Friday, July 2, 2010

Movies: Close Encouters of the Third Kind

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was released in 1977. This movie shows what CE1-CE5 are like. The movie, although fictitious, it beautiful illustrates what is going on. It follows Claude Lacombe, a researcher, across the globe as various reports of odd phenomena are happening; from lights in the sky spotted by hundreds, to a fleet of missing planes returned in pristine condition from decades ago. The U.S. has even sent an assistant to help advise on the situation, David Laughlin.

Meanwhile we see that an electrician by the name of Roy Neary has a Close Encounter of the Second Kind, when a UFO passes him by rail road tracks. He follows the lights and finds a group of people on the side of the road awaiting them. For some reason these people know they are coming. From a nearby farm, Jillian Guiler and her son Barry Guiler witness the lights and also end up at the side of the road where they see the lights as well.

The story turns for the worse as Roy is now obsessed with what he saw, it is all that he thinks about for some reason. He knows what he saw was all too real. For some odd reason he feels compelled and has an image of the Devil's Tower in Wyoming in his head.
Meanwhile Jillian and her son are terrorized on their farm as the alien attempt to enter their house. They successfully lure Barry out and abduct him. Gaining no help from any authorities, she too becomes obsessed with the Devil's Tower.
Why find that there are strange reports from Wyoming indicating that a bio-hazard has taken place and the entire region around the Devil's Tower is being evacuated by the government. Hundred of individuals though are flocking to the Devil's Tower.... seemingly drawn to it because of their close encounters. The government catches most and they too are put in quarantine and are examined. Roy and Jillian though manage to escape and make the climb up to the Devil's Tower. Jillian is driven to find answers about her missing son.
When they ascend to the top of the tower, you find that the government has set up a secret facility in which they are preparing to make contact with these extraterrestrials. Claude Lacombe has determined that the aliens will come down and communicate with them given all the clues they left around the world.
The mothership appears and negotiations begin. as a gesture of goodwill, the aliens return many abductees... many of which have been gone for decades and have not aged. The aliens likewise as for a willing volunteer... and their choice is Roy. 

Overall the movie is great to watch since it cover the wide variety of the whole UFO and Abduction experience.

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