy, growth and development, and lactation
• Bone changes associated with diseases such as diabetes and cystic fibrosis

However... I belive implants can also include some other elemental isotopes such Silicon is well known as a transmitter and is very similar to carbon.
There are several Silica-Carbon compounds? What if somehow the aliens developed these implants from Calcium, Carbon/Silica, and Helium Isotopes? When Silican is used from electronics...makes sense?

Medically we are currently using these Isotopes for....

• Fundamental reaction research in organic chemistry
• Molecular structure studies
• Fundamental metabolic pathway research, including inborn errors of metabolism
• Noninvasive breath tests for metabolic research and diagnosis
• Biological substrate oxidation and turnover
• Elucidation of metabolic pathways in inborn errors of metabolism
• Amino acid kinetics
• Fatty acid metabolism
• Air pollution and global climatic change effects on plant composition

• In vivo magnetic resonance studies

I better end this cause you never now how is monitoring the net or my own eyes.

1 comment:

  1. The little puppy has already told u that while high the other day on Mary J. I saw them. It was so insanely bizarre and it creeped me out! That had never happened to me before! Must be that DMT you are talking about...
