Thursday, October 2, 2008

Haunting 001

Date: 1979-1986
Type: Haunting, Poltergeist activity, multiple spirits
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Dusk to Dawn.
Odd occurances before: Death of previous tenant of the apartment. She did not want to move and vowed if she left, she would die and come back..
Possible Influential Factors: Spiritual acitivity in back house.
Resoluton: Numerous blessing by Catholic priests, would subside for a while.

When I was younger, i live with my mother part time in a small apartment complex in East Los Angeles. My mother's sister owned the complex. According to her children, there was some odd happenings in their home, supposedly two spirits haunted their home. Yet in the first apartment we lived in, the former tenant's spirit was very active.

At first we were unaware of her death. A few month after her passing, room doors and cuppord doors would open and close by themselves. Sometimes a light swtich would either flip itself on or off, late at night the rocking chair would move slowly, and odly enough the washing machine would turn itself on. You could literally here the clicking of the dials and the start of the cycle.

At times you could feel a cold haevy pressence in the bedroom if you were by yourself.

As soon as the second apartment was free we moved to there. A catholic priest blessed the place, but the activity would still go on afterwards.

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