Monday, August 30, 2010

Paranormal: Shadow People

Well there is a phenomena that kinda crosses over and touches upon the Alien Abduction experience;
Shadow People. Although I have never personally experienced this specific type of phenomena, others in my family have claimed to have seen them. People have many theories as to what they are.... inter dimensional travelers or spiritual entities from another reality.

However, this has caused some confusion with the Alien Abduction phenomena. Certain individuals when abducted recall shadowy beings flirting around the house, or dark solid being whom they cannot see standing in there rooms or in the hall. This could be part of the aliens obfuscation gears or ability to stay out of sight. My own experiences, I recall them being dark shadowy figures that were solid. As they went on, I realized that these creatures were not ghost or shadow people but aliens instead.

My personal belief is that the are ghosts, as they behavior and and appearance share many of the same traits. Instead of using their energy to form some sort of body from water vapor "mists and glowing shapes", they have somehow managed a trick to diffuse light via a magnetic manipulation. Ghost have the ability to bend energy, that is how they interact with our world... by either pulling water vapor to them to form mists, to leave EVPs, or to create shadows.

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